THE DUNN DISPATCH! 1. IM4 T9 Α Κ d" Ar»U)AYS SUBSCRIPTION ftATXS: Λ» Τ Mr It M u« iavftad. tat WMhi all « at mm jf M «Mk Μ· μ·ι. It « Ml ΜΝΜΐγ tfcat tha bum M t-blfabad. bat wr ImaUt tbat U tx ■ma m «a avidanc· af coad faWL eaaata of «tNlagi, «r.ur «lab inH», et*., an • « * with moms roue « • « • « m tha atkar daj ■» Duma artr laifti ta vMeh ta lt*« ta m, that ! yhnar baa a certain work ta d* 0» Ma nplu ■■ipiMa ba awt Um «aa paayla arary dajr fiaath·!· Jy. Tttay ai· laa pa»pè», M «ko tha 4ay*a *Mk U dm Ifcajr km •cattarad aaar tha ctty aad be «m far lawaatlaa. Ifeara la la tha 1er· m to th· /OmtlM ta *mt that f*Wb>f oi aaataaa» to Um tfctefa yw aiulftui an Ma«. la tba W* towi «m aMraty la aa ilainii aa4 a chroeic a jart of Um thtagi ani Thar· U a «f aMk ragataMa* tfcia year, to ta· aa abaat M» aaa» aa* ta aal ; U a Ikta* that aavar woald a tfca akr adkov. Wa an la IMi«<|i'i any. Ha k ta aa. TWt k aaa ef «1m ρ ataat hato* a |o«4 otd 14 Varna, far the 8t>utt < ι lato m Kttle family the real •f λ* «nL WW «Mld mf ι jab that tuagtil nal trlaada aa ha to Mm «Cm far a·· ta a atofty dtj aaimévi aÛ «fcaa tfcey fat ttore. Siull «WJ 4ay iin |*«4 Iriaad «Mtoi ta ta ta· aa ahiat fcla tta>*. Wa aaaefc ar atait etfcer tfctag» tWà tataoaat Us aa4 aa. thaaa viatta |H>i aa aB the Jay aula* Vjr «aa «to 4aaa flto a«k aa «a 4a. Only tb* athar *my I^aaa T. ieoae ef *e< • inm daty of every ma».! < «tora to àtay Β»·, ia to' \ ottor article Ait tto nui (IL AU Im atoold be mtadful that tto dtaM of food «Mé h· toc toea ■ a.naalty. to to oao tht Ito a .'•km trmm tto «aiU»« ·? tto nn' AnU to toadfal, to·, «tot klo déporter· frem it «to tn left to ptrtan It far klas. Ha latter torn «MM to tto ■te defer·· of aatiatecttoa ι fort M ttooo who to*· too· to to ottMiw ii*a tto A ia»n| calliac. It ia tto to obtoia tola aae decree of atΙο ί action aad cWort that to toek of id the farmer movaata for totter ■aat. Hmm atoll to wl< aad eoailderad la tto* U|kt. A poor type of Ajeerkai would to tto farmer wfco failed to aook for hie family tk· toat that madata Itfe af· "The ohllgatiot roeta not with tka am «ko haro «tack to tka original calling af tto raee—food prodaetioa —tot «Ito ttoee «to torn faeea oa caaod from It. Ttooe latter maat Jao tlfy by tbelr works their raleaao from tto labor of ttolr fonfantora. If· •p to tto «ity IbeaUoa «Uck wfll ftoe ι I tad Mtteatlea, IN*, to any of oar| eoaatry pMpl« at doMmkl· ex I poaat to the people'of the town, [ IΛ· a Im aplrit. Γ Let as keep th is «Ut aHro, ni ' ti aftla la every way we cu to kelp ear farmer adia<, Many iJlp pad throofh hia ΙΙιιιιι. Ha negtect ad eppert—iliea. Ba kept ne aceosat Λ kit ton mm tW oxyxoditurr. Uc M· a^Ucitfai of (b· thomanJ iukI mm Uttfc thing· to imu progr·*· &A apboUding. Without bah^ tight-fitted or »* xicioot, f«t · *t*V t* th· little l*akt. U form of «mu It *o m«!1 dût it bo«U Mt W eliminated.—PhOad·» fcie letord. « FIIDI H11 FAMILY HIMSELF Curtli Dwtj la « NortK Carolin es wh· vuat uaiMUd for «ay of leo In tto raeaat primary election, Wt Bio· H. Batlcr contributed · coi ns about bit» on ths second page1 >f th· Batetck Newa and Ofcaarrer Mo·day moraiag. Mr. Dowdy hadn't j watrfbated aaything to th· dieco* ιίοη coocmilf rrolutlon and ha hat •dvaaead do theory aa to how th· world wu mad·, bet h· hat drmoo itraWd how a man can f«od Ui fam ily «ff the land aad net oat of a gro cery «tor·. H· wai one· · land!·*· ■aa baft ha mow owns land paid for Vf ΐΜίκητ and thrift ti4 Kit Moffht more land with what kx> Km nwb Mi other land ytald « ι tr ■alt of hu waik oa a Una leading itralght to Independence. Farmer Dowdy dota not bore with a big anger bet he la ene among mil lion* who can't lay claim ta fame and Independence In the particular that Bien H. Better considers of the ut most afgnttcance. Be never bought hat one «ack of floar In hii llfa and that waa because ha didnt produce quite enough of hia own flour one year to (apply all the family need». After lagging that one sack of floor home from acme «tore he abandoned all Idea of are* letting any store feed Hie family. Biaec then ho haa annually produced hi» «wn wheat and the family alta down to a wwll filled tabic supplied by the Dowdy farm and garden. We get the idea from * ι I . ■»·. ;ι \ «Ιχ Ifoea η 1 •ft rua aad auafti to a • * ;v Co regard the I . « v.· ·..*.! .-.eceaity. He 1 W.i J ·.". ' ς. · ·. » I. .'-«toe coal b\Jbc s t ' . C ». »·' tiu-lf. He has hi* ( • > «■»;. i irl jaiH Ut* «lock about 1 >i ·» ?·.< >1 ,« li That !* the ftrnt < I*. ·« tu |.f-ou-il for hi* xKctw. But 1 I ·· w irk. aji'l n«e* »ome intelligence 1 in th·.· application uf b'.i work, «ο ' taat wt^ei hi» cropr. *p> I· /«Jt*«J. 1 ϊ id d.»po»i <1 o' he ha» oomething to ' iko« for hi· work. Thnl h> huyi do i flour I* cblileneo thai he believes In making joint wheat, and It la said Γ that h, can provide for hlioeolf, so that he it nal «object to a constant drain for supplies from the grocery, «tare. — "But another factor enter» Into Carte Dowdy's *H««a. On the day whan his farm work dora not take 'hi* time ho U doing xomethiug el«?. He may be hauling for the sawmill, or for the coal mine· eloae by, or doing other work that offer* much or little hauHnjt ôr anything elsn that bring» brm a return for the day or wrek that otherwise would bo idle. The Chathajff county fanner long ago adopted tfcv method of feeding hi* family and Jfl* cowi and hog* with the production of hi* own, ao when he tell* eottoa or anything else the money it hie. If he ralacd cotton with the expectation of feeding the family the money would be the grocer's. Mr. Dowily feed· hie family aad be ye ι more land wttk hie cotton money. One of the recent canh transaction* in that community wa* a land tranaac tion and Mr. Dowdy wa* the purch aser. He operates a aalf nip porting *na .wàetbir It bo large or Mil. od wheOtar cotton ρ·· mç or down t do«e not In tha laaat ifHt thi vine οt the Dowdy family. . Ob· of Mr. Dawdy'i neighbor· at nbote· hU «ocean to tha fact that « conridcri that the ftnrt object of farmer m to maka a Itvtog and thoa ukt lomthing «U«. Β· ahrayi sows where hi* floor aad bacon u!*< ualng from and ba know· th» horn· red of milk, battar, dfi and ehkh· η» and the br«ad and other thing· rhich (to oa th· tabla. Hia neighbor •71 b« U tha right kind ai cttiaoa «eauM he it a landowner and bome iwtrr, <1 ha*· aeoa cooiidarabie of tuwdy,' h« declared, 'and «has yon picking ap a faw •on nnng lot yet ■ere. N«w !fn wko ne 12 y*arι ago. and thia year ι »f $25,000 to 110/ itk· him would add Mew Hanovor eounty*» —"Wilmington Star. Cu Y·· Tall? Why It it hot joat before · hell ktormT It ii hot jo>t preceding a. hailstorm because It arould bo Impossible to Itmvo a hailstorm without this «Mon tant host. Tho hotter the air io, whm the air ia fall ο I moisture, the (creat or chance there ia for tike rain wlilch La aboat to fail to tun Into haiL Warn or bot air hu a constant ten dency to rise, and tho hotter the air the more «aiekly It will rise. At tlaaa whan the air ia full of noiMsn and when, for that reason, rain i· about to fall, If this hot air rise· qoiekls a* It stharays tri·· to do, it na tarai» «tnkua the upper and colder »uJL uf air which contain· the rain-xiwtf moiature, and the moUterr in the air condenser. · In the operation ot coadansttioa It it whirled s boat and forms into i*e in du shape of oar (nOlir hail· •■tone·, which some tixeee fall to the ground with considerable fore·. The hailstorm docs not aaako tho heat. It It u the Am! In th· air ■Jca· th· rain (ma Into Whon · hailstoti· U ■niHj feoad to nmM of il aacWuj of compact andod by vucccuire id now. Hail forma ring and aonunor and alii a tkgadtntena. It U >na*d Is cloud* -which ad It U Uwt tfc· it (ermi A» at *tUr la (fa· fdowo, wkoM ttapm i« timln point, »t to this nueleui aod le» www4 b«n or M th» miik.—8eUa 1· MM * cloved * July. * Uxc * ing ι * .75 ·* The V Inm ♦**_ "I G·* S«t»img "I *enl In' rooming and ter diu, «tor*, viAW * W » (in ta ¥ » » hy. * opaud ψ . . 'ratera. * i>MMIIIIIé«é I WW I ChiS fêlT body who RAT-SNAP. 11.85. Bold lrr Bra·., Ht Μη and Lm. itntlun, WD AUTOMOBILISTS are invited to visit Our FilluigStation .at Broaa and Clinton When th< visit thie Cele bration We w lently we with gas and to sell rou to see how ' excel equipped to you oil, to repair batteries »u tires and accessories. You never have to wait at— Broad St. Filling Station J ERE. PEARSALL, Manager tiful designs, Wçslso Kàn FENCING, fori you very close pi COME TO SEE SOUTHERN MARBLE WORKS, INC. DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA We are prepared to furnish you with almost anything in the Marble or Granite line ai would be glad to have and see our many beau line of STEWART IR9N and Either purpose·, and can give rOU NEED ANYTHING IN UNE on short notice r, a man of many years ex 1 recently taken over the man be assisted by Mr. E. C. Ed man. who will spend most of trough out the territory. We can at satisfactory prices. fflERVE YOU. CALL ON US ft* E. C. EDGERTON, ouse 1 / /·■ Invitee\the att< ntion of all celebration visitors to its big ν arehouse filled with food and feed on \whic ι all can save money by trading with i\. "Ipe salesroom is located on in the block east of the I Cumberland si ; Chri a M. PITMAN, Manager & NNOUNCEMENT This will advise the public and MR. Ε. E. POLK, who has been for the past three years is now wi Mr. Polk is an EXPERT Β in position to give you the vi 'S that & McKAY Y man and we are Battery/ service We can léVyou have charge youra. \No wai MR. POLk\« also you good service Mr. Exum Β also with us, and or iktery while we repair and re inconvenience to yourself. good mechanic and can render youf car. id his brother, J. S. Bullard, are red to give any kind of— Mechanical, Our "Tire Free Gasoline ι A FULL LINE OF Tires or Ignition Service the very beet and quickest, ire Service anywhere in Town. CESSOR1ES AND STANDARD TIRES Low as $7.50 Ζ. V. Snipes Garage Dann, North Carolina