»»•**** « LOCAL * ‘ ♦ e ♦ V • WHITE WAY PROGRAM THURSDAY ••OUT OF THE SILRNT NORTH" —with— frank mayo FRIDAY ‘•PA8SI0N PLAYGROUND" SATURDAY "PERILS OF THE YUKON” Eplaode No. 7 "CHRERPUL CREDIT" A Century Comedy ‘•SEEING RED” A Two Reel Weetern OCTOBER • “REPORTED MISSING” A Select Special k V. Tf. uptii, vjvuwiu ■ icauin^ mrn r chant, ni here today. Jew Park Butler bat aeevptsd a !X lition at taieeman with the Gold t»in Company. Born—to Mr. and Mr*. J. 0. Wwt, c.t (he home of Hrt. Weifi mother, Mra Sarah Hargrove, la Sampaon county limt Tuoaday, a very fine boy, ' MiJtem Myrtle and NeS Koona, sla ter* of Ralph Koona, returned yea >rdky to their home at Wilmington. They were here for the funeral of MeD. HoHiday. Mr. and Mr. Elllt Goldoteln, Mite Roealle Goldoteln and Matter J. J. Goldttrln, have retamed from 0«1 da boro. where they tptcl Sunday and Monday with ralatlvaa. Henry Torllngton left today for RockV Mount to attend the Fair. Ha it president of the Harnett Coanty Agricultural Fair AaaoetaWon and b in Rocky Mount to book wee tern horuw for the race* nt the fair hare neut week. Many of Dunn’t football enthati »>U attended the Carolina-Wake For -»t football pum at Goldtboro Sat urday. All were diaappolntad by the poor showing made by the Baptists, ■ ho lort <2 to t. The game looked "ore like ■ running race for the Carolina boy*. Ben Franklin Parker has been ap pointed aealrtant chief marshal of the fair at Dunn next week. Dick Taylor b the chief martial. He and Mr. Parker will require tweaty young men wbkrhomea to assist them. Thry will receive applications until Saturday night. Captain 1. Roland William* and Dick Taylor, who have ghargv ed the tournament to be aUged at the fair on Wedaeeday, lay that maeh internet ha* boon ehuwn la the JoaM and that several eciUadan have ea preaaed a daalra to eatar the Uaaa The winner of the tournament wfl -hoooe and crown the quant of the fair. Everybody U eh owing mack Intar eat in that Overland automobile Um fair aaaociation ia to give away ai the fair hare nut week- Every pur chaoer of a ticket wtli ha given I coupon which wtH giva him or hai a chance on winning the car. Thi more tick eta one purehaaea the bettei opportunity of winning he will have Even the newapaper foiko are gtvtni up their free peaces and planning U buy tickeU Our old friend. Daniel Bobmaoi Lee. the philoaophor of Sprint Branch who wrltee the intereotin) Korina about folke and thing* dowi hit way, waa here to aae aa today We have from bie pen a very Intel catlnr article on the "Yarmer’a Boy.' You may Snd it (tuck aemawhar Around thia iaaoa. "D. R.” nap ■ rriet mill down at the old OOoa Mil] He make# mighty good meal. Whe: h* ini making meal he la philoso phising. Hi* articles make mighty good reading — aa Dispatch readers eery weH know. J, W. Wilson, of Greensboro, spent the week rod hore with relative*. Min Lina Gough, of Lunrtwrton, was the guest this week of Mila Iva Raman. Mias Emma Lav of Balcigh, spent the week end here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. X. Lee. Mies Iva Pearson and her guest, Mia* Lina Gough of Lumberton, laft Tuesday for Oharlottr. where they will spend several days. Mis. R. E. Gray, who spent several days in Dunn with Mr. and Mrs. E Lee and Dr. and Mrs. Hicks, has re turned to her home in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Phillips left last week for Prescott, Arisons, where they will make their heme. The best wishes of their many friends In Dunn go with them. Mack M. Jernigan has bees elected superintendent of the Sunday school of the PI ret Baptist church. He suc ceed* Casper Warren who hue enured the ministry and is a student at the Bapttet Seminary *t Louisville, Ky. Yoor exhibit at lh* fair will help boost a community enterprise and will advertise your product. Advor «*«l i" your iwui papers ror the nm two reason*. A good pasture means better milk, better milk scene healthier children means more powerful adults. A re you .planning far your children? "WELCOME STRANGER" Aaron Hoffman's now famoae com edy of lifrf in a mill New England town, “Welcome Stranger,' will be presented at La Fayette Theatre on Tuesday, October 10th, after two consecutive seasons in Chicago and at the 8am H. Harris Theatre, New York. Georg* Sidney, whoa* delight ful charaeteriaaUou of Isidore Solo nos, the central figure of the play has been pronounced one of du moat artistic portrayals on our praaeal day stage, heads the notable cast that Mr. Harris baa provided among whom are Was. H. Turner, Chaa. Scofield, Willard De Shi si, Nicholas Burnham, Chaa. Newsome, Jules Bennett, Harry Colscaaa, Wm. McFadden, Will Ad ams, Norm Stalling, Katharine Moors, Isadora Martin and Vivian Hickaeon. e~gcmamj _ — 1 ■■ Report of tke Condition of THE STATE BANK * TRUST CO At Dunn. N C., la tho State ol North Carolina, at tho clow of bool .■vat. BspUtmher IS, 1922. RESOUJtOEB Loots and Discounts._$142,391-21 Demand Loans ..._ 200.94 Dve.draft*, seeurod,__ 304.94 iUnklnif Route*. $14, 124.07; Furniture and lures, $4,000.49 . 18,727.84 Cash in vault and net amounts due from Bank*. Bankers and Trust Companies .... 19,089-84 Cask Items held ovsr 24 hour* -- .. 08.64 Checks for cleariaf_ 1,047.92 Total.$1 $1,859-90 LIABILITIES Capita) Block paid in.„._$ 28.000.00 Indlvlik-d Profit*, lea* current ssponws and taxes paid_ 696.11 Bills Payabl*. 80,099.84 Deposits subject to chock 31,080.86 rime Certificates of De posit, Due in Lee* Than 30 Days_... 1,600.00 Cublsr1* Checks out Standimr .. _ 8*7.21 Certified Check*. 1.818.«8 l imr Certificate* of De vu*it, Doc on or After HO Day*.. 19,802.67 Savin** Depoait* - 16,172.9ft Total.fl81.83S.B0 Stale of North Carolina—County ol Harnett. I, Jam.* K. Eldrvd*e, Caahler ol the ebove named Back, do mlenmly jvear that the above »later*vat li true to the beat of my kno«lad*e and belief. J R. K CD HEDGE, Caahler. Su'oeertbod and aarom to before me. thl* 27th day of September IMS. E L. COOK, Notary Public. My Commlaaion ezpima January 13. 1924. C orroc t—A It out: . 0. E. JACKSON. M C. BUTLEB, T. V. SMITH, Director*. I ! COTI ON STORAGE. — 40c per bale par nsotifh Storage for everybody, finvei ammait loaded Receipt*. Ceearal Utility Co. Plume IN, Dana, N. C 19 tfc. RESIDENCE WANTED.—A POUR or five room house with water and light wanted at once. Roe or phono R. 1. McLamb at Gainay's Geras*, d St. pd. ___j BETTER BUY YOUR SHIPSTUFF before It *d**ncee further. Free man’s Cash Grocery. M tfc. WANTED TO BUY FOR CASH_A tarn near Dunn. dec R. Gardner, Dunn, N. C. Mtf. __ 9 CELFAND’S REUSH AND MAY i onnahe for school lunches. The ■ best ym. Frrsman's Cash Grocery. SStfc. FINE PEACH. STOCjt. GRAIN brigul tobacco track and tattoo • (arum for sale on caay tana* loca ted near Duke, Boiaa Croak, Ldl i'ngto.i, Clinton and Roar boro, N.‘ C. Thru- landa bought right and 1 am wiling out aa I as retiring from crtlve farming. Make a date, before coming. I am, yours truly, J G. Layton, Dunn, N. C. ff2tp. FOR SALE. — GAME COCKS OF several varieties I aka bate a law hens for sale. A. R. Maynard, Donn, N. C. It-tlc MONET TO LOAN ON FARM Land, ar town property. Wlkon and Me Laod, Dana, M. C. It tie. COTTQN STORAGE. — 40c por bale par moatk Tiara g» for everybody. GeTai—Mil B«nda4 Racatpta. Can oral Utility Co. Pleono W, Dona. N- C. U tfc. BUY TEN DOLLARS WORTH OF mere handle* from aa and gwt ton pour ile af sugar for Bfty cents. Freeman Cash Grocery. St tfc. PLUMBING.—WE ARE EQUIPPED to glee yon a ftret-claae jab af plumbing and want to do your rw pair stark. We know baw and guar antee our work. Phone ue when you need onr services. Lae A Eye HOMS MAM MIMMI OMCft triad alwajra aaad. Nat the daiaait bat th« bait. Fwa—w’a CaakOco «—7-_ MMa. WANTED—AN ALEUT BUtINUf xattar. iti.ooo alia piatawtaad mat* •ard tliec at aricaa below aO cam petition. EuWi local Unitary. io® oo and mmSdailaa. Milk Eva tea Cord Tire Ca. 110* 8 Mkhl Han, Cblaata, HL U pd. rom Mil—one muck. monel t«, to If* 1 *o*o. and tv* Pond*, toori-i* E>i miVttf WH «*U *t ?*■«*■■>11 noire. Em O. W. VMM, Dunn. Am to Mb Bran. NoBdtoc. 1 tt pd. - i MONEY TO LOAN ON PAWN •Htuto :«! nm*»:i frnai 11,OU* to titU-Jo for XX yean. Oodvtn oat JomtgM, Attorney*, Dona. M. Q. tL aawon; -l"^ Dtmn, North Carolina / I Slip Over Sweaters Beautiful style «lip-over Sweeten, ell wool, beautiful design of silk, colon, white, ten, grey, lavender and black. Something new, price_96-90 but for today and tomorrow ex tra special-94-50 Fifth Ave. I I OLD CARS NEW Stephenson's new paint shop in the City Garage Building is equipped to paint auto mobiles and guarantees to give auto o" Tiers' satisfactory jobs. A car painted by us looks just as good as it did when it came from the I actory. We have the best of workmen who learned their business in the paint shops of the leading vehicle plants of the country. New Tops a Specialty We can make tops to fit any car. PRICES REASONABLE Stephenson’s Auto Paint Shop < Each Department is Filled \ Coat Suits, Dresses, Coats \ Millinery of the Best Gage Hats Little Miss Gage Hats * \¥ ~ Style-Plus Clothes Ralston Shoes Godman Shoes Queen Quality Shoes Fairfield Shoes KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS SPACE 1 t ' Non(i JJJJJJJJJJJJJgJJJ Ife