THE DUNN DISPATCH sassy TcvsiSBi LMMibfon ”■ 1 __ SUBSCRIPTION lATtti £t 3h«»b.- -__Zl* CAM Iff ADVAWcj*~ '** Coon awt hniak m with kla It it s«i mcwmit that Dm aaa* ha puMitht*. hat we huiat that It he r *»a •• aa rrMonca of iwt faith. ■tort aeowaata of whtiogi. aator tawttti Huh —tingo, otc., art •write*. DOCS PABMUIC PAY I Erny onre hi • white we hear tome body say that nobody eaa make awry aa a farm. Keowhng not aj thing at ah ab eat fuariag, we have arvur Iwn ahte to tfagate that aw ■ mtoa. However, CUmare J. 8mith. agt-nt for eaa of the term lean beaks, eitoa at the foOowteg instance which ■*•*»«• to Us attcntioa this week. Tewty tve yean aga a young maa * s»*e«vi-d from hie fatter a tract of seventy-seven ecrva af iaad. The land had a ever beta cultivated aar clear 'd after the eaw milters eat the ttew her from it. Urn young maa wast to work on the Met. To date ho baa fleered aid has aader cahtvatlaa SS aeree af the original tract, bought ■Cher land, bailt a aice heme for We family worth MvSM, bee three UP aat fa ounce, a Sac crop growing and doesn't awe a cent ia the world—not even for this year’s eappHaa sad fer tilizer!. and that ea top of two yean feand unprofitable to ahsat every other farmer ia thie locality. Tbit aiaa, top, ha* made it all oat of tha land topples, Lated by hie own brain. Did he do U ty aeekteg nnlhlag bat cotton and haying everything ha con vened at heme eleawharoT He did sot. food and faad only the thingi ha raanot produce here. Be -igyHtd Ml - ewu table with mei' milk. Then he aold worth of meet, laid, better, eggs aad beef -enough to prrvida the few aeeda about hli homo and hat year thio farmer aold |14N wocth at eettew This year Ma crap win bring modi mm—and K aB wfll be reive*. BEAUTY a teotioa a projeet to biaattfj' Dana's Mteete. home* and vacant late. Un fortunately, they did not gat very fai—ptimariaHy httanao they Bad no •iedalte plan for eeacottod notion. They naked the folk to beautify. But, left alone without a prod and eem# . to wield the prod, the average rper'men of U*» genu home Lt a moot aatxaotlfol tiring and wifl do little tewcrd beautification. The acre aak- . lag vu not enough. To few of as know the prime eamattela of thing* a. •tf-etlc. We aaoat be shawm. Saw. kd by Mm Ernest Jeffrey* »«• the club's president. Mm Fred McKay, the women am aaeblng to •bow aa haw to wake oar Bttle town I the hclghest aa woH u the beat spot I mdmt the am. Vain their piMuat •°M of the eat laMlfal place, cheat wm* are ta he made beeuttfnL The •w fraoUng ear pee tty Marne are * ^ ** Jf***1 X* d^tty recant kata, ahem ef their •eeda aad made to girt ep tketr plica if Ha can*, ale te be tidied ap. The »wa la Mag prepared far winter nut papaaa In eider that Spring with M wahhUag Male aad blomemlac »**weod aad koaeyoeckle may had »i*h wary hair, proper]/ powdered and reaped. A laadaeape pardaar era* here thii week la conference with the women. Be waa aa welcome aa would hare been the puaaa’a maaaauec. Ha told the wemca whM wae needed and they are going to act upon Me Thla fall the rlab will offer, at actual MM to the purchaaer, all aorta ef Mrwba. belha and rinca that are need ed to carry out the propram of bean liflcation. TM woman dcaarra the tally cooperation of aeery clttien of Dai a. DISCIPLES GATH EE At Pale on this week are gathered member* of the Holineee Church from many point*. They arc there to hear the word of Cod preached according to the interpretation of those who rtended the Holiness movement and to drink deep from the fountain of their creed. It ia a fervent, a devoted crowd that goo* to Falcon. It ia recruited from the beat men and women of America. They are areking to mve the world from tin. Fanatical, por haps, they ere also a serious and a conscientious body. For ton days they will stag and pray sad. probably, talk in tongues which none understand. When the eeeeien ends they will be hotter awn and woman for having eonselcntlonsly performed a dnty which every person owea to bit Ma kar. The Dispatch welcomes thcer peo ple to the Doan neighborhood. It is rlad to have them and It trusts that their visit will be at pleasant aa it will be frnirfal. COTTON COMES All tail to Jack Monk, negro tenant mi tta Arthur Pope farm, to whoa tore the glory of haring produced tta trst halo of cotton Mid la the Doan DlMrirt this year. Uncle Jack, like •vary ether farmer In this region, tar had an awfal time for the last two years. He has stood by that tot tan patch early and late and has seen core crops bring him little far tta ef fort be haa pat Into it. Unde Jack'* Amt bale brought him roar *120. It wajgtad 4M poaade uU waste**** Manta •pound. ■« has produced stack for lea la former years. Tta Dispatch congra tulate* him aa his achievement this roar and tracts that the value of hto cotton win increase with every bale mid. COMING EVENTS CEatrect From Editorial ia Boetea Treaeerlpt. Aug It, IMS) Nothin* is to be gained by ignoring he fact that the failure af tta Ad ministration In tta current trial* 1* mund to have a bad effect upon the Scpoblicin campaign in the 8tate rhieh bolds the right of tta line in thin election year—the State .of tta ItaPmUent and the Secretary of HaT. the State ale* af tta leader of Iho Svante aad (Ko Speaker of the donee bf Representatives . . Those rbo believe, however, that the party a power of which he (President larding) j* the titular leader dever vs* u immediate re bake by reason of He failure either to keep It* cara >»l«* pledgee or to meet the chal lenge of the hear, meat either port «■ their tools la patldoce far an other two years or make tke Repab licaa candidates to' the battleground . ®tmee like Massachusetts and Ohio' the unwilling rehlclea of the expraee loa of the prevailing popular disgust. . . i Presumably Vice Presi dent Coolidg*. Secretary Weeks. Sen ator Lodge and Spanker Gillctt hare faiind to dnfead the Administration for the very good reason Hint they can Rad no defense for its failure. Aad when they attempt on the yfbnrp in the coming campaign to deal with the dawdling at WaMiingtoa day* aad weeks aad months, what is there for them to say? a. V. P. U. PROGRAM FOR MONDAY AUG. XT. IRIS The work of our Education Board. Scripture rending — 3 Timothy 7:7-13.—O. W. Warren. Murd Dowd. Introduction—Eva Strickland. Talk—The creation, of the educe lion board—Viola McNeill Talk—Part 1. The board and Southern Baptist schools—Mm. Mary Butts. Talk-—Art 3. .Developing s Con science or Ed mention—Whyima Nay lor. Plano solo—Mia* Myrtle Pope. Talk—Pa t* 4 and 8. The publl t»y dcja^untct of Lhe education boaid and the Tancher* Bureau—M. D'Bsiea. Vocal Trio—-MIm— Myrtle Papa, Madia Bella, Mrs. Mary Butt*. Talk—Parte • and 7. Christina education and getting student*—by Ml— Evelyn Bridgers Pue» Mrs. K. I.. Denning and C. C. Warren Talk—Parts 8 and 9. Why go to a Baptist Collagv—Ivaa Bailey. __ Ball Weevil ie BsnleavWa Mr. W, H. Weaver, of BentonviH* township, is— in town Friday. Ha soya that tho ball weevils have dam Hgad bla cotton rsnaidsnSbly. Ho does not think now that be will —akr more than Walt a erop where ho was sx pwtinr to get a bale and a half to the acre. Mr. Weaver —id 0—t the w—eil bad not attacked toe cotton of eomc of hie'neighbor*_Smitfafield Observer. “Bat-Swap Basks the Best Trap Ivor ** Mrs, Easily Skew Bays bought $g trap. I of RAT-SNAP. Tbs 9 rata but RAT # week. I'm■ never .--JV Raekan I eould o withoot lk“ RAT i' Si s5kn*- T9ir— slats, yc, ll.ll. Sold and guaran rv v Mrs- F. A. Lae Eatartalm. Mr* P. A. Lm delightfully enter lamed with a porch party Monday f'traooa from fear to six In honor I her hoax guest*. Mrs. W. L. Clip per cad Mm Will Crime* of Ltxfng ex The Miecioat porch was decorated with feme and baskets of flowers xml tables were arranged fer Hearts Dire. Upon arrival the gusete ware ■erred fruit punch by Miaeei Klisa beth Eiaell and Bessie MasmngiD. After tbs game sa lee courts follow ed by note was served the follow!tel guceti. Mrs. W. L. CripUvsr, Mrs. Will Crimea. Mrs. J. J. Leas, Mrs. A. 1_ Newberry, Mis. R. J. Noble*. Mrs. William PearsaU, Mrs. H. 0. Mattox, Mm. Cart Barefoot, Mias Me te Harper, Mrs L A. Tart, Mrs R. L Warren, Mrs. J. H. Burnell, Mrs. N. M. Johnson, Mrs. H. B. Taylor, Mr*. Durham Thyior, Mrs. Harper Hoflidsy, Mrs. BcttJaT ,.:;SHM>L Holliday. Mrs. Settle, Mao Ettisos Goddard, Mr* Ed Smith. Mrs. Bsotly, Mrs. Herbert McKay, Mr* J. W. Whitehead, Mr* B. O. Townsend, Mr* Z. V. Snipes, Mr* W. K. Col Irea#, Mrs Marvin Wads. Mrs. Wil liam Thompson, Mr* E. Barefoot. Mr*. H. S. Freemen, Mr* J. B. Smith. Mill Supplies) * > i > * • « » 4 • 4 • < I < » I ' < I 4 > < > I » * > ‘ I « I I > I ► I I 4 I I I < * 4 * 4 » 4 i 4 I * > < > 4 I 4 > 4 I 4 » •te*, etc. ARE RIGHT i - . . || I ' I > _ 4 I » < I < I l I i A. g.Ca ___ i OATH CAAOUMA | 1 ' Wanted Fam < d$ ! r f a n " "T 1 -- Do yea wont to Mil T V^« t iato cash or interest bearing Company has had farm lands aad bow. Oar auc wry hast. We wire brass band. write as and oar cod tract ■««» will now booking tales fir September, •mber. We take pi i jure in pest customers or eay boose here. GrqsUniTygiB Really Company • I * * * Bcnoettralle, Sooth Caro. I 1 1 1 I ■!«»—3 " 1 1 Going To Have Some Sur plus Money This Fall? Before yo\ invest it, see us. We may oe ab|e to ^rve y^rt^we))^\ XH-'y The Commercial Bank DUNN, —NORTH CAROLINA 4 per cent Interest Paid on Time Depomitt Something New at the Fifth -n nue Shop COME AND LOOK THEM OVER We have just returned from Now York where beauti ful selections of Maderia Work. Cost you nothing to see It. Madeira Scarfs, Madeira Pilloy^UM, Madeira Baby Crash LtnenfMa deira Batiste, Madeira Handkerchiefs, Madeira Round Table Covers, \ladeafa Napkins, Madeira Geest Towels, Madeira OvWls,'Madeira Baby Dross, - Madeira Carriage Cov r, Madeira Baby Cap, Ma deira Carriage Pillow Claes, Hand-made and Waists, trimmed i dth Filet Cluny and Irish 1 sees. Silk and Wool S reefers, Slipover and Tueado ^ r ., »! ; We have just received a ilg line of them and we will gelj them at reaaon&ble prices. Yours |r business, " "THETTFfH AWNUE SHOP, Iric. — “ ' DURANT AUTOMOBILES $995. DELIVERED __ f $ CAR LOAD JUST RECEIVED The xar with/all the features of /a high priced automobile at a cc»t any can af ford tolpa 1. ask for Demonstration Jarvis Motor Company SALES and SERVICE * * I Salesroom in City Garage Building ****************^

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