PREPARE EXHIBITS NOW FOR THE FAIR AT _THE DUN VOLUME IX. —■’J _ DUNN. NORTH FOREIGN OUTLOOK HOLDS ATTENTION Near Enter. Ntwi AffucU lm do*trial Amd Financial Situation* m U. S. New York. Oct- 1—Further evi dence of improvement in the financial ‘•nd industrial situation* during the past wfck found an offset m far as bustnens and financial sentiment In concerned In the foreign outlook. B*> actions in securities markets has tar nished u background for somewhat grsve view, as ta the pomRflllty iof war between Turkey and Great Bri tain. Despite the fact that Conssivs tlvs riuarters are skeptical as to an actual outbreak at hostilities, the poealbUty of a dash la the neutral •one along the Dardanelles acted as a curb an buying. In addition it was pointed out by soma observers that tho Canaan reparations problem salt] remains and that a new erMs frill be presented early in the year, unless tome corapre hr naive plan for dealing <oith the difficulty shall be agreed to In the meantime. Farther Kumry Industrial activity at home dm •d, however, e further recovery tnmm the efforts of the strike. The steed In dustry wee reported to be opatatlag at a rate clow to 70 par cast af capacity as compared to SO par Met during the' Aagvt ahead owe. Ceal supplies are no longer a limiting fac tor. Further settlements have boon made between Individ sal raitroade tnd their shopmen. Tha latest -it* loading etottotlss. those for the weak ended fliytimlin J«. show another new high record far the year, the total being SM.tlS earn Some diaappotntment has bemi « pram id over Aaguat raffraad ears • Inga. A number af the roads due deficits and others heavy leases ip both gross and net inmma ae pamper ed »tth Augurt a year ago. Ow-dha othe* jhand. soma roahr akbw Im provement. Wheat jgtees saw ?—tiadag 1% fluctuate with the war area, hoi omit •^aas^amawnun into the market. A (tightly flmtor tone has persist ed in the money market, although call money has eased off materially af ter the flurry caused by tax payment operations. The priaoipal feature of the Federal Reserve statement is a continuation of the beddings of ac ceptance* bought in the open market* by the reserve banks. The system's rsaarre ratio remains practically unchanged. HENS AND COWS LIKE JAZZ ' When a Petaluna (Cal.) poaltoy msa dtecorered that hi* lyena laid more and Mfger ecu If they were ■applied with a regular dally eoneert of jam and that some of tha bin ambltloui young pellet* were actually learning to dummy, while the wre aedate old kiddie* aarmad at timm to be trying to sing “Ixrrey Dessy” aad the rooaten warn high stopping to tha tuna of “Oh. Yon Chicken,” ha imagined He had roach ad tha Emit to tha rede* of discoveries. Now nobody can obtain a Job an that chicken ranch unless he can *** tha aaxaphons. Jaw sharp or trap* drum, and at nl^rt, whan tha forwto go to their roods, * phonograph with a repeating attachment aad driven by a slow raster ia turned loom far an hour or so. This aoethe* tha hen* to UtairwaU samed rent, and at 4 o'clock to the moralag they are asm Vend by the strains of the “Tennessee, Mesa,” While a myriad of ohwtrie leapt throw a flood of light span the won*. In less thna than required in tha tailing tha Hens has* A landed from the roosta, have devoured thatr braak fasto and am hard at wurit laying egg* aa tod that tt It ail ■ CMnaman with a wheelbarrow can do to olaai »w»y Hi* flat tot la Ua* fa A* next Bat It rams load far ana Walter O. Brook a. of Santa Monies, 0*1., to dis cover that Jobs may be pieced on tha asm* commercial ptshe with A* jflo, aoighsm. ipolaaaa* aad htu math la mm maaacrr at a tolnod hr a dairy Tin hud was srcanlsad a yaar at*. Wa« haU dally, aftsr tha nflhad. "At Ant wa wars aat my (Mi* ■1» Brtnka, “bat whaa an gat hat *»r wa hagaa ta mtica that tha asm arm fMa* Bara rfk."—Haw Tarl San. Yaar "AWt at tha idfafl Ml) boost a * ommantty sataryrtaa an will adrartlM yaar pssBast.-' Adas* FAIR PROGRAM IS MOST INTMSTING EVER ATTEMPTED Association PImu Large For Fourth Annual Fair Open ing Tuesday SCHOOL CHILDREN MAY PARADE FIRST DAY Goldstein Wants Thom As Es cort For John P. Parker, Who Is To Make Opening Address — Sapiro Coming Wednesday To Explain Co Oporathro Marketing. WKh the moat Imposing program >t yet har prrrrntod the Harnett County Agricultural fair auodatien aill opart Its fourth annual fair at Dunn navi ** 1 -» _i tv. whole of she great Duan District ha* t* eyes turned upon the mammoth rorlorurv where the program it to be ctaged. As usual the fair will open with a parade of band*, shows, officials, etc., ■t 10 o'clock. The parade this year probably will be aupplamented by the school children of Dunn. Bilie Ootd u*ln, basinet* manager of the »—n ciatioa, li endeavoring today to in due* Superintendent W. 8. Snipe* to e**cc th# local school* on the opening day in order that the children may *orv# as an escort to John J. Parker, who Is to make the opening address. Mr. Snipes haa not made the decision r»*. Aaron 8aptro. leader of the co-op erative marketing Idea among Ameri can farmers will ig-nV on Wednesday tha aacoud day. Mr. Saplra 1* owe of the loading men of the country. He has a wonderful grasp of the market ing situation and cornea to Dane to e^ialn the ce-eparatW* Ida* to buat aaas man aad farmer*. Three mess will feature each day of the Mr. Thq bam hods** eg the (hirmndisg country dr« boip* star ed In Cbe races hold only f«r local W. Draagkoo wfH be the official sUr tar, OranrlUe M. THghman will be the timekeeper Firework* displays will be featured Tuesday and Wednesday night*. The program includes the moat wonderful displays ever sh'osm in Dane. Ad mission to the night dhow will be 36 cent* for everybody. Admission to the day shows will be S6 eenU for children sad BO ceaiW foj grown peo ple. The reduction in prices «*• mad* to give everybody an opportunity to •a* the big fair. Brawn and Dyer* circa* and carni val shawm win furnish the Midway attraction*. K will require 3S can to bring this stupendous aggregation to tow*. It will arrive Sunday or Monday over the Atlantic Coast Line Railway. ‘Me company has played to lanrast fairs in the Cast thi* _ notably Baltimore, Md., and York, Pa. Several targe (free arts asill be staged ovary day in front of the 'grandstand. Tbaaa alone eritt /be well worth the price of admission. A child Health conference will be conducted every day. Any parent may eater hit child in able conference for a thorough physical examination. Mlaa Agree Harris, community none, will conduct tide conference and will be seriated by ail of the phyldana and dentists of Drum Mlaa Elisabeth Bridge, bom* dem onstration agent for Harnett County, will stag* aereral demonstration! at her booth In Tleral Haa On Wednes day the wtH hold a color demonstra tion through which eke will tell wo men which colon suit Siam beat. H. A. Edge, farm demon it ration agugt far Harnett County, also will make some rmluahlo doruoMtratleni should see. These are Just a few of the many whleh ovary lamer M the dMM now features added to the fair. The management has planned to see Oral no moment during the fair la a dull •ne It has succeeded admirably. - - t A good pariura means better milk t>ett«r milk means Wealthier child ret means more powerful adults. Am yea plea stag far your children T w a 44 bUTtOY COTTON ITAUU 4 * 4 44 TMa k «<» Um. to kUl next 4 44 yOar'i era* of boll woovik. Up- 4 44 root tho cotton (talk* and do- 4 44 ikcr «hc nroorfl’a food at one*. 4 44 tMi wp compel tho watrtta to 4 44 M llfclt food toapar dnrtnp 4 1 44 *~lTiiaallin and akno tbam 4 44 praoticaBy all to daoth Km tfca 4 ’*44 cotton atalka * • _ 4 w. C. HUDSON TRUES TO KILL HU FAMILY WIlMta Mm U Finally inUtd By FoUao mmd P»i In Jell On Lunnny Commitment Wilson, Oct. 2.—8ttndsy mo rainy W. C Hudson, t local tobacconist ran 'muck at his homo and attempted to annihilate his whole family. It is al loyed that he bey an by ossa al tiny Ms yvuny rhild and whan hla wtfo wont to tho little one's rescue ho assaulted hs.\ At this June ears his son went to assist his mother. The father then took up an axe and started after the •on who had ban leaded himself In hla loom on the second story. The father battered in the door arte the sob jumped from the window and sent in s call for tho poilre who a muted the frensied father and locked him 19. He is now 'in jail, hwviny bean iuear-i crated or o lunacy commitment bib CROWDS HEAR EVANGELIST MOLL AT CHURCH HERE 'Op—wl Seriea of Ruvirul M—t inp la Diriue Sir—I Methodiat Sunday EXPECT FINE RESULTS FROM HIS EFFORTS He la A Native Of Ohio And Hhe Dm. Vah.aU. Work im South During Laat 10 Y—re —Paul Templeton Directs Muaie—Aalateruetkar Fea ture. Tk* evangciiaUe meeting at the Methodist chureh la Dean leg con daehd by KvnagvHat Bari a NaU Is drawing large era mis and tfce-aetleefc w fer own of tee gram— ggeate— la tea kiitor? of tea tern' TVd ye. rtcae begun t* VenA-day mepd^ with a record cahed fa* tea start of SRv^astSmao^eC^ei^iMiheTi? tendance. Evangelist Moll la a "Buckeye” by birth* having been horn and reared In the State of Ohio. He has bees working In the eoeth through the lnat ten years of hh ministry?, bold ing meeting* In oil of the Soother* States from Texas to Maryland. As he soya, hi* education has boooi large ly teat which cornea by experience, ’-hough be baa epcirt several yean n the Colleges of hie church. He aays itiat aawla. *1_a V. t_ a. do in this world In to teH men Hut they must "Oct ready for Ktrrntty" HI* sermon* *o far Jure been direct oil nlmoet entirely to the mcsnbertiup of the church, because he say* that, “the tinner* outeide of the church will never get straight till the elan or* inside of the ohurch gate right.” Hi* lubjeet for Tuesday night will be "Looking around," a sermon that hae become famous wherever he has preached it In speaking of the meeting nn in justice would be done if the musics! part ef service* ware aagiebtad. Choir Director Paul I. Templeton ef Meri dian, Mississippi is Indeed a artist in Ms Hne Hi* directing in hie lin, hia line. His directing/la indeed a (real asset to the aWsting and hia *olo* are a feature of every eervtoe. The services are announced (a Con tinue for tho balance ef Htia week1 and possibly through aext as well. The service* are being held daily at ten In the morning and ad 00**0-fif teen at night. "OLD BILL” QUITS FARM ' Mew York World. “Old BUI” StadtasRIar ef Jwuey City, who Mrt May wouldn't he sent to the almshouse because be couldn't taka bin dog Hnuaio, has led Me enthusiasm for the up-fltate farm where the florae AM Beeiety asset him and has retained tf Jersey City and taken a Job with the *. P . C. A.. “Bin” Mid he HI not properly treated on the frrm. 7%m foBn oa the farm declared that '‘Old 8111“ and hie dog wore well taken earn of; they had nothing to do hat owl three meets a day' and amble aboe? the «0 acre* of laad. 1 , I» tha hem. of the Hadron Ooeoty OWtrlet Boeioty for rte Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, where “BIB" wm teMa foar day* ago by birpeoter An thar H. KoOonaM of (he Boeioty, . reporter for the WetM bad a talk wMhMm. >1 After *owiag the reporter e new l oft ef d«Bii and some tehacM i beogbt for hhn by Orngrearaun Man ; "hafl V»a Winkle ef Jersey Otty, he brought oat falthfai old Jh—lr. *V . ** # . d «P*nt wefawad her*, the gaeat of Mi*. MnbelPfayodworth. B. R Thofapa ^mt the week-end in Deriiem w)+ W* family. Hr. end 1M ft. b. Pet* aper* the •**k. end art# Mr*. Pato’a varenU abor* UPlngt^a Cecil and Alton Ugtrt of Durham, tpeat fao weekend hen with friend*. W.rBprlnhJ#, principal of the Daha Grrifed and W«h hrhooU, attended far eonferene* of High »choo' PrtnrfpyK wtriA we* held In ItalaiRh laat wpak. W.fa. *ohnma ef Dorn, tptnt 8en day hai*. \ I Mr and My*. R. D. Healey and famOy ef Dolhaa. ep#** the wnek and hare, thekayato af Mr. and Ha O. B. Godfrey. • • Bderwd mm» PMHp' Thom., of •hrin*. faarit fa* meek and hem with friend*. Beyerte freai fa* hedcld* ef J. c. Morgan, faaafaaaft ef Turlington, m to fa* rifedt faat he da no hatter. Mr, M*m* hoe h*en an tomato ef the Deed flop* faayital hare for aeeeral ^ ^ ^ ^ W. M. Pomter left laet Week far «« awwnty, wtmre he wdU faach taheel the Mating oaeatoa. Mr. Paw ler M Principal ef fay Qaianerip Graded and High arinal. Mr. B. L. «ani haa roeeatfy had a tnmgfata fadly e«tM Inatplled He parta every «1«K fa addition to fai httTtf and dahanartady. CO I> o Tl OM Win. Of loSM Comjway qoirUr tKi* Mki ux» eery bU for wr »u Mr. and No oOu Tr «f Uo a* »<Nh “ tw tor w" Diroloy OMnt I )|llrii ®«ul4 for the vtiem iffrw) umi no ,**B I two with t lactate V*tm »®d bo. tha «rte of Ike Lab, of Jaaao Count jr. »*•» by (Mb* tlmry ImcWC*ntwell of Wtl ™*»gto»i jar*flr*d faet Saturday to •■wue char** M the Duke Public Library. Miaa Q&twaU baa bad quite a bit of • aperient* a* a hbmraai, and K it bop*/ that under her care the library arfE' farther enlarge and 'nemaae the a unbar of votaaian al *e*dy upon ite* alialrem. TSrrv is a wholesome lntqMat abewei la the gooj work done by «» librarian and other bcooflela] work done by her. She ilco baa Charge of (he "Glrl’o Friend ly wlm~3aee amd helpful work tn the Mira. Since the tuigrw Uoa ef Mm fUlinghart. Hit S. T. Daniel, haa bdrn □, ebarga of the inetttatton. ~ i , Mia Mary Mai of Bad Springe, will again teaA here this yrar. The entire town is glad to we Iconic Hka Me Loan back5''home" aa Ac baa a boat of friend? bora. Mb# Sue OAbrane of Shelby, ar rired lari wad to aaeaae her dutlea M name at Good Hope Boapdal. Moa.Ieea Mamona af FayatteriQe, CONFESSED MUSDEHEE RETURNS TO ROBESON Jaka D. b— Rrea*hi Saak By B* HB Lawfe. WD Plead Self DtffBNf Lumbertoa. Oat. 1.—Sheriff R. K Lewie arrived here Let* Uat niyfcl with Jaa D. Keeop, wha war an—ted la St_ Augaatliia, Fla., Wedneeday ef l—C weak oa the eharye of wn-i Daaiel K. MeN.IH a— r Rad SprUym, Hobeaon eouaty, — Any—t IS, 1ST*. 44 yean ayo. Kempt admit* Millay Id (He 111 aad talked freely about the affair. He i* aanr eboot M year* old aad thoayfc ha 1* married aad bee four BkenWd ■kUdren he never breather a word to tte arlfe or aay other per—a about the kOtiny uatdl after h4a arreat. He rayr rhat he w— Identified by a —a named Sinclair wha moved to Florida from ride county eavara] yuan —e. He will plead eelf-dofea- whoa toted at the Nevemher term of Buyer! «o court. DEMOCRATS RALLY AT ULUNGTON TO * HEAR GOVERNOR Governor of North Carolina, awh arraiemc in one fOUKjrj aiaerj 8 nator John Rob >m«tt oriU In tnxlace Governor Morriaon. Then the fan win be(4a. TSa Governor to ga taff to reply ta the Republican walk ■boat high tana and aH that sort af thin*. Thooe wbe have heard bn epaak wfli know what ta oxpeet Thoae who have never heard Gov ernor Cant apeak, owe H ta theto •chroa ta go ta liWaglon. North Carolina bar never produced a wore load enough for aO ta hoar. A tremendou* barbecue dinner to briny planned by the oaecuttoo eom •ktao. Nearly every HltU pig hi the Uflinctea territory to boh« sacrific ed far thto parpooo. Mr. Godwin eeye Aero will bo ’erne opeugh for ItoO oriooaa Everybody it invited to attend. SAFE CRACKERS MAKE HAUL OF MM IN CASH Sahas. Sept. SO—Idle tndm via. lted Selma late night and rubbed the •n Erprvaa Ca., and the Wood Ore r«ry Co. Aboot WOO la aauy va •tolan. la both Inoteaces the TibbteO battered the door of the safe to plaooo with o heavy tamwci and a ylok arhleb they oaearod by breaking kb tha tool haooo of (ha aootioa foramen of tkt Bootharn BaOway, whieh it located near Aa. of Aefr spots. Hen* Thera waa aboat STK fa Aa safe ef tha IT»yrtee Ooanpaay aad •boat »7» bi tha tefa of Aa Wood Grocery Co., tha (tore of tha Union Oratory A Feed Oo, aero ■ Ao teroat fro* tha Wood Otocaty Ca., waa aba broken opan bat aathfa^ is li itn| from tha iatartor. Thera Is so *teo to tha Identity ad tha robbers D»k«i* * tKa e*n«faah»t af toa Qro.aabara Dally Knra 4a a-aa* ta my. yat aaraat rtranyt laat totaatoy whtt* tiurlia*. for Unt^taa a«alaal Aaglar, hr Aottla* than nlhy toa aaora at P to P .TMtwa a yraatritoa far "NUah” aa toa ~n ^fi\ im|» •4 tlnamlTM ta to aohwtahla. O' Qalaai haa haaa « maWr af toa Oraaaahata hatahaB toaaa af toa W*4a«al )a*Oa far toa fait Iarc hatiaa to aataataaf *-—*ia“ What fc ballara* to ha a iaaaa« h toa anaata af potato >aMa* far tod aaedaa af toa atato aw toa 4%atat af toa ** ** \ .. COinil MARKET BREAKS RECORD M FIRST MOUTH m uuuimvvi •fther ten miImM *r rtored her*. It it believed that 8m open market will eeO at leeat 28,000 hale* thfc year tad that A*-rtriram wdH receive two third* a* arach. $128 COW PAID FOR HERSELF IN 128 DAYS Wilmington, dct. J. — “The bofl frMi cotton to didnta? ami ' otoofc growing, bat tbo eradication of the cattle tick made the change paw ■tMe.” mU A. L. James, of Dertiag to®> South Corotioa, a recent coo vert te purebred cattle. “Wo bad tick* oa oar form," ha Mid, “and at that time oar II am war* worth about fMO for the whole let. Now wo havo 44 'Ineiamjo. b* cladlag young mtaeh, aad they saw •••Uy worth aa avotuge of MM a baad. after the fever ticks wen cleaned oat fan tkie section of the State, Mr. James bought a good cow for fits and la 110 dapu he bad paid for be reelf la ediHHna te payfaig for hex keep The price of mUk la not m high now M It was ImmiiHtlilj following the tMfcm off of the >—» Hek, hut atlll the reeking ef milk la profitable. One taetar that km had mash te da with it le the feed. wMek I* largely Heme grown. Oettoa seed it eaehaaged for ittlna Mid meal. Hay b made ef eats aad vetch aad alfalfa. Hat the beet crop of el oa the ton*. I* tto awM^***, K £ Wtm to**, k la May t* grow M totoala of tto In* to tto pad to tto **r* an toad that arUI pt» |« to**U *f aw* to tto aaato tto*. Wto* tto «*ra to* tow rtoml tto am* «* to patoarad a* to* torn* •ad eornaUtoa daria* to Id to wtator. Canrar-crap rjr* I* d* m fa* partaa*. Tto aam a* tola tom m* W maktoc ap tor wtot cotta* daw aat da. |* itM Mr. to* n aa wan, tot to* pda* of oatao* wok a drop aad only * goto pudaadaa •( atilk kapt kto potnp tto (to aaaktad kto to told kb aattea lor Vtot IkS to* dMtti ;I1 u4 • fenced eetfea eeiwge *e tmi new tfce teftllWerMB. ig^fH n turn W4IN tone ef tottwe feu^Mtr *1 tew wew' Jeed." • t?*" Ua «• «m elTirJnn* Umj&km ■Ln ,>.".yt', ^toa* "*** ' " if m REGAINING FAEADtSE IN ■“paoa Canty_j* tUa fall to wake an tfM to retrieve a part of thrir faH.a iortoaw >Mn Uwy Soto 'aw. A oort of fatootolaa koto effected between tea Democrat, and aotne larargant fteyobttOona. Thto la to lay tta Dvmorota have to tawed A* candidacy of a cnpla of tajwti for clerk of toe court and we baiter., .heriff, to the w inllu. aewlnatlny powocroto for toh-affwc emtog oOCte. Row Bob*; Ato mad. tgood raa for toe fongrejtooaM ar tandtoa, la A* odeetton fed to* Born* of Wtoor mulatto w and Mb When bettor* they have a chanor to etoct bin.' Than wtB he, wo hare no Mt, f aone complaint from the dyed tofta wool^MtoerondwMo win todtot’toot bar* Indoned anybody wbe bad^toor tan a Republic. to ny nothing of , npyorttag oae wbo la merriy dte gmmttod. Btot if Raagynb goto totter grrermaent oot of the eatobla* R •taold worry. Hack conM ho laid to to.Ill' to •top** tad*, howoa, and ahfp mb •My tog—onto at tba coantv its. and heMiag a — i—ifoii , ■-j tar Dm wlitolao of rmny -fiiiri. ta on tba btob of nelaiatong Samp aon for tba Democratic parly A* Mht onto he wade n comity itotooa and mat w Stain •, National Tba ®taN«nitojp«ty to Mori* Oaatohw fWtora to deltow tba good* IFWanwont If the Weyahltodalfcov aramiot of ■amyron hat faded to da ta**. toM Coonty a*r be inoMinod, tat not wttoowi tot btoy of dtnwtod tapohUewML Anybow, It la *ampaoa*i hnalnew and toot la abate all w* Martel oot to aay —Ratolgh Tfanoa. ‘ t

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