HtMt. pnimluiy ia atrietly farm 'pf tectier-e. Tab ia oat plrwoaat nows retail itotse la tba average Mall wn. bat it h want they may ox »»« Tbera U only one way ia which the ’drUbti mail aider campaign* can *•- combatted, and that b by local me* r ban La frankly T^'ni-g their merri-andlmiag goadbUHias to the yaopk rhrawgh adrcrtiiiag. It is a well-known fact that the Mg maa order rewerna maintain depart ment* of ca»ii4otmhU mags itailc to eaaeh op the ton whore tba mer chant* appear to lack eaterprbo. Then they coacoatmU their hwttar Ico of advvr.iilag and catalogue 4U I- button. The mot order house never pro*. pr.a n a towj whoro the local mar chant* jMvcrlbo ceiubtrntly, ha 3Mito the mail order men know they ra - compel* with the local atom if tha merchant understand* kb km risen*. The chomnnos* with which tba bia ■u>H order rasa can buy ia mm than ’*•'* by Ok low eerihead the local i-mid-icwl can get along with. Ta <** hi* own. however, the local mer chant mat not kMe kb light under .. bueltrl. The public need* rBnnaHug ta a knowledge that they can buy at home *** cheaply, that they can actually mo "hit they are haying before they pay ft' ft, ami that they do not have :o wait sometime* for week* for the dei'very of the article they want. Tltc National Cloak B Suit Co. ic l-n'1- .t heavy iucrcaae la Ita buciama, 't in the coanlry, though it i* doobt ' t* It tk < great concern carries aay lh:r.{T like the line of up to date jroode carried by local atarea through out tk* country. Whcu the merchant* get ready to Mr. Vnauhnm, Fa^r, Tala lUelh u- All HI* Mm M Coe. '‘Same time ago sent away far Toma ped*T-<-J soed com. Put It in a runny act and hang it oa a rope •crpctulod from roof. Bata got it all —bow beat* me. hut they did be rate 1 got I dead whopper* la the i'*o'Trtnc after trying BAT-SNAP." Vhreo t'Hh Me. Uc, ILti. Bold and -aowi treed by Bailer Brae . Hood B Gmn.b-m. Wilson and Lae. MONTH Toot of Cooyer, N. '•E»»«x thowU. Ob of bil ny else in t>tf! way of boy feed Uul drill do tbi*T All wfe law*! tiled tip fsBtl don't know thf valna of boy Iced. For *a!e in clatknbeM bay* oat) by L. P. SCBUS8. Dual N. C. ltc U* plainly to dm pcaple they will , have nothin* te fear (ram the mall i •*^*r ■•*> bwt if they remain silent, I i thaa the outsider will surely burrow his way inta their profit*. Seif-tot Irfaetiea has spelled maay , a bankruptcy.—Carolina ■ Banner. PICS, PEEVESSITY AMD PERSE VERANCE By W. W. SHAT Necessity has for a long time bean recognised by a great many peopht a> the mother of invention; by other* the relationship of the two hnr been questioned. The *spr< avion ■■ suscep tible to mere than oao interpretation and a debate oa that topic would, no doubt, be Interesting. The fallowing b submitted on the | side of the affirmative. It b a true story h* which wa Irnre that !n genuity may at one and the num llme aave :bc day. time, temper., mo ney, and n litter of pigs. H. A. Fatten of Xew Bern, b the fci lunate owner of an old eow with notions of har own as to the rnv.r onment under srbich a litter of pig* should be bom. One day last Janaary In anticipation of a coming event which hud evidently cast its shadow over the mind of eaid sow. Mr. Pat — —» — s nN'uw, IP vi'gled th* sow into a lot wherein was located a comforUbl* house de signed for occupancy by thn *ow and hvr exported family. That night it mowed. Thn next morning Mr. Put ten hied him to thn hog lot coofidenotly ex pecting to admire a brand new lilUr •f p'g*. the while he computed pro bable profit! to he derived from a safe and can* system of feeding, of which bo Is a demonstrate ! coccsm ful practitioner. Safety was to bo ob/orved further by doing the admir ing from a distance and a fence, his ■trectatlon sea* dua to the known an certainty, of th* now’s temper ondrr inch eirconutances. Ii« had no arru ple* aboat raising boys to be wsxriou sad bsllevwd in sducalien by exam ple. v Upon bh> arrival at the hog lot, Mr. Patten discovered by foot prints tn th* enow,. not only the. pairing of time, bat thn cow us well. Evident ly elie had determined to exorcise the prerogative of her aex and finally have her own way about th* matter anyway. Thn footprints referred to , >*d with the tllrecincm of fato and dutcna'siatlon to thn weakest point in -he fence, through it, and in the •?«nerol direction of tfca woods, a half :< m lc distant—a plain record of feminine wiltfulnefs, with a sinking ■ 'crustion. whxh is the inusl accord "■7 CMfH amy »*l 3np in rrmtmr -to f,i„n U> RAT-SNAP (WiUlr kfll* ■lit* and mica. iJ) What it iioaui't kill it 'caryo away (A) Rot* killed' with RAT-SNAP leave no 'mall, they! d-y Dp Inaiila. (■*> Vada n cake*, no! nixtr.* with other food. (6» Cat* or doga won’t touch It. Three *ixo*, tic. A5c. tl.25 Hold and nnrmitecd by Rood and Grantham. Wilaon and Lee, mnlment of 1.1 c m ti* -vith • \ •atiaiu io purs**:!, of „ V.v* j o b* in what u listrn ■«l «» a “jtaU' of n,i»;V Mr. fnittl ‘oUwwcd ff-n.rd »f pe*-v»'*jty, a* roa the b*g coll-?:. S< Id, c"n**ity thr rornar of the met. .-tulb.c ItrUl. ii.-atlgh a thick,I, over r * *»t>!I, acro-.i ,he branch and ("to Ike w-oda. The reader may bare g-rihered from •hat has already been wilttnt that hia partilalar now was Inclined to be touaewhst particular about ihu com pany aho t’.i'pt; aj a matter of fact. it auch limci the wa* utterly Wring In aociai qsulities, and not ot all par* Ik-alar about whoa* feeding/ wrTr in jured by the plainly evidenced pre ference for peace solitude. A sudden rush, born of farioos feminine frenzy, accompanied by the v'tupdmtiva ywine language bordering on the pos itively indecent, followed by a vicious lot; at a perfectly good bln* overall leg made It rlcur to the somewhat startled ind of Mr. Patten thrfl. for one in a way. hia room wa* preferable t n h sa <• hmna n v Datn« a I n sAm, sensitive disposition any way, Mr. Patton took the hint—Mini tin* near ext (tump. After the entire family, consisting of the mother and nina, had vigor oualy cxpioaxi-tl their opinion of anj one who would come bo,ting in where they were not wanted, ami u policy of Watchful waiting hail our.-ncdci actuni warfare, it wao . ahvioua te the financially In te re* ted Mr. Patter ihnt casualties were rertain to follow rho exposure of the em-ruico’ positlOE wh:ch was without defer-.e from th« denemi. By this lime his own frame sf mind Hpd somewhat improved. H< without advertising his intention, die down the side of the stump oppositi the tow ami quietly made his waj whence he came. When calm reason had complete]] replaced hot pterion, hi* r.^itrall; philosophical mind rcsnmrd opera lion. A hmin coll in the back of hli head offend: “An ounce of brain i: worth a ten of muscle.” "That’i al right as far as it goes,” thought Mi Patten, ax he rtopped and retail] wl—11 -a j— 'jj .ubi-ed hie injair l !>r. “but bo*v *• bout a tea ud * half?" By the time S- bail ariirmt at tho bam hi* plan j-i complete, Hr callad for ro in Cor nu nt. Hr and a hired man JtUchrd a team to a wagon, loaded an empty «1, drove to the eeenc of the re cent conOiet, lowered the barrel by the aide of the irate row, lowered li'm-elf insida the barrel, gathered ho ahieering offspring of the rago I boiling mother, putting them in the ' barrel, rlimbod out of the barrel into :bo wagon, druw the barrrvl with It* to* ruing cootonb* up late the wagem and vietorouaij drove for home lit •he rain which bad bean threatening 111 mo ruing, foUewhd by a baffled and beaten, but by no means peni tent, mother. Can you beat it? _ LEGAL ADVERTISING NORTH CAROL! HARNETT COT P. B. JOHNSON V. SIMON STETf ART: Before, A. ». GRIMES. J. P , Grore Town*hip, Harnett Count*. TIOTICE The defendant abode named will take notice that an action entitled aj aborc * uneaced in the Jnatiee of t Court of Grore Townrhlp, County, North Caro" r Judgment for the mta interact from the 7th, , 1922, and coat ol »uit and fend ant will furtbai take noth t he la required tc appear be. t. F. Grime*, J. P at bia office Grore Township el the City of. N. C., on the 5th day of 8e 1922, at 10 o’clock n. m., an. . t or denar to thii union or the minis tiff will apply foi relief drmondad in anid action. Thie tha IM day of July 1922. • A. F GRIMES, •lattice of the Pence. Auk 4 11 IS 15 Sept 1. .NOTICE Under the power of tale con tala* in a certain mprtK*K< deed, caccutrc i on the 10th ddy af January 1922 b; Sam Thomas;and eAfe Madeline Thomaa. to Ndfl Jooopb ami record* in Harnett Coftnty in Book 198, pap 249, default bffrinK been made in tb< -.■ I" ■aSBgkBt-— ^-8_a payment of th* not«t aecnrtd thereby the oniie reigned mortgagee will ex po** to sale at public auction to th* n.gbeet bidder for mb of lb* court boon* door In LtUington, Harnett County *t 1>:00 o'clock M. *•! Tburo day, September 14, A3lTth* follow deecrttw il tract of land; Lying and being Aruoaboro. Townaklp, Harnett tibsutayrsituated in th* Town ef Dnnn and beginning at the Intersection of the wnotwnrdly McmaaBosaaBm Hne of Washington Street and the Southward' tins of Divine Street run ning westwdwlly a* Washington Street 75 feetXto the corner of the lot told by Joeekhinr Thomas to Qeo. Cannady; thefee -Southeastward^ parallel with Dfcirri Street 200 feet: thence Southwmwarrily and parallel ta Washington Street 75 feet to Di vine Street; • thence KorthWeetward ly at Divine Street 200 feat to the beginning, being the South westward half of Lot No. 4 ht Block “A" 2 Id the plan of the Tows of Donn and being a part of t!|a lan da convoyed to Joeophine Themap by (feed of W. E. Cannady and vb boating date of November 14. l»lf and recorded la Book If Z, page 447 Id tbp ofllco of the Bcrteter of Deetla ol aetd Bar nett County. Thii A usual 9, 1928. NEILL JOSEPH. Mortgagee. Aug 11 18 25 8cg>t, 1. Horsfbrdk SELF-RAISING BREAD PRJEPARATIO Ordinary flofcr lark* tha phoophataa which hofld bdaisJaaaela,aiaow. Hora ford'o la rich fa fan* phoophataa. Tha. haao Mtt-raUacrlour ia mada by nix. la* Horaford’Jlrith a food grad* of , floor. Uae HMtford'a for haajth and PraiTOTB, (fanhal fwy Prcridano*, R. L HaMu DtBdomt Hot Brmatk SAVE th« Pr—mwh IIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIlipillllllllll_‘ t /-:--\ BUGGIES ^ AND = f WAGONS There Never Was a Better Time to Buy BUGGIES and WAGONS Than Now, When You Can ^iiy the Best at Moderate Prices. / Thornhill and Nissen Wagons Tysoh & Jbnes and Ox ford buggies None Better Can Be Made A LARGE ^UMBER ON HAND J. W. FITZGERALD V i rA . • * f ' - :: t - ' ■ Av" /f/ im f gfatsrc recognised everywhere. And here’* new proof of it* endurance: Stude baker's sales of repair parts, covering accident* ss wen as service, for tbs first seven months of 1922 were Isas than they were for the first seven months of 1919, in spite of the fact that 196,000 new cars ware sold and put into operation since January 1, 1920. Tbs Special s** at $1275 repre sents • new standard of value— tbs greatest value Studsbaksr has ever offered, and that means a value that is positively rmappmsrhnrl ' anywhere in tha industry. I Smith A McKay I I | I T M I • It A tTUDSBAKXK TEAK I---- - J9 ’ •; • '* 1 y 2 / V . ]