TO FIGHT WEEVIL BY CULTIVATION (Continu·* from page 1) vil th· wortd will have to pay nor· for cotton t· induré the farmer· to B«k· It. li the nrcesaitief of man kind call for cotton lb· people ιΑ· want it will have to par enough for it te make It pay the farmer to male· It trader weevil conditio·*. No, I have no idea •boat prie··, and am i.ot giving that roach thought. Pria· v.-nt he fixed by the coat of αιkin*, for even it moat feirrreni do not I π jw how much their cotton coeta to make a number of them droç out when the margin between cad .mil aelHng prie· ia too cloaa. Cot too will co* more to make next aamoMC than ever. But It irill have to aeD high to induce farmer· to make It at the increased price, and th» high prie· will jtay. Not enough farm··· will ttay In the game to raake tita Mg crop· we have made in the past, if I am any Judga 1 will plant about AO acrea of tobacco next aamraer as a ud· line, and will In othar way· modify my lyatem. We have bean planting tobacco lucceufully, a· up in all operation» m that we can liar· oar ctmpwci u irmly in hand a* poisibie, and expect to make money right along rmieing cotton. But w· »re not goia* to (ana 'by tfce old metbodi and got away with it." "Tbaa you dont Incline to Ut· man who would rot out tbc growing of cotton (or a year?" I ventured. "1 dont favor cutting oat the growing of cotton tor m year, cor lor any tim«, (or the cotton crop Ja al ready ahort," He answered, "bat I do rxprcl to cat out forever the «Id way of making cottoa. And I furth er expect that the man who doee net col out the old caitom* will out oat cotton for a year, and continua to eat it out. It look· to aw M if w· art to make cotton henceforth like the peach men make peaohaa. Bat we are going to make it, and I be lieve a better day ie in front of the cotton fumer." "FATHER OH HIS VACATION" AfUr having been han£eckad, ma tbiutd and tudimd all the·· yean, Jkcgi Mahonay, of "Brlnijinf up Fat&tr," ha* dacldod to a*aert himaatf. Ho it join* to takt a rut ■—.far away from Maegl·. Ua triman rent "woTMhair' aa ht chooaaa W term her; Dinty, and th« raat of th< Mahonay Clan. In ortier worda b« hi' tt&da to find himaalf. If yoo eai »urnri»e or lma«rtna juat wtmt "mt' can or might b«, how ha yropoaa* U apend It, wtat Tleiaaitadei and othai d«turbane*» ha Inerttably 1· booty to cDcounecr, and tta uHhnate 4a nouncemant tha deduction of tfca oat come It apparant. Fan ·{ the iuinu •tine, rampaat, lnfaeWoo· Mad whld permeate· the entire offering from •tart to flalifc ie promiaed. TIm piece bear* the title of "Father on Hte Va cation" and will be ικο at La Fay rUc Theatre, Saturday September SO, matinee ami night. STEPHEN CAINEY ON KAMPACK From Newton Grove . township comci a «tory of a rampage of Steph en Gainey, which il true to the oM time form of that notorious branch of the Gainey family, Stephen hclng * ton of tii· lata Bill Henry Gainey. Stephen Gainey, It ie related, weal to the homo of Mr. W. J. Warrick Sunday evening and aaked for ·οτη« eider foT hi· boy. Mr. Warrick told him he had no elder and invited tiia into nipper. Geiney, however, waa |i no mood for inythintr bat a row. II neiriL After eu rainy and aoortlnj about a while he waa asked not to uae profanity In the hearing of Kn Warrick and the children, whereopor Gainey knocked Warrick down anc turned and did the tame thing toi Linn Lee. who work» with Warrick Then Gainey Went to hie own hom* on an adjoining tract, got hii gun and etartod back firing oae time af ter another. The laat «hot *a< * near that tome of the abet hit tfc Warrick honee. Vn. Warrick and the child ran laf and apont the night with t>« wWoi Bot Barefoot, while Warrick aod La aleo left home. Monday morning eiH; they returned to feed the hoga am were Λ red upon from an blah b . Gainey, whom they dletovetpd 4 . the bailee after the Ant ahot a» _____ about tMrty yard» away. A (M of the «mU ahot *mmg th. mm, bat m h*no ni don·. The two men Wit 1th· fit Id for Qalney. lilw th«j re ported the matter to lit* ofte«r«_ and iDepatiea Bin· and "Jack eon wrrt j -vent to arroat Calnoy, Vat he ectU I not bt found flow paon Democrat. TK&AtuBY dEen<lcATts [· TO ADVANC* lirr UiTH. I The United 8 la ta» Treaaery De partment anaooAea· that after hp j te m bar SO, 1111. «a «1 Traaaary I Bar lee* SUal· will a«t bo on aala land the pniihaee price» of Tra—iiry I Sarla*· Certi fie ate· will be advanced 'iron MO to «S0.M *·Γ the f*6-00 j certitfcatea. froan |M to ««t for lh« '«100 certificate· arid froan |M0 to ,»W0 for the 11.000 ««rUfUatca. Poetmaater Holland, who baa ]aal bceo adrtaed of tUa-ehui(· in prieM of tavtng* certWeatta, «lata· that It will be poaalble ferpenona to totkt purohaaea at the preeent price· o) |W, WO and ««00 reapectWaly, until ' the cloae of baaineaa September SO jim. j Treaanrr Saving· Certificat*», or •alt at tb) poetoftee, arc for thoa< ι aackin* an InraaCatfnt «1th tha aa vurance ψ aheotute aafrty and ι {guarantee of tha raton of prtaelpa ι, with Inter* »t at the rata of 4 1-2 pei r;cent on preaent laaoa price, com ι pounded eern-annnaDy, if hold to aa ► turity. I Postal Saving· dN aleo offered b r the poetoOce for Km aafe depoait · ι f'TDdi. ajaourta baiwr -neceirad fror I 10 eenta ap to jtJtOQ. Ait intm·) bearing aecarait hi ρ nul μπι^ι mj be opened for fi, pajriBf I p*r cea1 tnternt per annum, wniuU may k tniMlirrad without ««ai between |M oAcm, depoilu and withdrawal p»f b· mad* bjr mail anil fundi dcpoMta art «ubject ta withdrawal on 4»mear at ti>« epetoflce where the depoait il Made. Poetal Saving* appeaia U IkM who da not bar* a baakiog ' djlMÉ tien LEGAL ADVflmaSi STATE OF NOBTH CAS0L1NA. Department M fttU. Coetiftaate of FOUg W Ceaaeat kg If t&aMmr «· Dieoelati.»· T< Ail win· Thorn fmMU Maj Ceaie (Wiillni WHtUil U appear· te nir mi Ufaotlea, by duly awthealUM "i me ord of the proeoadhtgt for · votao lary d ι wo lotion thereof dopealted h . any eflice. thai the Roanoke and Sa IteniUng tUilroai C»ipaay. af Dunn Harnett County, State af North Cai ollna, B. A. Herring af CUnton, M. C ft. F. D. No. i. ba*ig the uwt ÛMH In and is charge thereof, upap procew may ha erred, Raa o*a with tba requirement» of Cfa· ' of the Consolidated etatatgp "Corporaiant" and the thereto, preliminary to of Ihla cartifiearte that roch baa been filed : NOW, TBXB&POKE, I. J. Crimea, Secretary of State < State of Nerth Carolina, da certify that the «Id cor, , oa the Bad dte W Sept (lie In my o^B i 4wly ; attertad cuiJfct 1» ρ Jlanlation of nU et , tad by more than two-third ι in li te re at of the Mock holder· thaefo 1 whkfc mid certificate and the MM ' ef the proeeedlngi afoimeld are no 1 m TE8T1XONT havw M< my oOcial wd. at of SvlilomWt', 1' t biilra Ί. **Y*ïf sopt is ie te oot. a. mm Ucrefcy, uw iWra to talo at pabllc bidder for doer of Η Jim, S. C., at IS •a feiaiday, OctoWr 14 foltvwih d«irribod land: A cxiwn piece or tract ·* __ ι to« aad ·-< in* te Antukw· Taw·· ■ »hip, Hurnrit coaat*. and But· of , North Curoltea and imuM a ad da ■ I fined ua folio··, 1 AH of bot* » In th· ms&i , ; s i,fHHk πι A. C. . «5* Ad boia, fr laM lfd foot , -WTeJçu : '■·4?Ε*ι <èL ·» I ί ·* fe , » U to notify all It iMIMMii Ρ M* aa adaialatratof ρ?τ»οτ», holdl Adtaii M cntt laad 01 A. A Clhln DmhotU HmI Stlw^ Otirrton 8*pV 25.—The Démocratie county c »ovention will be held hen Saturday, Sept. (0, for the purpoaB of naming a county ticket. The con vention «til he called to order at I p. m.. by Chairman FHahofh <L>ee ol the executive commHt»e. that it U no great venture with oa Bot I am *««rte* on t%fet*nin| •LoAW**d . Tj. 8. end Othei Stock; Federal Banking Houae 5 pef cOnL Re.d*,T <- ..·» . . . Cm* o* <-5^-~»«»iUTIÎS . βο,οοο.οο Surplue ànd Undivided Profite 80,823.44 War Finance Corporation 84,040.00 Deferred Crédita; Federal Beaerve 25.S24.S8 Circulation , ... 40^ΟΟΛ« Rediaconht; Federal Befcarv* Bank —τ» g» 21||fl7iA Bill» Payable ; Otlfcr Bfrnks !___ 2Î.&00.W Dspoerrs : «smisji ♦9S1.020.7S OFFICERS P. S. Cooper, Preeident—J. W. Draughon, Vice-Prêt. H. B. Taylor. Caahier DIRECTORS J. W. Draughon, Marvin Wade, John A- McKay, J. L. Wade, Thoa. E. Cooper, Ellis Goldatein, P. S. Cooper. Con denned statement of the condition of th· BANK of HARNETT Duke and Coat*, N. C., at the close of bivineee Sept. 15. 1922* RESOURCE» Loans and Discounts 9841,682.84 Overdrafts 5.78 Furniture and Fixtures 2,800.00 U. 8. Bonds — 79,700.00 li. 8. Revenue Stamps , . 17.48 Cash in vault and other strong hanks 141,827.98 . . ■ , .... $665,484^)8 j LIABILITIES Capital fctock $ 86,000.00 Surplus and undivided profit· 84,088.44 J Deposits 1 J-. 490,896.64 H $566,484.08 orricfca* ι (f ;t Β. N. DUKE, W. A. ERWJN Vice-President E. P. DAVIS, Vice-Pre*dent ι C. β. IHCKfl, -Vice-Present (apti*e> ' S. 1. CLAM. Jr., L—qbhfcr , I. C. OkAHAM, Assistant (ashler ' The attention of the publie is reapeetfully «ailed to th· above statement. We will be pUaeeH to,"have all persona who ara se et ta» a aafe place deposit their aetive or Idle fondait»o*ll on or wj^poa. » J. , 4 per «eut allowed on Ume depô^η an<J in Savinc· ■ . Department. · / ». •i*· - · * • r tuf ν · V ' v : Dunn* . r ï I h» last available business property in West Broad Street «offer· mvMtonân fcoWfor years. Many tfcnee during the last decade effort « bave been'ttaftdi >JHl( ■> iluflUf Ne* «n*j now, however, was there any poeeibQitv of its ok «ν'ιν. .*ii Jqt«U bet» tU»MP Ssimr suxszai^sV-r™. 1-11 , nuecL now tne —. is only oée'stfot âà (M*!lrtt*ét4MfcMÎ*M«lfce DemûnJ v "* ,, , · .<·, î.» ι . ;·Λ»ν This psopaHy -90 by 140 leal < m at the rn·am of Broadand 1 ,ι—·—·——ρ·ΐΜ^^ιρ|ι^| Ow / ttressi leads jm th» Durip» yyi Southern Railway SWsttowffefttf Jbfrylgpto the north. The other to the A.CL flt· Hon one block away. It fronts Youngs Hotel and |>» ne # Marvin Wade Company Sh" ^ ** * ' room dwelling ccmstructedrof^&e finest heart timber and eijràfepad with eljMric lights, . afc» ' ' OT ?«?'?'* ' ^ tt>. » . erage, we· y^l · ,^· ·.·.·. 'tUpl* 5kA»dir4cWtiAe tfx hjbw bJdini IoU-f«jf'®f. S<^et; two' wili ^ 25 fcy 90 fpet and front on FayaSwrfle Avenue. ing. Then théiste |&*3r|th&*l wtfUtthe building will be '«#· - f aection must grow. There is not now a vacant store ^wuiaa mand for others. All of the space between CHntfan and Faye4eviHe Avenues^ort trict Bntast jump across FayetteVifle Avenue and Hotel Proper. , \ ,,,: ;· C :. 4:.:Γ ' ·» , 4»b MÛ lartol 1'ψΛ of Βι ■ ""

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