PREPARE EXHIBITS NOW FOR THE FAIR AT; VOLUME IX. DUNN, NORTH OBER 10 TO 13~-dREATlEST W THE ΓΑ1Κ A5SUUAUUN WILL OVE AUTO TO LUCKY YlSTTORl Ovwitad Car Τ· I· To Seat Om On Fri doy.OctoW IS EVERY TICKET HOL0EK WILL CET A COUPOII And Om Of Tb· Ccupoi W3L Entitle Holder To Tbo C«r ·* Wkw NwW U DrmwJ Fran luni Ob Lm( DtjrjOi. Hm HinittyCoiiM; hét tioa ku fiiintiiii< in· *. V. CUto •T. tehrr * complet?!} OrerUod lMit(( mx, le M pnwat·! W «mm pmkm *f Dh> f«tr thta iwry jwnoR wV> bufi ui Ueket on «njr ikj o* a%ht fftir «U1 Wn * «hiftçé (ο «*t tt» •m. A mr> wUl b· feadt w«fc|' téek tlekaC Ήμ asnbor Vf thU ei yon win émtmfmmt -wMh u other tel b« »teo«d I» a M. Il On 41m eftwwee °«f htfij Octp bar .l·. m nalwr wUl ·>· A—" Λ*· «fal· btmin» bold·? of Ik· tin* ι mill this W m kba tilwiiM to ba an ttm-eéa*jià+ «10 |Μ βί car. If th· fc*W«r of tfca Λπί ϋίρ·· li am^nMht. A—<É>r wffl 1· imm, idt.·· ·α «util tha aar.-ik —mîiiî. ..y. A· JBrT»a*É<a« JtfoUj φ ta «Ma* 4kt *tl yo^fUn ta the fair «a» IÎm «Bat » Β fcS> dUMtttl ItuMd —" Btia· aow. Xhatjfb·-! ttMfiir ol WMTili fa A Cot-| 7W Field IUu'· 1b Λ Hurry By Arikw D. Gar· I Ixanl i uu^pl· of W| cotton ίar mer· <H«c«—I»» the boU «avril 4tna tloo a* they «aw it. Said fumr No. 1, Ta cola· to flftbt âra with ftra; l'a rolnc to plant more, plant tt earUar, fettiH* It brttar, through and k*«p my nlnan ι in# th· atoir ont aa fiat aa it and fctat tba werrfl out at kl· own| |M·." IVan fanaar No. t : "Γτ» got IM Mm <* «a ρ■·«» «<*-| toc la I a*ar had In «ny Mf·. Tk«| eanfl laat la lay fWM much. 1 cao| M on· bar· «ad tAare oceaatorally.j I .think I caa plant at («art on· bot»| crop aad gat by baton th· ptt «a. 1 «a (am· om mar aayhow. The weevil'* got to pt ail before I et»» αρ. I waa Mf*r tba *ort| •f M«* to U· fan and let othar fallow walk er«r aa." What If tba·· two farm·*· kaWpa Aat «m pair of ball waarflal t» a eattaa Bald eoold aad would 1I»| ly prathK» «xartly 1I,7«S,1M boU «*·*!]· la «aa Mai» Τ Aad «bat Ι If «My biM take tba (Baa aad trrabk| ΜΙπνιΜ,μη th» fallowtaffT Take a 10» acr· 0«UL| 4-foot rm aad cotton ι of il(W 1 aali m af«t U MM.MO «talka of ι MO am Mi aad if «a* «Mfc famfak «a arfaata of 4· m*· Mk. or aqd—u» eapAl· ·* maturity tf left aim, that weald ba «6.1*0,000 «m bah of tea. W» tmAy aw ftk W wHU in kto 10Φ-ΜΝ fl*id ia Jm *y *«r •at ÉN» watfj ha m H ·*" •nr tn bal· at flat M4 ·* aatkaa. OM^tftk «Τ ΰι· Mb wadU MU a—am W IM bmim of «MÉW. «at ·»* *«" W. SM k 1,000 yak· af •wrii la *·* log a»» (MM la May ; or to. K*> taaa, Wn «Μ tka . *aaky, lwwl Mm «at eat ο ft Η X» pay Ma'fMtWaar M1U, aad «*ar Miiwtit Aad f — wt tWi ta· te ptf *wtef MOW « that IjWU CHOP reports BIG HELP TO TRADE I'm» PrWeeta, Slid "ι·>· ι"' 'τ Uw. N«w IWwkf Ι1|·ι Of Iwf t ■ f ft • t ·. Wellington, Sept. 24.—PrecU<*J MMTtuic* of rood crop· ha· dene much to k**p builMM at lti hi#) lev el dortn* lucent month, according to t mv»y of th« (tMitl etonamic tit nation tapljtat. by the coma*ret de ■'"Althom^i yrioti of farm produce kn rtlli MMftHtiv« 1; low," the *tr rejr taid. "<|l) ut V»" than ■ rMr i|t| sfililly—nf^ tWt yttr1! ■"ope ha* infêm yéqw< at a miyh lower *o*l (Ml Η·»*! wWi a rMBhit» >étt*r bat ktçooM to the «W». «4bet al thU Km *i •mdy b«aa **«ii f* èta, tngrmirl mIm ti bn eqqipàarat Ad the largar b»>4* h)μ»λ Ρ*φΗ· Ûto .TfclnfMfW ilMlt bTT h· ee*J'«jpd l'eHi ■< virCiM, ·» ΜΗΤ ■*y tKluW wy lepartateut 4Mt Λ*» '*« i» denifima* mMflu l· ίυ^·ι— irtMty ç. dortec 'Aacw*. «Ithooffc h·** W» a !ÉtH«4 <MHd« In .tha rradootio· of ime' «μ jM. i«rr*iy. laa to tMt J<fe th. «kM "# Α· Ι»^Τ »«Μ itotiU m niMpi 4_ *ilrT»iLm-J·» ***·<.*· «ttoa «ad Éj mon* la tW paat* . I%%* kaMmr la^Mtet, m ψ «flatta <rfth»| hot th» ] facalty will not ba tUctad mr il tha aaar tm>M— U wdy far ot ternn «bô an t» hagta ιοΑ 4m fafl tona. V*iBb«n of 'laat year* f**uhy who ira ratant** a ta: Mia· ™ ■*■ ■**· Uaaay, Parti, Kj. ; Ki· Boa· But ytndcc; MU» Gltdyi Hamilton, Ρβο m Mil· BHubath BrUfn of Ulttnr »*, win BC*in eondoet Α·ι« antfl ι nridin^ ,ta*ch« frr tb«M nkjwti • aoearad. · Mia Mabel WeoAratt, of Dolus, irtU a*·!» tMh mde. The ib* W mw teaefear» for the xnaiae tana era: Mix <Alle« A. Par Mr, Manier; Ml" A1U· IVMntt, «•mWe, Oà.; Kin B<rn«m J. Hoe* *, Matthew»; Mia· Mayta* Wllliii-, Flrtcher; MIm >4*11 Olbbe, Garden -it* ; Miaa βαaie H. AJeton, Tmn» rill*; Mln Rafey U Hofcba, Beam; M ta* Dork CaMwall. WUoa, 8. C.; tad M Lai Daley R Wllliaau, rietebw. Work on the oaw baiMin* ia pro inaliil rqMlf. Mr. Lawreaea, tte ooetanetor, iMorti that una—at railroad cosdkiona Wn tin· Ux been no hladraaoe te 4h« work, (a. fact lone dtabaca **>om»U have, in mc <Ihm, coma la aiar* pr«a>pt tj thu they did ia aomai «mu fla bnOdingr W to Laatain ia addition to oflet·, light· «t «taaa none and a eoirrartaMe aeditortajn, gMÉ·, whlefc w«l ·»?· a ιαΚΙηι capaetty af 1,#0·. ar atayl· **aea for baifcafbafl aad^tMbr indoor athletic·. Tba baM tac h to M modern (a «vary riap>rt aad'wUl laaat the «Mat asfattac re qytreiftent· aa to biatlrm Ucbtin^and WEEVIL FKB! IS SHOWING RESULTS Dutbi Mitliifc Mw Ew ployed la IwwJ C«— tt- ( rrom prdlai·»»? re ported to VittaUth *>«■■■, Jfct— okftat for tb« North CkitMm ta· périment litnmi ptoirt» W rattan φ Wfré wayil la ft**** Um boQ «Mill kj A«m fill··» who In all ef Umm urjwrimaaU, It fc probable that tha ofcfarra^ »»uH fad to notiM tha ιItfwnX. Mr. Mabaa «ta te» that whH. tha ψ paiaoned coUoc ιι·ιι to be «al bjfa να, κ ι· β Kmc ι y» on ut pen«t«T»d cn4 in tlx grab· or IhmKn dattad boite ψη piMtteaily punotarca. The following αα ι * from A· Dtubteii *t B. Pate. Ltanl BB1; •on, Clbtoa; J. Κ Harry Malloy, UnMfii G. G MaMhewi; Lâd»! Hll/ CU» H> raetrr, Gibarat QOm/*»&, 1Mb but; Henry M«L«q/n, Jaha'· tWx. duke ruiKtr/ wmr TUU te «**1 In *tew : fa»lo* toiriMMtr# M» |«<iii tâ ι boohs fwr WI, PrbMtpd T. V. ctrater tetter Mat te| f A. Dok* tbU te jMt: "Wt Iff* «en Twjr ι fnr mi· la te — ' - Ûm «Mr. la paM a prit· «*< tea* tWi In#. TUi aad a* by tU fer tb· il*·!, bowir. te tntarfera with Ik* plaaa. Hob· of Ik* Uu <u aold. Ν·* the company fi«|v· to Mcri· In the® at tactkk M «Mrat yrin tho yabttc thinks they or* worth. In tm wufiaf for tha aalo «m W. A. Jordan aad Mr. Mw. Mr. Jordan «m a ekba· of Oui f »ty «bo Dun Tolapfeo·· Company and ooo of the boat Ml ptayon to Kaot eni Carolina. Mo to unwliirid by aO «f Oann't oM cMUona aa "Little" Jordan to diatinc·!* hi» ùo· hla blcvor ball-play) ag Mart Barry, or "H*" Jordan, «bo naod to bo tho nnwaaHj'· pltdhtot aeo. Mr. M mar, too, ' la' * larmo» raatdoat of Dum. Bo woo anulaUd «Hh tho Vtio KaaHy Cuipaij la 1M0 and 1M1. : FRANK GODWIN MES SUDDENLY OM«ot So· Of Lato A, B. C·*· wtoj Bnttor Of fomr Proak IMih, iHl m of tto lato Mr. M If im. AiMtU ·. <M wta, «M nlWr ·« U· Mm· km «md«r algkt. Wton to *o*W to nmW t· to la 'kU <Ml toahk.' Wtoo a Mtotor rt Mo fmaUy aoIM to «wakafc ktaa Moedar nomhif. to «m fnal toi Paaotal trr1«— win to to*f *mb «m lato koto· <o> Mm oU OoJoU itotoM M «oat of tm htotwtt «« to toado to *0 fkaOy toria) «rooMl. Mr. <ii»k o· ton «MMa a «Wo feraw of «too· to «lot H· «HatlàlUiN Ap tmm OU «m ktoMMoi*· aa4 k*» «rwiMiltirt tor In· kfao. Mr wfMl y···· to too Doto fea/oi *· ·** of W· Cam «a4 toto «kk «to kato NO· to« to aato «to lili>»kl| ·< Γ*»<Α 0*0 Md h ( yttr Wjr nttflf off Ms cation mf/ftf, M i mm dmAtful. I iw»f r»—H tkst mmf girt past Kaa Um itomd Hi It » mw'i οη·4 and «tsrrad oit, M 4 >t k* roiac M tor wwil rwn Il not r»t âetehed. Hm potato beat* k" Wu «uni la |ln· ■» >■!■>«■■ arc flantail. bat Otfcn yeata tara te atbarl than Mr {intHm t« m ·**'_ «ad —g» W τ«Π •W'M, M 1 NT, I M dm of Ike Ml «M«t U to daath if lha «ottoa «ni ia abat a* to ht «kctiHr the rtn wfll ba Bot I «as œmA by thcia I'm of Babart Hoke rooatjr. Ha wart dew* farta Boa* GaroHna U> tha Mmt «m at HartoWO» ta Wok aver tha aattaa Watttn hna that Mr. Oahar oar rfaa <m Utaht. ami right fat tha haart of t^a MmM raciaa ha fouad « ■in eeekliw lit< imirtw of • baJ· ta tha aara, ta *ttt »f tha mley waathar that (a MfMr f«w ahia to *« «(Mil, and to e^rtinr tha brato. Mr. kadt, aad tar*. "1 am ι waartl to aboat Kke baaa in ta« tina. I Wfl) atra, kit 1 «hah a little. la «ha «rat plaea 1 aa foh« ta ptek the beat an 1 an β»4 to haaél* that eottoa. The 4fty af tha ladMTamt teaant haa gm» aa tar aa I mm nxuma*. fer ire km raaehed « ptoea îrhare we to*· a Atht to yet α», k' far h. \f will art aBaw far that to hU 4 «ttak va «« be able -With that ale» erop inl—ii to · aa «· ΉΒ faWlki mt ( ton wtm tm4 try to i notoa* to tob** tot to tlx «rite* wm/tm, UMhv certain pert wnt et CaM aai ff«t on» Carolina. No. M baa k«MM Yfi- -*1—* nomth mall fro· toa ML. briarnig tu tokiak ·»" "— nomine papom totbii ι State, bat ttes ad ha· ι to ι proportion· that it I emit to *tvo too prvpor ι oat dcrka oa to· Mk. This Bow anrioo win baW tto of fert φ TolUrtKiic « _ Mima. wboro, ft «ο oaM, «to dtridaal piitto for ao teaa that tlx «Wfto hare alteoat to wMeh to waik. φ , The now atrvieo m Mo. BS wffl ·»-! able auU to* tola of too fl •atebad on too Ootohem*· No. Ill to bo bandied froaa litai tofoo«fc o· liao by efcrto, «ai to · Coaatt Llao b ib*r of ^amm bo adranead mo mwmint

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