iwiùBiH· M BmiUp'i «aadidaey M * fikilawMaii Bai Nt» haa coo "1 a* not going to make ur la the raiapa. VliaM: and Mr· L·· ud, iNUin, Ν. I*. lb lie. . ' -J i .WO ο rATSiNCTR Ô-.dîvien. ù.g barfcah. n.tuT. V. j.-ΐφ.,i, |ju..a, h C. .< «2 41c. OK SA.L t.. -- OAMU VCC.VV C . varicticf. I »vcu ha . a .<· hcoi for uli. A. IL M -yn-.i ^ Dunn, Ν. C\ 2i-W« f _______________ t%> .'/S Allll RECEIVING THI5 WEEK Bdi»r b*autifnT*>dl· lilk and ittin di««a«« for ladies, stjrU ptria:l: Wc ar· kcllinx thm· for »W.U4. On today'» marital theac άτο·—* would be cMtp for,IIS or If you «nuit the brat ch:i>.r, coiru lo the Yel low Front Store, while our xtoek b lar*t. 0U>.u arc grltis? th«lr* dioptr, why not yoaî Κ il Tay lor Co. lte. 3»pu 2·. 19ÏÏ. TURN TO PACE IH IN YOUR SEP .< inhiT L><1U Horn· Journal and ton·* to one iln muhll-Johiiaon Co. CHOICE Γ ARM 3 FOR SALE LO· catcd near LiUi-'cton, liole'i Crr»k, Dak*, Dan·*. Clinton and KoK-boro. Any idle from SO to l.iBO acre. Price* low unee αι.Hanell-JohnMn Co. Duke. N. C. 23 Stc. COTTON SJjORAGK. — 40c per bal· per month. Storage for mrybMy. Government Bonded Receipt*. General Utility Co. Phoo· 28·, Dam, N. C 1» tfc. IF IT IS ANYTHING IN THE fruit line wo have It. Wbole«ak and retail. M. S. 1Mb*. Me. IF YOU HAVE'EITHER FARM OR city property that you desire to sell, ton feirwith ju tor particular!. , JPllaon A McLeod, Attorney·, PLUMBING.—WE AXE EQUIPPED to (It· you · flnt-claai jab of plnabbw and «mot to do rour re pair won. We know now and guar «iitft oar work. Ption· u* wh»n yon n*«d our Mrvicea. Lm Λ Ryr letfe. TURN TO PACK tU IN YOU* SEP tomber Ladica Hot&t Journal and romc to ««; αι. Haecll-JohMoo Co. Duke, N. C. 82 itc. IF IT IS ANYTHING IN . THE Ira H Un· w* have IL Whole·*!· and wua. κ. a on*. »tfc. r**TTY, STYLISH. AND A T*t mcrxiou* ttock to aeUct from la dle», ttiu you «xactly of car tot· •ad millinery. Th· n«w thine· thlp week M*ai pratUest at alL Ana w» tn Mliisg to cheap jroo cmn't ■Cord Dot to *m ami prie· thoM, U you want th· but ch—p»r. E. Q. Taylor Co. Sept. se. 1822. WANTED TO BUY FOR CA5H A farm near Dunn. Sic JL Gardner. Dunn, N. C. ■ Mtf. MONEY TO LOAN ON F A H M lands In an~iuntt from $1,000 ta ÎSO.OOO for JS y*ar*. Godwin and •rnifan, Attorneys Donn. Ν Ο. If. Knit Goods For Babies W« h*Ve just received an assortment for bftbU· up to six mra—including / SWEATERS ·♦* · .······ SACQUES eat of JCni ' )JW nit Good· THé^Sïirprise Sfiio] Boom U . National Bank Bldg. MBS. J. J. WADE MRS. J.'C: CLIFFORD pvw 9 The Newest and 3est CHEAPER HOW CAN THIS BE? We contracted for these good· on a much lower mar ket and tell a* bought, cheaper. Others are saving money now—why not you. These contracts will not last always. RECEIVING THIS WEEK Ladies *15.00 Coats for $9.95 Ladies $5.00 Sweaters for : $3.98 Ladies 55 00 to $7.00 Skirt* for $3.9β and $4.98 Silk* and Serrée worth $2.25 the yard, for . $1.75 Dre4» Goods worth 20c to 50c the yard.tor - _ 12 l«2c to 35c Silk and Silk and Wool Hosiery, worth 76c to $4.00 for 39c to $2.75 C'hildrens Shoes, wbrth $1.60 to $4.00 for $1.00 to $2£$ Ladies and Men's Shoe·, worth $3.00 to $10.00 for $1.98 to $7.45 Young and Mature Men's Suits, worth $15.00 to $46 for $8.98 to $29.50 Beys and Childrens Suits, worth $6.00 to $20.00 for..$2.98 to $12.80 Dress Hats for Men, worth $1.50 to $8.00, for 75c to $4.98 Ladies Hats, worth $3.00 to $20.00 for $1.95 to $12.80 New goods are coming practically every day. Quality the best, style unsurpassed, stock large, VERY LARGE. Our friends by the hundreds are saving money in the Yel low Front Store. Your share is here. Do you want it, if so act while acting is good, The Yellow Fi^nt Store points the way to a big saving. R.G. Taylor Cppany ■ iiw— -ν - "·· ---w·:. V' NEW FALL GOODS WotnM who are searching for the a moat mod ish apparel will find what they deaire in our store·, dreaaea, hata,. ahoea— everything tl*ey Theae gooda -were peraonaliy selected by Mr. John P. riait to the northern markets Johnaon daring hie with s view to pleering those who Hke to trade with ua. They «re bound to please you, and we will feel grateful if you win gpve ' to show them to you. i Brothers « > I · . GOLDSTEIN'S DUNN'S - BEST - STORE \ Now shoring a complete line of Dresses, Coats, Coat Su*, Cloaks, Millinery,' Shoes, at lower prices. • · ■ Our CiotHiir is the best made and we will please you. • t •John B. StetsoianJ other standard makes ' of hats. TO SAVE M^EY FOR US sb - ι ' . . I I . ' V ·. r