THE DUNN VOLUM£ 1X_ ' tg!Bggg^^= *r- 1 ■ ■ ■ i " ■■' rSagBggy^———mmmmmm,■ WAYLUK FAMILY ASKS FOR $25,0 IN DAMAGE SUIT Father Of Boy Who Wee Kill ed By Electric Wire Start* Case GODWIN HAS DRAWN BILL OF COMPLAINT Allegea Croee Carelessness ead Negligence On Pert Of Car olina Power And Light Com pany — Tragedy Occurred July S At Divine and Wash ington Corner. Charging that Charles Naylor, the litllr son of Q. W. Naylor came to hia death through grots caralaaanraa and neglect on tha part of the Caro lina Power and Light Company, at torney! for Mr. Naylor Have inrtltu t«d suit areinat tha eomnan* for the rec every of $26,000. Hannibal L. Godwin, scalar mem ber of the Arm of Godwin and Jerni gan, drear tbs complaint yesterday. An effort will be made to have the case moved op on the docket so that it can be beard at the next term of Harnett Superior Court for the trial of civil eeaea Guy'and Parker are associated with Godwin and Jernigan in the prosecution of the case. Clif ford and Townsend represent the compeny. Young Naylor eras killed here on the afternoon of July 6 while he was roiling a hoop near tbs corner ef Washington Avenue and Divine street. He was accompanying bis mo ther. It h supposed that tbs hoop be wee rolling fell under a guy wire to whMi be was found clinging wfieo bU mother heard him scream. The • mb* was so.highly charged that the toy aopld mt to moved until ffso -- tod been eat off at the eaptnd wwaKBraramsa to the street light at the Washington and Divine corner. This, Mr. Godwin holds, was due to earclaeaneai on the part of employes of the defendant company which should have properly inspected the lines an which its work men recently had been working. The little boy was one of the brightest children of his age In town. Hie Ane character, unusual mental de velopment, excellent health, etc., arv set forth In the complaint as reasons why the prosecution Should be a ward * ed the verdict asked for. 'WARE BOOZE POWDER WARNS POSTOFFICE German "Chemists” Flood Mails With Offers To Soil "Dry” Wines sad Ugnors Washington, Aug. 11—Home brew ers and anti-Volstead sens, beware the "boots powder," la the warning seat broadcast by the poitoSce depart ment, in a recent circular. For stem ming a tide of "dehydrated” alcoholic beverages of reminiscent names is a steady job of the fraud section of the department Using the reputation of German chemists certain German Concerns ha vs JistrAbtsted hundreds of thou mnds of dreulars in tho Ualtod States, offering for “one dollar only, Shins wine, Mooollo, aha Try, port, bwrdoaux burgundy tokay, Munich beer jrilseser, porter, olo, ate." la a dried form, says the soetoAAce. From the powder a gallon or two of the beverage indleatod on the package can be made, the (prolans circular! claim. Despite the laeuance of fraud war ning; and fraud order*, many people ere etlll sending money to these Ger man concerns only to have the moaej returned to them by the poetottce department. If these powders can tabled alcohol their lenportatier would be prohibited and "too* the] do not have the latent poaalblUtiei advertised they violate the mall fruui ■tats tea A rigaifluant regtltnaent, adds thi department warnings, is that even advertising eiesalar insists an pay aaeat being aaad* la Amerlcaa ear remey. Federal Oftoers Gat 110 St Ilia Daring Julj Salisbury. N. C-, Aag. ll^-rO» hand red sad tea Illicit diatiKorls were destroyed by prohibition force la North Carolina daring July, e< cording to the pettily report < Prohibition Director B. A. Koklea ■ado yofclle today. Apipoalmatoi M,00« gallons of ligaid wan pours out, ninety oao pens a e arraalod an preparty aataod vaVaed at IUJMJ a* cord tag ta the report. ? * • REPORTS DAMAGE BY BOLL WEEVIL Farmers la Smral Eastern Counties Combat Past By Diversification Goldsboro, Aug. n. — Rolt weevil damage will average from 10 to 70 per cent in Robeson. Scotland, Bla den and New Hanover counties, ac cording to E. W- Gaither, district de monstrator for }8 counties, who re lumed to th# city yesterday after an extended trip of Investigation throughout this territory. Heavy rauu coatinu# in many localities to aid the boll weevil and to retard tho crop, while all through the cotton section of Wayne county water Is standing in the middle of the rows, said fl. G. Thompson and this report Is verified by Mr. Qalthsr and County FWrm Do- ! monstrator A. K. Robertson. But down in Columbus, Edgecombe and Halifax counties the farmers arc not thinking so mush about the boll wscvtl. They are thinking of th* bog* they are shipping, Mr. Galthsr says. The boll weevil may have the cotton and crop* may be spotted but it is hot interfering with the shipment of hogs. Columbus county, whioh got s taste ef the boll weevil last year, didn't want aay mere of hm this year, so instead ef growing 6,000 hales of cotton this year they arc 1 ■-m —-# •»»» ww ► wirj *11 lw* ear load* of hog* last week for ' •2.600. The ear they shipped to Rich- ' rond sold for an average of 10 1-4 ' cents per pound and the car to Km •ton for 10 »«d 7-10 cents per pound. ' Halifax county has just shipped the 1 first ear under the cooperative ay*. ' tern, Mr. Gaither said, hut the returns haven't been received. Two carloads hare jus* been shipped from Speed in Edgecombe county, according to Mr. Gaither's report, but no return* ' f»v* yet been received on them. A 1 c*r Shippsd a little earlier netted 11 reals gram «( tlfiltu sitestlon go ahead taiaii* cotton just as they ] always bad. __________ i J. J. PARKER MEMBER ' *OF A NEWLECAL FIRM 1 Charlotte, Aug. 11. —John J. Tar- 1 ker formerly of Monroe and Repub lican candidate for governor in the ' last State election haa located to Charlotte and is a member of the l»w firm composed of himself, Plummer Stewart. John A. McRae and Wm. H. < Bobbitt. The firm name is Parker Stewart and McRae. ' Some men need their back-bones vulcanised. COTTON STAPLE WILL BE CRAPED General Manager Of Cetton Growers' Association . Hires Expert An expert English cotton grader has been employed by Ceneral Mans ger U. B. Blalock, ef the North Car olina Cotton Growers' Co-operwttv• association. This expert will devote his time liregty to what the cotton buyers call "stapling." While it la generally known that long etaple cotton faring! a much higher price than that ordinarily grown in North Carolina, it la not to widely fcnewn that the difference In the length of the etaple in all cat ton ia Juat aa Important aa the grade. Much long etaple cotton ie grown In North Carolina, but owing to the snail lota predmeed ia many ccctloaa. It haa baee Impaaelble to aall It far Ita real value. The cotton trruwem' a mod at Lon win colloct ita long etaple cotton In euSIcienUy large lota to meriiet it la advantage. General Manager Blalock haa aome experience la growing long etaple rot toe on hie forma in Anaoe county and , found he could grow It. He could not , niwaye, however, market it to advan . tage. He la trade to eae that every bale of eotton eold through the eaeacia tion la eold not only according to Ita grade but aiao according to Ite etaple. r White the cotton will be atored In eoene Sfty warebouaae through the i State, It will all ho graded at tha ■ rlumlng rooate in Raleigh. Ae fait aa ■ tha cot tea ia reeotved the aamplee - will be ehlpped to the Raleigh heed f Quartan and aa aeon ae tha cotton la t, darned, tha grower will be not I fed y of the grada and atnpla. I Tha eatten wHI ho paalad aeeord d lag to tha gradae and Mapta and all 0 grow era of tha tame grada In the ■ae pool wltt receive the aaaae price insurance man fires BULLET THROUGH BRAIN T«*l»h Financial Conditio.. Won. Tho Cauea of Salcido of W. A. Caaqae Hamirt, Aug. 11—W. A. Gsiqur, well known Hamirt Insurant# man, <r.ot and iniUntly killed himself at It a home here this morning about 8 it'clock, tho bulU-t going through bU aaoath and penetrating into the brain TIki wriJict of the coroner'* Jury made public today i< suicide. Tho L-aoso for Mr. Gaaque killing himself \ no* known. He enjoyed perfect Health, but It ia thought that Jinan l*l rondltiono may hare had torae dtir.g toqflo with it. According to member* of tho homa n which ho, hi* wife and daughter Ived, he came home last night acting ilrungcly and it Is thought that he wd taken poison. While hi* wife was looking breakfast he wont into th* utchan and seeurad his pistol, con •osled il from his wife and told her ir was going into th* other room sod -est s while. He closed the door sad ibout lie* minutes later the shot was issrd. He was found stretched acrom hr bed with the pistol in his hand, load. The Hard CUor Meouoe By He.. T. J. Huggins Cider time is her* again aad a jrtat many people are making a tit le cider for vinegar, of coons. I Hip poor one ha* s perfect right to do his There is no law against haring n nnp’o nMiaasiau nmia.4 .1J — — • _ var. However, I underetand that one " no legal right to kaop and mil >r give away hard cider. And eeen If me had a legal right, certainly he hat >° moral right to do ao Druakeaaeae » a great evil, and any one who In ' way encourage* another to drink, ■a* the cane of Almighty Oed upon >im and abould have the disapproval md condemnation of his feltowmaa. Horn, I do not believe in iaterfee ng too much with a man e private drain ,but whan one does things to iheriff and I am (arc that ha will iltend to it at once. There will be omc drinking in spite of all that cas >e done, but we must hold it In ehiwk IS much as possible, go let us not >c afraid to report when it becomes lrcemaiy. We rannot afford to be owards and let the enemy havo hie ray when wc have Cod and rigfct •ousness on our side. Counting Both Ends, Ho Won' In a swimming race at the pool I ialarday night Edward Smith won' he prisa as the fartost swimmer from >re to the other.—Hooherton Notes, inow Hill Standard-Lstconlc. SfATE GETS GOOD SHAREPF FUNDS Ftrial Allotmont of Money Ap propriated River And Harbor Work Washington, Aug. 31—Final Al lotment of $35,604,2 50 of the funds appropriated by Congress for rtv ver and harbor improvement work daring the fiscal year 1826 made by the Chief of Army Engineers, was an nounced by the War Department Congress aneranriated *12.215 000 of which appropriation >7,000,000 haa been raoarvmt for foture cm tr ie racy expenditure. List of Allotment* The allotments include; Baitlmorg harbor and channels, >>00,000; In •nad Waterway, Dataware River to Chesapeake Bay, >9,000,000; Savan nah harbor, 0000,000; j>t. Johns Rhr cr. yia, >90,000; Thimbu Shoals, Va >>00,000; Gape Pear Rivar, N. C. 1918,000; Branrwiek, Ga., $900,000 Tampa and HlUaboro bays, Florida >950.000; Appomattox River, >15, 000; I*a*aa River, >95.000; Nanae mond River, >90.000; Inland Water way from Norfolk to Beaufort Inlet >440,000; Norfolk harbor, »00,000 flmppernanc Rivar, >10.000; Pamli so and Tar rhr era, >17.000; Nanai Rhrer, >19,000; Swift Crash, >000 Oententnea Crrek, >1,400; Trrat Rl car, $2.500; harbor at Beaufort >14.004; waterway Core Sound t Beaufort barber >9,500; Inland Wa terway. Baaufart to JackeenvilW >90,000; Win yah Boy, >90,000; Bon Ue River and XetherviUe Mlair Creek. Canal, >0,000: waterwa Charlaatoa U Winyah Bay, 110^00 Savannah River below Aapueta, >10 000; Savannah River at Aafoata, » 004; SavMaah River above Aotneti 09,000; waterway between Beaufoi ami St. Johns River >>>.000; Repel , bather, >19,000. I SPITE STRIKES actor* Arc Revival COAL IS SLOWLY StOl Far B*> Not Ad*. . New* I New Yolk, Uoa of both tho atxikaa hao brought • tightening of the brake* on Of lnduatry, but the tho loading market* of tho 10* novortbo lem remained It bocai oridoat *s tho woek *11 parti** concerned of coming to an agreement Injunnoua table tho way. Tip moderate price*, un der the railroad tharaa, refleeted tho a aottleaenl w»» which waa not dtodfeeUen among the ___ 2; and reallaaUoa faoalno waa a acrioaa Competent point out that lunaimmi sauna, and that In fin eness are on a larga which has way, may ha Aa an lbs country there ia of de ■aand, will spar industry Coal dwindled u low what rb op sea's The stool indaetxy la particular hyo coffered. Shotting down of blast far ose •» is almost a dally occurrence, and unloas inert Seed suppHua of foe) arc soon forthcoming pome steal mills will Have to suspend operations. Even with both strikes out of the way, furthermore, congestion on the rail roads will be unavoidable and tome ’■ months will be required to get back to normal conditions. Steel ingot output baa fallen to an annual rate of about 80,000,000, teas a year compared with an average of 85,000,000 tons joet preceding the irfU strike. The present rate how ever 1s still equal lo that of IBIS and 1913 which were the years of heavi art volume prior to the war- How ever, orders have been unexpectedly large. This week’s'foport of the steel cor poration shows a gain of over 140,000 tons in unfilled orders for July. Lesek of can has brought some refusal of orders for Immediate delivery. In spite of embargoes on certain chases of freight by a few of tha railroads, ear loadings have held up wail. Tor the Week ef July SB the to tal of ears loaded fell slightly, gains la coal and grain beinc offset by d« mass* in mere hud la* and mlaeel Ian roue freight. Loadings, howeror, are continuing at close to the high point Ilf hlitory at this season of the year. With tha grain movement get ting under w*y resumption of coal mining and tha usual autumn tragic demon de will lax the capacity of the road* and iaaape *abstaatial aamlngi for some month* to com*. A reaaaurffcg not* was atroek dar ing the week by the department of agriculture forecast of abundant yield* of tha country's principal ; crops. Wheat production ia estimated [at some I.04MM bush els above the | average and tho earn yield prom law to be Uw foprth largsei on record , While price* have receded somewhat a* a result of thaw bright proupoet* j tho purehaainfc power of tha agrleul | tar a) commapltlw win nevrrthelew .be enhanced. V*** euponec went ink >! the making *f. this yamr'e crap that I bee been the ease for sow* year - past. This hotter baying power wil • have its effadt on general buds we h > tho fan. Plentiful food aappHe* wil ■ liao tend to ktep down tho edht e . living. Oenogil buying of eottoi meanwhile WW renowid and lb* trvn. ■ of prise* appwnd to ha upward. t Money mpt* vara practically an ; (hanged, i^kw import that a eei ' tain amonst of money la being with • drawn by tpUrW Inoticution* U at *in y * 1,1 of ^ • W* nevar.forget a fover randora by a Wrangar. FREE EXPRESS DELIVERY AFTER SEPTEMBER FIRST Chaesher ml Cmmmmrmm A'. Uu |w ImimiIiI In lie EfsrU le Save Far Local Mevehaats Frra delivery of all goods shipped >*> 7 the American Railway Cap raw Company will be made in Dunn on and after September J, it was an nounced yesterday by W. A. Bicker, agent for the company here. Parson* ordering goodf by auprem should furnish shippers with their full ad dles*—-Street and house naaebfr—in order that the deliveryman may ex perience no trouble In locating them. An autemobila truck will be cent here by the company for this service Dunn Is said to be tha smallest town In the StaU in which the —rpnsi ei.mpany has instituted free delivery rervlee. It was through the efforts of the ChsnAer of Commerce, dealing through the State Commission, that the service was gotten for Doan. Sec retary Riddle has bean working on •ho project for mors than a yokr., Hundreds of dollars will be oavsd to Eteno people annually through the sorvtee. A Now Law Hssdsl The anti-glare headlight law of North Carolina. Materials who Sr* at all sensitive to tha welfans of the other follow oboe its it hut their ro spect for the provisions of the stetete M o freewill offering to safe driv At * mauor of fact the low cah oot he refereed ia ite piaaaat farm end with the prevent agencies. It it it loeaetp drwwa that K admits of ■uap aad conflict!** iaterproUtiaea. Than la ao state oOeial who attaapto to harmonize the earioaa TtiaiiM aad U approve eati-gtore derieaa. There are potaiblp one hoed red aad •ftp poliej'luriedictione to North Caroboa. It ia aaap to ha&gtoa the Baba) that would raaalt if thop wot* They accept it at a daad letter law which eapreeaea a rlgWktoss hope hat provides no meant far Its realization Who it so foolish at to, blame them daring headlights on the’ ttreeu and highwapt maltiplp the perils of motoring. They should be preveatad. The present law mutt be overhauled, however, before the problem can be handled. The now statute most be empowered to test and approve anti glare devices—Asheville Times Wonder what a chewing gum mag nate aaps when he stops on a wad of hie gum. POE STILL BACKS MARKETING PUN Prograaarrw Farmer Editor Re Carol hu^T rip Dr. Clarence Par, editor of the Progressive Parmer, tpolse la four coon ties In South Carolina the past week, aad reports that the tobacco growrrs ia the cooperative associa tion art highly pleated over the ill ttal ealea under the cooperative plan and the cotton frowara an greatly , encouraged over the outlook. Although Dr. Poe epoke In the cotton countiea of Lee, Camden, Marlboro, end CheaterAeld, which da not prednea tobacco in large quan Utiea he reeeiaed rap aria from to bacco firman ia other aactlom. The Raleigh editor bring* bock the im prereion that the cooperative idling of tobacco area a diet!art aueccoa. Dr. Poo anya that at Lynchburg, 8 C., n tohaoce grower doMvarod Ma half of a tobacco crop reload by a tenant through the eo-opoiethre aaao ciation and roeotead an advanoa of 11 centa a pound. Tbo tenant eoM hla hnlf at anetlon for It eaata a pound. Another lot of poorer grade ora* equally divided end tbo tenant got Mil a hundred, while the far mer got aa advance af |i.M a ban drrd from tha ee-epervUvt aaanria Uoo. i Other report* from the tobaem I nee Hen worn equally encouraging i Dr. Poe aald laat night, and be hoi I no doubt theft tha eeoporattv* avtliiu F of tohooco will prove a complete aac I Dr. Poo waa told by W. A. Bey kin, chairman of tha Camden count; - cotton aaaoclotion, that laat year b - had a tenant who .wanted to mil M - cotton. Tim tenant waa off* red i I rente n pound. Mr. Boykin UM kU | that white bo did not know what th 1 cuttau waa worth bo wnwtd take I , thermo and give him 11 ooate pound Thao tenant reported hoe PAY LAST HONOR TO BISHOP HLGO . j Grant Ft Charlotte, Aag. 12--Charlotte garr pause this aft* moan ta pay th* tat trihau of respect and affection U> the memory of Biahhp John C. Kilgo, death (a Beamed bp bon them Methodiete aad th* charch at tag*. Th* femoral waa epochal ja waa aad paraaanal. Hawthorne Lane Methadiat cbarch whan th* aarviet waa bald aad lag crawded to more thaa capacity, »** lantlm rep nr *en ting all daaa •* of dtiaeoahip from highevt t* hniablaat including Binialan irirmy •iag th* CharUtae dlatrict, Matha dM Epuoopal charch, th* CharWta* Miniatarial Aaaaciatiaa, mad l ol Btaftata mt large (ran i_ charch mm w*D aa from ether iaetleo*. Bepreaeartlag Trinity 0*1 lege were Dr. W. P. Pew, president; J. O. Brown, banker of Ralaigti, pra ddeat of board af tnateaej Pmfa D. W. Ncaneac, aad 2. L nowem; W. B. Od*n, af Ceaeard; aad A H. Baa park, of Oaatoais, traatiaa. Wofford nonage waa unniUI bp Dr. N. H. baydar, pmridaat, mad th* North Corolla* Chriadaa Adve eotc, af Craeadber*. by the editor. Dr. A. W. Plplar. > litre waa ware aedc bp Bbhop Warrap A. Oaadlar. af Atlanta, aad Bishop Collin* Dcoay. of Btehaead. Favorite Hpaaaa of th* BHhep. "Haw Pina A *-ntifatlim." aad "Jaaua Laver af Mp Beat" were •nag Th* floral tribatas — mill any aver mm la Qiarlotle, the maat ao tabl* and aagnifieeat *-■*■( de air*. a wraath af roast, front Mr. J. B. Dab*, ho and th* BUhop having haan rtoae frioada Two ifrttana aahr ea the casket, a ciw Hd a from of UUin and iron ' The eereice at tha pin wao at landed by b—daada ef p^1- aU, I CaraUai would compel him to giro , her a larger allewaace with which ( to rna the hoew. “I cannot afford to givo her any | mare," pleaded Moran. “She piaya | the racee with tho money that ehould | buy bread end pomtom.” ( “I did ge to the track and bet once I or twice," con famed Maude, ‘“hot - my husband hae loot mere than I i bare ” “Yea’d better both forget the j racee and pay mare attention U your home," Interrupted the recorder. “Came ie diemineed.”—Kaw York Tri bune. B. AND L ALREADY HELPFUL TO DUNN Fire* Two Hannan Built Whether or not dlley Nemharry'e plan for the building ef a hotel and tho further financing of the Romo Building and Loan AaaoclatUa to a (looted. thft building a nil loan abba elation already boa taboo Ka ylaea aa oat of tha moat helpful matitatioai in Dunn. Yeater Jay the completion of the bn* two homee built through tbo aid of the association was an nounced. These are thoaa for David M. Psarmll aad Jems M. Wilson. On* other home started several weoka ago aooa arfD bo ready'fee occupancy. That la far Joseph Stepb enaon. AH are modem cottages aad add mu.'h to tha beauty of their rv ayoetlva localities. Ahaaltaneoua with the announce ment of tbo completion of the Hrat two bomoa tbere caaaa alao the aa neandtmeot that J. M. Craal, Sr., was be finning a aaw brick raatdrnca with fund* secured through the amo eiotloa, aad that two or ttnae other homee were la be started la tha vary near future. At present the aaaoetaltoa has t, *00 outstanding active share*, ^acre tary K. T. Lea expects thla n amber te bi awaited to *.000 mrbaa the aoo oad aariea open* on September I. This trill gtv* the aaaaetetiae aa far* rem# of aaarty (SAM a year gg enough te band avers than a doaaa ' comfortable homes between aew aad r thla time next year. • ■* ■ to the retie* buyers and mattaadod I la getting it t-t eeata a pound, ij, Dr. N. aba had boon backing dm • cooperative mlMag mewnaent for a away years, b vary maab |—“■“* a over tha aatlaah far the l— « Mewi aad Obaarvar. CRAVEN PIG CLUB BOYS COMING TO DUNN, AUGUST 19 aL* ** Maath* u *• wining thaw light ft U «pt M* the rage at thii in#jt herd loath and at the he -wonderful stride node in the peach ■wlnt. BELIEVES HE HAS XEMEDYFOft WEEVIL i. L. Sweio. W Ddw.r, |(ae bpw CoweftTnwr H L. Sarnia. ouperialeadast at Dell Vhoel, Moray. N. CL, haHoraa m hoe a rare inocelatieu ^riaat the Ml weeelt The nduij aamdata at the oD of piatu paiuotrla oad a eeea pound of caihna hydrogen amd ery !«■ wtth a certain raeciflc purity. Tour ocree at eeOaa at Dileeg be longing to Mr. Sauls haw haaa Aim Ami with Ik* M» I«*b4. Thu cotton la i^nrlll trait lot w*B Ml A *r*rU«aJl7 Amt *t r anvil. The lav* a*Kiti*a* to***. tldai and kin *11 i*d kr • thaoi la ivrayta*. Ik* Am dilated **d imam |ki t* A Ik* t B**fc lak Mt*f mM dkMjd Back ns : la’s!

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