tub mamxL tu» or amuuca·* WOtLDNMTKM <]*r *·» ε. τ. KaiuiM. α d.. llj>> A wtwiw preacbcd at the Seeond rt»'>;mtei »4tns. Laouviite. f ut> hM Vjr A· IhHiiIo Poat, hp· i—efcor 11, lltt. Tat: 1 Tmvothy 2:1-*, »4 JuH tiJf. A ll ·; Mm to appeal to the CUitln wwioK*. I vnM Ilka ta rcach cîwj CbiMlat cowatknoe In Aaarica. Tbeta to mo partiaan poll ill ay imwagt. I ^»ut ril eoaiki liimftlf U mi; pert al So re ft ta 1*20. I km jmat rotarned from uortiT ikoiter tri*. My reeaat J—raey Iti r^T faiymi my eao ttHIwi Iktn «tatcaenta I wl*h to make Κ Ae wrj ktdnliii. TVc lut 1* taal th· American nation baa traded ita m sea I r—ponatbEBty tiact the World War. The Mcoad la that is erlean ChrUtlaae. «ka ar· faaitHar with Maaa of right and truth, have traded ϋκίι moral retpoaaibility by their polity af aileare, of talcewara Λ*«β and drifting la oaa of the gréât es. cri m in the hiatory of the world. The third itaUmeat u thai the gnat mriwra· «bu un ·η pi Λωια aa » nation U presumption. Wo Ima gine we arc Ml·, lmnsane from the «encrai peril* of the worid icnw the Mfta, that oar eonatitntioo I· an m tfirod document, and that w« ara 4» fararttca of hmw We naed to recall the mord· of Ckriat ««Ma the Deril tempted Him to jam ρ from A· pinnacle" of the temple and truat God to mru Him from Injury by Bending ar.gcla to tor hire up. Jeene replied : "Thou ahaK Mt tempt the Lord thy Cod." An* rice ia an the pinaada of the world*· life, and (ha U In daagar of m*Ui« the fatal jamp by ignoring her mar*' obligation to maaklad. We art bring ht a fool*· paradlae In ear ▼tin rfalaiion that we can lire a «op erate life. There are two practical raggeatiane I wtnh to make. The flnt la that the American government ought to take an active part hi the acttlement of the gram European problème. Thia im pttea nothing aa to the method. Fer-, eooftBy, I am for the League of Ha tioae. becaaae eomo agency or le- j •trames tali ty ta ceoemary. and thia ia already to exiateoec, and in · way functioning. Bat If mmt other way can be foamd, well and good. The cctond practical toggaetleaa ia that Antrim Chriftiasi ma,mirm their iiilmfo f«H to tkis cwd. We CtehHine are eitisena. Wo mart not soand the cUar nota *f dm J. Wa should do oar boat to Β re us· the American conscience. Mj IMNM tor ψ· preceding (UtoswnU at* u folows: Fixst, w» are morally bound U compléta what we began. Wc did not lUtt the Work! War, but are weat in sad agreed to h alp. Th*n wc draw back at a crucial moment Suppose a MUTron afitca to help another nr. «•on hi a dangerous opérai Ion, and auppaae la tho midst of the operation, oa professional or tcehnic*l grounds, ha ihould soddoaly deiert the caw and lat the patient bleed to death. TV· verdict of right-minded people would be that inch a sargeon τ» a moral reprobate and anworlhy of confidence. Wa ara making the Impression up oa the world that wa do Dot care for others. Wa draw back from oar grval taak at tbc wry crisis of tha world'· affaira. Wa brought new democracies to birth all avar Europe and then wa laft tbeas u helpless aa infants, a pray to the wotret of anarchy and reaction. We tossed the yoong flemo craelea oat of the sleigh in which we were escaping to satisfy the·* woWes punaise αι. * Wc trashed autocrats all orer Eu rope aad then wc «aid to Bolshevism and Socialism aad anarchy do aa you {will. My second reason is that respon sibility and opportunity go together In IBtO I met American merchants in many places In £arope proepectir.y for trade. I have seen In American papers long liais of countries, Ruro peans as well aa Asiatic. In which there are great trade opportunities. We are "seeking to exploit the world commercially. Our papers are publish ing long llats of business h ouïes In China, Japan. India, Africa, France, Germany, SWth Amcrica everywhere j'd jitioji. haw Am·.·'.lean i.t»r . : tear- kCwu: rt>· u;porluriity of ihn new V- :>rV uiùtr to *<1τ*ι\*ο Am .•lûen trade. Λ .;«ΐ ;«rt thr.M aT-j Am >. icir>» who t>tc ui.»iliin|> tu uimic ! »ny rcni.-m.iuiUtr ï°» kitpinj the wnrld'a peace. In bed" »· want to Iv a co*vv;r&-.an. : «.i'Jarn of the wtrtii. -ii [li't'ci κ··ι! rational life, <i ·*<■.—. t" be r. - »rk Rornor, who uct in « ;on»cr cm'/.!>g m Chrtat 1 -·ιαβ !>··. H; pat In hii thumb and j'vlVd oil! u plain βτ>·( ra.nl what a -i-:at V07 aa» I." In trad* wo aay "be '.old nj •'u.lr.ç, Ulco · Torj chant·." I *Λ nu··»! r. ror.ilhility -xu are m y in* "play uif ." Tsir no rl ancea. We fsrfcet that. , Yhousi) love repine and roaaon chafe, ! Ticre co.,1..* a voire without reply. " Ci, mua't perriilion to he safe, | When for truth he uu*ht to dw. I cm wondering today what ■« ?·>rliiiff ana*! la heaves la writing 1 Η the bOi>ka of God coneeritlojr our » <«*nt bohnvior ci a nation. I am ■ o'td :r'nor what 'Jic dlfpatei-tiain h:» torian ok lundr*·! ur vwo narëred yean from now, when all lb.· e'euda jof pulsion and conflict «bail Dave ■ -wliat thr HUtor-χΛ will b< ikmi^'Ud to write co-icvininf α». If '.'«kc of Ihu present wndencica con ■ tlnaa, if no new moral power ia arou ; jod to ι ei'.xt iho preeeat pettine»» and vlU.uieu, the future historian will jl-avc to wjr ûotuv thins» !>ke the fol· jlîwinj: America jnoyed and foufht that j'-i.» sovevruncata of the world Aoold ' * >!ja»ocraciee nrd uetsted at the ;b;rt'.> «Γ a wore of nuw dtmocraciea, i. -.d ".hen tuned hrr back upon them, ι Site h' lprd to briOR them forth and thin -e^U'i'atid her own off»prias. 'ο··<· t«:w £o*« new-bora people* try ir.R to IcAt'a their new ait of fcow to sovarn t h e m sjw them half blinded and ».,w -hm hy famine atVr foar year· • i i,.:JKiucUOD; saw them to deadly 1 * · oi anarehy and laternal fort·· ι Je l?oction; urw them battling for tir "7 livM to a stormy ··· of i-' *. r:,«i saw them do ' .· t. thj Wjen they hud been bled' IU v.th four yean ef loa of blood ..I »! il· ah· looked on, Ao paved on lh(> other aide, perpetuatinc th* -rat. oroloafinc the (real traeedy. Tee my we Addled while Rome burn ■1. It la wore· than that. We played : VUwinka while the world barned. My third r«a*on la that the preeent European equation aeeme Iwptlwa without America'· Influence. We are familiar with th· taKare erf the iw crnt conference· at Genoa, at th· Hsjroe, aad at London. Two fraat g voice* hare recently been raised to England for fee wtMmast of the Christian conscience of th· world. Dr. J. H. Jowett, the grmt Noe-canfonn ist preacher of London, has recently :nadc · heart-breaking appeal to I Christians of tfce world to aro«sa I heauelv··. Uoyd Go org» ha* pet the :iac In aa addrcu recently to a gzmp >f Christian» with the minor acte and til th« trafic impreaalvane»» of ou if the old propknti of krarl He «aid h*· drift in Europe it toward anolheT r*r. Another war mean· the doom of dvilUation. He repeated the word to mprea» IL "I tall you, my friand·, tf ire get Into another general war, ai·» ligation I* doomed, doomed, doom pd r America'· voice haa the one aeed fd Influence baaed upon the convic tion, in European aiinds, of oar di» ntercctednets. I offer no lolation of Lhe European problem. Probably no American today know· what la the trac solution. I am «imply seeking ia impreaa the duty of taking a hand and trying to ftnd the «olution. My fourth reason U that the phy ileal unity of the world create· a moral unity. There It no aacape from thia. A hundred years ago the world Ife wai many organisms. Today it if one cTtaoIo· with one a«rvo«a ijn Um. Then Lh» world wu Ilk· % block of clajr. Yoa could itrike and d»nt it. Tod»y II li ■ block of marbt·. A iligit blow vlbrmto* to iU utmoit «χ tNmilj, Every Islinutloiul qtiMtioo todajr Is at bottom a moral qneation bMiiw (Continued ou p«c* β.) NOTICE! NOTICE!! It pays to sUnd in with Ο- V.'. Butler, because he ; ; can famish you with the ^e»y best meats that any mar- ! I ket can sell, saw your woo:!, bale your hay, sell you fresh milk cows and swap or sell yoa real food fat < > mules or horses. All thin at the very best price. In ; ; fact. I will treat my customer* right. ; ; G. W. BUTLER I Dunn, North Carolina | 8SSS3222 '-ΊΜΐ" ?.* *1 »11 " *1111 * * * * * * ** * DEMOCRATIC SPEAKING The following Democratic Speak·» will address r.hc people of Harnett Coun ty at place· and on dates indicated below: N. A. TOWNSEND, L. M. CHAFFIN AND M. M. JERN1GAN: At Aircastl· School* Btrbecu· Town .hip, Nov. 1, at 7:30 P. M. At Cameron H31 School, JohneonviQe Tcvmship. Nov. 2, at 7:30 P. M. At Baxmlevel, November 3, at 7:30 P. M. At Coat», Nov. 4, at7i30 P. M. J. R. BAGGETT, JAMES BEST AN£> DR. J. W. i ALI ORD: At Flat Branch School, Anderson Cre jk, Nc/. 1, at 7:30 P. M. At Piacah School, U. L. R., Nov. 2, ai 7:30 P. M. At Cokasbmy School, Nov.4, at 7:30 P.M. J. R. BAGGETT AND M. T. SPEARS: At Cool Springs School, U. L. R., Nor U, «l'i'ii O P. M. M. T. SPEARS AND NEILL McKAY SALMON: At Roond Wood School, Johnonrille, Nov. 1„ at 7:30 P. M. At Hickory G rare, U. L. R., Nor. 2, at 7 JO P. M. At Midway School, Bochhorn Tow—h'μ, Nov. 4 pt 7:30 P. M. C. L. GUY, C.H. BROWN AND F. H. TAYLOR: At Gregory School, Groro, Nor. 1, at 7:30 P. M. At Cape Fear School, NeUls Crook, Nor. 2, «t 7:30 P. M. At Niiraory School, Anderson'· Crook, Nor. 3, at 7:30 P. M. At SorroO School, Groro, Nor 4, at 7 :30 P. M. E. P. YOUNG, G. IL GRANTHAM AND C. C. PARKER: At Big Branch School, Borbocue, No . 1, at 7 JO P. M. At Mnjr Stewart School, Aroraaboro, Nov. 2, at 7 30 P. M At Torfengtop School, Groro, Nov. 15, at 7ύ0 P. M. At Sprfag WD School, U. L. It, Nor* 4, at 7:30 P. M. CHARLES ROSS AND L. L. L£VINSON. At Dunn, Nov. 2, at 7130 p. m. At Midway School, Bode horn. Nor. 3, at 7:30 p. m. AifAur*», Nov. 4, at 7 iJO p. ak AB the raters, —ptrtslljr (he bin are cordially mrfted to hear these able ipi slur· dhean the Isinoe at the day. R L. GODWIN, Cb.hr···, NEILL M:K. SALMON, Secretary Portable Coal Grates To introduce our Portable Coal Grate· to the home· of Dunn we offer 100 at Retail $4.00 each. Terms Cash, none sent on ap proval end none delivered at the above price. 2 Sizes, 20 and 24-inch. Both have circu lar front and dump grate. They are unusu ally smooth, well fitted* and painted a jet black gloss paint. Call et our Foundry. I The John A. HftÊ&ry-Mfg. Co. I DUNN, —ι— NORTH CAROLINA Mix with a 25-lb tack of Your Favorite Flour • (tckin of ΗοΓνίοτ#·, and than you will kaaw Jour nU-IiUh Soar 1· absolutely per* and wholiaom» free from any adulterant. Horafund'a always makaa hot bread», uîh and putn of Dm, «van taxtara—mora dahcioua, and eaiy to 4ir*«t. Horaford'» 8eH-Kaliln( Brand Preparation la sold only In original packagea. AAVE THE BSD LABELS tor «WU. FIU PREMIUMS CM Im Mm LM W wiftlna H—fi·il r^ealMl Wort», foe*Mens·. R. L Norsfbrds SELF-RAISIH6 BREAD PREPARATION Coadtmed lUtement of The First NtliaMl Dunn, N. C. «I the cloa· of buainnaa 5epfenbw 16th, 1922. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $684,022.76 U. S. and Other Bonds 41,960.00 Stock; Federal Reserve Bank - 2,100.00 Banking House and Fixtures 68,186.66 5 per cent Redemption Fund 2,000.00 Cash on hand and in other banks 147,811.42 $981,020.78 liabilities Capital Stock f 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits 80,828.44 War Finance Corporation » 84,040.00 Deferred Credits; Federal Ras«rve___ 26,824.88 Circulation _ 40,000.00 Rediscount; Federal Reserve Bank 218,417.00 Kills Payable; Other Banks 26,000.00 DEPOSITS r 468,916.91 8981,020.78 OFFICERS P. S. Cooper, President—J. W. Draughon, Vle«-Pr··. H. B. Taylor, Cashier DIRECTORS J. W. Draughon, Marvin Wade, John A- McKay, J. L. Wade, Thos. E. Cooper, Ellis Goldstein, P. 8. Cooper. The Furniture You Must Have We have in stock the prettiest line of furniture ever shipped to this section. And the prices are just where you want them. Here are some suits that will appeal to you in every way. Two Tone Ivory Bed Room Suite, 8-Piece 1 $337.50 Two Tone Chrome Bed Room Suite, 7-Piece $237.50 Two Tone Grey Bed Room Suite, 7-Piece _ $248.50 Walnyt Suites, 7-Piece Bed Room $189.50 Cane Dining Room Suites $148.00 and $219.85 One 4-Piece Wicker Suite, The Heywood Bros and Wakefield $248.00 Overstuffed Suites in Blue Velour and Faun Velours $173*85 and $198.85 4-Piece Bed Room Suites in Ivory and Walnut . $11250 Rugs of all kinds for every suite in the house. Stoves, Cook Stoves, Ranges, Heaters, Oil Cftok Stoves, Oil Heaters. This is the time of year you need them most. See our big stock, priced at the lowest figure possible. Barnes & Holliday Co. Dimn, North Carolina

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