PREPARE EXHIBITS NOW FOR THE FAIR AT DUi THE DUNN VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH CAROL1H ι fBPJ I —Ι-ΐΤΒ1·—WP—I——i—— OBER 10 TO 13—GREATEST IN THE EAST ■ COWS AND HOGS MAY DEFEAT THE COTON WEEVIL I'-Vrnj Demonstration Servie* Atks Farmer* To Plant Lnnd To Paaturaire WILL ESTABLISH CREAM ROUTES IN DISTRICT !.)*&lrict A»cnt McLean Here to Help £d|e Get Started— Think» Cowi Will Prove One Of Mm! Valuable Invest· ment» Possible Agent To Aid Fair. Κνι·ι> fatmi-r ΐ·ι y·»· Dunn DiHrtet »·'·<» has be ll >1. votinc hi* land te .ο ton will be to plant tea :cit« of it to grha*Ki. nrrjjirf £ood «οι** tnd hoir» and luy thr found» ■ *l i-jt λ div< r»]9k-Ht4on (irogrnca vv!i m*ki· th» boH wcrvtl'n atr . uk Ui>o·. the community ni n*arljr hi m'u-a a·» pn«i)le, according te 'V.-tricl f^iin Agvttl M:L*n,n, who a whet Ikf Abbey Pkyin did 1er Ire-Unit." Tliij go on to quote tfc· c/tllc, W»-U»r Prtehard Baton, M »»Ttrijr 'jit Carol >n· (tudenta "an I tbi/r taught to writ· their own play·, about IhotT own people and Ihoir tin· <■·■■{· t.Y in, coetente than·, act than»." Cart of the volume it a paper by Toe Pente Croat on the dialect af the (•lay*. Tlx content ι include: "Whan Witehe* Hide,·' by BM«a heth Layj "Pofey." by Herald WIV lÎHm»nn; "Do»l Gaat Ye Beth," by Hu bert Htffnerj "Off Ν «c'a Head," bjr I)gcvi>t bunch of "pep" that hat b«an i,ijprtr apecial etr eua freight aaajOMt. ·< tka Brava and Dyér a«njttn»«> ·1Ρ We the «W baMbt Jko tawn. They iacloda the oae^alblc «Wrlcaa, the Brown and DrtdMI Animal Otreaa, wltk Caatatn α··Μ'· ten anfai miag Hon·, Htppodro·»· ι Indian·, ■ Κι ud Um Uw JtoMT) Ik· Ln4 of drome CbWMH tend; Hm Cardan rf •f porte ι —) ' U»<*· vmacai. TWa • ι hand·, all tetan·. , *t Moon; • I Motor r| Woedrr > Ik· W»rM; Ua Vfa«tnk XI» •ad · ·ο«7τ fNH| PMt War ExM II D«e a»d Mill·»·, SOLDIERS' BONUS l FAILS Of SENATE1 Tar HmU 1m Both Houu Vota To Refiuo .To 5u»t*ln I Proaidont'· Vote ' Wiiutringlon, Bcpt. XI).—The mI iicl··.' bomi* bUI failed toda>, the Bwnk'v vote falling iHort of the dm ciaary two-third· majority. The 8ri>«(r vote waa 44 to 18, ami came within a frw heart nfUr the! ttou»Uy doebltd. The rnn la whleh tha nurtaa har» bean itartnf hr*» baan «eiwtiM tut» audi fat patenta. The haapitel haa anaased tha nlna-raota dw»lH*f op petite H, ao4 la am aataff it iar a aaraaa* he··. UUf, patumt» w(U ka mtd far Dur· alee, Aa *4da4 ImUm, taa, U tha ' practically new iqitfant tlwmgbct th« mi tir· kalMlag, On·· making Κ I an inetltntlen that la tkorcmghly a*4 ern la mrf nrapeet. ..Bmum tfcto to the ealy kaapttal W ; twean Raleigh and Seaferd and ImHUUtd and FayaUorUla, tha aa* raoimadatian· are Nled all Mm thna. Dnko atay well he yraad af Ma brfto peiuabU aaaaC ULUNGION MART I IFOR COTTON BRISK UHingtoa, Sept. II—Six dMT»real flnwa bidding fer «otto· a· the local raaiket hu Mrrvi-rl to WÎ1 up η bit in th« cotton world aboeU. The (tapie noimiii to rofl la early In the aaomiag and until lata at night With Mk of the l-acal Jdns running night a» tkinr m comidcfsWf cotton baled ap, aad tke fanam predict that a (ear wacfca* tiaM «nly «m be cqulrid to take the white floacc fioa the field·. Oattoa harveodag •eat on will be ana»·ally Atit tMa There it tome repart of boO weevil «(ataagc, bat nothing what wat «xpertod eeveral when It beeaaae known that the were hart by Die mil Hone. In Λ «—*» la tba bar" itaf Ant Sm aoIdtara did In tha «hM » nut pUIMt tha kHij ha· far I that tfcp ·entry wfl imr g*t aaarj being giatafal, bat aa ta aary ι aaaa^aaiaatlaa af · 4·Oar a ι than tha dallar a day flat tha aa)4Ura| ware yavd. aaying In «fact. "Wall, baya, «a haaaart gat (bal ■onay aad aa yaa wW han ta trait] »« bava got tha way a* tha day] that Coaaiaaa trill liaton aa «a Md| pat a aalaa tax aa thai tha aaMiar boaaa WO ta , ad, whila at tha ι Haaa party la ylaaaiaç ta I ta Llbaria and Hardtaf ta| dataraatnad to gat I «abaidy. NURSDiG SERVICE VALUABLE TO DUNN PHWKAL HEALTH Sut· .taw Her· To Of Wark Far •Km Kwrii TUBERCULOSIS CLINIC TO Κ HELD LATER Tkt the MfleratM at · w*«W tlm· public hmttfc nunc atui teach t· the pfcyri—I mthrt of tti ·ββ* MBitJ «Μ *haw* yeatarday «tea Am p»blie health towltm Mt la S»« nil af the OuAm of Cm ■Mtc· with Ka· gastrin· Iota «aperriata* hihw for th· An ■ricaa Bad Cm·, and ylw—J a yea rta ta b* eheerred bjr Kin ίΤ at Chiiiii iM Haw lag fer tka ehlU haaltk eMfencr ta bo held eaeh day of tka iatr. Aftar the feir «he will ba in tka ottee en» afteroeon web w»rk ta fire· any advicc ar aa iMaatt ihrirM ta tkaaa «ba Bay ariL Or. H. C. Tariingtaa, city haaWb •dear m rleetnd chairman af tka COlBiBlCvcN* CflpOinUMl Djr KMjOT Tf MO la work wttk NI· iMrla. T. L *ld dfW, malm of Hw Chaatbrr W ffiria waa elected «earetaiy. Other ■>■*»■» H the nifltttt pw ■ant yaaUiday ««re Mm. L M. I«aMl ■HWMIIH tka WataM'* CJab ElHi Coldatein, repreaentiac tka M Croaa nrf fiafaaiai W. I. SalpM, r>pra· |mMi« tka eity tehoala. SOUTHERN SIGNS UP WITH BROTHERHOODS WMbhtftoii, 8»|< wm il«n«4 today by the feotbctn **i revreeeetetires of tW Oui·» of Untd Oadaeton m4 •f IU»»»y TnHf ntO Juwry ι. 1M4. BTfl by lb·! baif «I Um Movtkwr· by Henry W. MUUr, «iMfNtMMt IB ekarg· «f «ρ· irtlw», Ml by th· imnlMflM m4 W «m flrct U b· ekpm* by uy et lb n*d if tbe IhA, kI »M4la wuafctr·