THE DUN VOLUME IX DUNN, NORTH LARGEST BONUS OFFER EXPIRES NET SATURDAY Vote Value Of Subscriptions in Contest Decrease After This Wools EACH ONE-YEAR SUB. GETS 7,000 VOTES NOW At End Of Tbs Campaign Tbey Average Only 2,000—Plenty Of Time For Now Contest ants — Durant Automobile And Many Other Prises To Bo Given Away. In Just ore more week, the bonus offer, the langval voir offer to be al lowed during the subscription cam paign now running nn the Dispatch tom™ to a floor and tho vote value of suhscmption payments will ""de crease. The wnportance of this offer can be conceived when it ts take 1 into consideration that each mibaci rption turned In tills week averages nearly four time- as many voles as will bo allowed at the Aniah. * The camiiiiatra who fall down on the job this week will have a hard tune catching up after the votes de crease. Each new ono year subscrip tion taken tbii weak averages 7,000 votes and the name snboertptlon the closing period just 2.000 votes, so each and every candidate should certainly try and get every possible subscription before the close of this offer. A renewal subscription taken this week sv. rage* 6,000 votes, in cluding the extra bonus of 26,000 totes allowed on each ten dollars paIUHmI. Candidates Still Hay Eater There )• y*t plenty of time for candidates to enter, as the campaign is in reality just getting started, and any one with plenty of pep and am - bllion can enter now and bo leading the entire list by patting forth extra efforts before the close of tbis offer. TSeepaUa aril bo’closed east Saturday and no one die will be snowed to •' coSspcte. so If ‘yon Nvould be' the proud poaaesser of the beautiful Du rant touring car, be sure that yoar nomination reaches the campaign manager at the earliest possible mo ment. The many candidates who baas been nominated on the Rural Roatas and In the smaller towns should loan - no time but get started Immediately. One anil be surprised how quickly the rotes mount up, ao if you bar* failed to get your narno into tbe cam paign department, do so at ones If there Is any doubt about the rules, ete., governing the capuign call Mr. j Atkinson at phone 235, and ke will gladly explain the full details of thh drive. Bear in mind that only a few abort weeks will determine whether you are to he the winner of one of ■ the many valuable prises or not, ao enter now, while the largest vate off er la in affect and your chancre of driving away in your own touring car will b* very bright Indeed. Prises Per AU The one beauty of this drive la that • all who enter and report regularly will win either one of the prises, or a caab commission. Thor* mill be no losers In thla drive as everyone will be rewarded for the amount of work put forth. I Just picture for yourself being tha owner all by yourself of a Durant cur one of tho prettiest cars on market. You can do this in foot your spars tlnfc by gritting owt among yo«T friends end bqpatlng thla popular pa t>er. Came around le the campaign de partment and yet lull aoppilei nnd get at irivil at once. It in *11 to gain end nothing te loac no get exceeding ly bony right nt the mart. Remember the Inch lb* early bird had when looking for worm*, m be an early . bird ard get atarted right none. If you hare already been nominat ed and have been waiting to get etarted, wait fio longer, but take time by the forelock, aad get out right today. Remember, theaa doing . the beet work will receive the beat a wattle. T*>' Ural woman Senator le front Georgia, Governor Hardwick nemeil lira W. H. Felton aa Senator te m coed the late Tbomaa C. Wateon, un til the November aleetieoa, when a eoccemor win bn ehaaen at the pella. flimullaneouely, In eaneuneing ttu appointment of lira Felton, Govern or Hardadek announced hhnacW * •andIddto for the unexpiiwd term el the late Mr. Wataen. Mra Felton h aa exponent of wen** •otrag* aad A Urge depoalt ef a veleaat* aak •uRable to aaaufaatava cleaning com pound*, kea been found in MU* O* Iambi* Kxpertmenta prove that I eaa be o«ed to poH*h gold an* **ve Ftata. ... * THE CANDIDATES NOMINATED IN DRIVE ¥ NAME ADDRESS * Mrs. William Jackson, Dunn. * Mrs. Sylvania Draugbon, Dunn, Route 6. * Miss Mary Smith, Dunn, Route 4. * Mias Otis Byrd, Bunnlevel. * Miss Fannie Johnson, Lillington. * Mrs. Carl Barefoot, Dunn. ¥ Mrs. Martha Pipkin, Dunn, Route 5. * Miss Mabel Butler, Dunn. * Mr*. Henry Lee, Dunn. * Mrs. James Farthing, Dunn. * Miss Minnie Turlington, Duke, Route 2. * Miss Pearl Turlington, Dunn. Route 3. * Miss Matibel Godwin, Dun n. * Mr. Paul Cooper, Dunn. * Miss Ethel Jackson, Dunn, Route 1. * Miss Myrtle Woodworth, Duke. * Mr. Carl Lucas Duke. * Miss Clyde Baggett, Dunn. * J. HAMPTON RICH HERETO PRESENT A BOONE TABLET Place* Memorial in High School Because Trail Touches Dam MAJOR TALKS ABOUT HIGHWAY'S GREATNESS Enrolls Several Citizens In Trail Association — Boosts Boone In Many States Of Union—Visited Crest Brit ain And Lectured On Mob Psychology. Because state highway route No. to—the Boone Trell -pence through Dunn, Major J. Hampton Rich, direc tor of the Boose Trail Association, due morning peelite d to the Duan Graded School a tablet ae a memorial to the doughty Daniel Boone. The tablet will be imbedded in one of the well• of the high school baUdlng se soon as arrangements can be made by Jhnofmae* W. & Snipes, mpafte tendrnf oh the Dun Public Be ho etc honm at Wlitdbnn Bdiea ^nns the Cape fear Pair, at Fayetteville, wnirt do nan iu(m an uuui ai Boone Trail maps, marker* aad tab lets Hs seised upon tha opportunity to visit (he boat town under the son —aad to taroU Oust basin ass man into the association. He woe introdu ced at the school, wbogt he made a brief talk, by Judgo John C. Clifford. Major Rich was a pioneer In the Boone Troll project, originally in tended to traverse ail of the territory through which Boom wandered in the early days of the nation. For several years he hat been going to and fro in the land, presenting tab lets to States, counties and munici palities and enrollhig rasmbon in the association A few yaais ago he visit ed Great Britain, whore he became widely known as a lecturer cm mob psychology and kindred subject* Since the Boone Trail through North Carolina wsa assured, he has given the 8tala Highway Commimion hil heartiest co-operation. "There i* much interest in the Boone Trad throughout the State, Major Rich said this morning; "it tl the longest highway In the Mats hav ing a continuous direction aad tomeh os more virgin territory. It Is this highway in tho northwestern part ai the state that la reclaming tha "lost provinces." i>amp mi(( ana ra anax proxim ity to the highway makee It highly Im portant that thla highway be rfe-eel opan Iota tha boat far military pur pmaa u tha highway atretciies with III Mid Wait connection from the camps la the middle welt. "A. hard rarfaaad road all the way” Is tha iJogan of tha Baont Trail Highway Jmoelathm.” Tha members of the local a nit of this highway are T. V. Smith, Pearce Bakery, Hill Ooldstetn, Z. V. Baipee, Smith ft McKay, R. L. CromartK Door Dispatch, l. W. Thornton, M. C. Butter, J. W. Draoghon, Tho Mar cia Wada Co , lae., Job noon Brea, [no., and Hood and Qrajxham Tha presided ad Dartmouth Cot lege haa asserted that too many man go to aolUga. Ho daoma it aeaooaary "to doftae tho tndlrldoaU to whom in Juttee to tho puhlie good tho prM logo (hall ha e«tended, and to apoetfy thorn from whom tho prfsUago should be withhold.” He haft rasa than In “noth a thing as an aristocracy of ' brains made up of man IntettectumDy start and tnteBecVully aagor, to whom, Ineraaaiagly, tho opportantttai of higher edstation M#t to be to , ttrlrtod.” Kail grain win taka up tho ooroagi t not needed far cotta a not spring ' Mont sonaa now far ttrtag at home next year. HOSPITAL BODY MEETS THURSDAY TO START DRIVE Committee Appointed By Gold afeha To Discuss laitial Pltai *25,000 NEEDED FOR HOLLIDAY MEMORIAL Aid From Town And County Not Improbably# Bacauaa ot Public Word Fantura—Stock To Ba laauad For Subscrtp tiona—Dtractors Will Maa •«* For tfcr purpoa. of perfecting plant through which fund* are to be railed for the construction of the plant through which fundi are to be raised for the construction of thr McDantel Holliday Memorial Horpltll the com Blitter appointed by Fhvsidcnt Xllia GoUUtckn of the Chamber of Com merce hsi been eaUeH to meet in the rooms of the chamber Thursday night In this meeting the committee srill disc on sites, architecture, pro bable eom, ate. *•'’* .{(hi U mk • -- tr T TXI Jsmes 1 Tssls, rke'mw.n t Tl Barms, George K Grantham. J. W. Drmughon, J. W. Jordan, J. L. Thomp son, K. L. Howard, Her. A. H. Me Quota. P A. Lee, P. S. Cooper, T. V. Smith. K P. Darla, gam Fleisboum, Aator Barnet, Carl FiteheU. For years Dunn has felt the need of a modern hospital to serve the town and the region around it. The Chamber of Commerce has been at work for several months on plane to build one. Last sreek, prompted by men who have the wed faro of the community at heart, Mr. Goldatcln started in motion the present under taking which will result in the build ing of a fitting monument to a man who meant much to the tows In which he labored and for which he did to much. It l» o"tintsted that the hospital., equipped, will coat not above ttor 000. This soil provide for 24 beda in private rooms and a public sntrd to which those who are not able to pay can be carried for treatment. It * not improbable that th« towf awl the rounty will contribute substan tia! sums toward the maintenance of the hospital because of tbo public ward feature. The hospital will be operated by a board of ill recto is made up of men and women uf the community. No physicians will be on tbia board, al though the services of the oopital will be at their disposal at all times. A competent surgeon and an able man ager, with an efficient corps of mar ten, win be employed by the board and will be under (to direction It io probaMe that stock lubsenp tions will be aolicitad Immodlately af ter the mooting Thursday night. Any voluntary subscriptions meantime car be mailed to Secretary T L. Riddle of the Chamber of Commerce. IN HONOR MISS CURBS WtrrtMm, Nor. 4—Honoring Mini Virginia Urbbe, daeghtcr of Dr. and Mrs. i. T. Olbba, who on Mit Wod nwoday becomes th« bride of Mr. Sere Pearaall. of Doan, Mro. W. Kvppol Falkener entortalnad at bridge thii afternoon froei four U oil o’clock. The highest acorr priao waa woo by Sdlaa Olbba who waa olao presorted with the gooaU’ prise. Other recent prsnupial oveate hetfe Inelodod a card party of Wadnoodny night given by krt Prank B. Olbba and a mie oellanooos ahowar af yaolorday af ternoon tendered Mia* Glbbo by Ml** Santee Firming. The ceremony will bake place li the Mcthodiet aha rob, November Ith Mine Olbba, foveaady of PoyetteviUa baa a wide oircla of friooda over lb at air No point In Scotland la asorr that «• mflaa from see water. ulina's arc alurim Dkvi.laon to the Jr ChsrtetiBj^^Pkfcenging Dortd nn’i 600d)MS^^K((ai and endow ment casopoH^^^m7 Accordingid^^HLjuJu.-uenient Al unni of now reside in erby, of AngB^^R. C. Gibbe, C. S. Hicks andKjHuiUm*. of Duke; K'v A. R S^jjfcri and R. M Pear tall, of DonafJBtt. r. Kirkpatrick and Rrv. J. KJHti, of LiDington, A. U. Elliott. c D. Elliott, of ThomwaO. u\l. Among. tha«f3bor la North Caro lina are obob 4gjSf the higher walks of life, tocIwKny^asny miniotors of the gospel, Icw^jEffe bcsinea, indus try, and rtatssgjjBgp, and civic pro moters in almfetjarorr North Cars I'na inmmHlAl-. Davidson s , scattered all ov er the United in elude* man of internet Ion Woodrow W the campaign i of the no tation. and third of all i doothem PraahTjmtse ministers. Kvery etAnaosHfcf Davidson Is sp irit'd to In «fc»>*g00,000 campaign i :u rmjtond to cafl of him il»i mow avid "^fasUrWI, in balld mg a bigger sn^J-O mater Davidnoa 'or a Greater Sjaksm Chnrch." Of i'oe 4600,000 fnrffaing mioixi |400, 300 will be n«Ms reetore that hls OTic and muiSUm shnac of ail •Ont of P»vlds|BtOmm>rm Hall, ahlch io now thj^Brohaa Heart of iJevidssn.'* becapja^ the a re that ertroyed I* i»*t ■>. Bar more than naif a cerian the college centered aroon^VLt Ramona *—n e-.d Ks rebgildinmS>c the 6m step of the '-J‘ Thc ftrxt monthly report of work of Hie* Agnes Harris. - - men nily nurse, ia as follows: PrvweUl (Venial visits -....... 4 Cases registered with Bute Board of health_i—......_ It Infant Welfare Visits to babies under tare year* • Clinics (note attandanca)_80 Bsbus weighed W>cl measured__ t# Rubles examined by physietaas.. 22 • Group instruction “Baby care and feeding” ... ... ........... I Individual instruction ears and feeding...22 Babies registered with Btate Board of Health___,;.... 10 Dcmorngrations in baby care or feeding .. .. ..._ 1 P rev cheat (8 to 6 yearn) Preschool visits (2 to 6 yean)_4 Clin let .. .. .. 17 Weighed and tesaouiurl __IT Ksiaatncd .. ............. 17 IrwirvtdiMU tn*trmcUon to motfc«r» 20 Rcfemd to BUU Board of Health... | Correction second___ f Wieel (I part ui veer) Horae visits to school children.. If VWta te schools.If Pupils Inspected -. _. S Kxrlaaiona for contestant ...... 4 Talks to pupils in cleat_44 Schools adapting Mod an Health Crusade .. ............. 1 Pupils enrolled --_ 4M v'accinatUme — .. .......Iff Inepoetien -of huikkng and prasa me . 4 Moon on datp at cUnie......... t '-link patients-- .......____ 4 Home visits .r ......._ 1 "edaide care at demonstration la henaos .. .. .._ 1 instructive tiuxnc vWta ......... f Patients pen safe 4 to uaa sputuaa rupo _. | Rcreana Inarallad_........... 1 Xorstag visit* —*____... 14 l.ntnetiva, apforatln, ate. ... 14 Kurvejr visits .. __......... 1 Assistance M health oAcer (hours) .............. | > onferenaes, Y fotarvWwi and ef «n vWta « ..41 Treatmanta hfrin ............. 4 Vaccinations (SamJI-yoa)_..lit Othov health «nlks given.41 Attend anas +■.1,44‘ Total aaaaa #Ha« tea Now and ilhfclMaJ cease..V Cones at tntdnf month..II Tsui visits ^nda ...—.a- W ■ .4 24 MEIN HARNETT OF WHITE PLAGUE Yaw's FaUOMas, Hswiwr, Shaw Parlima Prw Fro viows High Mark Twenty-four deaths from tubercu losis in Harnett county ie Just that, number too many, but it represents] » earing of Ays lives over (ha previous ’ year, sad to that extent the commu nity ij grateful and la to be eem ■naiit Fifteen out of every hundred who lied In the State last year were fans ■ns la actual laaben there wore »*8 who died of the diaeaae. Thil porhape, is sot startling to a great aany people who believe that. Him tho poor, we mast always hare tuberew osis with os" The fact Is. however, that each and every oae «t Owe leatha was preventable and nth an tnonroua lose among our farm era ibould ftir da to setioa,** toys the Worth Carolina Tuberculosis aaaoeia “Another significant fact," is that nere deaths aceoirsd among the far* tiers than did among those who are ingeged tn indoor wort, each as tea* them, stenographers, bookkeepers, Jerk*, asm workers etc., the aasaber if deaths among those signed Id meh occopatiooe being 110. “It would seem that the fames is tot os vigilant la regard to lus health is he should be. A periodic medical asm motion is not a euro all hot t would havi been o life sarer la a crest many of thane raws * “The North Carolina Tuberculosis keaociaUoc an organisation which is npportod by the solo of Tabescaioois ;hr-jtanas Sea la, coatinaes to hetd f»r» tabereuloais diagnostic cl la ice uai will gladly tend a gpirliftoS to uiy point la North Carolina where he people or* Interested la Awdtaig he cases of tabcrcaldkk in their ooan analty^ Finding the mane, the >eopl« realty So thaos ____ T.e '—TT : ■' MBS HOWARD IS DUNN’S PRETTIEST Daughter Of Mr. And Mrs. K, L Howard To **-|-1 City at Mardi Crus df'ts* 1/acille Hsward. daughter of Mr. and Mm. Kenneth L. Howard, reaurday wuo ebosen the saoot beau tiful young woman hi Dnan, and wilt represent the community in the Mardi Gran to bo hold la Xalaigh to morrow and Thursday. From the eev orsl young women reprsosating the ▼anoss communities of North Caro lina. the Mate's most beautiful is to be chosen queen of the Mardi Gras ball. Mias Howard waa e bo son from a large list of nominees by a os erst committee of seven which met yes terday morning la the rooms of the Chamber of Comment. Other young women she bod been nominated through the eolomna of Tbs Dispatch are: Mabal Butlsr. Grace Crockatt. MUa Ruby Croekott. Mim Rllaabatb Davit. Mia Eleanor Hatcher Mra. Harper Holliday. Jamie Holliday. Mia Lacflo Howard. Mrs. Will lorn Jackson. Mra. Hoary C. Lea. Halan Pnrkor. Mia EUa Primrose Christina Thompson. Mrs. Wralay B. Thompson. Mist Rutk Young. "THREE RING CIRCUS OF MIN STRELSY" What ia eoeoeded to be dm moot eoioaael tiui mammoth coneoUdatltn of rmaalrei talent Urn modern stags baa artr known. On HIV and Ooo. Inn. combined Minstrels ia the Mt traetfon annoanted at Urn La Fayette FayaUoriSa, Friday, November 10. It la deeeHbed aa “Thraa Bing Ctrana ad M mat re lay”—a prodigies# and S gi gantic array of World ronownod co medians. Nag ora and rtaarma Amrag this all-mar aggregation ai burnt e*A aoWbritlaa eon be foaat suck famous b lack-face anmrdlaaa m Arthur Dawning, the dady of 'em afl Harley Morton. Chwak Kramer. Lo< Edmanda, Fred MaOaa, Al Tint, mU forty ether Cimtodlans. Magna am i Dancers Among the many feature I of Mm poide rate tot ore taro beam now aovsMoa •Tha Danas of oil Mo I tiono" and “Tha Princes* of Mata 1 gnats," staged and diroetad by lama I Carman. lr„ tbs giMnt af all gain I steal slags dtrscteia and prtdnaari SCRUB BULL TRIAL TO FEATURE MEET Oar af the fnUrri of tho North C-eoi'nui LJvoalock aoctiny to ho -*-ld in 8talo«vlllo on Sfovrmkor If, 28 und £4 and which many Harnett County fnrann will go with P—no •Lration A**nt Kdy*. Tbta will bo i>oit of tho proyraia on “dairy day" ind Im holay worked oat by John A. Aroy of tbr North Carolina Enteoefon torvkc. Witncoaoi win bo ookpooaaod fraot amonr the eattio yrowotn af tho >t«*r »“d thr procreation will try to ‘how the yroat bans which hac bowo ton* tho dairy industry is North '-*■ by too one of thic tcrab ani mal On tho othor band ,tkc value >f tbr font bTud «ir« wU bo atrnMed » eontranted to tho rocood of tho rrtia. Trio bull bat already bam selected u*d mu of the county ago net af the extension service have bean ea rn red an «elicit* 1a. W. Knar heeu. af hlamcrx* County, srill ba ana of tha gtiatiitors It la expected to giv* ha acnab a fair aad ‘nf*ritl trial oith due process af the law aad than ■wait the judgment of a Jary to ba i«loct*d from among a somber of oronaineni farm me of *odaB aad ■or. ou ad sag counties. In cam lbs teeth penalty in Imposed, the bod W*1 xrobabty be taraad osor to a local Matcher. * Tbit will be only eas of many new 'oatures to bo put oa at this meotJag. t- 8. Curtis of the Animal ladastry >iviakm of the North Carolina Ex Miiraaot Station hai ter of promhMnt II ■o take part la the rations point to a HEWEHSPEAIS Of n»a Mai City Duks, Nov. Horn "Joke" Now 'll of Charlotte, was the chief spook sr hers Saturday night at the Eippb bean rally for the county eandldotm An Immense throng of the faithful aroro oat to hoar him. He did not die •ppotet his hearers foe ho made out if the beat sp—ehoo heard ham hi many moons. He aoaailad the record of the Democratic party both State and National. Criticising the axpan ditares daring the late war, in that there waa gross mins isegs nee nt la the mutter of war com tracts, being cheated out of vaot sums Ho fhaai told his hearers that a* for the Demi oratie cry of "Newberry Hnu" which •sensed to be oae of the chief topics this election, sms no wooes than the North Carolina cioatiea system. Ho charged Ute Daotecratia registrars throughout the state of refusing to register lie publicans, because of tha illiterate teat, aad i aglet a teg those oi uiaar own party regardlesa if whether they comid write er not. fie defended, the Protective Tariff of tbo Rcpoblican party, ia that It waa one of the beat legislative acta paaaad by that party. Taking at an example thr fact that the j party stood tar tha “< - while the KepoMiean party Hr the "producers," he want an ta any that Ataartaan aannfaetnmn AanM be protected by a tariff. Thna keeping tha cheap good* of other Battens hen Heading oar land and easting the far mers and mill# ta suffer. With a ring iag appeal far the people ta aland by their party, he child Mr ad trow ■ntid a tomaH af applease that heal tha rafters af the huh ding. Tha Girls’ Frisndly Aeelcty hah twa enjoyable Hallpws’sn parties hnl weak at the library. Tha aaaiar girti Ml ihafao Am in tha library, tochlai very spaalcy in f gertlve af tha a Many gaasaa j tellevs, which vatU stake Oypay far WORLD’S ''.OTHER CARRIES SUCCOR feiUp s Rad Ctau ANNUAL ROLL CAUL TO START SATURDAY P«H— TMa YwJ'tW Orpaari uiM H«. Axled IMUMO Tfcalr Familici; feenl $300, <00 h GMMMri Far «p among the AgMMM of the Cumberland Mountain* a loyal, pa* hand slowly d.c from iebercaloeta, brought on by his being |MMd (a kr Argecae dtwahn. A heavy eeld taught daring Ike trip home and arid, lump and malnatrittaa ware speeding bias toward the glare, aiding the ravage* of tabcrcaleria. Igaacaat of the Impending tmriy, |j£l; Ibrea yvurg children and a baby bad snip a wak of coffee aad mbs aora betwsea them aad ManrajllB The husband could do aethlag save He da » ragged blanket all day aad watch ibe wihaai plsg abret the peaks if Mb bclered maueta'n*. The near set hamass ware at A* village stone hvs miles ecrose the mearttalaa. Met ron the mail man came U kM Iks iUM UWfi ■ Tto mountain wind has a certain P»ad jimplic'ty nlwo* aakacaa la >•“ day when everything ha* ha price. It never occurred u Un ■an to aak hla i ■ace. Hi» laantiy_ Uaw of need aad he had v tadee had gtvaa their all fc the treatoa* and ea the eoa. ff lag the final sacrifice at the .aad It m all the a of the faauly1* plight MM eventually to a Bed Croas worker hi a town nearly a aooio ef ail** r fihe promptly aaddh «d the saddle bags vegetables aad. .rads tala* to the hoahfc home to the au aad Ua fahaly. Holding the tiny Avfcden vietha ef melnutriWen ia her eras, the < wofn wtfe act the Bed Croat at the doer. The other children toe weak to He* aad give* the 1 comer, the Ant visitor since their daddy had cmm hack fram over th* sea. Only th* dyiag hatband aawtar od a Malle hoc* ear of the Bod Oroa* oa tor uniform, which to had toarmad to foeogaias through tha weary trtals of tto war. Tha Bad Cros* worker agaat tto nigkt, soothing and ■laistoring to to* patient. The ebUdroa wore gtvaa a wholesome Meal, ttoir fin* la days aad week*, flhe comforted tto wor ried aad haart-sick little wife aad teat Ik* money for groceries. too learned toot tto man had filed ao claim far compensation. Be didn’t knew to rated It, to pifad Bat ha wife. The next manjy the wxkx rode bock doxy the unntata trail to •end tho diln pym do had Wad loot to Waahtaytoa. They want aad | eventually companatiea come back. IMxtcoa bn in I aad Utf dollan hath pay far total dlaabflBy. Bat H an too lata. The humble mountaineer aha had ytaw Ida W ehoerftliy far bl« unary an rack ing in tftoea feat of moaotnla earth. The yaatlc mtaictratSon ad the Bad CroM work or ha* anly made tha way a little aaafor. Bock went tha daak, for not even the government can pay oat many to the deed. Bat tha tod Greta an not Branch. A home an (aaad for tha tome ai der childrm aad tha aeoinor aad hake •out to a h capital for a few woaha. Tha worker that fend a jab for bar. at which eh# coaid earn eaoayh ta nyport bemtf and the baby. TMa ema hat one of mar* thm IK),#00 Snatoaon ta wMdh wtm and i'chltdroa of en.eerrtee moa. aad aa fhrataalvr* of eaunr, were aided by the Bad Crow i‘ iiagli to Btptma ) ta tho Southern MrMaa darby tha • Brut caret mamba of IMS. Many ■ Uvea hare beat put baah aa tha rigid . “Oreadtat Jlethor." i la tha btnftah cf