T W. emphatically. it torn. U jm War af a bap ar ptrt who waata ta qalt rehoal, urban It la lrmnuj. ** Jrt •«« War af parent* wba aia tWMUac »f patting their children ta »Wa It la aaaan.maiy. fast Win* throe Hpaimt ta tbalr attaotioB. ■tarp <*ap apart la school pap* tba child **. Ilam la tba proof, based on tba wage real, of 1PU. Hard seated laborers twi oa tbs af WO* par poor for forty! prari, a total af W0.800. High rebool graduates care oa the aeeiape *1.000 par paar for forty ataoep—oat mating mo nap paara, a total of $4*,M0. Tbia rduration requires IS peart of school of 180 daps each, a total of Sr! t*0 daps In tho acbooL If 2,160 daps at rcboal add *20. 0*0 ta iliu iacoeee far life, thou each ’ dap at school add* *».S6. The child that atap* oat of achool to coin lew thoa *9 a day to taring Bankers and tntlas moat hare hard I ahella or they would not rurrtec I want it mid of me by those who I know me beat, chat I always pinched i .v thht'.e and planted a flower when f thought a flower would grow.— I Lincoln. ) Thvas low art based oa an 1a veetlgatioc wd. by Dr. A- CaawvU **»• of the University of Texas. Bul Min of tbe ,U. a firm of Educa Uoa. Know North Carolina Country—Life Decay la a general way thn flow to the eitise is normal and inavltdbta. Cheap importation provides the denisens •f Ktoat elxieo with food at moderate P*»«e* Handreds of articles that two aeocratioas *Jr» were home mad* are now factory mad* and them faetorn* ara in cilia* Poarerdrivrn machinery on the farm relearn a part of tbe rural population for other pursuit* The state of affairs has stimulated the endue of the young people from the bard work and penny-pinching of the farms to tbe prospering, easy going cl tie* The country has not been keeping £ fair shade of its brighter boys and girl* H has been the young people with spirit anti initiative who have re sponded to the call of tho distant city. Had they stayed on the farm, tbit spirit of initiative would have shown Itself along runal lines. In certain older parts of tho conn try which have been losing their young people to the West and to tli* cities for two generation* there U a visible moral decline. The roads J-_■_-ILL — “• neglected m there is lew social intercourse and a smaller turnout to *cho°l. to church and public events. School buildings and grounds hare deteriorated. The church ia to a nit or baa arm disappeared. Frivolity en Kromet the young because no one or ganises singing scnoola. literary an cieties. m debating clubs. The nest generation, haring- mined the bene **• of the communal institutions, «l»oms itself f oarer, sensual, and Ir responsible. There is a marked de cline of Individ sal and family moral ity. Thk is an explanation of the Ur guaemey that one finds In certain ru **1 gnrts of New England and the Middle lUtra. Tin remedy ia to make life on the farms more attractive. There U need of rc--directiag rural educaUon, ir inspiring the rural church multiplying societies of recreative opportunities and divelling the false glamour of the distant city. Tl»c young people need to be eh own that farming can be made to pay if one pats brains tad energy to it. — Dr. E. A. Rom, Uni versity of Wisconsin. SORRELL NEWS Mias Oiyde Jennings has returned to her home at Statesville after a visit to Miss Dons Ennis. Mlm NeUie Bergman of Wllming lor u *ilk'ji| Mbs Nannie K.i*!. and other* in the community I Ml** Ecrtka Sorrell returned to , Duikam Saturday from u emit to hcri parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. 3orr.ll. Carlo. O. Engia of Raleigh t< ^>.-n din* hi. raeatioo at the horn* o.' hi. par-nto, Mr. and Mr*. WllU. Hunk. Mr*. J. H. EnnU' brother, Jim Stewart, ha. recently been risking * fh Mr. Htewwrt k making til. hom.1 South Carolina aow. He !uu been away eight year*. Mr. and Mr*. J. L. Sorrel] returned Sunday from a vkrit to Mr*. Sorrell'* mother. Mm. Mary Johnron at Roa* ML Miu Doaa Enni* t* rlaitlng Mia. Clyde Jcnnlng* at StateerUle. Mie. IiK» Suggs of Dunn ha. re cently been rkiting at the home of Mr. Marion Enato. Mi.. I'earl. Stapkeneon of Angier and Mr. Earnest HolMnd of Raleigh, were the guertr of Mia. Hattie Enni. Thursday p. m. Mr. and Mr*. C M. Ogbum of Wil low Spring* were rhritom at the home of Mr. and Mn. Willi# Enni. Tueoday. MU. Florence Ennii of Dunn to .pending her Vacation with her pat' mt*. Mr. and Mr*. Marion Rnai». Mr. and Mrs. J. H.. Willie, and Zalmon EnnU and Jim Stewait made a trip to Clayton today where they win visit Mrs. Ennto* and Mr. Stow »rt\i mother, Mrs. N. H. Stewart. Mean. H. A., L. J„ and P. B. Turlington and Ed Strickland gave a delightful barbecue to their gen tlemen friend* Wednesday afternoon. It was quite a success. Forty-five were there to enjoy Use delicious bar tjcue which was plentiful. Among those present were Messrs. H. L. Godwin, J. Lloyd Wade, Marvin Wnde, J. W. Draughon, MeD. Holli ilay, 0. M. TUghman and others from Duna, L. L. Levinson, J. M. Byrd, W B. Nichols, J. f. Parrish and oth en* from Coats. C. M. Ogbum and A. V. Crimea of WlUow Springs. Mr*. Jasper Ernie and children are visiting relative* at Elbtron, Va. Mis* Corinna Jones la visiting be I sister. Mrs. Tha»l Lee at Dunn. ' Mrs. L. J. Turlington and children are visiting Mrs. Turlington’s slater, Mra. C. M. Ogbum, near Willow Springs. A small child of Mr. J. M. 1*1 cos and i) very sick with diptherla.—Aug ust 10, 1022. Wklr PecaU Buy Ral-Saap la Prefor eaoe te Rat Palaoa. (11 RAT-8NAP absolutely kill* rata and mice. (2) What it doesn’t ln.,‘ <3> killed with RAT-SNAP leave no smell, they dtj np Inside. (4) Made in cakes, no mixing with other food. (51 Cats or dogs won’t touch it. Three sizes, S5c, flBc, 11.25. Sold and guaranteed by Hood and Grantham, Wilson and Lor, and Butler Bros LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified ui administrator of the estate of Dockery McNeil, de ceased, late of Barnett County, North Carolka. t.Vy ii to notify all pontona havmjr oi/m» acalnst the •>tat« of aaiu deA-tsed to exhibit thorn to the umyrdffncd on or bu-j fore Auftiut L I Ml, or this notice wiil be ytead«4/i bar of their recov ery. All prison! indebted to wild es tate, will plenae make immediate pay ment ^ i ■ Thin the 8th FARO OLARENCJ Auk 8 16 22 29 Sept 0 12. Mr. VeBahea, Farmer, Ted* Hew He Lee* All Hie Priag Seed Cere “Some time ago rent away for .•oaw pedigreed seed core. Put ft In a gunny *u-k and hung It os a rope euapcmled from roof. Hate got it all —how brota me, but they did be cuuer I got 5 dead whopper* in the morning after trying RAT-SNAP." Three 35c. 65c. (1.26. Sold and ■guaranteed by Butler Broe., flood A Grantham. Wilron *n<L Leer I ALL DOWN SPECIAL Aluminum Rouster. West Bend Brand, $4.7S value, sale price S1.M SPECIAL be* quality made, per yard_SSe -7. . SPECIAL Galvanised Wash Tube, bushel else, 90c value, selq price-Mb SPECIAL . Cres Rugs 27 s 64. $1.85 value eofag for , Sic the last day. « ^ Mix with a %5-lb sack of • Your Favorite Flour ■ Pekff* °*a Hofafdxda, and/Wn yon will kaaw yw It “ self-raising floor La kbaolotWy par* and wholesome— fiw from any adulterant, »>raford’a always maktn hot brands, eakat and paltry /f fine. area tutm mnra dthoo-aa, and assy to? djf£l Hiraford’aSeS^SS Broad Preparation is kdfl only in original packages AAV* THE RID LABJB0 far valaaMa FREE PREMIUMS _ ax ft JrrrlM List by wrttfn* Romford HtoJleal Works, pTorideac*. IL L THoisfords SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATION LAST NOTICE T \ t • t \ j Pay your Water Bill by August 20, or Service will be Discontinued THIS APPLES TO EVERY PATRON CfWffE WATER DE PARTMENT ' I \ ^Aug. 14, 1922 * LAS T I CALL I —-—~— SPECIAL S >ecial 16 x 72 Crcx Fabric r u*. 9J 75 value, going for— tl.M AUTO TIKES Famoua Goodrich Tire, ev y known them. 30x3 . --_|M» AUTO TUBES " / Now in your last chance to buy the Tube* at this low price, 80x3, sale price_..91.48 Folding Bed Springs that never get weak, $6.00 value, now— $3 Enamel Dish Pan, slae 18 Qts., $1.26 value, sale price— Me Daisy Glass Chums, $3.50 val ue, sale price_$2.48 $11.60 Black Leather band bagj leather lined, sale price_$&£tt Ladicg now is your last chance to get window Shades at..60c 3 RECORDS FOR 11.00 One lot of RECORDS going the last few days,* 3 for_$1.od Help Your Girl Win the Watch! ' 150.00 Waltbam Watch Fra*. Boy* gat bu*y now av you only have a few more day* to make your girl th* winning on*. At 9:00 P. M. Saturday th* vote* will be counted up and then everybody will know who th* faeen wlU be. Watch the ecore board in our window and h*)p keep your girl at the top. Gat your rlend* to vote for bar, -1 $1.00 Servinr Tray for_1 CENT Saturday, August 19th to the first 25 customers purchasing $10.00 or more we will sell you a handsome tray for_lc READ. Friend* the time is getting short and the bargains ars going back to their old home. You only have a few more daya of the low prices that 1 am olTering you; so take advantage of* these last few days. Yon will SAVE MONEY. Sals closes Satur day. August 19th. D. S. MURCHISON, Sales Maaa|«r. THAT’S THE PLACE * i. Broad St at Wilson Ave. Dunn, North Carolina

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