THE DUffl DESPATCH rdnlHihal dH U f V> i /tipi iron twiu ■ a • mi TVWMTI A N D IUDATI UMR&rOK —-at n ~~~r| | —< BUMdCUPTION HATES i . OMltk_«X-M Itx Month*.. IN ikN* lM*t- .« CAM IN AOVAMCS Add rex* all n—nnlrwHraa ta TV Pjapatak. AU department* af TV P iart cam ka natM tbreagh tala ’^CBMMffllaaUatU ttva u* invitad. bat mnd»r*aB cln aaae/ai cc* tka wkIr af aaah aa—aadaa daaa Beat faralah a* with hia aaaa* It la adt aiiaiaary that Oa aaaaa k t-kblUhcd, ,kat we taalat that It k pw m aa ex Ideate efjtaad faith. waanaU dak maatiaca. ate., at ■anted. Pxe«t«** On Uatel Although tktr* ix no poaaiMUty tka tha Town af Doan can ba*rin baUc in* |t< betel aatU after tha aai KHltn os use urwBiur, ue con p Blttnt appointed bp the Chamber « Commerce end the Bmri of Commit leasers ere going Ami with the plans in order that wait can hagi u eoon u poaaible after the Lcgiali lire permits tha town to lead Its era* it to toe project. Already a reliable haul nan hi offered to leone tha property at a Iritis! sms on] rental of 94,004—f< a« hotel rights, exchuivety; tl .vote rentals wo aid be addad to tl Income. Thao rental would ha raiai every year far Iva yarn at the « ViiXtioa of which time a new lent v. tiold be made. This offer wool - guarantee to Ae town a rental in a earn of 99,004 the firet year, and b< fore Ike Sve-jrcsr period had ampin the rental would have risen to tl (10,004 mark desired by A L Nat 'retry, father of Ae plan which 1 '••■Haves will prove to be a veritabl ioM mine far the town. sitae fed Ae building bar V !• on diac-weed, bat aane kma bae i choaen; nor will may be chosen ant I will H the people ham bae I heard. / Before bonds are issued for A f construction of Ae hotel, Aa LegWi •are must muAortma an aleetle through which the qualified voters e the town css sanction Ae baas. N additional taxation will be needed t retire the haw. The town rnaraly wf le-.d its the project. Beartal from the property will provide fund far Aa payment of late mat and la ^ •( IM madoca. This m ha wdald invest la bqBdt^ and laa •:<xk and ha estimates that tha ai »-la:>rn weald be caahlad to VaO it :<-a*t 1*0 han« eathi tt,H from the proceeds. HAIL TO THE KING Cnton il opening la. the Aside t . I ef town and within anatha v> sow of it will ha ready fa . ..»i. Three big f>» in lawn sq •i ‘In sitlli* gins in tha tnrrooadia nt. are bci.ig allcke^ up ia pn < Ion tr the coming ef tha Kiai p -»»*>cr is more than a fat J V tr> Mr.jecty will ha march - o *:» D'iaa with all the pomp an • <|. • of the e->od old days wha i . mren. plaaty af money. ‘ » ‘i« af unfavorable' waathc an.t of this month, th ' < '< in fair conditio a. Of coaim rt :bi- Urn", of tbo year every yea • t>- :rrp,lc “tec-totally mint” la th op’elon of many. There newer hi been r. lima that wa can recall tha waaing Aagaat did net And tha el king an tha elotehee of drought o flood a ad ea tha verge af yioldia ap tha gfcaat But, somehow, a kin Providence always interveate to sav as from sbjvrt poverty sad pimlbl starvation. fa Jsijr local eottaa had the km growth h ever has had at that tim ■t Ik* year. Early Aiflal was goo* Into nlrm have rut the crop seam isr.Tjm murick nn«i uw iravui *n4 there l» every yreWUlty that th a of will ha a* eve the nawga ff« era going te ha mighty gio ta we Iha aaw rattan flawing la. 1 arm bring the tint ugla money th vaaaaantty haa hag far mare thaa tw J ram—eng with the yaenaaee af th ball weevil la May Saida af th UK ywfiMe tray wa wifi have. raAMC S. WOODSON Virginia aaweyayofSamlaat anati i*a Catanal freak & Waateea, la *mt»M editor af the Hrhmaoi * IMPROVEMENTS on the way Wittoat lay delay at all tto beard *t town wlaliMB are planning to fa right ahead with tto street aad attor improvements tto coming of which wee araewnced to Friday', ie «»e at Tto Dispatch. Before mow falls construction gnaga are expected to to weQ on their way to making Dvan eae of tto moat completely to*ed aad aewered towns la tto South. Within a few days bids for paving and sewer and water exten sions wiQ to asked far. Work w01 begin an soon after tto bids an 1st as is possible. Preecat plans are for the paving af only fear or five streets, bnt that does sot mean that other, may not be paved. This is just, tto beginning. As soon ss property owners on other streets petition the beard, the work will to undertaken. It la hoped that every Wrest la town will have been paved before the present campaign b ended. Sewers still to be laid will be pteerd at a much smaller cost than were ‘ thorn already ia asa. Tto first scrsrtr - contract provide for si] the lowlands * la town. Ns tonally excavations to pco r vide much deeper than will be nwtea t sary for the areas yet to bo aewered. h Tto noth can be done more cheaply r now thaa at some time in the future. * It la believed, and it (a well that tto r commissioners have started tto pro - jeet. • GST BUSY n Goldsboro business men arc making T a.rtroag effort to make tkelr town a • coareotratisn point for the cotton to • t» handled by the North Carolina d Cotton Grower*’ Co-operative Auo t- <laden. They want to store most of • the cotton to bo received by the ae d seciadon. They, however, started a i- little toe let# to moke mack headway >- this year. Already the association her d arranged to concentrate tome of cot ■ too here, in Fayetteville, in Baleigh r* and in other town* of laatem Care a lias. a Dunn has been chosen aa a tam perary concentration point because It e happens to have the warehoaaoi made n available by the General Utility ema il pony—not because the business men n of the community have mads any ef fort to have it made one. a Although the cooperative aaaeeia I* ties I* perhaps the largest single busi a neea ia North Carolina it It an an f ceodingiy seasides concern. It will s go nowhere it Is not wanted. If the » business Interests of a town show a 1 disposition to hammer Its progress It ■ retaliates with a most formidable • —the boycott. The a eon elation r is the farmers who form it. Theta r. ftumori bm fhamainstay of the a l This year the association will han - die practically half of the Doan Die I trir.t crop, which, including the quan I tity marketed In the surrounding lit tie towns, will he class to 00,090 KnLsd Half rtf Oka!._f A AAA L.I_ probably will be concentrated In the General Utility Company warehouse* because these warehouses are tho only available space for it and bocaiMf Ban Townsend baa tendered their use to the association. As the association Hves It aril) grow. Within a few years every cot ton grower in North Carolina will he aligned with it. Dunn now is enr el the most important cotton ms'kfct; in tba Stats. Will it, through inaction, allow Goldsboro to take from it the good position it now holds? Seme Fine Orchard* "We've got This was the co-iag two* of opinion from tho crowd who plaited, the Sandhill regions of Hoke,- Moore, Montgomery and Rich mood eduatict Tuesday and Wednes day for the purpose of looking over the type of land, climate and people which combined to make tbo peach growing Industry a success. The orchard of Walter Matthews just a few aeilca out of Liliingten, might be termed a "dmaonstraUeci patch*’. That forty acres has demon strated the postfbOitleo for any ana who may wish to make money oat of growing peaches. Sentry, Halford. »* Tugweil sad those fellows who start. ed the HttJe fruit patches four yaaro I ago wars the pioneers who can claim t credit far famishing “a way oat" I far tba agricultural InUrecta of Her i nett osanty. I Yoaag orchards of tba Uilington a F.nit Ore acre Company, pat oat last a tall, are showing aueh woadorfal growth that lha praraotaa* sra highly: plaaaad and are reporting to Increase the poach acreage till the whole iOO • acre tract la drrtiopad, placing the t trao* aa all land available and leaving • that sot caitable ta ether crops- i • ft Maaa sad Msrvta Edward* aka I have «a*ll orchard* pwt oat la the t asm# territory last fall that are giving » dgna sf astkfaatory raaaita to «<aa I Those pfaslari are confident ha - yoad say shadow of doabt that they • am firing stgns af aatiafaatory ra Thaae planlan am aoafldaat ba r road any dm daw af doubt that they l da grow paachoa af a* fat variaty i aa any farther down tbc fiaadhHb . tkf am wars than soar dotanaiac'l » k aaaaa* that aaoogb has base p*a I whs an gtod pa^b tapd h Haraatt I mwatp that tbom k Mda ridi ta ha I tafcaa Ip jfawkag paaak omkards aa tfccra should be no hesitancy In going Into peach growing. In this connection The News do rim to any this: It has been end Mwayu win be the policy of this ntwv Wtf to do Ittrjr humanly possible to farther the into re rta of the people ef this county. Os the trip into the SnndhQU of adjoining counties this weak it eras the high aim of this writ •r to gat is touch with the proper parties who could and would send in to Harnett some of those people whe art looking for good land for invest ■cat and development. The quest war •ueooaaful, are think. Wa secured Uu promise af some who are In positioi to do so. to a*mi tome "peach man' into our county. We told out friandi titol »r» did not core a rap wbethe: they were Yankees or Southerners wa wanted them over this aray if thej were thrifty enough to develop oui barren lands. We received the assur ence that they wo aid be coming. Poaehca, berries, grapes and me) ana arc bringing in good money U the growers a tew miles from Har nett. The same kind of money shoal* be coming this way, too.—Harnct County Neva. Both Forgetful Associated Grower. A certain young nup wrote th' following letter to a prominent bust ness firm, ordering a razor: "Dear Sira: Please find .ncio a* 60c for one of your raiora at advet ttoed, and oblige, John Jones. P- 3.—I forgot to ancioae the SOt bat no doubt a firm of yoar h ig steading will send tho rasor anyway. The irra addressed received th letter aad replied as follows: “Dear Sir; Your mow valued 01 der has been received, and we wl say In reply that we are sending th rotor as per request and hope thi it will prove satisfactory. “P. S.—We forgot to cneloae th raior but ao doubt a man with you cheek will have no need of it.*' :.'j. »c *_wc • -cl .Y. it.: : >vp.d. Itpd KC VERY AND REST sr. nr« coming again .> ■• \..el» o ,’(8m Kuo. Ladies, dn«ii a mighty yoo.l . ;tt ihefewrra: i* li.e • .Id if eresrinr sppur •' men d wdfco.v Do this while •. >v Fw t So. r i ».• * ‘ n ’ iff me- *<*v. R G. Taylor Co. lc •I-V'V S3. 1022. FOR SALE. 70 SAW GIN and proa e* with brtD and •Hafting. on ti ne PractrsHj new. M. Wh too, Dana. No. f. Aug. 18 4t pd. WE ARE RECEIVING, AST Qw tics of dram and shoe* In all rcrpvcts aa ho boat before the late h Inner eole, •olid count I with kid and calf upper and smooth a* velvet, I very shoes are much cheap* *0 cent cotton. Do you ' them prices will continue the new tariff bill become* a . We don't. Act now '* and save money. R. 0. Taylor [ Company. lte. I Aug, tl, lWt * ’ for SALEn-ifHQ^I BUILDING Iota close In. \B4#or and water tinea and on AW otroet. 8e* me if you want a t/ryain. Geo. P. Mc Kay- tr% - 18 St pd. . FOR SALE.—ONE LOT MO-ft. (reel front by 148-fL with 7-room }-story houa equipped with electric Ughl feet from I highway and blocks from graded school payments. Pa leaving town for soiling. Apply to T. non, D. and . S. Shops, H.C./ 18 «t pd. • VOUNG MEN, YOU CM BUT THU week at tha TaUoy Front store a draw shot fag |l/0j a dress pair of eh ora lor $SJWj a drew pair of slippom hr MB; or a wit of 1 clothes fol 814M All of them are new tall htyle#Bjtd wen bought when the bnamfR' was lower than l now and ■ rf fh*t bargains. If you want lint, and qu alkie* brat r cheaper, eUe quickly to the Yel low Front Korc for what you want to wear. E. G. Taylor Ob. ltc. August 28. 1821. » J MONET TO IN SMALL amount* on to. Or will discount flrat commercial pa . per. Clarence Attorney. JO tfc. FOR SAL*_S all laadinc n eon, Burbunk dyke. So* K Box 7, Dunn FOR SALE-TWO TltUCKA, ONE Ixito. on* small, of will exrhanicr far Ford. TcmiAeay. Soe me or W. H. Pxrriil^/t Dunn. John A. Warren, Salesmorx, Route No. 1. Au* ll-4tc. FRESH FAN SWEET W1L lam aoed J I red at the J. R. Hlghsralth ny. Now it th* time to plan Miss Smith’s Studio Kodak Finishing **R«t-3aap BmU (Im Bast Trap Evar Mada," Mr*. Ertilly Shaw Sajr* “My husband bought $2 trap. 1 bou*bt a 65c box of RAT-SNAP. The trap only caught 2 rata but RAT SNAP killed 12 In a week. I'm never P——i a —m without RAT SNAP. Reckon I could n’t ruiK chickc without it." RAT SNAP comh In coke*. Three eisen. 96c, 65c, $1.26. Sold and guaran teed by Wilson A Lee, Hood m Gran tham, Butler Bros Are Your Sows Pre pared to Raise O Thrifty Pigs • A properly balanced ration for the •owa before and after pigs are born prevents runts. Insure a lated system and milk by All Pur0 meal, Unaeed alfalfa leaf Only by— L P. SURLES HOW TO GET S^igar at 5c a Pound! I#. tK * • The Big (eat Offer Ever Made te Home ' V ) People by a Home Merchant To Our Friend* and Patron*: Until further notice, for every Cash Purchase you make at our store we will give you Coupon* hood for juct as many ‘Points' as Purchase amounts to in dollars and cents; and when you have thus accumulated 1,000 of these Points, which will show that you have spent £10.00 with us, bring them in and get Ton Pounds Standard Granulated Sugar for BOc Only Be Pound. Not only once, V.ind you, but just as fsst and often aa you can thus save up One Thousand of these Points you may bring them in and get TentPounds Sugar for 50c. THi» is absolutely one of t le bjfc«e;t and moat practical money-umag deal* over figured out for poor le /ho really care to cot down their daily living expense*. No gueea wont a Id at it--no wondering wlio the winner Wifi bo. It (imply mvan: that by dc '/ the non of your trading at *ur (tore, you will bo able to get practical /all the Sugar you will need for tab)* and kitchen uio n» from 2 to 4 centj lex pound Ivsj than we or any other merch ant ran bay it at Wholesale) Irgaddftlon tu which, we guarantee our prion on everything to be a* low or l-iwor than others oak for same good(. Hoping that you will not ooJv take immodiate advantage of this deal youraeli, but that you will tell your neighbors about it, we are Your Money-Saving Friend*, FREEMAN’S CASH GROCERY DUNN, N.Ci KOTKjJ-W* rcecrvc the ri^ht. without tutica, to proportionately follow the market in thin deal If Surer'prl.c go hfeher—or to withdraw it altogether if we eo deaire, but not without redeeming ail Poinu that are oat at inch time. m ——B— ■trie Fans tiling and desk type hich you cannot al gular stock and are v apply only to fans ent stock is exhausts now while you can * Pric y.rUI U. PrW. 00 | 7Q| .60 SI2I96 00 $18^4 ' :% »».“ a-— - m >w Light Co. 117 N. WILSON AVE. Mort Milos p«r Dollar 'Jire&otte"1 GUM-DIPPED CORDS Sold by m Smith &. McKay — Purdie Brothers

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