THE DUNN DISPATCH: 1. MM ___ A · WSKK T> AND nUDAYSI u worn pora OK BATCf ! . .Τ.|1.0β| to MMtks î.ocl 1 Am Mb 60 Of ADVANCE irmtJorj to Tht of Vto , iltlUoM «wa lin topici in lavttat, but safer all eirciuBeUn aaa tht nadtr of tub roannvntc· 4oaa mat fmM >ailhh»il. hat «c iojiat that ;t cm (t*aa aa «a wiiwc» of *oo4 faith. " ι of weaaiDK». enter , ·Κ., an * JIMMY" KETUKM3 ι kni waxed and wu ι (Mi uw af Jim A. Taylor l»wi< «a u; |·ΙΗ1α1 ticket. Etcd ■e, tbc Onnoertcf of Bwutt Chan ty MMakcn AM hi· wv a η in to «ajar* with to tke rood old day* wtoa the radical* offered mort «ri mm opyorftton thas they win to able to affar again aoon. Ϋοτ tile roaien al «β waleoaac kit Mwptuw of the ■ inhMiua to Mm a caadidatc for to iAk wt county mi—Iwlnaar. Mr. TmyWr waa named yesterday la · miMn af to county ajw.aU»» ι imiitoii when it waa loaned that Marvin Wade, cbaatn aeeeial vnb to Ο to vacancy canted by t'a inability ta ran. could y tor. fei of Mr. Taylor will all Pernor rata ibmM be b« able M pile ay aa oTfrvhelaiiiif ma parity la the November election. Daring to maattag at Lflttagton jWidai Ckilnu Hannibal L. Qadala anato conaiderable entbih •Uja aaaof to ι ammlttoeataa and raidvtataa by laUiiif them what the Mg rally to to told M LUUnxton oa October 4 «aa going to do toward awKng to party faction· together. Geiaiaaa Muriaaa la going to be ton far tot oceaaioa aad will da Hear oae of Ua great «pnebaa far >. A barbecue ia to to an one trimà U> old and bar· HI» I*. •f tit· «id plut wWch ■He et Uw Coapuy the Brill f«r and DRIVER DIES SUDDENLY HERE tajojr th· Knim of Ike·· m et OW. Hfgtulm October I, lHt. J. H. BUFFALO E, Plutor. WHITE WAT PftOGtAM ' λ MONDAT "Rider ai Λ· Xing La*" Larry B* mon Coa*dy "Sue· Hand." i ——— TumsoAT Comianc* Talnuufcr* in "Kxpvti· mautai Marriac*·" WTONESDAT KjMtxJr U -WkiU Eaflc". Harold L7«yJ Comtdr, "Lrt'i Go." CkHity Conwily "Guiog Through Th* Rjra." PRESIDENT HANDS ~~ FORMER SOLDIERS "SOB" STUFF ONLY (Toatiaiitd from pac* 1) «nwn ui \.onfTT» nan mua το tlo th'i abtolut· bit of justice. tb«T would h»r» been pilloried. parhap· «on·, ht gcU down to what amy be tenrwM the ermx of hi· disapproval of th· bill tlial j that Gongr»»» did not heed him and lr*jr a gtn»or*l îalaa tax. adding: "Such a plan «ai unaeccft-i able to the Congru·» and the bill baa| W cnartrd without even a soggest >nd mean· ol meeting the coat." It has Ibwen ι»; oat In this correspondence from Umi to tiai that nek an ra ta»· for a re to would temc. It was to make possible «uch an una· that the Republican confer»·»* threw out of th· bill Simmon· amendment which provided that the interest on th* for eign d«M should be naad to pay the bocas cort. it the mmc time throw iing oal the MrNsry land project a m* ml mont, «ο that tMe Welt and e«oth mlftht be too anoeh aroused I over the reto of President Harding. Cat Oat Of Bag Ami th· Pro«'d»nt leta another eat no', of the bar -The Rcpabllesna bar· [been .■boating as to bow splendidly ItHey hnve been œving money tince ; they cane Into power, and here coma President Harding laying "the latest budget figure* for the current fiscal : year. »kow an e»llmatsd deficit of [more than 1650.000.000 and a forth· I cr dcEcit for the year «socceding, cren after cotmti;ig upon all Intertst cn'iectiont on foreign indebtedness which the totcrnnicnt ia likely to tm ctr* " And on this «am· day than η·α m «cimrnvy VH> (ilWDlva ΙΠ «■« Houtc of orer Ι&βη,ΟΟΟ.ΟΟΟ for the carrent luctl jratr. It will be noM alto that Pmidcnt Harding himself (kink* that then* spll be internet paid on foreign ndebtcdne*», thoujrk there m IImm who were booting at the une view when presented by Sena tor Simmon* Bat this foraigc la debtednfu It ao« to b« uxd to pall tbe Republicans oat of the in—«loi kl «hi* they had lu hMUnl Hani lag and ho ha* vetoed the aoMler boast brtl And aMU *J>e How of SiprtMnttttn·, by reason of there being en ouch Democrat* in it te tara the tealea, will not «atain the veto, the oottook la that big butines* will be «neecasful in havine IJVO ugh men in that body te «reH a rate there to J oat above the one-third βτητν to *o*tain the veto. That it (be outlook and the former eerviee men may at weil make up their miada that the game !» up for the preteat and that thry will* have "to piek their flint* and try again." And at they d· to they ahould remember that Pretident Herdiof aaid in hie •no'tege that tbur will be "a farther deficit next year," which it a warn In* of no benu* next year without a tales tax. And be will not toggstt a tax that wi)f reach the war prev ia* it. CASPER WARREN LEAVES DUTCH TO ENTER MINISTRY (Continued from pair* 1) Je not haw to much difficulty in raking the proper 4eci#ionn. but thoee wka in not mm Montr 01 later Face eqoarniy tk* etOM of tkeli •wit. The caaaaa of inch marcel differ with napcet to the life of th« tndleWoaL My Ufa ha· been all tkat any yaaaf km could hope for, yet for «avérai y care there kaa hern ψ «Iran re tuj at ay heart, with an apparent warn· iac tkat we are oat of place wher we raaain la a profession or po»i Uoe, tkat fail* to cat] into play, i· the hiffheat pomlbte way. the greater number of oar bast facultiee. # li B>omenta of prayer and méditaCioi and even snM the crowding cam o: Ufa. it hai come nnbiiiden and an waicomr to diatorb and trouble, couldn't understand. Àhant —··— ·—% »« -J wooden church that many of you ii memory Hold «o deer, my Sunda; School Teacher remarked that he be tloved Qod would lone day call on. of m boy· Into full time terries fo Christ. Though cnty a lad of twe!v •r thirteen an unseen Anger Ktmti to point β>> ut. I couldn't undor (toad. During mv Mg» ichool Jilt, ' w» conrlacrd Utat ay lot would be foeni either in the profession of law or tlr ministry. Why two7 Oh, the perplexi ties this question has caused me to endure. 1 couldn't understand. Donne the first three yeais ο my celfcge course, it was unusual! noticeable that I, a law «tnden ritould lake such an active interest 1: r. M. C. A. and B. Y. P. U. work, could not be satisfied to lie aroani e» ttft Oftn when three nwt «31 were -4» 1 could not nader *tas4. J Al ajr Bit la the tray when the al rooapheflLwaa ati but r»l)»fout. whort· oaêwHj ràtijttouj «rvk· wao conducted Ay · Catholic chaplain. 1 waa lr\ftra«Ual In Orjjanlïlnf * Bi ble Clam Λ preeunn* the aerriee of a Baptiit Aller in a nearby town ai preaober. wj/otr wceke pajecd ano h» waa eaflF away. The taak fell to roe, by reqlat of the boy·, many of whom werl ajooof the ee-called "roufh ne>«_ajul hard boiled" claee. Thf act!rit® of ont teacher'* ehureh ceued andi wae there a few we«lu ! later that Ibit participated In orr . «niiinf a »Ύ. P. U. which led to I the reopmiK ft the chuicfa. I chrat I know wiry Jefco·· theec thing· nor I «ma in my.aen· to face eth day "Shall It be law understand. J How lor jrtar at the» rUrtac or the mtrd£ryt" Only Ood wiU r*«r to »ee th« cloae of that I could hart rtop cri time and remained at*i often mj a thought had no I Vnuw how that year. Λι I ped the iililfc in colljw* thovebt, bi place In thai Infinite plan. Why ■hoold 1 f# thla tmderataad. •My hlgtial way? I couldn't ambition to be ■ ■oed lawy4r&at until · few daya ago ! ( couldn't .«aUmtand why everything wemed to d*r ac from It, why my rcry nature leeraed to be perrertod. 80 alone wwflM Γνβ «ettled It all a:id new I· fcdcrirUnd, and now 1 nuit paaa onl "I heat a vuilf yon cannot bear Which nyfl moat not stay; I we a handfiau cannot aee Which beeMw me away." Oh how j(&prta to leave you, yon wSo hare b*Ak> dear and meant ao much te ne. Tu, "I'd iUj In U>« fardeη with Him, but He bid» me go." How weak and unworthy I un bat Hit Grace II aufficient. I can't do much but: "Thei»'» aurrJy tomrwhf rc a lowiy place, in earth'· harvest ao wide, There I may labor thro' life'* »hort g—— day For Jesus, th« crucified." In rirw of the above fact* I re gretfully yot chrrrfully lender my re signation as Kapertntcnrirat gf onr Sunday School and If In your opinion I nm uorthy to #fltcr~ upon further preparation to be your representative far Cbrtft I shall appreciate your tetter of approval to the Southern BaptJt Tkvoloclcal Seminary, Loei* τίΐΐβ, Xy. Rod bleat yo« «very ono and may Ilia guiding Spirit ever oveaehadow, protect arid comfort you and when Mia will »hall haVc been accompltakod. lay we meet within the eternal gates to ahar* Hti Glory forcrcr. ιβΜΊβΧΚϋ Condensed statement of th· comSon of the BANK of HArIeTT Γhi ko and Coats. N. C„ at theytloee oj| basines* Sept. RESOURCES vj Loans and Discounts Overdr Furniture and Fixtures Τ ·'. S. Boni Ij. S. Revenue Stamp» Cash in vai\lt and othe/ strong bank £ , · - χ · ι >\ r-wr* Caj; Î4 1,682.84 6.78 2,200.00 79,700.00 17.48 141,827.98 **··» I» OFFICERS: Β. N. DUKE,_. W. A. ERWIN.1 K. P. DAVIS,. C S. HICKS.... 5. J. CLARK, h J. C. GRAHA] ' The attention the above state persons who are «wtive or idle fun -Vie·-] .Aaibtont |f the public ia reap mt. We will be plei iking a safe place to call on or write -President President President (active) —Cashier Cashier 4 per cent allowed on time deposit· Department. called to to have atl posit their in Savings Γ TTTTTTTTTz T7TTT7 (WILL We have jukt reo Willy»-Kniffht.yOne Kill are on hand.V Yo tomobile value e«r c led one car load of Overland Villy»-Knight and four Ovarii know what they ara—the beat ered the public. We will be | hie to you. NEW PRI Overland OVERLAND and willys-i NOW—DELI RETAIL D! MODI Ortrlud Ofiliwi E. V5( G A I Ν Ε Y -.«■ \ 'm ι #φΐ f f f Γ f f Γ H f fuïff Τ f f " f f FF. Ρ» NEW FALL GOODS I ' , Women who are searching for th^ecason's most mod ioli app&rel «/ill find what they erge Suits $8*25 )0 Dozen Youngi Men's $2.00 Caps $1.25 39 Young Men'sll30.Q0 Suits $16.50 About 100 Girls S2.50 Felt Hats $1.50 About 300 Ladies $7/50 and $8.50 Hats. .. $3.85 10 Dozen Men's 11.00 Work Shirts 65c 8 Dozen Men'· $3jj00 Dress Shirts $1.50 6 Dozen Men's $5^00 Dress Hats $2*95 Our House is fui of choice bargains. All kinds of Gar ments, Shoes, Millinery, Dry Good· and what men, wom en and children weér. AU bought on a lower market and we sell much cheaper. Come before our itock is broken. In the YELi LOW FRONT STORE R. G. Taylor Company September 21, 1922. '