I & r\ f. i'Us * •: i '• •*■* A ; *■ • • iJJ ■: '■±C ■ ~ .. ■ :r: • * “T* paMrtTdrtrL’tari^tiM* aope wan cw the job to fat than all. They M work hard—for ckoat throo Miaottni, the tewa beard rawed to be placed am at the rtmta at the late reaction of Brood and Wilson wbito-palatod Unto, aad dared drived to areas then witbont drat pouch* to too that aH wm oft. This wat a valuable trap far two or tbroe Bat the seaaea ran its some. i af the the Mr. Taylor aad Mr. Godwin wUl ao Mft tha poses U they are Underod. Wo put thorn forward, uot because thay aro dtisens of Du an, but be cause, to us, thay aro tha ablest man available to tho county for the posi tions. flomssulls Victory A fled win TthaA Two months ago any Republican would havo declared to aay casual enquirer that tha Domocrata hadn’t a shsusu to win the county election this your; aad the tragic part of II was that there were many Democrats who believed the same thing. Oui aid friends, Walter Byrd, Dave Henry Boater, J. A. McLeod, Albert Buries— pearly all ol valiant Old Gaurd which chased our gang treat office In 1914— were busy at work in tha county. As they worked they gained confidence aad they did not hesitate to voici that confidence. Every fault that every Democratic office holder had eras aired. Big BHI McArtan, Sheriff, was cussed to the dry* beranso he dlda’t break uf blockading and to ths wets because be did. The commissioners were raw ed far spending and for not spending. Nat Townsend, representative in the legislature, was lambasted for what ha did not do. All taxation was ■vtL Schools were mismanaged. Every thing was wrong. Those wore the wails of the good Republicans whs would save the ^cre j(ccpal from Do mm ye rat dlvvletry and it over to the righteous Republicans. Democracy la the county was mo rass; It was apathetic, disorganised aad ready to bo whipped. Eastern Democrats didn’t give a hang whal became of tho wee tern brother*—the LUBngton crowd was going to hog everything anyhow. How come wc should work our beads off for 'em Republicans fattened on this stuff Its deuiaene iayod it on thick. Demo craey eras covered with grant gobs el Thfcn Hannibal boQt hU road through the Alp*. ao to spoak. Chair naan Godwin got the gaag together, He did a llttht .cuuiag on. hU own '-•*-heeMetoroUBBndil needed to roeetahUB the old morale Aa organisation wn* perfected. Can didates were pat on their toes. Wit) Hannibal's Uah cracking over than they want after that Republican bo gay and found it to be a babbie. Within a month the Republicans •till loudly expressing confidence bo with the natural look of the puppt Just caught robbing the refrifsraUn realised that they had been nlalraint too mock. Taro weeks ago the M| crush rears wbaa Nat Townaaad It loose hit heavy tbot at Walter Byrd From that date on the Democrat!) strength grew. Tuesday told the tale Democracy wea a wonderful vie lory—doubling the biggest majority U had over bad—and hi the victor] Mr. Godwin area a personal triumph Te Mm the larger portion of th) glory is due, although there U enougl for all. CHRISTIAN ENDEAVOR PROGRAM, NOVEMBER I1TH Song—If Prayer. Song—No. 1(9. Berlpture reading. Matt. 1042, 29 Leader—Milton Butler. Subject—Meaning of church mom Is it possible to belong to ChrV sod not to belong to his church, anc la whah way M ebarch memberahi] valuable to an individual—4. B ontmL Haw can I be a bettor church mem bar hit W. H. Jackson. What cma the church da far th) commas tty—Mrs. M. C. Butler. Bole—Rise Oodlsy. RED CROSS ADOPTS BUDGET FOR ITS 1923 ACTIVITIES Egp—ditiii a* Nawtr Thru Milli—» L—i Th— For WORKS FOR RELIEF Will Pr—m Cwiftl—t-a Of Anrnkta PoopU By C—ad entiou* And Raaoluta Effort To Koop Down Overhand Start*. Adhering to it* poet-war policy of condensation and co-ordination with out affecting efficiency or accomplish wont, haa adopted a budget for the fiscal year ending June 30, IMS, showing a reduction ef <2,736473 a* compare.! with the expend its re* of lait year. The budget, 39,73*471.47 for 1022-13, ia apportioned solely for the oetlTittei of tha National organi sation, and it ia exclusive ef the large financial operation* of th* 3400 ac tive End Crons Chapter* which, it k migrated, added to th* National bud get would ahow a total net far un der 120,000,000. Uudget allotment* for domestic op eration* aggregate 3(416.7*6.3*, wliieh i* 486,01643 lea* than axpan ditore* for 1921-22. For foreign op eration# the total ia 13,404,077.08, lesa by 32.247,969.(0 than wa* apant the pievioua year. nrk . ___i__a _ » *_.i operation* represent* * saving la or vrnsad expenses and decreased per sonnel through tha combining of di visional units. The ferelgn opera tions, with tha exception of the Jun ior American Bed Croe*, ware praa ticaHy tarminatad on Last July 1 with the fulfillment of obligation* and co mm it men ta abroad. Of this re trenchment, Chairman Joha^Bartow trenchment, and it required n nuili arable time to withdraw from Iudu without giving our friends then too impemion that we were leaving them in the lurch. They had learned to ex pect much from American altruism] but all legitimate expectations have now bean honorably met. “The American Bod Cram will pre serve tho confidence of tha American people by a coascientious and roeo lut* effort to keep down overhead expense without lost of efficiency In those activities where tha Bad Cross I ha* unqueatioaed obligations and re l sponaibiUtie*.” Four ysara after the end of tha World War the oae “unquestioned obligation” which tha Bad Crow i* meeting with a spirit of liberality both in fundi and sarvica 1* tha work far dlaablad ox-eervie* men and their dependents. Of the domestic budget $3,030,882.90 is set apart by «h* Na tional organization for soldier ser Miss Smith’s Studio CHRISTMAS PHOTOS i I —1344,004 MN thun ’.tw txy*r. d !n i 991-33. The iitcr«»ic U lm ve in orJe* to keep pace will’. —dj for on Juno i lust 27,-: f> e-J Mso wore under urea:-'; tV Qjvs.umi.it, 1,187 ■*— . .corjed iaat ytar. T.iU . is exciamv* af service to 11, . toileted asm of the regular Army d Msvy repeated under treatment Govsminaat gnspltsle Veteran aid Cross work it the program under Federal through Individ ual miaittral and interest. Other domestic Items n A* m it are: Tor diaas .ar relief. $Tl 0; far emergencies .n Chapter 8&00.000; for ser vice sad aartnlfceo t* Chapters and their branch as, Ml 439,000; to aaast anca to other Apusiut:ur.s and edo cstioDsl Instltafcons that train Red Cross nareas Jtd workers, 8200,000; ■ or Roll Call as^atanc* lnnlahed to Chapters, |1IUN; for anfonecn contingencies, lOO.OOO. Laaa than IMO>000 In net aside for management i&Jhe National organi sation. The rams af management ex pense to the Mfil expenditures last year was Arc fit two-tenths per cent and it in eapeHfcd that the ratio this year will fall Wow five per cent. In the budA for foreign opera tions, the itsirn far the chUd health program in Kfcopo and medical and hospial snpplii for Bosnia represent more than taff third* of tho entire foreign sllntwnt The child health program gets, 8441414.10, bat this Is appropriate^ for ta liquidation and :ht American Rad Croat (pacifically tor this purpose. Tha <1,834,044.83 lor Russian supplies U tha bslaaea of funds msda available by tha Bed -rum for madeal and hospital rallaf In tha famine-strictan area* of that -oc itry. and this money la expended ander the direction of tha American llelitf Administration. Of the remainder of the foreign operations bodgot. <888,718.1$, there is appropriated for tha lquidation andj completion of general Rad Cross re-1 lief activities In Europe $600,000' which Includes tiie expanse of relief work among thousands of Russian re fngot-s quartered In Constantinople. For assistance to Che League of Bed C"0» Sch sties $200,000 la set aside. Ihn hsiar.en of tha foreign funds pro vides $108,040 for Junior American Red Cross projects In Europe; «c 718.1$ for the Warsaw training school Tor nursus, which represents contributions to the lted Cress re stricted to this purpose, and lesser amounts for continuing the work in augurated by the American Red Cross In Poser.. Piagao and Bulgaria at training schools for nurses. The Red Ciaas must depend chief ly npon Its volantaeT membership for financial snpp-irt and service. In Its appeal for tha maintenance of strength through a full enrollment during the annual roil call campaign, Armistice Day (Nov. 11) and Thanks giving Day (Nov. 30) inchlsivs, the organisation present* in it* annual Ananeiat statement its evidence of unlimited work in the service of all| mankind at the lowest cost eommen-, sura to with adequate standards, I THE “BLUE MEN’S CHICKENS" ] RETURN Tor half a century Delaware, next to the smallest of states waa repre sented in the Senate by giants among man—Bayard, Salisbury, Gray. It wai as steadily Democratic as North Carolina, and it never deviated from the North Star of real politic! until Ac^dirks set out to Huy a seat In the Senate. Previous to that debauch there had been no money taint on Delaware politics. Since that time, with one or two exception!. It has sold the trustor ship to a Dupont or cent some nobody who was acceptable to the people who put np the cash. lhe most disgraceful political trade of r. decade wai when Dupont arrang ed for the liovorr-or of Duiaware to appoint Senator Wolcotl to the bench at a salary of 110,000. The vicious circle was completed when Dupont tvae appointed to the Senate. He thought money war invincible. Yes terday he v,a» defeated. CJtlle Data ware ha* returned from Ita vomit aad elected another Thoaae F. Bayard U the Senate. The name Signifies pro bity, ability, devotion to principle*.— N'ewa and Observer. J. R. Turnage of Ayden, N. C-, la luring from 7t to 100 milk cowe to •ell on time at coat to his farmer oos uunirn. Tin* merchant wan to hie pm Irom to continue prosperous t>«« ko may prosper with than. dttmmmttmuoMin I* CASH REGISTER PROFIT ¥ * - ♦ | •¥ You can't figure profit* on ¥ goods on the shelve*. Be (ore ¥ j 44 you have an article of quel- ¥ 144 ily, lender and utility. Then ¥ 144 take it up by broad and hon- ¥ 144 rat advertising, which mean* ¥ 44 a caah register profit. ¥ 44 —HARVEY B. FIRESTONE ¥ * ¥ .....; THE REAL WORKE RS IN THE DRIVE * I ADDRESS * i Fannie Johnson. Lillington. a . Martha Pipkin. Dunu. Route 6. a Mias Matibel Godwin. Dunn. a Mlaa Ethel Jackeon. Dunn. Route 1. a) • Mis. Carl Barefoot. Dunn. a • Mr*. William Jackeon, Dunn. a a Mia. Sylvania Draughon, Dunn, Rout* 6. * a • Mbs Mabel Butler, Dunn. a a Mbs Pearl Turlington, Dunn, Routl S. a a Mr. Paul Cooper, Dunn. a a • »»sM»ooo»oofoeo*oooeooeM**oooeiM Millions Lost Annually By - _rj_ PI “Our F 'ly Medicine” B Lfl “J WriXWKTTByo«l Q L| Mm, m I IJ I WMftMUr M iMNr.&r. M IJ LM.N.C. M ImmMJM to M M tMcU tOfMl ( M 1^1 «om4 «• P| HI t1'.1?1*1 ** Bm Immbmm i&l / Cw.Mica^cd »t.\lenient of First National Bsskp Ouud, N. C. f.t the close 6f business November 6th, 1922. / RESOURCES,*' ■„ Loann a n«L. Miscounts _/lv«._9610.766.S9 U. S. *n•!>•»* >'orwo-ation___ 49,822.72 TJ < Crcf jtal Federal Reserve_ 88,570.46 •'«'•»■*!n _. J___ 40,000.00 DEPOSITS .. J. -/_. 710,726.50 i j 1994,1(^16 OFFICERS F. F. Foo.oa.v JreH’den*'—J. W. Draughon, Vice-Prea. K B. Taylor, Cashier ■■ r.iAEcroiar Man Jr. Wade. John A. McKay. J. L. '< flfie. i bos. Cooper. fiili* Goldstein, P. S. Cooper. --—_, — ■ II, m ,,, |__ Goldstein Says- . —buy your goods at the great No- I vember Sale anti save money. I NEW gW)Ds/aRRIVING DAILY I Going up—u 3 aikd still up I / Prices I This Great Sa e/affords you the last opportunity to I buy- I/ I Clothing, Shoes, Furnishings Dresses, Cloaks, Suits I Millinery I ———.--- — ^———————»——I■■ ■■■ AT - PRE-TARIFF - PRICES