PREPARE NOW TO VISIT THE FAIR AT THE OUT ,X* DUNN. NO -I -1!—^gH—Er= HJYL.JK FLAYS REPUBLICANS IN . ULUNGTON TALK Acclaim* Democracy Greatest Of AH Things' Bom In T ho Minds Of Men LAMBASTS MORE HEAD FOR TAX GRUMBLINGS Says Lodge Shot Wilson In The Back And Party Leaders As sassinated Hope Of The World — Laud* Hannibal Godwin And Praises Nat Acclaiming Die Democratic party and It* ptaclplt* the greatest agency for human program and development over eresled by Ihr minds of men, Camtron Morrison, Governor of North Carolina, yesterday opened Democracy's campaign in Harnett County at Lillington with * afiaarb seething vrith bitter denunciation of • the Repablican tariff .the Republican party and the Republican a-gu leant against present La ration In North bpcclollr bitter *u the Governor I toward John Motley Morebead. whom he eharactmtiM a* a "m.Ulo units ■ wool blanket manufacturer" who In tho language of a "blackguard'' pro an rood to criticise method* of taxa tion in North Carolina. Mr. Mo rebead he sarid. waa In the aajRV elaa* a* the "wottah group of oelflah men’' to whoa the Republican government had bartered away the right* and Sanc tion* of the American people. Mr. Mor*head, hr declared further, was pleased to have the tariff through which manufacturer* were allowed to place aa high a tax aa they pleased _ upon the public for woolen blankets .. 4. " 1® ,h**p them warm this winter, bat . > waa opposed to the Mato system of of the world and waa leading the people of the earth up to God. “It waa assassinated by the Republican party," be declared. Little credit for the system of tax ation waa cUta^ed for hlraaelf by Mr. Morrison and for tha other poli cies of his administration. Nat Town send, of Dunn, was largely responsi ble far the system through which each county retains the tax money H collects, and the general policial ware bom in the Worts of North Carolina people. “I hare kept my ear to tha hearts of my people and I knew what they wanted," h« said. When Mr. Morrison became Gov ernor there were 1,600 insane per sona in prisons and in the homes of North Carolina and the State had no way to care for thsm. Its institution for their care waa overcrowded, aa were every other State institution— those for the blind, the deaf, the dumb; those for education of boys and girls, young men »nd young wo men. At that time the State's bonded i. debteilnese was $11,000,000, and the State owned railroad property from which it derived an annual ren lal of $360,000. ft owned notMiNT Mr. Monitor declared, that it could nod I'qoldate—except » duty; a duty to .be unfortunate Insane, the afBletad tn youth; a duty that prieksd tie conscience of every thougbttel man who knew conditions. Public ■ oads were a disgrace; public adula tion was inadequate. With this duly before it the Mor rison administration started oat to. place (to pol’etcs into operation. Ko l ' y was needed. Bends wars author! »■ d and the money was gotttn. Pay ment of these bond* depends not on DICK TAYLOR CbM Mamhali af the Fair a*d Rifntdiu Leader who mtti make the opening addrem at the fair. — ~ - J th* taxes gathered in the counties They com from insurance compos rail road •, express and Oalagrwpl com panic*, from Inheritance and tar coma ta^a. , Tax** ara high, th* speaker admit tad. '1 don’t know whpt tha rata of taxation in Harnett Coonty ia hot I know that It la lower that that to'any eoanty or any other itati •n tw* union of Staiaa,1’ ha mid “hmapao a rocetrt mrroy ahowa tha leiwlp North Carolina counties an lower tfcah they art In any othea eountiaa In thip gre^h rouatry «i our*." . » . * But the people era some thing for their mo^ati' ha darned There was a tima. Man wa ; yak Utils and got nothing in return or* to travel To theoe who might have hoot Woking about State baa da and Uteii iatcmwt the OSwersor uM: "Baton roa Uao a# wiki Hum and bell •M if yak pay anything—-for Cod’! sake don't make a row about It." Democracy it coming back to ib own. Mr. Morrison thought; "it was den away sometimes, but it hae i way of returning to redeem the fane tiona of the people bartered sway b] the Republicans.” Vote for Democrats, he advised hi bearers; "some of them may not V as good as they ought to be, bat the] do wot represent erronioaa govern meat All sendldetes can’t be saneti fled. Bros if some are not so good they are batter for yom than th best shore* member in the RepubII can party. Den't scratch. Vote tin ticket straight. Stand up for Demo craey, tor Democracy is yoor selva Uoa—tks salvation at the masses." ' Mr. Morrison area hoard by aboa 1,000 purple; not so many as war expected, because militant Demoers ey was In the cotton fields yteteniaj There were sevarml hundred women a large number of children and torn who were there more for the 'on than for the speech; bat all enjoys tbo speech; all cheered lustily who the speaker spoke ef Woodrow Wil son nod when he alluded to Hennlbs L. Godwin as the man who sosl r.«k-HSHs^emesme * MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS ¥ LARGEST AND BEST IN ¥ HISTORY OP THE PAIR ¥ Bran I Drtr'i Kraal atraaa ¥ mud taralaal Aawa wIB (ml* ¥ all af tka HkaaSaaa aiaay Aa ¥ alA.w tkia r*ar. TUy huW. * a »IU aalatal akaw, a «IU watt ¥ akaw. a taut tat riSaa, atatar ¥ raaaa, waaiaal attraaHaaa, mlo ¥ atrala mud u fraat aaaikar af ¥ af atkar tkawt aarar aaaa kara ¥ kafara. ¥ r i ¥ akaara kaaa kaaa tka at ala ¥ fa Ira at tkat at Baldwara. ¥ Nartkara aaattra. Tkay aaaaa ¥ arUk tka aary klfkaH pflaUa ¥ fraat tfcaa* ratata. Tka laW aa ' ¥ raalatiaa faala tkat It aarar ka 1 ¥ fara k»a kaaa aMa ta yratrat a ¥ ta tkiWIai awl aaraklt, Ut ¥ af Skawa. , ¥ Tka akawa will arrtaa kara |¥ Saafty aaf ka aalaadtf fraat j ¥ tka Carat LSaa traaka. Tkay ra ¥ «a4ra SS aaaa far ktaapirtitka ¥ »<S>I»>IMMM<MIII|III WHO WANTS AIMN FAIRASSOOATIW TO GIVE ONE AWA^ __________ . • t m 1 Omknd Car Will Bo Preilftfr *d To Holdor of Lnaky 5 Nnmbor At Fab * _ * * FULLY EQUIPPED AND V* READY TO DRIVE HOME Coupon Cooa With Each Ad m Union Ticket—Numbor To Be Drawn From Barrel Fri day afternoon—Holder Moat Bo Promnt At That Tim# Or Somebody Elm Will Got It Do you went an automobile? thsf lucky number gets tt_ There are no ' string* tied to it. Ail one has to do > it be on tha ground* at the time the i' number I* drawn. •If the holder of the number diuwa I* not there, another will be drawn— > and to. oa, until the luoky fallow is found. i Every admission ticket entitle* the purchaser to a coupon. Ons of the ' coupons will call for the ear. Cou pons go with the 2fi cent* tickets ie i sued to children; one go** with every i 2} cent* ticket issued for the night ’ shows Tuesday and Wednesday night. touring the hut week the car has - been shown In every town around , Dunn. Banners on the car tell how i it ia to be given away. < It is an Overland, purchased from > K. V. Gainey, the local dealer It ia ■ j completely equipped—starter, sliding ' I gear a*d all. It Is a regular ear; one | that any driver will be proud to i drive. >' —-_ . loom Isrgeul in Harnett's history bo . ] cause of the Arm stand he had taken , I with Mr. Wilson in all he triad to do i j for America and for the salvation of . | the world. 11 Mr. Godwin was master of e«re i j monies. He held that position because . i he la chairman of the executive com |' mittce which feels that H ia gaing |; to make Republican {wails seem pltt -1 ful from now till the end of thi £ I campaign. John Hob Raggett intro pldueod Mr. Monrieon, and In doing sc p' alluded to Aguree recently published p Which show that the avemgv rate ol p taxation in the 2V Republican coun p ties of the State was «1.02 white it p the 71 Democratic counties It wm p only B* cents. Harnett’s rate wm CART. I. ItT WILLIAMS > h I? gotten them eel the living up Hove it a ■ rat Professor Dunn: Florence Rica, Diide. Bernes Smith. Islington: fBjah MeCUn, Mrs. Seine Schyne, |h» Bottle MsCoy Bearer Deal Kn. Brass la Smith. Ihb: Prof. JUCdy McNeil. Broadway: Mr. and Mrs W. F. Devons. f Oak Grove; Hwgh Word. Mrs. Fan nie McLiaia.- f . Sampson OhuSyi Mr. and Mna. JMm Me Neill. Benson: Mrs C(yde Rich. Benja min Womack. 15unnlevel: WUHi Hteki, Mrs. Bat tle and Krila MdfQtain. Elisabeth Community: Miae Daisy Smith. Conan Doyle declare* there are m ; dlvoiec* la Heaven. Wei, of town* you can't get • divorce without a lawyer.—Chester Timas. Another reason for sever crops A fertile soil makes much better wee cf Ha rainfall than a poor one. ivrn lower—TO cents. Profiteer Heavy Oliver Shan't g*4 de.v-tonrd band furnished taoaie foi the occasion. TV woman of Hamertl turvod barbecue. 1* was a greet Mule eld meeting What the honorable Cam said la be In* reposted toWvery Book and ere®, ny of Harnett His gitlk will d< moeh toward whipping the RepobK leans In the approaching election. oooooooea.aoo.j •i* KHHIBITB HURT M * IN »Y MONDAY NIGHT K- Head* of the various hats* V aaeaU of the Pair will be an * duly at the fair grande salty * Saturday morning prepared to a* niee rc whfcKo AJI exhibitor* A V are rvgneots'l to bring tha I * thing* thay are to exhibit to !* Ntily at poaathla. Tba aaao , If ’-iarton will gladly amd far MY K rrWIrlta that eghlbHaia km aat I* tnt to bring thamaobae. Tha 1fc |K pertinent hands wMl eonttaoo * on duty through Monday. It to * ihotr drsiro (hat every exhibit •f be in plat* by Monday after toot aa (hat the grande win If be toady far the raeepden af If tba big trow da expected a* -YTuealay morning. »t . li EOGHT TO CHOOSE 1 FAIR’S QUEEN IN t BTC TOURNAMENT i.« Sb|«I Nazi Weik. Who will choooo and crown the queen of the fair? Thii ia to be dctena-nod in a too' namant to be held on the race track Wedneaday, the second day af the fair. Many bold knlgi'ts have entered the lists. The Jew pr.ontsea to bo one of the mom thrjUng oveota rf the week. Ia the tournament the knights, mounted end ac.-out.Ted with km* spears, will strive to piorg rings from ■aspipded wires over the track. Macs will have three round* at thro* rings. The course over which they are to ran will be about an eighth of a Mile. The knight who captures the ascot rings will be declared the winner, and he will be permitted to rhoses and crown the fair lady who ia t* role over the donmia of the fair I emulation for the succeeding days of the fair. The queen’s crown Is bow being mad*. Tournament, or Joust, a military sport of the middle ages ia Mumps. , la which combatants engaged one arothsr with the object of rOMbMne ihalr courage, prowess, tad skill ia the am of arms A tournament was usually held oa the iavttatiea of seam prince, who sent a king-of-aroas or herald through Ms dominions sad to foreign courts. The intending com batants hung up their mortal shields an the trees tents and ..svlUoae round the arena for inspection, to show that ihey were worthy candidates for the borer of contending in the Mata ia l ■ i' \ I (NNitm »r Dm Of kM 0f 0m»> who ha* 4mm mark Uw«H tbo nmw of th* Fair. TMQMAI L. UNU tinued te be held. But bp 1MB the alteration la the social Ufa aad War fare of Europe had changed their character, and thap are rather to bo regarded as state pa greats thaa aa real combat*. The prepress of fire arm* helped te pat than eat of fus ion. magntfleset sirsrtalamant con sisting af a rspraaawtation af lmlta tkm of the aU tsumameat waa given at firUntoa Castle, Scotland, ia As« aat 1MB. bp the Bhtamfi aad of EgiLntoe: Lady Seymour waa the Q seen af Beauty, aad many of the visiters enacted the part af aaslast knights; among them Prince Leals Sees parte, afterwards Napelaan UL A goad psstars msant better milk, batter milk suta healthier children asaaas mare powerful adalta. Are yoi planning far your children? Tsar exhibit at the fair erfll half beast a community antarpriaa aad will advertise pear pro duet. Adver thing la pour local paper* papa fat came twu raaaawc. SmB. x g * aaay who wffl ■; that ha la a ota. ioaary—hot thoaa haoa aathaaad hha M—h, Thoy hanro aat had Mm ayyar hutity viator* will have at th 1 KKp Wedaeaday, too, will ho fiafrit hy Mocial attraction* alaay tho Mid way, hy mcoa aad hy a aiyht dao of lit works. AO of ttiooo bo ro djoworfca. Thom wiU bo ao oftor the Mooad day. nuaibor of too yroyrma day wOl ho tho ooior i to ha coodattod hy XJa Bridyt. who win aaok ouanaotralioa m obow aro boot aaMad to i Oa each day at Mm MOr H A Kaye, farm demo notrot ot .will otw tMi doMoostiatiaa to show famoro how to aolva sonM ad tho-j yrob 1 sm wtuoa UooMo Mata. 'tho yroat Brown aad Dyer ilnas ‘ ana com Hr *1 ooowt wHI M tho mM | way. 'imity oar iaadi at mlirMla ‘ mm at art M tbooa dfot i • AAMOH AABlBO t -

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