THEJWmIJHSPATCH I m P If* % ' MBS. KUZAUTB JOHNSON 0» *• ■•*»!■* of October 14, l»t». the spirit «f this haired wo *** took Hi night «o tha Great Bo fwd. For yean aha had beam la da. «*■*»* health aad two weeks before h*» death ah* took a cold whieh grow •MO? worse. Bba waa confined to tor tod aoly It* days before tho eod All woe dose ter tor that ehll> *xm. lured once, Meade aad pfay> tick* could do to roator* tor to tor atraogth, bet an to do aralL She tor* tor safari** /with much patience, ■aver attarlo* a complaint. She was •** tool tirroogheat Johnston sad Harnett eoantiee. Far tha last sarreial roars aha hasted* her home with her ebSdioa. aad there waa always a gUd walsorn to tor la eoch oae’i homo. Sto united with the Primitive Bap tot church 11 yean igo sad was a faithful member aatO tor death, al ways fining tor seat when health weald permit. Sto spent moth of tor '!**• h reading tor Bible and slag* ■-« hymns of praias to Him shoe*. Sto was s* gentle and pleasing la bar deposition that aha aaamad to gala 'h* lor* of all aha aiat. She was 89 year*, throe months sad four days aid. She leaves nine children as fol lews: C. T. Johnson, of Benson; A. B. Johnson, of Falcon; J. P. and N. M. Johnson, of Duni J. M. and J. C Jchnaon. of near Be noon; Mn. 0. E. Porhor, of Dona; Mn. J. C. Tart, of Princeton and Mn. Forme Wood, of Braana, Rout* t. All of duo won with bar when the »»oo» ooW water. 4 table spoons aw f»r, add water. t ,u°r ingredients—1 cop floor, 8 table. •poeata lard, cold watar. Method—Sift flour sid aelt to gether rub in lard, mix with cold watar being careful to css jest «uuu{n w nota lOfetncr (lx an too miMh and hare to work la more Soar, 1* will he tough.) Work ae little si Koeeible. When possible bake pastry lhaU without filling as It makes It more digestible. Net Bread Ingredient*—1-2 cup sugar, 2 cups milk, 4 cups floor, 1 teaspoon rtH. 1-* tablespoon batter, 2 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup not m»«rT Method—Mix sod sift floor, bek ■ng powder, salt and sugar; add a Ok and lastly melted batter. Beat thoroughly with chopped not meats. Let rise in pens 24 minutes and bake in slow oven. fourth district DENTISTS MEET HEBE Fifty or more dentists were praw ent yesterday la the meeting of the Fourth District Dental Society held in the Chamber ef Commerce. Following the presidential addrem by Dr. F. W. McCracken, of Sanford, Dr W, T. Martin, of Beneoa, read a >*per on .■•Bustae^” Dr. H. N. Wal ter! PIT rested a paper on "Bridge Restoration of Anterior Teeth Imme diately After Extraction," and Dr. 3. E. Horton gave a report in the Virginia meeting in relation to the loutt meeting at Ptnahunt ta 1922. j After luncheon at one o'clock there ; were eHaic. by Dr. J. S. Spurgeon, j if Hillsboro; and Dr. E. N. Lawrence, | >f Raleigh. r *** }■*.' cvUBt'*^ #l~ *“Udeo, iinuift- bobtwa, Sampson, Vanes, Waka and ^ 'x.xj+++4+4+4 Ford Cars S' '• ( REDUCED S50.00 1 in keeping with Mr. FORD’S policy to give the public the greatest possible/value for •; their money, he has again reduced his prices. ! NEW PRICES F. O. B. DETROIT Roadster Without Starter. /__$269.00 Roadster With'&tarter_/_$339.00 Touring Car Without Starter_$298.00 Touring Car WitH Starter/_$368.00 Co«pe.I-JL.-$530.00 .L-/. $595.00 if One Ton Truck _I_L_$380.00 Fhese are the lowest prices in the history of the Ford car, and V-epaesent the greatest values the WORLD hap* ever known. Let us ; have your order now tp insure delivery. J. W. Thornton Ford, Ford Aon and Lincoln De&len f Dunn, North Carolina | : I u Magic Coat | i Tha^nBrings Wealth and Beauty 8 1 / To Your Home I 1 yV# touch unsuspected charm is revealed; dingi “T ness vanishes; useless things become valuable; olathings become new. V *™agic coat” is this coat of paint or varnish. Think of hi Every article or surface finished with ■ Paint or varnish immediately makes the home more kxaatiivl; increases the pride we have in it; the /pleasure we get from it. I Every quart used increases the value of the surface or I article, ten, twenty or thirty dollars—and the better I the paint the greater the return. Therefore, when you I buy paint and varnish products buy only the beet I Dwroe products are time-tested and proven, backed by I the 168 years’experience of the oldest paint manufac turing concern in the U. S. Founded 1754. BUTLER BROTHERS I DUNN, —NORTH CAROUNA >1