Wit* t>? <£,-■ V? tv; #.- j * fi*£ ;*C-i ^ I *\ *. .\t .< •» * *T . ., * f • ‘ .T •ad humiliation to tba man aad bb wife are amtoi Thia wart mart go m. Nd nly ia tba maeataina, bet In *a little eettW manta back from tba mUtanda « jvmr and my Beetblnad arc familial of maa and aaaa thammlaaa wbo awn dim Mod la marie a, w)» aaad treat ■»t aad wka ara rlghtfaUy aaMUat to eomwnaatlan from tba goraia ■ant. Tba JWd Cram baa boaa com miaalaaod by tba giTaramial to earn m tbls wart. Panda for thia wart ara being aeaght during tba Annan! Soil Can, tfarambar U Jf> SO, wbon *rory cltlaaa wffl be mkad to Jala tba onraniaadon. Dnriat Mm adjoint*™ Hon at E> U|«liM tilth M hand at tha Baton tloa Amy la tha United Hat naar Jy *0 years, the rtadoata ta tho Aran tenia jap icbool hero htnilil fron ippraihactaiy to a year to SOB, oUh of ttto iIBBBitlll IIII Kara fiw'lUMsMi to m,0C6, MO. LEGAL ADVERTISING aiatatai DUNN GRADED SCHOOL DIS TRICT. NORTH CAROLINA. BONDS _ •“»•* MdowH bo eooatood by Iho Booed of Traetooa, in wo of tbe an do*oi*aed, a*»S 4 o'clock. T. M . Na gf^wbitb cocayrtnc tbe Town aI dMod AawWLifa^rtSpJnSS <*«* the medSw af’cET'uWUd *£»«?• ““'•Tfo o*d Tnm4 Company of Mew Tata City, which w«l certify oa to the (eaaiaabooi of the «%nn taw of tbo Icbool DirtNet oMib and the ooal bay topic I thereon. Le mHto wJM bo apptwood by Chootcr B. Maowtrh, EOo.. of Mow Tort City, whooc oppcwomc opinion wli bn fur Mdtod to tba yoiebaoor althuul TtSc law rnoaiioo aa anMmttod tax atrrijwiefss: ■Broad Setrocoey oe cold Tract Cam rsrrsssas paertad hMk *™rtwi*0* ** **e#r‘ !*»■<•»» the Timinr of w ituiUm. ii order to gw* «ha Bthoal 5S3> —lam an» gg luWllay from the failure of the hMdar^ta eeraply with tte Um. of „ ha delivered an or about w, 1M*. ta New York WT. ar, at the Durchaaer'a riw, for dailvory amt eShange. m SETS parihaiM '• choice. Ko hid of leaa than pmr aad accrued lnt*c*t will be ****.. ,*kc *%** to *njeet any ar aH Hda la roaorvod. _ marvin wade, Secretary, Board of Truitoc*. * th ltc. TtUmri SALK OF LAND ®*hr and bp virtue of the power ■* ante contained In a certain doed of tawat executed by Jacob Bam and wtfa Nellie Ham to the undareigmid Amateo on December 16th, ini and ^y recorded in the office of the Bagtatax of Deed* of Harriott County :■ »®®k IN, pace *11, default har ms been made in the payment of the ache meured thereby end forecloearo avU«t been demanded by the bolder ‘/.ho note, the underaigned win on Friday, December 8th. IBM at the --ourthouae door in LUlingtoa offer for aaie to the higheul bolder for -a*b the land hereinaflar described, A'wit: Being all of lota Noa. (25) tern ty-ftva a ad (26) twenty six in the mbdiviaion of the A. A I*arks land, lying and being near the town of Oarm, N. C., each of raid lot* being twenty-Sve feet by one hundred and “rty^foot in eiae and adjoining each Par a more defiuita deerription of •aid lota reference ii hereby made to plot of add aubdivirton ar recorded in Book 119, page 696 in the office of the KegUtrr of Deodi for Harnett County, N. C., and i» the rame land conveyed t« Jacob Ham by deed front Cater Ham and wife recorded in Book 194 at page 428 in the office at the Beyirter of Deed* for Harnett County, N. C. Hour of aale: 12:00 o’clock M. Onto of aale: Friday, Dec. 8th, 1*22. Place of rale: Courthouse door, Igtlmgtan, N. C. CLAKKNCE J. SMITH, Trustee. Thia Nov. 1th, 1922. Nov. 7 14 21 2S. „ NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of authority contained In a judgment and decree of rale enter ed in the luponor court of Harnett County an the 26th day of October 19S2, mm being No. 2010 on apodal proceadinga docket entitled, "F. D. Byrd, Ate n A. W Byrd at il," the undersigned will on Monday, Deeem bor 4th. 1ft*, at 18 o'clock M.. at tho coarthonM door (a Harnett Coun ty. a**r for rale ta the klghmt bid dor for cut the foUowtng daocribod tract of land, to-erit: o Hanmtt County, State of North Carolina, la 8owart<s Croak township, containing 66 acros, more or lea; the cams being a part of a tract of land conveyed by dead from Alloa J. Barboar to O. *. Byrd, dated March If, IMS aad daly loeordad in Book 0, Pago 170 etc., record* of Harnett. Coanty. A survey of the above described property will be made giving motes aad bounds before a deed is executed by the und< minted tovnm lari oner Tbit tract of land will bo divided Into two tracts sad sold at It la aH practically cleared; then it will be sold a* a stole if purchaser doairoa both tracts Terau of (ale: Cash. Time of aaic: December 4, 1988. 18 o’clock M. Piece ef aalc: Conrthoosc door, Iil lingtou, N. C. Thli the Diet day of Oetobor 1*88. CLARENCE J. SMITH, Commissi oner Oct. 81 Nov. 7 14 81. PETITION FOR PARDON TSilj is to give notice chat the ua iloTuigncd will apply to the Governor of North Carolina within the next dO days for the pardon or parols of her husband, Carlio B. Matthews. This the 84th day of Oct. 1*88. MBS. KATIE MATTHEWS. 0 84 4 W. . NOTICK Under the power of asie contained * a mortgage deed made by A 1 Goodman and wife ta Martin Good man, recorded In Harnett Coanty in Rook 108, page 268, sold mortgage deed Having been duly transferred ond assigned to E. F. Strickland by transfer duly recorded In Harnett Coanty In Book 1*8, page 1*8, and under the power of oafs contained In a mortgage deed from A. R. Good man and wife to E. F. Strickland, recorded In Harnett Coanty in Book 116, page 441, default having been mad* in the payment of the notes secured by said mortgage deeds the undersigned assignee aad KortgMos will expose to sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at Ik* courthouse door la Lilliagton, Har nett County, North Carolina at 18 o’clock M., on Thursday, November 9th, 1988 the following rlaonrib.il land: A certain piece or trace af land 1 .Tla( and belli Ik Arena bo no Town akitb Harnett Const*, State of North Carolina and daeerfbed and defined w follow*, te-wit: Bctianln* at a ■tak* and potetan In a branch. Hie. t -ill* F. Hodysa and A. 1L Goodman ronmr, formerly J. R. Strickland and Wai lib Goodman'* corner, and rvai as their lino K. S8 E. 6.97 chairs t« Gm co nor of the Are acres Martin Goodman sold A. A. Parka; thanci ** t'mt line S. *»2 E. Y.84 ch«it«f to hU eorvu-r it. ihc A. C. L. U. B rght-of lio*, thnncv a* turn, lino S. 88 W. 8.46 v, ham* t«i tin? run of a oruncl*; t'lcncc as the nm of the branch to Uio beginning, containing five terra. Thl* October 9, 1922* S. B. STRICKLAND. A'i'.jpite of Martin Goodnaan. E. K. Strickland, Morbgaffoa. Otl 10 17 21 81 Nov 7. jj Notice to Stockholders ! i • < - >__ • 1 . » « * Cz-fOMriff l T. McLamb, sriH be at tha following places os * ths days below mentioned for tha purpose of eoOeetinf the 10 per ! seat accounts doe the Bpsnoke •ad.flsdomburg Bsflroad Company. , , These of the snbscribeis who ere due the corporstion wtU pkaee ■»eet him end psy their accounts. < < i < Selembur,. at the Beak. Monday. November 13, 10 a. m. ts 4 p. m. ! Haney malts. Meter Ground. Wodmee. Nee., lb. 10 a. m. »e 4 p. m- I ■ ' Crooo Church, Friday, Neeombav 17, 10 a. ua. to 4 p. m. * *oodk Monday. Neeamber 20. 10 a. Bk to 4 p. m. Kaeaabe School Heue, Wedneaday, Noe., 22, IO a. m. to 4 p. m. *^■*7 Croeo Church, Friday, Noe ember 24, 10 a. m. ke 4 p. m **»■* Hoseo, Monday, Noe mu bar 27, 10 a. m. to 4 p. m. David Godwin'* Store, Wednesday, Nee.. SO, 10 a. m. to A p. m. < t « ’ Subscriber* will use thi* as their means to ttettla their accounts ' ' ; due the company as this will possibly be the last oatL ' I < . i ' < >_ * 1 it <1 |;; RomioIm & Salemburg Railroad Company < ft f t 11 f-f-t-f f f-f-f ttttttttMttHIMitlilf “ - ^ - ' 1 / —And Now On the Job With BREAD f TBX returned soldier hu learned to eat and appreciate afcapte t**d- Mete We Wear jr, hie raddy akin, Me cpertdln* mat of cn f Bread la the feed that keepa him At wtthoat waeU or etoAMp. Maad la the faad that pat* him “rrer the tap" in the world af \ civilian warfare. | Mity Nice Bread | —ti the defieiaee. whelaaoeae leaf that daahUe the VjfjfM \ tnxrsszr—tm: m I Pearce’* Bakery 1 - . Ir m 7 f •* your Udfc*J wtmopc OP IT How Essex Views the Closed Car Question Until Essex brought out the Coach, a dosed car on a first rate chassis could not be had at a moderate price. Buyers took it by the thousands. Nothing like it was ever experienced in closed car sales. And in consequence other makers added closed cars to their lines. But their bid for a share of the trade is not based upon the principle which gives the Essex its distinction. Mark how different it is Elaborate fittings intended to lend an air of luxury are not featured in the Eases. It is sold strictly on its merits as a complete and superb motor car mechanically. It established itself as one of the leading four cylinder motor cars of the world in perform ance, endurance, reliability and economy. One stock car under official observation travelled 3,037 miles in fifty hours. Four stock cars each lowered all previous time rec orda between Son Francisco and New York. It is upon such u chassis that the Coach is mounted. The same idea of utility guided its creation. It has staunchness and char acter. It gives the utility of the costliest cars. It stays tight and secure. Yet such a delightful closed body doss not place the Essex Coach price beyond the reach of those who can afford a good open car. D. P. S. Motor Company Touring Gar - (IMS v Cabriolet - • 1143 I Fnisht and Tom Extra | ESS EX COACH *1245 I ***** _ ~j r.„ THREE - SPLENDID - FARMS Subdivided into small farms, will be offered AT AUCTION, THURS., NOV. 9,1922 10:30 A. M. AND IP. M. J. A. BLAYLOCK FARM ON DUNN-BENSON ROAD, 1 1-2 MILES FROM DUNN, FARM ON DUNN-FAYETTEVILLE ROAD, 11-2 MILES FROM DUNN AND JIM HODGES FARM ON DUNN AND BUIES CREEK ROAD, 1 MILE FROM TURLINGTON STATION. ORDER OF SALE: At 10:30 A. M., the J. A. Blaylock Fcm» located on Dunn-Benson Roach! 1-2 miles from Dunn and 5 miles from Bens or, will be offered on the property. Immediately after this sale, we will remain o.i the J. A. Blaylock Farm and offer the Beas ley Farm, located on Dunn-Fayetteville Road, 1 1-2 miles from Dunn and 4 miles from Duke.N. C. At 1:00 P. M., on the property, we will offer the Jim Hodges Farm on Dunn-Buies Creek Road, located 1 mile from Turlington Station, 3 miles from Duke, and 6 miles from Durni. Do not get the sales of these three farms confused. AT THE SALE OF THE JIM HODGES FARM AT 1:00 P. M., ON THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 9TH A BIG BARBECUE DINNER WB1 be prepared and served free to aU in attendance at the sale. SALES CONDUCTED BY i ■ Atlantic Coast Realty Company, Agents i. “The Name That Justifies Your Confidence** I Ofteoai PETERSBURG, VA. WINSTON-SALEM, N. C. GREENVILLE, N. C.

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