I VOLUME IX. MUUUY ADVISES LABOR TO VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS Democratic Party I· Party (X The Mium, Former Utd· •r Dtcltrai REPUBLICAN NOMINEES HANDPICKED, HE SAY! Democratic Legislators Reapon •ira To Popular Demand and Can Be Trusted To Correct Whatever Evila Thai Exist in State — Condition» De mand Support. (Ry Brock Barklry in Charlotte- Ob server.) RaJcljfh, Nov. 1.—"The democrat*) party m Hit party of the maa« > one not of the rlawoa." Major W F. Moo dy, format president of the State Federation of l,abor and reeojmlae^ loader in North Carolina, declare· la a statement laaaeO to.lay (hri'K la bor'· reason* foi afllKating with the party. Republican nominees are handpkk* ed, the major chargo, "Tbcy wet* hand-picked by a certain clair·, and (hi· isthe polity of thy republican party, both locally «id nationally, for It il a class «.cgM-gatlon party. The democratic, candidate· ha τ ο all been Is a primary In which t'im vaa no rejtaietion at ta entrance, and won. "H»·» thmgi In the rtav- thai nut-fl comcflor tan be taken op with a democratic limaleture, wh ch hai in the past been responsive to popu lar demand. an<l collective attention 1> certain. Compare the state dem ocratic administration with the re publican national administration, aad what do you find? Direct taxation In the state Huit all car feel, of coarse, but look around, aad yea eaa aaa where the taxe* go Federal Uzaa, oe'.ng Indirect and injected from many angles by many different pipe lia··, wa don't feel it like we do tha ham# pradoct; bai highland Blng, 'he bunny hog aad the (ox trot by victroLa rnomc aad paying 800 per cent profit for it cotnaa by tléi way of Philadelphia fthat the Victor Talking Machine company has declared a 600 per cent dividend. "Now, are these people, tad there are many more like them, earning more profit than under the late de mocratic administration? Not a hit of It, but they did not have the privi lege to apply it to their personal use, for they had to pay 45 per cent af It In taxca for the sapport oi the government. The govarnataat ooa tlaaea to get taxes, but the small try it doing «he paying, foT yoo know the first act of the Harding adminis tration was the repeal of the excess profita tax. "Bat we are wakening up. Do yon read what the banken at their con vention in New York claim waa the reason for adopting a resolution • g»Inst branch banka? They «aid It was "contrary to public poller, vio htci the basic principles of oar gov ernment, and concentrates (be cred its of the nation and the power of money in the hands of a few." Β they had added the words "monopoly .Ο >* *··« vcituuiuf VI (il« Mlliwince before A* word "torrtrery," and wib atituted die word "control" for tlx wort "credit," they would have taken on· of the plank· In labor'· platform. "Aa to tit· effect of the lUtntirt of Chairman Adam*, of th· RopabU ran national eseeative oommlttoe thai leHor leader· advlainf labor people U rota th» democratic ticket were dem agogue· and poHtlcal faker·,' It ll hatinr the "«me effect aa Preaideei Harti-jr*· man Harr«y'« «tatcoienl t"at '.10 Bible «hoald be rewiibtoi and b: jOfht up to date. "U:.ier **latln* condltiona, I M4 no rer >on why labor ΛοοΜ hot CO» t'na· .ta rapport to the (teatocratfc party." SAMPSON POLITIC* The political pot in Sampaon la hoi and the *ew I· beginning to ameil T»« old regime acema ta have allow •H the ΛΙρ to apring a bed leak. TV owner· ar· divided In th*lr opinion •a ta the beat mam of rei»lri«g it tow faror keeping o»e pr»»ent ere* uid let them take care 0f the aaeeai raelature by absorption· Other· MbI the veaael «howld r° Into drpdoel tad haeo a repair crew pel m oharr while tfce old mariner. «*k« a re· •ml · coarse Is e*odatlo*. ρ mom ally J dost can a wHe«j> who wfea tar aa long aa the pwA* toys "Le Brotherly La·· Contlauo," tad fool mlaeoMtruo hi· meanJaf J a·* aa loiq •ill >nm«m»icl cbwrofc Mawl··]! make liquor and look to the Bret· re»" far protection—a«d («I It, m matter wtto the roanty e#tlale an O, ft- LSS. STATE INTERESTED IN SAVING LAME FROM SUFFERING^ Cmuu Of Crlppl·· B*b| Tak-| an In Mort To Afford R«U«f TEACH THEM TRADES IN WHICH TO EARN MONEY Miaa Agaii Harria, Cwniwiiky Nor··, Out lin»· Plan For R» habilitatioci Of TImm Who May Bmmm HalpUta And Ar· Bui d —i Uf«· 8*τ1 njr erlppUd and incapacitated riUaan of North Carolina fro« the poor heitM, >m»»ry or peifcapa fco ctfniflf a harden on fataiUoe enable to take ear* of thorn, and trainiac and equipping Oaa to becooM eelf aipportiac eltiata· and valuable Btabtn of their M—Mm b the work of th· InduatriaJ Rehabilitation department of Mm State DKrtaUa of Vocational Bdocattoo. Already the State ha* fctlpad 1*0, thirty-three of wfeom hare boos re turned to aoatoty a· earning inde pendent dtei of Ik* State. With a fond of $44,0#0, half οt trliieh ta roderai AW iaaa«y and half Stale apporpriaiioD the Divtaion of Boeational Education 1» looking far rr.pplee to espand th» aaaay o*. it takae oo Mule aoawaM to convert a hetpUae cripple into an independent eiUxan any» Mit· Afaoa Harria, community nurtt, who it tak ing a eanraas of cripple· in th* Dans Pirtriet. Aa IMUo aa 1M hat accon jrfiWiad tUa. m roots Cripple tober >0 to ta h ο ping MM people of die aroood m Λ UrWi work. "Λ*»% I» »» &hme of the work at the State Dtrlrie· of V, Trtbitnf Joy In raaqtt than -that of fee 1π<Λ>* trlml Rehabilitation. T« m« a bu on the way to the poor hooae leavtnc a family of Mr» to bocetne · bard·* on tkt commu nity. unable to make a Brlnf bmn of Mi crippled condition, tranafem ed is to a aktlted hoc· earner; to mo • heipfeea in·»· become a well-paid draaasaaler; to no other cripplaa be come liaoytpe operator!, walchmak •ra and bookkeeper* at food aalariaa adda a joy and seat to the work that makea the dimtoia anxioaa to fet In tooch with every man and woman tn the atate that noede du help the Stat· ha ready to i+ve. Many of thaae cripple* after the ♦ramIn* riven them are making lar rer talaries than before they became crippled. Mlaa Harrta aaya, for many of them were unakUled and had been working on email wacea, wberaaa, af ter the State foand die· and extend ed hetp they are eqalppod to ffvo trained avrviee that ta cwwnanillnf rood pay. In aevoral caaea employer» Have been to pleaaed and Impraaaod witfc the work that they have ateppod in nkn the State haa left off and are aendbif them to aehool for even Only «Wtcb or twelT* ttna—nJ «teller* of th· fand of *40,000 kt the command «f th· DWtalon of Va cation·! education for Industrial Re habilitation, waa oaad for th· peat waak for laak of tha poop)· U ex pend Κ on. Tto«r* la no doaht that there are many who Med Jn«t tMa help Γη rmj put of North OiNltaa BAD TIME TO HUNT A GOVERNMENT JOB Cnril la vlio CvmoUdoo ft·■ » fiar Waahiagtao, Mot. t (Capital Km 3orvica).—Th· number at rte· »»i|Iî;im oa tha OrrMmml roll, (rmtattw· of Army, Mary, Ma rin· Corp·, and l»»lrta1lii «mploy·») ta nrw ΙΜ,ΜΙ, tha amailwt uoaabtr «!»«♦ th· Uaimd BUM «aterad th· w. At Dm Um of tha mWIii NotwbW 11, 1·1». th· 111·! it «Μ [•1Î.1M. Tha aMftar af «pa»*··» I» th· laat fmr yaara ha· few· «Mr Ml. Th· oWOearVte· «mplup··* ta . WMMaeta. nmW 0«,T10. M·» ,1 tima la Waatilaftan, Mm ah I of ««·*' • fa» Federal infrlay.ae, an pnn>< l'jPf »t th· rata »f $400 · m—t>. J At th· W^hialag1 of war Stan war·, . «0/000 ta WaAiaftan. B· «aaae W war a^lMttm tha Mmbar jnmpiH h 1 IT,100. TS« reéattoa haa PLAN HOSPITAL AS A MEMORIAL TO M'D. HOLUDAY Ctuunbar of C*u«m Would Ertd Houm Of Succor At Monument ■ COMMITTEE APPOINTED J TO SOLICIT SUBSCRIPTIONS' Coat Will Not Emid $28,000 —ThU Can B« IUiw<. TWroujh SaU Of Stock, It I* Belied — May Build Ob «to Of Th· Holliday ·· Con*truction of a aoAtra hoapltal W be known as the Me Daniel Holii d»r Memorial, U proposed by the I Chamber of Coomcrcr of Dunn and •ereral baiinet· and pnfeaaional men who rrcoroiM tic need for not an limitation and deatoe to «roate · «xnorial to tho lau McD. Holliday wheac Ufa m tant ao mack to th· com munity. Within a few dajt Preaident Gold Mela, of the Chamber of Oeamntt, will appoint a committee to aoMctt ■rabecriptiona for tho parpoee of buiblin* th· hoapKal. Among thoaa who will be on thie committee in J a*. k. Taylor. George Κ Grantham and I. D. Barnea rfl pioneer kotuw· man of the coanauinity who wen eJoeely aaeoelated with Mr. Uolhday during th· many yean of Mrvtee he gave to Dunn and tho county aurrooading it Amoag Other, who will be en thU ctanJtta· ant K. U Howard. ie»· A. R Megneen. P. A. liee, p. β Cooper, T. V. teHV E. P. Da*la and Aetor Bemea ion comamw u uptflM lo (in tU Wert mm tin· aot «ι <Jmi| «rrcrml cMntaa b·*· < ■d » Mit to «ΜΙ» m jp« fa·· »5*> te $1,000 irai ritaa here bean And ttm «fj Fros the baaier wrtlon of tewe ta Im» quiat ta the patlanta. It la eatimated that the caat of coo itrnetlon and equipment would not exceed $96,000 TVa earn, It la mid, mhl build a baapital with it bacfc. operating room·, a fret ward and jtier »rrr«1 ry quarter*. AU af the pfcjalelaa· af Dunn. It Λ laid, would welcome the bunding yf a boapital bar·. A· situated now, Atj arc obliged to take all of their icrlooi raaaa to ether towaa tar ti*M iiont ThU add· much to «be coat af Lrratment aad pro»·· a great lac on reclervce to all of them. Stock to the hoapltal compear «01 M laauad to all wfce subscribe ftidi Tor Ha building. Voluntary subeerip :I«IS au be mailed U the Chamber >f Commerce. AD saeh artH be noted a The Dispatch aa they are received. ΓΟ THE MEMBERS AND FK1END9 OP THE $tED CIOU It I· Impowiblc for m* to moot all >f you personally Μ I woalrt Iks to >flt I am miblH to mr a word HrrrtJy to TOT throngh the cooitaay >nd cooperation of the DUfitck. The Aiuu] Red Cxom Roll Call rill be held November 11-30 ttta rear. Will you not write ar apeak an ii·.waging word to Mr. J. R. Bae rett, rhaiasan, Bad Oroaa Chapter. Untngtaa, N. C.; Mia. J- B. Tafinl, Vita-Chainnan, Bad Creea OupUr, Ullinfton. N. C.; Mlaa Sadie Sexton, rreaaurar, Bod Croaa Chapter, Lfl linrton, N. C.| Ml· limit fcon, Bcerctary. Bad Croaa Ctajter. Lfl ttngton, H. C.. Tefl tben yea wiH help wtOi tba Roll Call la your neighborhood. or |hat yon will lanow year memberahip. Yavir Bod Croea Chapter la or AonM be <πμ> of the force* fat the proerewive bettenaairt of yowr com fy. bot ywr Chapter ahd the rati a· al DTfanitttlen arre dependent upon public «apport. Locally and national-; ly, Red Cie· ofltoera wffl appreciate' y<mr aetire co-opoeatlon and pfedjra' yea their b"* effort· to keep the or-J reaUaetfen faithful to Ha ihllfatiπ·» I le dlaabled rx-aoldlera ami Hi Ha ■any ether ear*leaa to «he country HAjBVKY U HOnCfN«, Menacer I been alow, and the flrara nerrr will be *e lew aa It waa la 1«1«, beeam Of the new actMtiaa of the Qwtmtm· meat aa a reaalt of the war. The chief pdditiona have been In the Treasury D»»art»v*it and la the Veteran* Ba· reau. Thrre will be farther reduc tion· la the fereea of the War De partment, the Nanry Department, the Rallraad Admtotefcrwllaa, aad the AUea Poryerty Caatodlaa'i OOee. 1* la thought that M,M« tleite w« be the level Anally to ba reaahed to WaAl«*ton and «7Μ00 far the Mb· ttoa » WEEVIL! ""^GROWTH HimH Due to 1»U Wftjjjfeaiwtl' l.rx.r cotton iJBbiir « Λρ South, "—|||ηί·ιι< Ing third amon* %| .ni il ι ai Nor* Carolina In (har^patity of cottoo (Tinned ta Oflto**· according to ft**rw ju«t paWljLl by the Cm tun Boreao. Gl*a « tb« county had turned eat *2.0φ Jpdc, of the lltl nop ap M tk»t.| «tutttr fftrmedl jttr, when only eattan county of th· «Ute.Pl IJ 01; I Mi la* r«er'· total by th* Hiétkm b^m tir Si 5 aad M<W hiMtlH beid U. lead. Jahneta* wm MM *Mh U.UT, ■kowliif a eeta· *Xr the MriTe of la«t year. Saepehï ««a behind Wat year'» total. It Ike glased njUi balsa egilaat llM taal year. ATtkoefh thiaJfLL*· crop is the State If naah M&r than R «w taat year. |l»ii«Ai|i ill akee a raarfc earlier ka^X U« year tike crop had beoo Mi ginned at tbr and ef Otlnb^Hfa 4US67 bale· bad been gt—Jtot year at laaet two-third» of *·■ ejerp had foand to way to th* Γ*· 4 ©cvofeor It. Still, the total nueber j^halee turned ant wm» only ««djlf/^ha—>u/t a thoa aajvd «ltd peeire AJL· mor\ thaa for th» unw narlod la* mr PracllcaBy arf teutlM W Acriag en Sooth COM·· »how * 4φ t tut la the attafbltr of hale* fta ai-d, wWW the «a the aorth 12.261 bale* of MttBB gtooad la CSMctar «eantjr ay to October 11 ikk year, aa cenparad with 18,104 ball tar the inem nfa<Hng peeiod l^K rear, aecordtaf to W. T. IhtlM, fad cral cotton ciontfa* itatlMklan to thka county. Thrri la such iiAmat bcini maoMeated in the number of balte af cotton *at vil) be ginvad η Cheater county iMa year. A pel nenp crop ia tffnxl· ■ntely >0,000 bal*· and amy Ipn that tola year'* η»ρ wfll be between 18.000 and 18,M* bale*, which la aontldered a fairly good crop, eaa ridering tha heevy Inroad* made an *e crop* by the l*U werrfl* and Mm lane dry ape· wU«k «track the Μ» ry daring the w»#<r. CANT RAM RELIGION DOWN FOUCS* THROAT lad«e lUad to OelUaie M«h*· Hhw eelf Qalto ft·in At >)m Law TW*I Goldabero, Oct. >1—"I cannot tod Caul tort— rmiXy of mIUhc |»»*i in Sunday for in »7 Opinio* Hliut in indictable offo**··" declared Jodce S. D. BUnd In r**Ord*r'i court ft» tarda? after on· pteadter, a ill· of ih· ciUsen» Itring *t WtlKame abreet •nd other paru et the ctty and two lawyer* Mred Vy fcem, had triad aO lay to aeeare tkt Μ»Μμ of Bwtn >on on «har*·· of "Htn* faaellne and -o<*-eola M tondar. That* war· tw* >U»«r warranto a^foat Bate»*a. mm •harjinf hha wHh hlo«fldn» the rtreet ■ M a third wtth "^otamkUa* a poh le aalaanc*." Jwif Hand tpmà Ma rnOty of th* taat Aargc, stating that It waa th* manntf la wfcieh ho oota thieted Ma Mate*· and aot Mm Cact Chat h* waa eaedaettac it an Sunday for which Ho foaad Mm ftelty. "Th* reaite ara tehl^.tee position now," ho aatd, "It la ari oer doty to raa> raUctea of any Und down |iiflrt threat·". Bo*. Cha Ho· A. Jone* hod toadfM that ha had a*·* torh^oe 4*tlbv "aoertMne la h*«W" Ho oMld not testify aa to wttft It m Other wH TSo dofeaaa «I* to» of the he» **ty of the pi mMUm ta byhf te wwK a au hf "aeeeathtee la hot· tie*." The yruaiaO» laet—dad that OoMahoro wae l^tetor wttfete torif aad «fmat Ml oiker Morte Cw Una ritlaa la «tot penaK the Ml* of eaft drtah* oa tosday. I«w o*or aaeoh thla Mtowd to*. BUnd lost ao tito te toila* torn at the nmMm M It had ae heattec on the etete etelria. Ha teetered. II la aot aw d*ty 0 mi dewn yaayte*» threat ralietea Utoy kted." SALESMANSHIP CLUB CAMPAIGN OPENS AND MANY WOMEN ARE NOW WORKING FOR THE CAR • ————— Largest Extra Vote Offer Last· One More Wade. Subscriptions Count More Than Will Be Allowed Later. Plenty Room For Live Workers i THE CANDIDATES NOMINATED IN DMVS NAME ADDRESS Hn. William Jaekaon, Dunn. Mr·. Sylvania Draughon, Duns, Root· β. Mim Mary Smith, Dunn, Routa 4. Miaa Otia Byrd. Bunnlevel. Miaa Fannie Johnaon. Lillingrton. Mr». Carl Barefoot. Dunn. Mr· Martha Piokin Dunn. Routa 5. Mlw Mabel Butler. Dunn. Mrs. Henry Lea, Dunn. bin. Jamea Farthing, Dunn. Miaa Minnie Turlington. Duke. Route 2. Mija Pearl Turlington, Dunn, Routa S. Ml* Mattie Bell Godwin, Dunn. Mi* Florence Cooper, Dun·. Mi m Ethel Jaekaon, Dunn. Route 1. Mia· Myrtle Wood worth, Duke. Mr. Carl Luce· Duke. Miaa Clyde Baggett, Dunn. Tbe ojxTîtnx week la tke ι nbur.ptira drive Jut Marti·· m Uu Diepakb Am Mill; I Htit el popa'ar MM Nt NlN |M MP «r tué eolloctin* —u; new aiM renewal aob· ι Ijtlima. Am yet. «1 mm·, d«i) ai Ike cuMtta kin KttM into Ugfc pu, bat the ι week y row tee· te Aie ell doing their boat weik The tMWitc wko expect· to via one of the beet pit·»» (kolU 4» all in tfcelr power to poD a largo Mti during tie· coming week M the ttou loft before the clooe of tke UageM eztae Tete offer I» the «Mat l—pnrta·! period of ike art»·. Wtos It to taker the lit* of tke afcoald H of for aaeeral jten and laany of will gladly P»7 *P If aikad.te do oe. A randidate cam get a BLfkty Mr lead by Juat collecting a aaall percentage of tke onea who are new la The'liata furatahed by too department _ task (abaorfbor owe·, ao If ye* km act boon forcjaked with a copy be tare and eoaao by tke ell»·*·I of Co··! in ae that tke uonlgl to— •Car can anpply yea with a Mat. We Votoa FekHaked Meny of tke r»wdl*ataa oooaa to be aader the impreaaion feet TO tea aa by the» «UI be the Diapatck Thia ia » •t na tlmt daring the Mn will vota· to pohUihod or wfli know the e amber af by another cnMitt. Thk dr>c· abaoluicly fair to all and rmrm each mm that ahc will raa the pria· ta which aha ie eatftled. Mia abject an the part af 4É* iftmot af the drire ta to mmj chance af o* the pan of the I what· na oae know» the rata* haU by athar Will to sa buyiny af Were the vote· to the cloeeof (to Mr, ; take tArulafi af erery ar will raa to iHl^al to take la, • few aabaarlptlamT lj Γ"***Τ a* *are acawl lata the Mn thea y chance· af rtetoiy are very toil tot thaae wto iK their friande to brine to ■eriptlee meat, aa the aaly My to wfa ta «a keep at it, aad make aaoh day *n ita fall qaate af »Ha Bar all aaaaaa de not fail to ealloet poeaible ajbocripttea before tto of Mm boaaa offer oa Irintay. Uth, ' u this offer wfli weak will to nttor hard to TWO CANDIDATES IN JOHNSTON DS SmlthfteM, Nor. 1.—Τη democra tic candidate» far eoœity rfkM dUd a few tou apart here early today. W. ft. Steven·. cWrlt of Ike Jehn*. ■n coenty awpirWr eeait far thirty two yean <HffO< dead at kit koae *bo«t Τ Λ* thla aerobic while laff a ftre, and Ooetfto Moor· eratle candidate far *nlt, died a* » local heopttal «he HI) after aÊttl^Ê, foDowtee an lllneM οI tarerai day·. Mr. Moor·, who vaa about II yo«s yf a#e. had aoreod aa depoty United Btatae —whd here lor nooral yoaea. W. V. Maaeoy aad had eondoctod aa aattro i—pole» ap aatfl ha vaa la ke· mtoild) m with dlahetaa wwil la nrrtvod hp hit widow ft yoooi of ace, ho Me widow, to nrvhred hp (oar Mm. W. >. AaaU., BaeMh fteUj Kn. i. I Merwtt, of ftfcfc aond. Ta.; Μη. Xto. T. 0. Ofauk, of Ooliidboro, aad Vit Μα Hutoy, of Jtexbero, aad three tea·. Dr. Balph & Mereaa, ot Frtacetoa; Ua S. I of tiaHhftoM. ard Wrerrtt rtadeat at TMty CoUc-e ι for Mr. fttooMM aar Mr. Maoro had I TAX RECEIPTS SHOW A DECIDED DECREASE rirent» kuruu Tor tlvn montk of ul ncdfti tram tas·· wor» MM,· mj4S, u utart MM.TU,T1> f« te mn tiro· moata· tax roeatpu *14 rafl«M · m mm ynM of mi . lUcctpta from Uxm. UrtUafa* V* KlJlOlll, tac pmM <—«·»· tar Mm monta, tao total tm hftaW whlah to llflMND m «ilf .N*,N« tar te te MMk ai •00.M0, te total totaf muty «», tH4N, «foieot ta t«W a year ·*» ADVISES WOMEN DEMOCR ATIC PARTY IS BEST FOR THEM Mr.. T. Palmer .III·!·· T«|| Κ Hu B*h PRAISES WILSON AND HIS WOMC FOR MAWKIWP P*·* Wnu PMHcmi i . I» Wlf Ha L « "It fcu Kn lb* friand of I woaaitfeood ttacv Vu Wrtk; H k aat er*J that Sovtkem «mm aheuld roaic te It to tbaac An* ram «f < Ibi T. flWMW. Of a feir-4a*d cfntd af ! tara. Mid of tie iMt night ia af aa tiitm to which Ae Waadfow Wilaoa Ml work of the party hi » ι •f hnaanlty ta to dlaaradK Mr. Wilson «ad the tafa af Γ it wm» Datm'a ftm bur » «ομ· political ι •rte heard Un. Jwi »raMjr teqpeMaed by her . ti the 1mm af 4m llgr mi kn ftaa anderotaEdiag af poiitieel •pake ta the Mwi Mr. W«l· Be tad little ti·* in M*« Imm* the troth· of Ml· ot kto party; -It i. I» be ptmt ·#," ah. 1|W lut*·», jfa CliCerd introduced Ike THOMAS NELSON PAGE MOPS DEAD AT HOME >a«her. dropped dead of )«Α >t 1Λ0 o'clock thte aftanoca, ι ralUnc in tlx gardea of Ma eld ι ■«tie· bo··, "Oakland,·· te Bu Mr. Pftffc, apparently t* the heat if baaJtn, waa walker te Ik rith Ma «liter to tew, Mr*. Pa*·, when he aoddealy He wae carried lato tha >«t toe -' -"-n'lfcll _ forad to be beyond the tew Mr _ 1» ot health la recant tnd hta mdden deatk tta· M « β Virginia and the nation. At ipand tha winter at the aM I htwi Dm with Kta \j. Be aaaeunced lhat to ·_ Myin the prerajratto* of al_ «g with t>i« rxrerincm as a^ „ m the «crriee ef hi· rctn.rj a* em· toaaador to Italy tertaf *· fUNt toy· ef t|M nril war. Ρ»ι··ΙιΙ frara «M of Vliftala'· (lm famine·, Mr. fa*i wm eae af ■*" · ' ft f w*m4*mta at Qwml >rw %l Uo ai«a*ra ef Um rf lalapeadanee. Mr. Pa*. ww claciM la idmli «f Ma eedvi «to'e. Be ι *aa*la«taa K*A Lm «β* liM jDm. Mtn K. W \ UHat. Laartoc tkat I laUtottoa, h» kaaght Mkoal far a ye«. aM the· ■ the UnlnnH) af VtrytoU. » to· «tody ef law. Ba ptot Mal: >•14, mi MmttA I* the ι Ma prWnaio. la U*a ZHr. hp *aa twtaa Irat wife, ««mm ha unM la~MM, tot af toe lata Chart* Braea, mm ti Vlntola. «ht £ΓμΓ ywn'ldto their awrftog·. la IMS Mr. Pa«a aurrM Km. Hmwh Lathi a» fkM, < Bwry ViaU. aI laWtoea af toe lato la. Sto<WJwM*L

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