*'■*< Mf-' *M> “W mortgage - - •»* 8 been duly transferred - [ M U E. r. Strickland by ■ - -aief duly recorded la H«»«ot ijtenty i» Book 1*8. page 1*8, and . • »fce power of safe contained in ' ? kr.-ga deed from A. B. Good - -u wife to E J. Strickland, -“ d u: Humctt County la Book -6. iit|0 441, default having been •aade ia the payment of the notes scared by said mortgage deeds the mderi^ned aeeignoe sod mortgagee ■vill mpoee to sal* at pvdklie auction d, the high cat bidder far- cadi at the courthouie door ia LilUngton, Bar nett County, North Carolina at IS ?**$»*. *7 •« M—dtyTftccember 18, 18SS the following dmmibed land: A certain piece or tract of land lying and being la AreKeboro Town **» Harnett County, State of North Carolina and describe and defined as fcBowa, to-wtt: Beginning at a Jfeh* add peiatms laja brand. Bn rmie r. Bodge* and 4- B. Goodman's Conor, formerly J. ■ Strickland and Martin Goodman’* edrner, and runs a* their line ll. 88 B SET chains to the corner of \ih* Sh aero* Martin Goodman sold yk. At Parka; thane* a* that lino S. glE. f.84 chain* to Us emar in the A. C. E. B. R. right-of way Una; thence\a* that Una S. 88 JL. 8.48 chain* m i be run ef a Snmah; thence up the nm of the branch to the begun ing, containing fir* acres ' Tki. Not. IT. 19li E. P. 8T!UCXLdkND, Assign** of Martin Goodman. B. P. Strickland, Mortgagee. Nor. 1714 Dee 1 8. • NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL £i • ■ m Under tad by virtue ef the power of eelo, contained In a deed of trust, made by W. M. Moore end wife, be lie Moore, dated Mm 18th. IMS. and recorded in Book No. 188, page 110, ef the office of the Bagiater of Deede of Harnett County, North Car olina, and dafanH having bean mads in the payment of both principal and interact on the note, secured by the •>ald dead af trust, and the holder af mid note having requested forecioe are.^d^nr-donpl^j^ trainee will ta the uCnt Wider the following deeeribrd %net bt parcel ef land in the town •\DxJm: Being MMft 8, 8, and 10 In the division of {htjland purchased by J. K- Wilson md( Wife, Kunlcy J. WU aon from Ilf. Young and Mid It auction sale M Murphy Brothers an December 2*4). 1818, bounded by B. B. Streeuknd Granville Street, each lot containing in she S8 feat by 180 feet TI Alee lotofaUwn m Noe. 11, IS and IS on map mall* by George B. Prince in the mbdhfttom ef the land far •ale ef John t WUeon and wife wi December M, 1818, made by MurpKv Brother* land auction coca ~rnv lying on the Knit tide of the t C L. B. B. Co., adjoining the 'o'* ef J. D. PMlSpa and others, each being t8 t IU feet. Reference is made ta a bond for title registered in the Registry of Harnett In- Book 8, Pag* US. The undersigned trustee will re <|Q)ra Ui par ean» paid oa the day 'tr£a?«i£z£jr6 “*• Data af sals Friday. Deeember 8. 1888 at twelve o'clock aooa. Duo of lie--at Km Court House doer la Llllaftoe, N. C C. C. PARKER, Trustee. „ This 8. day af November. 1888. Nov. 10 IT 84 Poo. I. NOTICK OF MLS OF LAND UNU on MORTOACK By virtue ad sad nnda* tha auth ority af tea power af saU nnloimd *«« or narco1 of land lying and be >g In Harnett County, Areratboro . ewaabteu to-wit: Being lABIoek ,'BF according to live plan oAtee Town of Dunn, ba rlnalag on auroblri.nd Street about 78 feat bod tla Intersection on Cumberland Rrabt said Clinton OUeat ' ad rana as Cumberland Street East ward about 68'fbst to wham tb# alley .iamb* to hn IJ VI_V. at_ a.« .he alley 100 feat; thence * Ha* Bt '*** «*g*** *nay WastwanOy :» D. M. W. Hatytih line; thence '': r r ns •• : -i. * * ■ ■ ' |» t •. - ; i •.« • r (‘ j i a £.) 11.75 chain* to another lie.i .i'jo in th* William Byrd line; thenc, u that line N. 44 1-1 E. 17.P5 chain* (old call N. 47 X. 15.40) to a itake with on* 'pin* and on* black (dm Pinter; these* N. 44 1-8 W. 18.40 chsil,* (otd c/ti N. 44 W. 18.7*) to an ilfa atah* a comer of foar lota; tkano^ 8. 4* 1-4 WM.40 chain* to aa 1**® 4*hg la tea road, a corner of M »MJF aert; tease* aa tea road &. 14 1-8 JK. 8.14 ohalao to another iron pin In the road, another corner el the 8-4 ef aa aero; thence 8. 77 1-4 W. 8.74 chataa ta on Iron otakt In th* division lias soar Jahnsea'i oaae; than** 8. 44 1-4 W. 10.11 chaiaa to th* bafisaiac, eonUinlni 81 8-10 wn* Tima of aalo: U:00 o’clock M. Data af aalo: November 87, 1088 Place af aalo; LiDlagton, N. C. Term# of sale: Cash. L a. WILLIAMS, Tnjatec Oct 87 Nav 5 14 IT. TO THE PUBLIC This la to notify the pah lie that my son. Noah Allen Beciatcr, a minor, Ha* left atm heats without my eerwenl end I will Mt bo/capontibia for any of his ohltHyitn* or debts. Please take notice arid 8e covemed thereby. _ Vc.0 REGISTER Dunn, October 18, 1018. iu ti rear a to 17 pa. NOTICE or SALE OF HOUSE AND LOT UNDER MORTGAGE Under end by authority of the pow er of eel# contained in a certain mort ma daed executed and delirared to the anderoigned by O. X. Eldridgs S5i ^if*’ EldTidgn, oc the 17th day of du5r, 1»»0, recorded In Book lit, page 4 d». sert : Beginning at the Claude Suries lot - of North Hsgnot J runs with the western tagaotla street la a Bor on M feet to j. a ir: the act westerly with MM 14# feet to a stake » southerly parallel with ---Jtreet 80 feet te Series' comer; Umofe easterly rrtth Series' llee ,J* J—* **-- *—’n!og on th« Street; and By rirtae ft an order*of the 8u perior Court Vf HemeU County Is t’J'vd on the lA dak of Norsmber, j® xpeeialifoccedlng. entitled Tftsddcus Lee, tRdmr. of the Estate of J. C. Ball, deceajed, inlnst Mary Ball, Rath Ball aad 3.C. Ball. Jr., et al". tha undermined CoanUnar appointed by aard Docrte will an iVuurtay, the* 18U> day of Normafear, 2 928, at 12 o'clock " >t the Municipal Tow* of Dunn, Ni eoliuarlay deacxibad arlt: One lot of land la. tha Duno, baylnnln* at a point | Northern margia of Edgarten Straat TO foot Eastward from the intersec tion ef said street with the Easter a margin of McKay Avenue, and rone thence Northwardly parallel with Mo Kay Avenue 110 feet to Edgarton Street; thence W«awui|^ with Dd rerton Street 70 Met Jb the begin ning, being a lot ?1>>By 1*0 feet la «iie. y TERMS 0? SALE: One-third cash upon confirmation of the sale by the Coart; aod ona-tfoiad in ninaty daya, and ona-fkird in *ix mouth* al tar confirmatio a, tka daferrad pay ments to be aeci|red^y firm manaaga on tka pramUdy'Tan par cant of tka aucceeatul hid will be required to bo depoaitod on day af aala pondinr confirmation by tka Court. Tkia the 2nd day of November, 1222. N. A. TOWNSEND, Commiaaionar. Not. S 10 IT. of Wootmber, IMS. COOPER, Tnjetoo. WOTICR Uador tko power of taio contained •n a mortgage doed made b; A. B. d • m tad wife to Martin Good _8610,76439 _ 41,96030 _- 8,10030 _ B8J89.76 _ 8.000.00 _ 894306.71 8994,16436 sjji Eftd' m .1.1L ——————————————I Cotton Seed Wanted! We pey highest cash prices or will exchanf MEAL > Scales situs . MEALYMO last year by many farmers in this sectio recommended by those who used it. N. B. lie and Fred Baggett agents for Lee County Cotton Oil Company ....... —-- --- 1 G. L SMITH Coats, North Carolina . * v f ;■*.,* * L_ _ * * , ' * V ‘ • # \ Heaters Cpok Stoves i and Ranges ever brought to Dunn'in our store. N Furniture for every room in the bouse. Prices always right. , . j Butler Brothers Dunn, N. C. Varina, N. C. • . *b • j*. , - ■ -r-v * ■ t——- 1 ■ jp ssaa—agaggsas—~- ——_ FOR THE OLD HOME OR FOR THE NEW HOME SEE OR STOVES ——____ __ / ' J i 1 _ t The Barnes & Holliday Company Dunn, N. C. # • * * . *