PREPARE EXHIBITS NOW FOR THE FAIR AT DU® OCTOBER 10 TO 13-GREA THE DUNNfDU VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH CAMXJ>AepTEMBER I*, IMT > iO WN-DYER CO. TO BRING SHOWS TO FAIR AT DUNN *.! ut Aggregation To Bo Prin cipal Amuiemeot Attrac tion Along Midway EFACE IN EXHIBIT HALLS GOING LIKE HOT CAKES Health Conference Tourna ment And Other New Fea tures Attract Much Atten tion-Chief Marshall Want* Assistants — Advertising Matter Being Distributed. The Brown-Dyer shows, the great est carnival aggregation to travel tbs Southern Fair circuits this year will furnish all amusement features slang the giant midway of the great fair ut Dunn this year. This was announ ce! yesterday by Bills Goldstein, busi ness manager of the Harnett County Agricultural Fair Association, whs conferred with managers of tha mam moth shows while he was In She North a few days ago. tutmraiton ot a irritative a*rea lm nt made between Mr. Gsldstein Mid the show company era* made Wednesday night by telegram. The Brown-Oyer thorn are the lar ged over to have vleitcrl Dunn. One tolid train of ears is required to trrncport its tents, iVienagerios and other attractions. It erlH arrive here over the Atlantic Coast Line on Sun day morning preceding Tuesday, Oc tober 10. when the fair is to open. Work on other features of the fair Is progressing nicely. The child health conference, to be held under the direction of Mias Harris, commu nity health nurse, promise* t* be one of the moet attractive features of the (air. Through this conference ev ery child below school age in the entire Dunn District will be gives sn opportunity to. be examined for artist 'r aver defects hV or the might have. Mr. OoldbteUf, who last weak stat ed that a tours want wwud&he held rounding country have expressed a desire to enter the lists. The winner of this tournament is to choose and ■ crown the queen of the fair, who with her eourt will open the fair each morning and have access to all shows on the midwdy. Dick Taylor, chief marshal is work ing htrd to line up at least fifty mar thals to asaist- V® during fair wetk. [ Each mardimlV must have a horse. Me Taylor dntires that ail who care to become marshals communicate with him at once. COTTON CONSUMPTION SHOWS AN INCREASE Ctaiti Bureau** Figure* Far A eg art Iwoedl Statistic* Far The »—th Washington, Sept. 15—Cotton con tained during August amounted to S27.404 belea of lint and 80525 bale* of llnters, compared with 4UJMI of lint and 66,424 of ilntora In July this year an^ 467,069 of lint and 62,106 of lintera in Atteu,'. last yoar, the cent nr burcaa announced her*. Cotton on hand August 81 was a* follow#: Held in consuming eotabHdrments, 1,025,904 bale* of lint and 116,891 of linten, composed with 1415,106 of lint and 184,60? of linten on July 31 ihii rear and 1.006.066 of Hirt and 190,628 of I In ton on August 91 last year. \ Held in public storage and at com presses 1,814,649 bales of Hnt and 80,684 of llntort, compared wMh lr 488,086 of lint and 64487 of I in ton on Jaly 81, this year, eomparad wllb 8,186,984 of lint Aaguat 81 last your. Export* totalled >78,108 bale*, in cluding 4,490 moist of !Inters com pand with 978,789 including 9,109 at lintcra this year, aad 847,897 tnatod >"P 7,888 of Union In August bat ynar. Spindles active daring July this year numbered 88,499484 eomparad with 81,976.889 in July this and Mr 990,766 in Aaguot last year. fttatlsUea for cotton growing state* follow i Cotton consumed during Aagaot 988.898 boles compered with 9044*8 in July this year and 877408 la Aug net last year. ■Cotton on band Aoguat 81 waa hold ao followar In consuming establishments 408. 861 bales compared with 989498 on July 81. this year and 898489 on August 81 last year. la public storage aad at torn prim ao 1477,788 baba, eomparad wKb W 988.877 on Jaly 81, this year aad 8r 888.877 on Aaguot II, ytur. A shows and a hatr-oat mab* a Am 4 legatee foe soma fellow* »•* 1 ■i > ,A INTEREST IN ELECTION CENTERS ON VOLSTEAD 4t, Paul, Mian., Sept. IX.—Con rreaunan Andrew J. Vototead. father of the prohibition enforcement act, will ba opposed for re election la the November election by the -»-* who defeated him in the primary two years ago. This costa* in tha seventh Minne sota congressional district rivsto In interest the three-cornered light for the United States senatorehip. hi which a woman—Mia. Anna Dickie 0*«»*n—has boon setting tha cam paign place for her two male oppon ents. Prohibition is not an tosoe In tha contest involving Vototead, for he will be opposed by the Rev. O. J. Kvale, of Benson, who declares Mor tal f “as dry as Vslrtsad with a little to spare." Mr. Volstead has tha en dorsement of ths Republican district convention, while both the Demo cratic and the tanner-tabor conven tions endorsed tha candidacy of Rev. Kvale in 1660, as tha candidate of the non-partisan league seeking the Republican nomination. Rev. Kvale noted oat Mr. Vototead In tha Jans primary by 17.669 votes to 11,066. Then choices of Violation at tha state corrupt practices act against Rev. Kvale'was sustained, the nom ination was declared vacant, and the L U „ ^ »-»-■! -_(AS s •d Mr. Volstead as the RopohUean candidate. > With the approach of the fall elec tion that year, the Kvale faction eir mlated petitions that enabled hhn to flle aa an tndepednent and in n three/ooraered race — a Democratic candidate having entered—'Volstead polled se^ac votes; Kvale JS^TQ, end the Democratic candidate, MH. This year, with Kvale bearing the Democratic endorsement, it wiH he a Inieb light between Kvale end V«h itaad aad the question lies in what* itrength the old farmer-labor—organisation has able to ratals. lege of taking off their shoes after rapper for a membciuhip in the beat club in town. KOHLOSS DIVIDES MEN OVER STATE Six Countim To Bo AnoigwH To Each Sot oi Three Pro hibit loo A(mU BaUical change* in the distrlbuttoa cf hii fore* of 64 Sold deputies to a* to coyer all parts of tbs State alike was announced Thursday by A A Kobleee, -federal prohibition dimeter. Heretofore nearly the entire force nas been concentrated hi the Wimtern half of the State, one man being pla ced in a number of counties while raiding partlae containing aa many <s ten agents bars been eant from pipes to place In order to cover terri tory where there are no agents. Both of those condition. wOl ho eliminated under tbe new echo me, which will be pat Into effect imme diately. The general nehtme is that the deputiea ah nil be divided into forces of three sad each ferae he aaalgned a territory of dx counties. Commenting upon the charges that an automobile containing a woman Had been shot by on* of hln deputies Director Kohlom asserted that of 14 lutomobUe* reload by hln farces dur ing the month of Augunt IS contain ed women. The report for the month showe that federal oOcraa seined and de stroyed during the month 141 illletl atm*. 71/610 gnDons of malt liqoon and a large amount of other liquors the total value of St# destroyed prop erty being M.64H. Other vehicles In addition to the >4 automobiles ru the value of the property seised and not destroyed up to UJU. the au to mobiles being reined Ml IS,441. Oaring the month of Angara, fad era) agents mode 107 ornate end rao a mm reded til arrette, the arnragi arreeU being slightly mare than ban fmt edBaor. BLOW AB U. POttO Eagnae Field man aMfi a tbetr fal debtor, and H. H. Kahaaat talk tho lataat etary of Me dhariaaae h IbU regard. William E. Onrtla, of ohom PM, borrowed lit eoma years before eaale to Chicago from Wellington Ha ealled an the goat and remind* Urn of hla debt Next day Field print ed this paragraph la Me eehnan, -William K Cortla, dm noIUmetr rerrcopredeat of the GMeage Seaerd is la the «tty fee a few days tootdn NARROW RANGE IN PRICES OF COTTON War Cloud la Tbo Noar Eaat Papraaalag Factor; Crop Estimates Go Lrwor New Orleans, Sept 17.—The rang* of prices In the cut tea market this weak sees rather narrow, the trading positions moving oyer 77 to 87 points from tbo highest to the lowest Dar ing o good part of tine than was a fairly even balance of i nil servers which prevented wide price now men’s. ^ Ths main depressing factor eras the war cloud in the Near Boat, while the main sap porting factor was tho Increasing depression to contend that ths prase Bt crop wUi hardly smount to more than 10,008,000 baloa. Highest prices were reached at the middle of tho weak whan tbo trading month* were 10 to M poisu over the do as of tho preceding week; lowest prices wars reached on the ciuomg Mmn wnen u>*y war* u to 06 points ueder. The close »u at net loses* of 46 to 59 potato. October traded a* high as 21.54, fell off to 20.81 and closed •I 20.67. In Hi* spot deportments prices last 16 point* on middling, which closed at 21.04 cento ageinal 19 54 on the close of this week last year. , Fear of tbs spreading of fighting in the Near Cast wa* aseinly re sponsible for the sage in the end af the week, bat, at the same data, •eller* were held wttfcin the boon do by the weather djptaihancu* in the weet Golf of Mexico and the appar ent threat that H aright extend op into Texas over Sunday by too meeh rain in the Soothers half af tho Mt •ad by the appearance ef a harriean* lh tbs West Indie*. Crop aoetaato of the wash were nearly altogether aaaadafactory an they indicated far ther' forced maturity of the p4a*t pecaMtare opening of boll* aad 4 rapid winding op ef picking in many Sections af the bait, which was ae end at the end of the weak the trade or a good part of tt, was *-lwt-g about the total crop in terms af ten million bates, and somewhat ander., A. — . w__a _ - - _A si.. 1 w««k placed the percentage of the' qpixHtion at 49.4 aad the Indicated yield at 9,900,000 halaa; another placed condition at M.t aad the crop at 9302,000, while a third pvt condi tion at M3 aad the Indicated yield at 9,900,000. Spot markete of the Booth did a ■teady volume of baateeaa of fairly largo proportion*, tn the early cee ■iosa. It waa elates ad t*at the bmts waa oaaior, bat latter aad rapaoially toward the etoae It waa claimed tn many aecUoaa that tho baaia VMM hardening again and that owner* oil vote ware not aa randy aaliaia aa fortaerly. Picking aad ginning were reported to bo making rapid progress in all acetiona of tho belt with a vwt amovnt of cotton open in tho Sold*. Till coaling, wtak foreign political noma again maJkbe a vary promlitont Influence, bat weather condition* will have to be watched eloaely baeaoaa of aaoettdod condition.. Rains or wiaditorma probpMy weald have a marked buUiah affaet on the trade. Hurricane movements win ba af ab sorbing Interest. Reports fata* the Interior regarding the prognaa of the crop will bo of increased Im portant*, became thia coming weak wtH practically and the September and final condition ported of ' the Michigan ... Ingiy repudiated Hairiniiyiaa when they want to tho poHa end cart a veto of « to 1 againat Senator Townsend the defender of an apologia! for Now berry. Tho aatl-Ntwhaivy vote, kvwevar, vss divided botwaoa tho throe opponenta af Senator Towmeod w»o la tkU way area red > raialai Uea by a phnaUty under 21,000 te eter Tovroamd reeel red {a feet only If per cant of the rota. Chairmen Carte Hail ot the Dcm •etaMe National Coaunlttee pointed oat In a etgned atateaent that Ale bfte la aa oarnaaue that Aa great mefority of 1 Michigan Kopobllcam will Join wfch a)] gaod eWaoae at the palU neat November A »»>» piiam nentfy etwtln tJketr verdict la the Miehigan prlmartco. Ia Meeeaehoeette Senator Lodge, after thtrty yean* of earriee la the . Senate, ran behind the BtpabBcaai eaadMeto far Cover*or, and Ahagb I renominated by a large majiallf or ■ or hie appanant, eboot TO.oac Maaae ehueette RopdhHeaae rated far hh ■opponent oe a prateat agate* re* tin . alag bate A pabUt Ufa. At All r rate Haaaaehneette bare, irate an - ineiaragaf to bolter* Aay aaa oo COTTON H SATURD *08 Ba k*1 MORE THAN OF THIS To«n Royal. Hard Tima Quantity' i^£r *OUM, Cotton la k n* boll utd flood* an Irani* at tfc* vho oaao agaia Last k* fleecy atayla i fiea tar muabar than ha* aver ban •old «o early in the etun as tbia Many of the famine eotlinc bora last week bare never sold hue be fore. All were eatMed with the price* fteen and with the treatment accorded then. Ton Royal believe* that the open ““riret will'vbandl* nor* than- 10, 000 bales of this year's crop. MRS. N. A. TOWNSEND NAMED VICE-CHAIRMAN Will Have Dinah* Over Dame mtia WutM'1 AeWvhtea la Harmii> Caewtj Mr*. N. A. T lima and yerttrdxy wm«; appointed Tka-OWirman, of the Harnett County Democratic Ixecs Uto Committee bj H. L Godwin, chairman orf the committee. Mm. Towrmend wlH work directly under the State Wee-chairman, Mlm Mary Handenon, of Salisbury, who he* chars* of the Political aettWUed of Democratic women In North Car Win*. One of her first andartak i"»» wHJ ho to get a tors* tical of women mtem to UUinstoa to hear Gwrarapr Cameron MarWson’a epeeeh *a Thursday, October 8. which wOl mark Dae epeniac of the Democratic *aaipal«r la Harnett scanty and cen tral Carolina. Mrs. TownaandS dntlee wffl bo Mentieal with too** of Chatman Godwin ex*apt that her effort* will ho confined eolely to the direction of the wnmea'e department of the exe <uttrt committee. HIGH SCHOOL HEADS TO CONTE* IH RALEIGH A two-day aaaaion af High Mwl principal* from eighteen' eoaattel will ha h«M la Raltegk Frday and Oat. aaday laptotebor SS40. Principal* wt] attend from Waka, Oatbaaa, Parson, OraarrllU, Bandit, Jofcteton. Vanes, PraahRn, Waaraa, Witaaa, Naah, Ways., La., Aaaan, OMrtiibli, On. Chathaa* and ttebmaad. In addHIoa to mUim 'aiaftaii obleb will be bran** to tha attan 1- d It. prise ipata by ^maban af tha atafr of tha State Dapartma* af Bdnaattoa tear* will b* a dlaena alaa of saeh toptea as "T%* Ttaahtoi af Voaattonal Sdb}oem la Hlgl ■aboaU," “Toashar Tratotog," -Jin PUaseial SUa af Ifca High Baboo Work," "Tha PriHi af Hi*fc Sab so Athlattea," "EhanM tha Mmol Dm >• Langthaand," “To What Extern •bated tag molted Stody bo ban doted T” **Tha Mater High tohaoL “What Tbsy Ara and What Tho •hated El" . V ; ‘j-' BUSINESS SHOWS 'i BETTER RECOVERY New York, -Bcpt.. IT.—-Bp the ha •Deleted Prapa.)—Report*yaaalrad in B none It] and bvmlnea* qurttn dar ia* the peat weak iaditate that the henry induetrtaa era inalBin a rather better raeorary Yreia the effect* af the etrffca* than -bad been antiatpatad Baft tad oetpct l* retrain* cteee ta 10,BM|aMi wad a weak and rap*Mu af Aja eoaunodRy' an path that the ateel lnduatay, • which fall* In ♦he lawaat elaa* af pateKty. la an* reaehrln* Baffle loot fad ta ana at: alxty par earnt af *apa*Ry teamed af, the. M par cent of two aeeb a**.' Kere Waat fanaaaa arc bebt* blawa ta aad the trad* dptrta at of Aatnath laaata t. Ma raayaat ta h* wade food praapntty. • I heWta* Beater. * . The thatthq*. farter 'la ateel work •« ta mar ••mill (fate* Jbm. 1M0. THt Iam total b *9,000 Mb creator than that m July, an* wm* recorded before the recent re* me cion of prsviou wage scale*, want iato effect. The (hawing mime one reason why the manufactarsm were wilhn gto restore the higher wage*. It was corned, la addi tion, that couamption hu Inereoud farther tinea wot* wae ruauaiad In a number of New England rarlDe. Wheat prices continue weak an* der the influences of crop rerolpte. hedge (oiling and the continutiao of faverafalf weather. Official es timate:* place the condition of the crop at clou to 400,000,660 buetveh, ■ figure which indicate* the export able turpima of amity 100,000.000 huhoU. A fair amount of foreign baying ia taking place on tha breaks, bat tkio haying ia not suffi ciendy strong to more than chock tha doe]me ud nnoauaJly la followed by weskasas la the foreign ex changes, when the corresponding commercial bills are pis tied ia the market. • Csusa Crap Owtkah. A similar coaditian exist* la cot ton, although this commodity re esatty hu felt, the supporting forgo of «»usually bullish private ersp reports flnass quarters seem to ho lism that this year's yisld will urftant te only 10,000,000 halm u compared with ths govemsseofs Sop tom bar 1 Agars of 10,676,000 by* In any evsnt, it is eonaldortd that tha pries ef American farm products la Mfferiag materially an account of saaatiafactary economic ronditlon* After NTtitl w^aks of slight do cliaas, Uio rnoiso ratio of too Pod onl Boaorva system has torso ta a •tendWill It hat sot, howrrsr, aa fat thtwn tilt anti rteovtry frost >Ater Day damandi. possibly as tee torn of tha proximity of tha tax date. Haw capital Iaraaa SM tn craaalng aftar a parted af Nam InaotteHy and Mila ate vara aat la npaatad to eoatinoa. ft la thaaglrt teat tea Hast traah af two ahoald Mw whathor tea Moaap markat ratchad a taming point. — VKTMAMf CMUB TO NUT Idtengten, Bap*. IB^-AD Oonftd •rota ratcriM d storing ta attead tea anawal Bute raaalan at Ateartlte an BapteeAar 10, 17. U art aigad to i mat hart an Batarday, Boptanibai I*, te arranga with Adjutant I. H I NeAHIaUW far tmnoputartita fltei I Board af Canty Oommiatoanon i tenia aa aHiwotn ta dafmp export I cat af tea retomns te tha matte • tad Adjotaat MaAM later to snxlow 1 to teoat te of team kora fetaiteq r to ■ Waldo who to going te atetnd th< AiterNh mtithig ■Jl1 «MP ■ W—I MATNAU WON LOCAL . FAME IN TREE CLIMB Theiste Ural BeMa V. Maynard, known. a> the "Flying Fanoo** wkaee MW death loot Tharoday grioeod Made throughout tho aattoa, rUmb od tho flmt round oa tho ladder of loos) faaee. while a barefoot lad, at tending Doll oriMol, at Detmay, flaogp «oo eoanty, ercording to a Mary ro tated by oU fries do flonday. * >rNoar tho school than wan a ft toot pine tree, aad faring a reeeoo period, eeeeral of tho otudaata darod Selvin to eltatb this tree mad ptaeo the American Sag at tho lop. Without a momeat's heeftetlna -ouag Maynard climbed tho taaa,' ptaead tho flag at the eery top, Wa ned dopn, ekinatag hU eklne to aeam eertent. That began Maynard's citato to lo cal fame, and in 1*1* be charted to aational fame when he made hto fa moae traai continental oliptaae flight. "And with all hie fame, he «a iaM the .aane," aid m Ml long Mead aad corifroninn. Be never tael the common touch, another* ro portrd, and. with all bit renown, ha war the am Be Win Maynard ta bis fnen<i« as be was before ha etappod into tho glare of thpoalrtom. HI* Him expo nonce with a n»»« l raglaa, m aarratad by frlaada, - ae •wnd din a dad. Ha boaght ana a* thoar aid faddancd adatar track*, equipped with wheel* abater to thaa* an buqnriee H* and a eonrpaiuen started a* la the Machine, pa lag briskly dawn the read far aba lit taa Milas, wrhaa tea aagtas died deader thaa Barter. tbs' breads* af Ms Kate C a ad sap, daughter af Mr. and bn John F. Ooodacn. af ML Often. —Morning tear. DABNEY WARNED OF WEEVIL PERL Fonmr 3tnU CImnM Urgwd TwMToHteMwnrt Of Part ff, twenty-<We you* ago, tha Mat* of Tam had taken tha advice of Dr. Charlaa W. Dabney, Jr., ea moaaa of lighting the hoB wuevil the South might have been apasad the faazfal coat ad tha weevil's op eration*. Dr. Dabney at the tfcna ha wiata tha goecraer af Texas aad argil precautionary maaaaraa agaiaat. tha evil araa seat riant aec rotary of tha OalUli State* Department af Agri culture. Ha was at ana tinea North Carolina State chemist aad was aae af the aarmhpra af the Watauga Club, one of the Mhaeatlal laataaa in bringing about the mtahHahauaaf of the State Collage of A|th*lkgt and Mechaincal Engineering. Dr. Dabney'* letter, which maa ad dreaaed to Hon. David S. ClhlWH than Governor waa as faOaarat “What an tha ahaaaaa that *a Lagialatura will paaa a gaaaral law an the .object af injuries laaecta aad diaaoaaa af ptaata fariag this aeaalanT During my raaoat vMt to Taxaa 1 found oat tha haB aattfl WM TJiciunj m Ml BIW VI IRIU Vli and while in tome place, the lost ad the tap crop thrMfh aMMMMT draught had perverted any great •grand, still, la Dm efctrHy ad Vle terla aad la lira, there had been a» undoahted grel af forty at ftftp m-'lee along taUreada. Dr. llewapd tall, me that hr ml yea MaNh Ml a copy of BnDette M af tho Mato Board of Rortfaahara af ChMirnh coatalniac a fall Meant af ftha pro lent lew aad iigalallaar af that Mate. He ea.ild.r. this ts ha the heat law oa the eahjeat w* h ep aretlea aad 1 bells*. that pan eawld oat da batter than to has# panr haw apon it. Of eaama. the I . | MUNICIPAL HOTEL IfSa 0 M r T; 1" Vi Ar; ll i y’A 8»$$ * • - Ja* ■kM CMtaH «M 1*wmm4 tm •tt—n. f 4nft » MS •• to ^ i LjSStereW tU «f DmlM^w iMr win ta tfc* MtUr •* M«t ’ •' * < y blocks. A fra days a«c stated fa* tea Ate could kt atdt Ms aa ideal faik. DUNN DEFEATS DUKE IN GAME 1 * lor Joy last Sit jr lay i ft waste state *• Dwf* TO and MM» taam. ir I ky Girard W.lsva, e’aafcad with Dit sad eanaa ate rletar, autetfav tad fate tea a Daaa team fcaa amnd aa tee Dafca faltasss la (kite yearn. A arm a ^ateaaa day f ar IMa fcaad it' m ' M t “ i to i to ;,y-■ ( I *

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