_« tte J of the to u I Hah X«a Totter. "T«« mm to W mighty prate «, m udatalna," tte Iriahmaa inaL ^ timitki "Tat hat I mb." tha westerner ra fted. "Aad 1 aught to ho, tioo. my •locator* built them." Tte Wdf thaughr Uui rmr for a raw aimaau ami than asked, "Did r*e rear hapgaa to tear of tte Doad ••a la- ia oaa or tte aid eoeatrtoeT*’ “To*, tadoed." repilte tte geatlo m*a tea Dearer, “ X haow all about tte Daad tea." “Wall. dU you happen to know that mm groat grandfather kjUad the thing."—Biblical Racordar. Km. Thomas Paul Wall at Star, Mn, U Halting her Hater, Mrt J. Lloyd Wad*. LEGAL ADVERTISING 879.00100 x '' DUSK SCHOOL DISHUCT MO. 1. hamhttt cckMty. n .c SCHOOL MOUL^MJP SMled MU will be mej$j>tA by dJ CaamiUH, la care al the -an . MuH of Dake School Dwtrict No. 1. Harnett County, N. C. Bands diUd A«ntl 1, 292*. principal and Infer Si payabU in gold at thdtod Staton Mortgage & Trust Campaiiy, Now York City. Denomt ■atlaa 11.000, maturing annually. «. $8,000 1*24 yo 1942, 13. TSSi00 f,*f*_5* ,m7> »4iO«0 1948 to J***. lU lariaone. and/88,000 1051 l . —t*4 1**J without option of prior pay-1 ■oat. Bidder will nadke rata of in.' tercet, not exceeding l per cent in a ' maltipfe of 1-4 to1 £er cent. I These bonds are tybe prepared un der the saperririoo jot the United •totee Mortgage an/ Trust Company., ^•W York City. wHch will certify aa *• the ganuraenea/ af the signatures Mdmat Legality /ill be approved by B. BlaasMch, B<q., who ap proving opinion All bo furabhad the ForshaMr wltfcosA charge. sided as requtald by bar. All hide “V* ** "» forms, which will be forvt risked by the undersigned ar said **■? compaay gmd mast bo sceom paaUd hr $1,500, either i, tab « tTMrtiftn) chock apoa an incorpora trart company, payable to the order of the treasurer of sai l dtarfct, U aider to secure the School putric* against any Ion malting ffMi tbn failure af the bidder to eotn P*T with the terms of hb bid. L- _S Bosste will be >: -i i t or • w«*kr Uth. ZV22 :•( - York Crty, or. M pt". ;: X fc. iBMrx as.’ rX; k..-., . • of hi cids N» -,i " aad -ice ... I - •,"* tidenri. The r»a& r b l-MITCd. / .-03.. " »• r r»r b v • -m-tdoUt. 1:^_ --V.V.X.C. -C71C& of a>Lz or land un . t’-i £>i.O : • Tt .£ .• •*■<** *» ** i.ikr -; ■-: - ...C I.n a v .x .• a*.* (•ri.vr.Ai! v.> *h !7 .t >\ b.-oa-y, »•-(» KK -• tAs* J wife • ^*n* s&iiX*!.]* \j (.*. ; U’Bcii. ard rvco^-: % i ,l *», jaz-” to I*;:- 9&i - 1 v- r. i. •. r of l&«* .cf •-- ■ ■ -L •■■> -S- utaali orus «*u - SI ..-.c f.i.emiU of ti.r borr-3 *.i- .» -y • ’..i do- ! y'ic uu ik'nirin-’i .ra<:-v c.-.c'- v . ,u. qiMed So ..»• I t. ul ,.oj»; y trier •aid <lor<t o' tru., f ■ J ■> ,,.4t y„ jcnbed r«i:. vaiii. r ’ ... seUi to the b iW* »• 'cr v.*l r? Hie coa--t hooBC tlooi* II. L.’|:t5i. X. C., an Tuesday, Oct - 3... 1; ,, tujo, Ht 0 -clock soon: Bcjjlmif 3; -3 ST JK 3 f.l illtor ffietion of W. ii. jlscr.- s '.isr trim She right Hi- *..* ..f A. <’ L. rail rood on.i ns:> rail c-lnjto’t lam about Kiic/.r; . _ ;.rkc; chans* about *oi:s J i f«yt. to r. ssakr; tiur.ci u|->:i >V■ --. ;Ac- |,vi to! a -take in t-.ef i-r . -5 •*.-•.• the I A. C. L. . 1 ..... %eji| tie, rt!d right of/ - .--1: Snict-i 43 J Thel to the bitr-'.s.-'lrr: bc'nj -»no lot • 45 X 134 fee*c -o-.Vmi.ie 5750 square an«l l-.-i-p a p:;v; of the I John F. V'n,-nf„..t> nh'cn is I situated North of tie Tv-n nf Dunn., N. C.. ard tr"i‘v*t r ut f- Tiiortp aolil ' at ao-tfon b> MuifV This lit.1 *;!.• -"f X>:v*. :!••! . •'- Ti'Ultnp. - ; 01* vr <t ; *• , *’• /•! r:.*v>» . >Vv H *! £S !,- - * ’ i TRn«Tsr’? v'- i i vp ■ •• '•> C*"«Tl-T ' ■ i • i> ijr :'•> .|- e<l it tiur- >■•• n- v :' V. '.V-ern ■ •IS"* wifi- (V f.Y J. (Vp ,in. • dci«:rr-'<‘ 7»B*t-e |. v xj- ■ 1S20 Mil! itoly r. • ii iiv pfTr sf the r.<u'fj >. <tj.. •■*-*•*. CITB-.1- <A - -ol ! >•; . ..fr i: r T.~.y fnant of -J» f i rS(.-.bv and forelomK . t it ■ .<■ nd- 1 by the I'oMer s£ nil r.cte t'.hi u> dprffemod will on rr.i!c>., December l.»t>, 1V22 »* th- cfier&.-.vc dix> • in Lilllnador. Mfe- tm *.i> / (hr h .^li cit ii it.le.- f-*r ci?b i«4 c herein* iff- r ilir* , ‘v*-.* to*v ‘ • Tiro wrt. *r rv > ■ ,* i-I |.,ne iLi-i bc'nj in tV State of Xc-A t -'i i. imiir!?*! end dMcribc-J fr i Kll»t Tlavlj iinjii.ri *»» at u cor ner fn the An rail v .> I'ny'ili -i ‘•U-e road 11 ** ti-Pl • t .n the foH j ft Hobe-no.! lirane’-. n nafvc- i- *..{j “v *•'*■ '\'r "f >*■ Indicate I where the i:n« ie.-vii the mod from j Um eerntir a.nj -.cr.,t S. ffi 1-1 W. S6.10 chain* to a >la!ir w til ona red . oak »i.d jo*t oak pointers in "*"« and c>cat's linn; ihcnc* i< civ*;v ,ir.c S 23 Y>*. r 2 - 4 J chain* to a J" » »'<# bank. with one pin* •.. op* t..arS-'.«2; * corn*. ■* i«-. No • - ;h:vc,- ai « .i’vidinr !_■•« of lot* y. 2 n '•! J X. 81 t-l .” 38.1.J cl R mmer lx the cuRM i 'end. nil's (take on . cal mff i-' »ijj rone: thence a* [•’ e ’Wit X. JO K. 3.10 vS»ln to the j -uicnirc. ror.te.ntne 33 acres. Second Tract; Beginning at a cor “•? -n toe Avcre."hero and Fayette • "jot’1* 22.74 chuYa fiouj the ford “ L-oSneo ^ ttr-uici* .. ,lh stake on >t »!do ni clu.’ !oud «..d runs on •v-d 8. 2C W. J(k4n chain* to a cor i.-r TO toad wit.i »iake tn West side *3*01:.!, V.niron’* rotm-r; thence o* •' ► *b-: S. Si l-i w. 37.vu chain* to; " «trk - -i Wanin'* am! Wine’* cor , ' 1 >*° u‘ their ii-io X. 26 & .o.a!# rhaiini -o a *u«,on o ditch e k, with one pine end one black j;>ck pointer. a .ori.ei of lot Xo. 2; Ihene* as line of Jet Xo. 2 X. 81 1-4 *■ 38,10 main* to tne beginning, coa ts ning 83 acres. Hour of sale: 12:00 M. •** — Dale cf suIm; Friday, Dee. 15th Place of sale: Comti:ou»c door, K, CLAREXCE J. SMITH. Trustee. Th:» Nov. Hth. 1322. v»" 14 21 28 Dec. 6. TRUSTEE'S SA.'.t CF LAND ! fn.lcr and by virtue of the power -ale coiiiaI; rd In a cerla.'x deed of ixt txccute-i by Juieb Hun ami mf" Nellie lien to the undersigned ,“Uo.i IVn iiber 16th. 1921 and ",»* rare, lid in the off.ru of too ir.e,.'. of Di- .ls *f Hnin-lt County •i '.m.* lifl mg/ 211, default hav " J‘1"’ o* to lit* payment of the ...... seeui'is. taerehy and foreclosure IPs been demanded hy t e holder jf Mid note the uniers-i/red wiU on •0>, iK-cimbcr Jith, IS22 at the sir house door --.j Lillisgton offer »4> jo |IH Irf-H-yl b.JVs lor !••• inod kw-i.uA-t deJCtibwiI, e v.!l: •• C r.Il .■»■' lot* No*. (2S> -.wo .oil 12b) twenty sly In !h* • ■/.: ■<n r.t C-e /V. A. lurk* land, •i -ad bl ind near Tie town 1 of '■ *'*• V1'1'*1 of ra 1 lot. be nr. ■ iVct by on* hundred a nr, • - • in »i»* 4 ml adjoining each oik or. For a more definite drccriptlon of •iM lot* refer race is hereby made to ‘•ot cf raid subdivision m recorded r. nook 179, page 595 in toe o®c* •/ ti.e Register of Deeds for Harnett County, N C., and is thu mmn land I'Cinrrjred to Jacob Ham Ly deed from •- “ler Ham and wife recorded in Jcoa 1S4 at page 428 In the office t t *e Register of Deed* for Harnett ounty, N. C. iioar of aalc: 12:00 o’clock M. tiale of sale: Friday, Dec. 8th, ' 022. P’aee of tale: Courthouse door, ;.i!iingtoiv K. C. CLARENCE J. SMITH. Trustee. Tais Nov. 7th, 1922. Nov 7 14 2t 28. 840.000100 OlINN CRADFD SCHOOL DIS. TRICT. NORTH CAROLINA, SCHOOL BUILDING | BONDS Si alril hitis will be received by the 5o:u-d of Trustees, in cart of the an-, liMjp.ed, until .4 o'clock, P. M., No vember 20, 1922, fo/ th* above! horn s of llunn Gradf-d School Dta-, Iriel which comprises the Town of' Cunn and outlying'territory. Bonds dele.i Augu.t 1. 1922. Principal and in ton-jit (5 1-2 per cent F. in A 1),, Kiysblc in gold in New York City.' •nomination |1,000. Coupon bonds registrable as ts principal. Maturing annually, February I, t>,000 1926 to 1940 and 92,000 1941 to 196*. all Inclusive, without option of prior pay INVlIt. These bonds are to bo prepared un *uPvsnd«ion of the United Mortgage and Trust Company of New York City, which will certify u to the genuineness of the abraa tur*, of the School District officials anil tho seal impressed thereon. Le gality will be approved by Chester B. Masslich. E*}., of Now York City, wba*c approving opinion wHl be fur named so the purchaser without coarge. Tho law t«i|uiraa an unliinitod tax for payment of principal and internet All bills must be on blank forms which will hp furnished by tho under s gn«l Srcrotary dr said Trust Com pkif *<• J ntuit 'b* accompanied by thOO, irlther in^-ssh or by a certified c .ice it of like /irnount upon an In cor porstrd bank/or trust company, pay able lo the ofdcr of tho Treasurer of tue Hoard of Trustees. In ordor to -'ccurc the School District sgulnst any loss resulting from the failure of the bidder to comply with the terms of his hid. Bonds will be delivered on or about November 26, 1022, in New York City, or, at the purchaser's expanse for delivery and exchange, at place of purchaser's choice. No bid of lees than par and seemed Inter** will be een.Jdered. The right to reject any or all bids is reserved. MARVIN WADE. Secretary, Board of Trustees. 7th lte. NOTICE OF SALE By virtue of authority contained in! a judgment and decree of sale enter ed in Uie superior court of Harnett County on the 2gth day of October i»22. same being No. 2010 on special proceeding* docket entitled, “F Byrd, A dm *« A. W. Hyrd ft *1.” :p» ondcrmlgnnd will nr. Monday, hVicr.. i ber 4th. 1982, ot 12 ./clock hi.. ». the courthcuBc ^oor in Hiu'ictt Cou:i*^ ty. offer for ’to i»,* m.*,i ■for for ca»h the following .lercrib .«! :mct of land, to-wit i Being in Haini’U bounty, Siutc c North Caiolum, in Kowa.t’a Creek townahip, contain ng 3fi u»-v, in jit or leu; the tame oo-ny a utit e: n tract or land conveyed try deed it am Allan J. liarbuur .ti'cj on;cd March 15, lSFlf and del" iv. Rook 0, l»acu 'S70 • r i, t< u llarnctt Ccanty. A aurvry of l.w ubov, j if i.. i bed property will bo mac.- me.e and boumli. before a d'eii le ,vi ,ji, by the undoniim.i.t com w Thi» tract oi i.HirJ vr || r di>': • into two tracts and koW n.< it u i'i !.n-.Cur«Jlj c! <wr*d; them h wlU be •' I'i 13 ■> wo.jle if purchaser desire* :>r;h tracts. oi Mile: Cash. ■ .< Ci! sale: December 4, IBM. 12 «. .’Ice's .Vi. “t .'t-Io: Courthouse door Lli hi rt.l C. •i i. the Ulut dsv of October 1B22. 1 J. SMITH, Co minimi oner ’l' <S *Nov- 7 14 21. PETITION FOR PARDON ’ » t;» io to ffi»o notice that the uo ■ ■•.lovii ft'iU apply to the Governor North farolioa within the next fur the pardon or parole oi ■ ■ ■ .1 u-.,Mh CurMe B. Matthew.. . '. .ic ih. 24th, clay or Oct IBM. IRS. KATIE MATTHEWS. ■ -• 1 W. p Cotton Seed Wanted! j W* pay highcit cash prices or will jjidGn'jc ?er_ T MEAL l FERTILIZER / f °R J | MEALYMOMlA |j Scales situated next to C. L. Hatcher's Stor*. + i —Usqfl last year by many [aimers t ; ; in this section—Vs highfy recommended by those who X used it. \ j j N. B. Lee/and Fred Baggett || agents for | Lee County Cotton Oil Company % :.. i f I :?V • . . . ' ‘-'• ‘.V’ ' ’ i i •f Tb* Eirit National Bank, *• of biUlMU November 6th, __f R1G.7C6.39 .. 11.350.00 ... 2.100.00 I ;# ; . . fj-1.129.76 i 2.300.00 — 28*1,003.71 * _ | | I 899 1.154.80 | L 50.000.00 82.593.25 Rank-II 77437.9? 1 ... 710,723.90 f ^ , -.i . » ’* ‘ T- /• v:OrW’'Jbu,L - • Wi'l'iiv, ;■ .V :t sgax****vjil*,Vc-V;re SAVE THE RED LAUEL.’>im.' r.n n-Iuabls PREMIUMS FREE For rrr* l r«.r i.i.., .-y».n...-v I.W.«I Wurli, Pruvfclrocr. RI. /ffgft/y NutriHf.tr - r ■ ,.i3 Sone and Muscle . FRIDAY and SATURDAY ' / --AT THE ___ AVENUE " OP We are Going tq .Show You Real Values for Friday and Saturday TM* it a (cod opportunity far tba pahllc to buy tkrir goods at rtdtttd Prir**, Myttially drttut, coat suit* and coats. Wt hays tba newest and •*"•»* up-to data- Kaa that coo Id ba found at any ap.to-date itors. Doa’t m M it, blit ron\e. v t.ib> J i pa neat- ,*ilk plioes, blue and P,rk.. for $1.00 Good house drearcs uni rxmAy style uproim, about 201) of nemrinust go l".".day and Saturday f >r _y__gi.pg Ruby rubber pants w'r .o.Ti7 ioedutm anl large, p rite/e very where P-M‘l» — -.f/-I far $1.00 * *’ l iavy weightJ/flveea Used rtthi go'.rc, *ilk rmB-oidnry, regs 1|tr Sl.bO-J.-$1.00 th-uvy We^jt blouse., and medium wc ig.it crept- __.. . 2 far $1.00 Urrittr nru muslin night gowr.t, beau urul wnrknl lace in front, white end r'-golar $1.75, Friday end 8at uiday for . ...$1.00 !?!i.':ilr.w beta printers slip, fine Quality n’ w .—._$l 00 G:u, fessr<fs, fancy silk ombroidery Q'l.'jlg.- ... ..$1.00 fci'-.r hii vrurf ttuil rontiof table covers, uu I ,,nd designs, trimmed •Jill: gt.-ud 'Hi:.Ill} lore, regular $2.25, •or ilr.y __|| (n ’ r.l'u prt i.d f„r Don-Ton corset, np •I Ijm bewhite and fl.nth for.$1.00 "dT wsarUcnt girls school drosses, ptlcc up ;*> $2 50, your selection ..$1.00 f 'liapTi- Ho icjuet soap and large i'-Pigatf tooth pasty. .B far $1.00 t'tll'lri.ii's heavy rto-dtings, black end white end ten. sites from S te 10'1-t, ie.p ir Fric, 2!ir,.0 far $1.00 Ic’di.s Henry Ibhcd anion suit, $« l* & — — .far $1 OO Ladie* silk hosr navy, Un and white, good quality, 2 for..91.00 KuPncy and plain silk ribbon of all kind.; and colors, price up to 40e. 5 yards for___91.00 l^b*o «Vy,b'“nk<’t’ »«*, ra«u i»r $z.zo, for_. _$1.00 Salin petticoat colon, tun, black and navy for.. ____91.00 Octagon Soap, good for ail u*es, 25 ~kct -.. .91 J» 0. N. T. crochet thread. 125 yard* to a ’pool. 12 for ..—.91.00 ik.*r,d„p- Coat* thread, black and 2 doin for_..$1.00 Mavn *nd Mcnnen’a talcum powder. 5 fur.-.91.00 Vemlia hair net*, any color and any 12 for _91.00 Bloc Beal Vasaline, white and cream, largo sixes. 12 for ____tlM> Sanitary rubber belt, good quality rubber, t for_91,00 Sanitary rubber aprons, 2 for.01.00 Putin Olive soap, you all know the quality made out of Olive OU, It ft>r..91.00 91.50, 11.75 ladies hose, black, navy and tan double hoel and toe, for. .01 Big assortment ladles whit* roil* and cotton waist*, up tefl.26, 2 foT *1.00 Brocaded silk figure brassier*, heavy quality, »Uee 54 to 44, 2 for. _* 1.00 Ladles silk hisee, double heel, toss, double seam in baek, white only, re gular gl .50, special-2 fee *1 OO I-arc curtains, heavy quality, 2 1-9 yards, long beautiful figure, ready for ase, for .. *1.00 E*tl* hoary quality drilling, regular price 35c per yard, lor dollar day, 6 yards for .... fi.oo Madena Napkins and handkerchiefs, basket designs and other beautiful de signs, mads out of fin eat quality lin en, no less than # sold to a customer, cncy. 91.00 Poirtt Twill, Dr>mi, anJ _SuiU» F•" «"d Choakors and 3UW Dresses. This Is onr main Una. Ws hava s complete stack af therm Wa hava all styles sad any tlaas yob • j 1 Wa hava the bast sad snappiest Ofbi yoa caa find any where in the city. Casts yea nothing to coma and Sottta pa apis go by ths pries, but «va go by tbs quality and stylo, ““r •» owr csitotssTs hava told as wa mark awe goads to cheap far tbs quality. This Is tha reason tab, oar business has lasvaa.od. Many new customers added to ths old no. 1 mTy »»d this la good proof that our price sad quality satisfy. Wa will give you a sketch of our lias and price. Kaad It carefully! All-wool French sorgn coat wit. fine quality, fancy bank, abort cut, special during the 10 days___911.9S Fine quality all-wool Trlour Bearer- / ette four collar, novelty slot pockets/ colors, brown and nwry, sites 10jfo 42, prices anywhere bite *87.60 /to Pric»»..1..-Jtt.BO flood quality alt made, trimmed back, always a weight, fines 1C All wool velour e«at«uit, plain buck, trimmed with fur oollars and pockets, alio tilk band embroidered, now Btyls, brown and navy, site 30 to 42, Prltn. *3X60 Altwool French serge dramas, trim mad with tilk braid, vary good tlyle, wide sleeves, times 18 to 44, very rood valuo at_*7.80 1 canter pleea round madmrla 7i-ln. fine quality linen _ 986.00 r inr ./u:'l..y noirrt twill, navy trim •>H-.i v,;:-. ill- bra,.I, wide sleeves Hn viili CVpu do Chine_|ltjt '•* «l-.**■-* ti-'int twill, all-wool • ; . nov^’ly gillc broad, l- if . »‘ik satin llnin*, pood I? ‘ : •' -!c.- »U H ! >• poi>v.t twill, loose hanR pi; ■ . i '.not, wide skirt, fancy 1 ’ to match, lonR alaevaa, »f-h phiiil, price _.._ taw ->P."so; c •»t broadcloth, far collar "J.silk hand embroidery, • with ailk tassels. .$27.60 iV *v' y velour brown and black " '• <" no-tltey fur, oxtrs Rood ^ .$22.SO .p to $39.50 ■ i nr., . , ,ili ki.ripiino. beautiful silk "i-*•* design and styles_$12.99 -iJ -li-r bath rohes, trimmed w':" adk. lULin ribbon und silk cro '*■ " from .$3.95 lo $10.90 i l/.i Multris, 1 dozen nankins ' "y «•'•»*• piece*, small and ir. :til .n lurtel,, with basket do .$29.90 :«nn Tnt -cl»<-t liravy silk brocaded • oot !:.(< . t-Lvtie top »»d bottom, i.l.i.s, ii«v*-ndct and flesh_$9.99 i• ~ ' 1 ’ '■lie U'tille, all heavy qoal • / ,<e;-. m. .limn and ll«ht, bust $2 96 up to <10.99 : .-Ilk :« n"i! :;',|r cntlcRe sweaters, all i ; eV v-'.irt,t. Colors, white, I .i-l. i r.d r,,vy ..$8 00 mp to 610.80 h’sir Silk Union Suita, line ■* y -love tilk. tvery seam trim nun’ *v th iiriivy silk braid, price (8.08 '• ’■* '*>’ Fitly Shadow hum petticoats, • -vy qtr'i.y g'ovc tilk Jersey, wash. a!> < nmelin .. ._$S 0S frSy Jspnneso, tilk quilts, regular, ’i'. dll every where, extra special for— $2.06 —-- — _I . J5 ay yOU *° vi*i‘ our ‘‘ore and see our prices for real values and the best quality. New goods, new store and low prices. Sam Thomas, Manager Dunn, North Carolina

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