(§ , . • * .*%•.. ?ir;:,; J‘4 o ’ ■ .'• , y '* • ’■ '£.* ; * ' . «’V • * • * ** .; •J/ *. ’ *4 ‘ WHAT THE FAUU HUM Pneidaat Hiribg in n WW ta Secretary of Agrtroltare Wallace bai iMMbd to tka fomon not to atrikt Tb* Prooldmt admtlo that tbo fan* era are not Wing “idagaaNiy ton ttantid" bat W orgwea: “It wooid W n calamity if Ike far mar dwtli aniU in each a dimiaatiox of (trodaction an would fore* famine price*, or aemothdng appear Imata ta ■ then. "Tb* whM can gat Hong erttkotf n good many atbor Ibiaga, bat it an not gat along wttboet tb* prodnct •f tb* tarn." "Labor" agree* with tb* Prwndon) ta tbe extent of WHoetag that more curtailing of ovtpwt win not got the formate anywhere. Tb* cotton farm on Mod that bmt tb* otech reohargi gamMoro denonelrmtod that th*i won atM la a poaithwi ta manlpolafi Difaon. The hmm «9 net get relief an til they organise for pohtlea] and oco Bldaey. been drafting and “for the relief of ogrtcaltnro," bat every bfll they have ^nmsoced h» made the farmer* peerar aad tin ha abaci richer. K mast be dear that theae “friendi of the fenmr* are cither iaoompet cot or dhbsaaot. la althar case the] ahoald ho kicked oat cd odke sac asea who are bath competent aac honest pat la their pipe—. The farmer is entitled to at Mad a herds of ami him sad the i la so bad that it fa dneta the farmer gate only It coats Deamarit aad ether ceantrico have discovered tho rimijj in a nation wtdo cyitom of cooperative boytei aad sMliag aad ns n raeoH the Dan tsh fsnoar gets M coats eat of the A rim Oar ejriim can bo sot ap h this ceaatrj aad will be whoa the farmer* wake ap.—Caber. LreuTSMAirr govbanok COOTS* A MOOSST MAO late tho Satideii oMoo late he Tberadsy tftamm same a maa wha didst took Eke a Maths dim preaehm nor pet entirely like onto Jam aa ordinary gay. Be aw ad median S. Oeopei **GM ta «M* ;n, Mr. Ctrpm "If*, sot aaactly—Jast haMag la aa tham a BtUa wbOa to4ay Bar?" aaid tba an, “WbareTI I M Vi Haatfc, Bab Maba ar Jaha Vasal JkwA ^Matos*? MT. It Caagar—Oaagar at WB MiaglaaT I* Mag «r aats,~ MM I. If It aia*t aar Ltaataaaat flftat m Caapar—tba mu wfcs't ba Oarar •a Caaar .i^-v 7'/,. y.ity.g. . f ' - Us FORMER KAISER WEDSATCIjRN « W«U. HohmtxolUru Takes Prime— HenoitM Of Rsusa To Wife Deem. Holland, Nov. i.—Ths tor mar German Rmperor, ones all higb am of the ampin, and Princess Her mtna, of line, were married today at the Hoeae oi Doom, wham tha War Lord shades In axil*. This second ««t«n was la Strangs contrast with that day in INI whan, aa Crown Prince, he wedded Augusta Victoria, daughter af Grand Duke Frederick, •f SehUewig-Holetein. Several of the offspring si that fir* union were present today to aet the seed of family approval to the new alliance. Them were two ceremonies, a chril csoteact drawn op and aigaed by “Wilhelm U" and Hernias. Seam, as they affixed their names; the second a religious ceremony conducted by the former coart chaplain, Dr. Vagal, according to the Lutheran rites. The air of secrecy surrounding the entire affair hat been well maintain ed throughout The climax af the sys tematic modification adopted by tha household came when tha bride’s sis ter, Princes* Ida, who rseemblos her, successfully passed herself off aa the 1 bride at the Amarafoort Station last 1 evening with an array of castle care, whereas Princess Hermine left the train at Apeldoom, half an hour ear lier, and drove to tha castle unob 1 served, those within the place TTrkrng 1 much of this as a huge joke. At the religious ceremony, which began with the singing of the Luthcr 1 aa hymn, “Jesus Geh Varan,” Pastor Vogel preached from tie text, “Now ' ahldeth faith hope and charity.” The • bridal couple guests ware seated In row* behind them. “Now the joyful day has arrived, declaimed the minis ter, when His Majesty and her Borons Highness Join hands." He reeallrd that tho same text had •erred at the golden wedding of Wil liam I and at the bridegroom’* own diverwedding. "The bride,” said he, “has left Fatherland and friends to uatU her life with that of His Ma jesty. whose faith has sustained him ia circumstances which would have driven others to despair. Evidence ef -Faith As an evidence of faith h* pointed sat that the “Kateer” conducted reli gious services on every Lord’s Day ia hia home: He paid tribute to tho rimes of the late Empress and Prin ce** Hermina’s former husband re ferring to the “Kataerma” a* the Idas! of fTaimaa womanhood. “Imv* each other, as Cod love* you. ho admonished, “and you shall pre vail ovor all aril report” Than followed the reading of the marriage services: ring* were exchan ged and the hymns “Bo niumodan mebic hatnde” and Harr* Maine see la” ware rendered. A brief official communication is sued later announced the civil and religious solemnities end mentioned the number of guest* as twenty-eight. Prince Henry of Premia, aa senior n>*«h«r of the family, spoke a few cardial wards, to which there was no response according to the Carman rariem, and so further speeches. The day began clear and bright— ^‘JfohenaoUero weather”—bat aeon turned to showers and a chilly ruin Ml whoa tho Emperor's black ear drove from tbe castle to the lodge at the appointed time for the civil cera W. ■ crowded mark*. The remit has bom that the price* ho receded horn Won aaremonoracive. Lut year, aad tW year Men, fane product* wore to low that farmer* wore usable to Pay eaponooa. Ia thair extremity, moot of thorn wok* op to th* n*c** oity of • hotter **llia( lyotem. Th* eo-oporatir* organisation was th* re mit. and it brought hop* to th* far a*fa TWa fad. prices art op—partly due te the eery email crop* In Karova, aad partly te th* enraalaatloa of the farmers. Becaa** price* or* higher, farmer* or* tempted to hH Their aocoodtim increase this ternp tatloM. Bat If they f pi lew their in ellaaUm aad brook their con tracts, •hat vffi bo the rroaltT They may got •••d prteso this foil, bat next yoor they and thetr neighbor* wffl W again at the mercy of th* boyoi*. From th* aartJca* time, ~H 1* naught, H U »a«ghl, aaith th* boyar.’' He dee* set pay any mar* than h* I* compelled te par. Th* hran'i hep* I* ta c» *pg* tf*a. Lot thl* a«w ia*th*d faB, tad «Hmt *rBl happmtWo ah.ii refer* to •aad «a ha lav. I Th* farmer who la «4m aad ra-| *P*4to hla rigaed word, a* ha im hda Wohsa^wood. will ctead^by U* mm *• mm par »I* to Mi tot to FOX HUNTERS END ANNUAL MEETING W. A. Bristol of StstosviDs Usssi—osly Rs F lor tori President AuocUtios Fayetteville. Nov. 5.—-Completing the nott rucrcwful moat yet held by the North Carolina Foahuutors’ As sociation, tha last of tha hundred and fifty delegates who attended tha an neal convention, field trials sad heoeh show of tha association hara last weak left tor their hastes res tart! ay. At the final executive -rut Ibjc W. A. Bristol, at Statesville, was unanimously re-elaetad president, as were all other officers of the steeds Uoa, these being Judge Horry P. I-sna, of Reidaville, first vice prsal dent; Dr. J. W. McNeill, of Fayette ville, second vice-president, and Use. W. Rankin, of this city, secretary end treasurer. Tha board of dtrae toa will be appointed by the presi dent Nest year’s meeting place was left te the decision of tha direct ora. A cordial Invitation for the association to meet next fall at Seven Springs was presented by W. W. Pierce, ef Goldsboro, while the Cumberland County Fonhunters' Club urged that the State see on! si ion return Hcrv again in 1923. The all ago elaaa field trials, esrry ing a pane for the winner of $40 •nd a silver trophy offered for the winner by Percy A. Rockefeller, of New York, was won by Fancy, by Mike out of Fly, aad owned by Hin ton James, of Lauriaburg. Second prime, a cash award of IIS, want to Kata, an unregistered dog of tbs July strain, owned by S. H. OePriest of Henry. Queen, one of last year's win ners, sired by Pink, out of Dot, own ed by R .W. Gaddy, of Wsgnuu, won third money, $16,while fourth pises went to Mietie (Skipper end Hayden's EUs), Dr. U. B. Ferguson, of HaHf«w owner. The «Uv«r plteher offend by Jos eph ft. Thomas, M. T. H., ai How York, for Kir winner of the Derby was carried off by Cleo, an urvregie tercd female hound owned by W. H. Allen, of Louiabug. The money prt cea la this event were *6, $11 and $10. Other winners in the derby were: Second, Top (Champ and Fleet), North State Kennels, StaUwriUs. Third, Flash Stride (Big Stride and Krm Dawson), W. H. Fry and 8. H. Snow, High Point Fourth, Violet (Trim and Winnie), R. H. Ford, Cleveland, H. C. Winners is the bench show fur .-.asriKcTSiJtfSSBn and Blek), North State gawnale, Statesville. Second, Mary (Champ and Flart), O. L. Una, Lendl*. Third, Lady (Skipper and Mickle), ft. H. Ford, Cleveland. N. C. Males: First, Rowdy (Hustler and Fannie), R. H. Ford, Cleveland, N. a Second top (Champ and Fleet), North State Kennels, Statesville. Third, unregistered entry by Ifcoa. Leak, Rockingham. The bench duv prison wars o silver loving cup offered by the Overt Ills Land Company for the beat fomale in the show and a similar trephy do nated by the Overtills company for the best mala The fudges of the Said trials won Charles W. HullAah, of Charlottes ville, Va.; Charles L. Priekett, of St Matthews, 8. C„ J. M. Little, Kelt on. 8 C.; H. B. Martin, Beardstowa, 8. C-, and J. M. Pugh, of Oriantnl, N. C. STACEY WADE APPEALS TO SUPERIOR JUDGES Atlu For Matp M Inpprsidag Sale W Faha Steals in State at Berth Raleigh, Not. I Onm u tha jury oa tha aetirtUca af Blna Sky operator* la North Carolina U a Of yratad by Inaonui rwiimlaatiwai ,8taooy W. Walt in aa appeal to tha anterior court judgaa ami aoilaltoaa for aaaiataarca in tha THiTijalyn aynlaat wild eat aalanan. Tha oparatioaa of thaaa tofcan ecm tluu«ca air, W'lilrk (otter -ij t« one of srrsiai -v. m. wo.aing ia an effort to —->*« -oe^oplc im.ii ei&ively W •••i riullam for t -dtuUy lithographer piece of pa and the talesman'* promise oi •*iT return*. WHY ALIENS SHOULD BE REGISTERED Neted Clwiaal CW SapperU i -I— Washington, Nor. I. (Capital Nawi Ssrrlee) Shortly after oneorertni ,tko nucleus to a World-wide plot foi revolution, with headquarters la this country, and maay "red” workers an r»tcd therein, WUUem J. Bums Uhlef of the nation*! Buerao of In Mitigation, jaldi “There (a ao ehjtction, ef course to people coming to oar shores from foreign lands if they follow peacofu pursuits, but ere hood more stringem laws to deal with radical agitators Under provision* of to* bill fort*ro< by Hr. Davis, raglstmUoa would drivi undesirables oat of our oountry. Ar exsmmetkm, fair and thorough yrould dead a sever* blow to radio agitator* who try to ww seeds ol distension -Although the facilities a oar command ar* being applied *9 ccUvoly at tbs peraent time, the peer Embodied la the purposed law wouli greatly facilitate our work." Many oSeiala la the Govcrnmen jvbe have hitherto looked with doab upon the plan to make America’* wel eome to the foreigner lea* cordial, an coming to agree with the Departmen of Labor that there I* nothing in thi propond restoration of aUena whid i* either a hardship apoa the regia torero, or a great tax upon the Gov ernment. It ia poatied out that a Na tionwide registration of the yotmj ,nea of the county waa aecetapliihei In one day for the purpoeee of caiaini a draft army, and without any gran openae. The raaa who registered, it i .noted, did net protest or regard It a Other than a patriotic doty. , The law oorqpeUiag restoration o all alleaa and lUporviaion over the! AftivHica. will not only, if passed •erve to keep "rod" agitator* oat o the country but will eoeble the Got ernmect to keep absolute check upoi ,those who remain here without bolni interested enoagh to become citiaeni and those who. Hake a whole-heart* I Daneaa B. Cooper, Lost OI Caatra FIgweae ia'hforder Sensation, NaahviUe, Tenn-, Nor. 6.—Foners •CTTieee for Col. Duncan B. Cooper 79, coBTictad slayer of former Unit ed Otatas Senator Edward CarmacJ on the street* of NaArffle, in the fal of 1908, wiH ho hold tomorrow at hi old home In Aahwuod, near Nashville Colonel Cooper died la*t night follow ing a brief Qlneae. The tragic death of Carmack at th hand* of Colonel Cooper and his am Bohin, now dead, wae ike culmination of one of the bit tore ft political rtghla In the history of tba state. At the time Camuek anas editor of the Nashville Tvnacaaecan, following his defeat in a Democratic primary by Malcolm K. Patterson, of Memphis, for tbc gubernatorial nomination. The Tcnneeaeeun was waging a bitter odl torial war on Goecrnor Patterson af ter his inauguration and the name of Coioocl Cooper, ao one of the Staunch friend* and advisers of the governor, had often, appeared in tbe editorial columns. Word *u sent to Carmack by a mutual friend that Cooper would not coontenance further public trta of bla name, It was itatcd. On the follow ing day fm editorial paragraph was written In srbleb sarcastic reference was made to Cooper. The shooting of Carmack occurred IF (Rc-Kiplinged.) If you can keep your wife when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming ft on you; If you can flint yourself and aha not doubt you, ■ Nor her allowance ever cut In two; If you can lamp and not be tired by lamping Or stand the dxu from so mo young flapper’s eyes: i Or being vamped don’t give away t« vamping ’ And yet don’t look too good nor talk loo arise; i If you can drink, those days of pro I hibltion, The stuff they serve to you and call t home-made; i If you can keep your mind from vainly vriahln’ For ju»t one shot of honeot lemon ade; K you can feel a pride hi this graal Nation, Idealise the man for whom you vote If you cun work up any adulation For Congress and not call yourself I I goat; I r If you can makt one heap of youi t wife’s winnings l 'And risk it on one spin of "Put atu i Take," Together with her mother’* email be r ginning* r And lake their censure if you lose tbs , “break’’; ’ If you can eat the fieahlcss hone anc sinew , Served up to you each night wher ; you come home , Ami say you're filled when there’i I nothing in you Except the calve#’ hralns in youi foolish dome; ■ If you can jaus in crowd* and keep yoor virtue I Or dance vrith queens nor fall foi them too much; If neither foes nor loving friends cor hurt you l Each time they subtly hit you for i . “touch"; If you can fill Lite unforgiving min ute With sixty second's sanctity, mj son; Your* is the earth and everythin! that’s In it But, oh, my boy—you’re misting al the font —By George Mitchell, In Judge. on the following day as He was ap proaching Hit apartments '» tho city. He was met by Duncan Cooper and hl» son, Rob'n, ai be wx» talking to o woman acquaintance on the street. •Shota wore exchanged, Carmack fall ing with a fatal wound and Robin Cooper receiving a hullol in hli cheat, fntm which ic recovered. Col onel Cooper «« uninjured. The trial which followed van one of tho bitt-roji ,n foe annuls of the slate, resulting in a conviction ot both Coopers, the elder getting a ver dict of itO years and his son a leansi term. Adi appeal w.ta taken to the Supreme court. The Court affirmed the verdict in the c-.su of Colonel Cooper nrd gav-i \nj so-t n new tria1. As s> n as the .ire- im tc - iri was announc'd Coverpor IV.tcrao-i issued u pardon for Dur.can Co'#per< Hobin Cnopcr’n car-: on retrial was dismissed for want of a prosecutor. Though never a candidate for office Colonel Cooper had been on active political force, lie wn« st one time editor and publisher of the Nashville American, now extinct Hobin Cooper met death undoi mysterious ciicurmstanrfW several years ago. His body, the skull crush ed, was found in a creek beside which wut found his automobile, the inter ior covvrod with bloodstains. HJr slayers were never epprebended T^iere was believed to be no connec tion between the murder of the youn ger Cooper and the Carmack ease. WEEK OF PRAYER The Bright Jewels will conduct the Friday afternoon service of tho La dies Week of pntyer at the Melhodisi church this week, meeting at 4 o’ clock. Program Song—Bring Them In. Bible Lcevon—Jewel Cook. Prayer. Welcome—L. B. Sugye. Words of appreciation-—Lulu May H rough tun. Song—Ninety and Nine. Reading anil Song — Annie Beils Cook. When, tuc week of prayer offering now—Kiln* Earl Lee. Helping the Cuban Children_ Ertilh Gray Wado. Cuban Child Life-—Lauilc Pops, 1Loiling—Annie Glenn Whitwhsad. Song—Bi others uei Slaters Aereet the Soa—Fannie Newberry. The Fioncb Children of our own tonnii} — Man* Johnson. Poem—Margttrot Suggs. Song—Till* Old Rugged Crons— Fiances Gardner, Margaret Sugg. Collection — Remark* by Mario .'ol, neon. Clhsiiig Piuyur—Mr. Beet. DUKE NEWS Mi.es Mary McKay, student of Flora McDonald College, Red Splmgs, spent the week end here with bor nennte Mr. ami Mrs. F. M. McKay. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Qeddle and family spent the week end in Maztoa, bring the guest* of hbetr daughter, who it a student at the Carolina Col lege for Women. Mi. and Mis. E. L. Haaaal attend ed the football gnmu between Barld •on and N. C. State colleges in Ra leigh Saturday. Thomas W. Sprinkle and G. D. Sample of the Duke High School fa culty attended the Davidson • State football game in Raloigh Saturday. tv. H. Coffey spent the week end in Durham, the guest of W. A. Er win. Sr. W. if. Lawrence spent the past work end in Durham. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Clarke, Jr., were tailed to Littleton Saturday by the death of Mr. Clarke’s father, who suffered n sudden stroke of parmlyets whli li caused his death in a few howra. E. S. Thomas spent the weak end In Durham with hi* fern «r Dr. R M Buie and Uim L. Kobe, Superintendent of the Good Hope Hiinpitat. represented the above nsea l'd Institution at the meeting eg Mu State Hespial asioclation held ia Wil ton last week. i Cotton Seed Wanted! We pay highest caah prices or will exchange for— MEAL FERTILIZER OR MEALYMONLA Scales situsted next to J. L. Hatcher’s Store. MEALYMONI A—Used last year by many farmers in this section—is highly recommended by those who used it N. B. Lee and Fred Baggett agents for | Lee County Cotton Oil Company GAS and OIL V • I You get full measure and best puality at our station at the fork of the , Fairground and Benson roads. SERVICE DAY and NIGHT J. E LEE I--■- | y , Horsfordi SELF-RAISING BREAD PREPARATIO Ordinary tour lacks tbs phosphates which Mid bone, asaela, s4mw. liors ferd's ia rich hi pure phosphate*. Tire bast self-raising flour la made by mix ing Horsford’a with a good grade ot flour. Use Horaford'a for haaRh and baking aoceeas. Sara the Rad laid* —got firs* book showing FREE PREMIUMS, by writing Romford rhawdasl Works. Pratlilwi—, R. f. _ .. Makes Delicious Hot Broads SAVE die Premium Lsbdi llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll —l-!"■ ■ fr=" n I Very smart—every well dressed man has one. Very serviceable—in the car or on the street. Very moderately priced. Kirschbaum Topcoats: *25 to #40 E L. Parker 8C Sons DUNN I _