THE DUNN DISPATCH I. MM BUSHED TWICE . A , TUESDAYS AMD FTUDATSl •t Orn. —ι— IhHk SLBeCKI ITXOÎJ KATKS: On· Year - ItH 81* Mo-itis .. 1.001 Tkr·· Xeetfc» ,M| CASH IN ADVAXCI ι all o—an lotl— te TW AU dqotwDU at The I/rpateh can be γ«μΜ tkreagh tele phone IH. CmummImUobi upoa Ihre topi*· are tavited, bet uni** «Π cimiiinon· ι« Uu» iwdtr of iuk ceaauÎM Hoa» BMUt farotsk m with bis nam·. U :* aot MNM<7 that the u»· he jublliM. bet wt !a«lai lUt it be ira u an wHim or rood faith. eWtt account» ml ■ editing·. eatcr te*l»aii«. club —etc., an Fa· LKhklm. In the camine election citiseaj of Monk Carolina ara to rata oa a pro posed caastitatioaai amendment which la designed to increase 0»» pay of moint or· of the State Senate and Boom of KcprajrntaUroa from (t to «I· a day. The amendment should be adopted. The present rate of pay was fixed *-3*n legislate» eonld livo comfort ably in XaUfeh for a dollar a day. *m a room in a fint class hotel will co*t each $3 a day at tkia time. Any o«M meal of tàa day trill take the Other dollar. For tie moat part, men who |* to the legirfature ui thoac «ho hare bu*inca interest* at Home. They are «(Ji'kmI to aegiect thia buiaeii for a perVod of at init iLrty dtp while they arc aeirisg the State. There h Utile rtvtanl attached to the job— evoa in aomoT. Ten do Liar* a day U none too rtoch. Henry K. London reference lihra riun. make* a contribution to the ibcTUM of i*g?aiathre pay: £aam« and Oregon bare ehaapar pay than North Carolina, hut there are few eta tee which do not best the Tar Β·ώ. AUham· paya KM for a eee *ioa of SO (lay·; Artaona 97 per diem, Arkutaj $8, California $1,000 a iee aioa, Colorado f 1,600, Connecticut ISM, Delaware μ per diem. Florida |β, Georgia 4, Idaho *300 fer a 60 day Miato·, UlinoU IS,500 far the ten·, Indiana M per diem. Kratacky 972· far 72 day*, Louisiana 910 par die*. Maine «4M eeanen, Maryland. M h day, Maiaarhaeetta »l,BOO ao anaaaUy. Mtrhi—n «800 for the aaa rim, Mitwto 91.00·, Μ1·ΙιιΙ»1 97/*·. 9M0 Ur 70 day» and dally, Nebraska 99*0 far the tarn, Nevada 9«M, New Bnféin 200, Ifrw l per dies, Weat Virginia SSOO aaaaafly, Wlaeonain 990· for the ten· «f two yean, and Wyarning 9>2 per diem. BULL IN CHINA SHOP has nothing on ford WUmh, Oct. Μλ-ΚΜ quite as 4a ■incbn aa "as enrmfed ball in · cHiaa aHoy," bat «baa the FartI ear of Mr. W. T. Iabbi of near Black Creak, raa tata tka pUtegfaw «W·* of At ur-fhalr barber «hop of WD Ika HIM· aa Seott Τ arbore street last latarter aCtareeee Um «aa a nattitfng of nmwii, tamorial » Mats aa4 ahaa «binera, ta aa j aethtnc of Mwrt— M tka oataMe. AN the chain in tba *oy won otanlu and edges of the wood· next to the fields. Thia destroy· many weevils that are In hibernation, and redncve the early Infestation in the spring. Von Cu Grow Cmm U SpUe Oi The Boll Weevil By 1. Planting at least one-third laaa icrni» per plow. 2. Cling more fertiliser and us ing tt mote Judiciously. S Planting only pure-bred eeed of the beat varieties. *. Planting plenty of seed to in we * good stand. «. JIWflWj sert* -*y c '9. Keeping cotton free from wiifc ltd (ma, by freinent cultivation. 7. Practicing systematic eeop f stien. Plow under aa much organic nalt -r aa pomibla. 8. Diversification : Do not depend m cotton alone fer a enah crop. Plant pcaituta. potatoes, and con aa caah ιτορι. Raise some hogs and other It*· ι rtock Make cotton a surplus crop.— I Nor*h Carolina Cotton Gnawer. A BENEVOLENT OCTOPUS The UnrverUty at North Carolina a—save the mark! — an octopoa. Ihore is ao better definition which will aoggeat the completeness with efclch this institution is smiuiag L-hargc of the intellectual thougtit and parpoee of thia state. For tta teotadea are stretched out rrer North Carolina, touching the life η every basal et, village and city. It s drawing to Itself the beat that Bda date baa to offer in the way of achet er 1 y sebltlons of ita aspiring youth Bet il ii a benevolent ecte.-i».v Whu it takee, it mCumi manjrfold. lt touch·» not to bUgkt liât te bin. It* ambition U to libérale talhar than enslave the miada of nan. The power which H aeaks ia the pow •r to aarrc th« atatr. No inaUtatioa in North Carolina deserve» «ο wall of the people. No iaadtatran posataoes such inftniU poa ribilitic· for enriching the IKa of the rtate and for kaoplng tk· feet of our citiani forever planted ia the paths of progrres-—JUhovillo Time·. DUKE NEWS Dake, Oct. 30.—Principal Tbomaa W. Sprinkle and Baverai mvmtxxa of tha graded and high school facalty attended the meeting af the cionty teacher·, bold in Islington laat Satur day. Various matters pertaining to •ebool affairs in tbe county vera dW euiard, along with the athletic pro grams af the en-jnty school· being oatr.ned. Superintendant Β. 7. Gan try of the Harnett county aehool pre sided over the meet. A. B. Ward of FayettcviUc, «pent tie week «ad hare with hia «later, Mr*. 3t. C. Brown. G. D. Sample of the high school faculty, attended the football game between Da rid» on and Trinity col leges in Oreenaboro last Saturday. Miaa Vallna Sobonon waa called to her borne In Bmporia, Va., laat week by the suddan death of bar fa ther. He had been In ill health for nm< time, bot tha unexpected pawing ww a ihock to her. Jeuia Rayford of Concord, waa th« week-end goaat of John O. Webb. Bdarard, Frederick and Philip Thomas of Durham spent tha weak end here with friends. Mm. M. L. CantwoU of Wilmington, was the week-end gueet af bar daugh ter. MUt Mary Cantwall. Librarian. Arthur Whitlay, director of the Br Some people upKt money by •pending >11 they have ud praying for it, bat tbc -wiso one· un vbt they can by takla* the V oat prat ing and paying for it. Start a sarlng account in Pint Nation! Bank. be get* wet goodaT Bot a vomuli always sattaAed with the dry good· •he gets at Draugbon'·. Usually wfcen a man makaa an aaa af hlraaeH, hia wife will try to bo an aiatL The beat thing nearast aa animal te Patina Ο molar· from L. P. Suriea. From the Bubertewa Call"—Mt«a Jones vas bitten by a dog la tbo b. lines· section." The moot proper place to get hold of-awte aections, is at The City Garage. Would you call a woman a eoUoo lor because (ha fancied William and Is now going after bar Β10 Τ To keep your bill down, cat groceries from Walter Jooea. Thar* is no sense in a ρ «non «it ting around on as empty stomach, when they can sit around on a good aca] oa Mhy Nice Bread. .-·· Coinert Band. φ·ηι ut .tii ia Weidon «ilk Mn Whitley trfco ι kick. MImc» |j«»e!le and Flats Morris of "'/«t;«»tCe, spent Suodajr her*, th'*plng Bolhrar, the elk, fat charge, Keeper H. Luthar Jos·* ha* resigned hi* poattlon aa caretaker of tbe Br wln Park «00. Mr. Jooea recently had a narrow eaeape freai being gored by the above aamad elk. However, "Bolivar" U M meek aa a kitten now and ia harm.eaa, bat it U a hard thine te convince Mr. Joaaa of tbe DEMOCRATIC 0PEAK1NC The fellewiag Demo «rati a 1y«Wi will iOmi Ae pwfie ef H—— School. Not. 4, at 7:30 p. ». J. IL Ι·||«>1 ui M. T. Sfwnt Al Cool Syrhfi S«M, U. L Rr·. N*a. 9, at TiUf m. M. T. Jhm »mL N.41I McKay Sal At R.u.J Wood «chool, ! rill·, Nov. 1, at 7)30 y m Al Hiibry Grm, U. L 1L, Nor. J. at 71 JO j». b. At MJdwar School, Bocfchorn ι | TmAlp, Nov. 4, at 7:30 p. m. C. L. Cuy. α Η. Brown aa4 F F. Taylor: At Grocery î, Cran, Ν·*. 1· at 7>30 p. m. At Capo Faar School, Ν«11. Croak. Nov. t, at 71 JO p. ■. At Nurwrjr Sahagl, AnJina·'» Croak, Nor. J, at 7 >30 p. n. At Sorroll School, Crovo. No*. 4, at 7:30 p. m. C. F. Υο··|, G. Κ. Grantham aad C. C. Farkori At Bi| Branch School. BwWt·, Nov I, at 71 JO ■. At Mary Juvwt School, Avoraa boro, Nov. i, at 7:30 p. wm. At T*lk|«oa S.hool, Grovo, Nov. 3, at 71 JO p. «ι. At Spna| Hill School, U. L * , Nov. 4, at 7130 P. M. CharWa Roaa >WLL Laviaao·»· At Dna, Nov. X, at 7 τ 30 ψ. m. At Midway School, Nov. 3, at 7130 >· ■»· At Mamora. Nov. 4, at 7:30 y m. ,~l A million men have turned to One Eleven Cigarettes —a firm verdict for superior quality. #nr ΉεΒγ cigarette· MÊmo» w *w y ^ , y * ' '/ 4· · r3f1 : '■ ; ■'.- -C. Cotton Seed Wanted! We pay highest cash price* or will exchange for— MEAL FERTILIZER OR MEALYMONIA Scales situated next to J. L. Hatcher's Store. MEALYMONIA—Used last year by many farmers in this section—is highly recommended by those who used It Ν. B. Lee and Fred Baggett agents for Lee County Cotton Oil Company J QUALITY TELLS What's your idea of clothes economy? Isn't it good style, every-day satisfaction, long service? That's where quality tells ! Kirschbaum Clothes: ^25 to £45 E. L. Parker & Sons DUNN HUDSON COACH *1625 Which—The Real or Showy— Know the Facta. It Will Save You Much mm4 Τ mm bfra You have the choke of two typea of closed car· under $2000. One feature· body fittings—dome light, vanity case*, •ilk curtain·, etc. Special attention is given to that Such car· are mounted on chaaaea that in open model· tell in the neighborhood of $1000. The other type ia the Hudson Super Sir Coach at $1625. You wQl like the rugged simplicity of its body and the utility and comforts it provide·. It ia mounted on the famoui Super-Six chaw» of which 120,000 are ■ ΊβΙ 7>PiiNn|tr flmten - tn service and which has proved itself by official tests to be one of the world'· great cars. In the Coach you get alt the cloaed car advantage·. It· appeal increases because of performance and reliability and economy. Its greatest impression is made in actual service and in the comfort it will give you. You must dccide which quality you want at α moderate price—whether vanity case· and dome light·, trunk and guard rail·, or genuine motoring satisfaction. » •1179 CoMh - MC2C Sedan - 4M ruin» D. P. S. Motor Cwaptay, Dim, North Carolina