THE DUN VCLUME i\ DUNN. NORTH >jl· ai MASS MEETING INDORSES PLAN FOR HOSPITAL L rgm Crowd Heart Dr. Hubert Reyitwr Strata Need· Of Community ASK TOWNTO GIVE Municipality May Be Asked To Contribute $20,000 To ward Project Ποη» indorse· the project to build a boapiial ■> a mtnontUlo the lata Mr Π Hollnluy and It* c.Uierv have nlacrd the (tamp of approval apon the uigjn-ation that the municipal Kovemmi-nt contribute 120,000 of puni r fonda toward the buildirc of »urh a hoapltal. So much waa ■'•own Sunday afternoon when a treat crowd of men and women fathered In Municipal Theatre to hear a »peeeh by Dr. Hubert Royater, of Raleigh, who îtrrMcd the need every connaa ni»r kna for aoc'i an institution. Preaont atatua of the project it thnt it ha« ben turned back to the Chamber of Commerce where tl had birth. Tie Chambei ii to appoint r. committee which h to atndy hoe lutala and hospital management in other town· with a view to otMlininc •ilana for th« institution Dunn naoda. Tl-la cqranaltter It to report It* nf treatlotm to the Chamber. When a de finite project fa planned, the matter will be placcd before the board of town commlaaioner·, who will be aak "d to contribute half of the nin re quired. It Is belierod that ut least 140,900 «rill Itc ne»ded to build and equip the hoepita] and provide for expenses incidental to the first few months of it· operation. Cltliens of the town and dweller· In tha region· lurroond inf Dunn will be aeked to contribute the other half. Already 'uk Jordan, jeweler, El lis Gold·tain, preeident of tha Cham ber of Commerce and bead of one of the community's largeet stores, hare vxpreaeed a wUliagaeea to gi»s 1*00 each toward the project. Wflaon and Lee, druggist*. will gtre 1200; Rev. Ar.gus R McQueen, pastor of the Prcabyterian Church. will fire 1100; James W. Vine·, principal of the negro schools, will gW« $2B. The foregoing arc the only cltitena who have atmtrd jo«t what they will live. John W Draughon, leading mer chant; Pre!*on 8. Cooper, president of the Ptrrt National Bank; T. V. Smith, prveident of the State Bank; E. P. Davis, president of tha Commercial Bank; K. L. Howard, farmer and capitalist; George K Gr&nt/iam, of the Hood and Grantham drug «ore; Carl Fitehrtt, of the Ftt chott Drug Company; Marion C. But ler, of Batler Brothers, and a large number of other business and nro feuional mu of the community ban expreaaed a deaire to aid the bot» m«nt M ranch *a they can. Λ1Ι of thetn believe th»t the town ahould contribute a lubetantial turn toward the banding of ■ hoepital. Bad Hawk Jemigan, owner af an Ideal »ite in the eoutheaatcrn edge of town, offen tho lite, valued at not len than $3,000 by nny ippreiier», for *1,600. A· toon aa the Chamber of Com merce committee forme ite plana, the drive for fundi will begin. Every citiien of Dunn will be aeked to con tribute. In tha meeting Sunday George K. Grantham acted aa chairman and J edge John C. Clifford introduced the principal «packer. Hannibal U God win and Rev. Ε. N. Johneon made excellent apaaebae in which the need for a hoeprtal waa emphaaiaed and in whieh they pledged their support to the uvnuiL FORD'S JOURNAL PRAISES THE STAn Look* To U· Τβ Help la 3·τί»| Nation Prom Rai» By All·* I β!h»ne· Washington, Nor. 19 - -In «mnoc l)on with th* Immigration qaaotioa the Dearborn Indopoadont, Hoar Ford'· papnr, Uk*· ncc«»i(»n to p* Iribot* to Ifco proffTowlve Bp tri «howfl by North CiroHn* wfcioh ho only ο fraction·} ροτ coot of olio population Hon Is tho paracrap from tfco Ford wMfcly: •"Οοηοτβ! Ο rant am Am tort yuan «*ο Π(·Η«) ο* · pm da· gmr tfco koary I—ilti«Uor of lortift era Into tW« ooantry. H· «Utod Hm ho foarod tko t)">* woald «OBM who the Booth, with I to Angle-Saxon!· coatd alono ho depended ο pea 1 u« the nation from rain hy th Inflaenre of aa alien pnpalatloi Nerth Carolina wtth only erroetaat* FLUCTUATIONS IN PRICE OF COTTON I Valu·· Drop To Lmli of W I To 12S Pointa Under Pro , viuua Wook'a Close New OrWana, So*. 2B.—Jd th* eel ton mirhnt I alt week fluctuation* again wen wide. Κ rum adraae·· ο 1 U 10 70 poirrti orer th* level of th· preeeihng weak'· ehM· ther· wm* • drop to Itveb 6b to It· point· un I» nigncst lev ri». An cslinat· of only 8.I7C.OOO bale· (fin nod U the 14th of NovrnWr caused mur h buy ing. U Uic total wti well under gen eral expectation» and indicated only 7ΛΛ.ΟΟΟ balM produced the laat pe riod. It revived very small crop (tornti and strengthened the belief «mon( considerable element that the total crop would not be much, IX any. In rxee»s of β,500,000 bale·. For a •Allé thefc figure* and the small crop ,-stiaatc that followed fairly well dominated the trading bat lata in the week they wen- lost light of The slowing down In spot trading over the bell was a bear argument of some weight and at Vim·· It caused mack selling, although the argument from long Ml·» Brwln aa a principal character Add to that a eaate made up of othei favorite·. Bill Newberry »· Captoii Somrr», Mr*. H. 8. McKay, aa Dor othy Somen, Mia flerdereon a· Kit ty the maid, and Mr. Hanry Melver director of the play In th· title roll il^i nn In*»· ■ irrwwf nfmm ■4w «fl want to mia· Oil» pro«h»etlen. The ehora» numbers thla tira» an anaraally good—all new and (all · twtV Hie cwataiM· too will be on tlrefy ilftnwt from the·· of "I Bachelor*· Honeyneoon." and betweai acta there will be arreral odteh: "•pédala," whkh Kara already beai ' mrnevfaUjr awd all oyer Λβ ooau try and mad# undiapotable hita. The purpose for which this play I (hren andor the aoepleea ο the Coraellhi· Ham«t* Chapter D. * S. It one wMeh «hoald Interest aver ' patriotic American—le eraet a la» ' Inf aad flttin* memorial t· th« boj ' "srho p»· their laat fall aeaaura « 11 demotion" tér the noble and rlghteoi ' I cautf nor eoantry ehaaaploiMd la Oi 1 late World War. 1 Ticket· are saw on ale by a nan bar af Ifte ladle· ht town aelltn« f« ' nxtly haH at what was charged fi " Mr Mdm'i production la Oold " bar» and other town·, BOe aad Tie. ι of one par east at ferric* itoek, ■ «pending 110.000,000 tn · bofldh • eaaapalga. Il U patting ΙίΟ,ΟΜ.Μ • Inte high-way lm»w—Ih aad l ' expanding Ita hydw-elewtrtr darelo a moat and «atlan mill Intaraata." COMPANY FORMED ! TO MINE GRAVE [New Ha r cm It Eatarpriaa Will Embrac· Capital mi a Quar ter Million Dollar» LilUnjrion, Ko*. 17.—C. W. Lacy ! of Wilmington. N. C. ; T. H. Uigge 'of PnrfcerUmr». W V».; W. H. Tfcairuu of Montgomery, Ala.; E. R. DeLorms of Btrnunfrbam, Ala.; J. C. Blanchard of Hartlorri. N. C., and J. It Uagyeti or l r.lfady on th· fro jnd, will be put in commission aa rapidly aa compe tent workmen eaa complete the )ob This company already owns and 1» operating the Jamee Ki»er Sand and Orjrel properties just north of P» tçrsburg, Va., whiefc plant is putting oui between 2* and SO cart of waah eil irravel per day. The two plant* to b· erected war UBington will be of the aaow Capacity. The company Κ a· bonrht 30C acres of the richest gravel land, according to the GaaW •"cast Survey, existing la Haroott coonty Thca* lands lie ronveaiewtiy «lev the Capo Pear river, fran » h t'i r'reara water will he pampad for the purpo· so .tiucV ileairad in hard «or facc rood construction, caaont walk ar.d building». Oftciais of th« oon ecru state that c Fear Gravel Piu, Inc., ia rimpowil of tome of the dm noted engineera and fori tractor* in tk· ■ontheaat, together with a capltaHat of thla Stat*. Iliiprt Hier· and Lacy art ex pec ta») here within the noxt «lay 0» ao to juperintend the cob rtruttiot of the plant· and the lay ing of «pur track·, one of which will lead to the Norfolk Southern railway, the other to the Atlantic and West ern. Mr. Hi*** ia an engineer and Mr. I.acy ta a contractor. Ability of thtrer two gentlnrorn aaenrea «arty comnlMion of the plante and the ac hrgtnnlng of operation*. Horye offlrr of the co a pa η y will be in Lllllngton. but a general ealee of fice will So maintained in Raleigh, aa will aixo aa office In Ricfteeoftd. Va-, from which will he directed the flacal affair* of the organisation. It ia *tat crl that the concern had eecved large ballaat contracta Γτ·η certain rafl TncAr. hut detailed Information on thie point ia not gtvan oat at thil time. The magic wand of a fairy cooid acarrely unfold the wonderful reve lation· In the development of Bar rett county1! gravel Indaatry in a more truly farc'ratlng itfi« than la bring actually wrought oat ne>w with thi« »a»t cntcrpriae which will out , atrip even the Urge undertakings al I ready In working order and rairahig to capacity. What with the vaat , amount of read bnilding aad other I construction work golmg on which re , quire· UiU aort of material, the Har k nett county product haa at laat coma I Into U cm, and that too in a hand f M«e wny. The gravel from thhi conn , ι» ic cm gcn y Pwufnç oj «il connwv . on Having job» calling for ιμΙιΊμ<Ι ■'-ν- jim-li on. I OtMceie of Cafw P»ar Gravel PM*. t Inc. »r»· Γ W. IjBcy. president: T. . H. H'.Kif r\er -provident and general , manager; H. B. DeLorme, eeeretarfi , i C. BlaAchant, treaaorer; J. R. , Reggntt, eUomcjr Th· above offlcen f ! willi W. H. Thome» ronotHote Ike t directorate ■■ well m the m tira turn· e pan*. No atoek U for aala, to autald era μ The writer of thu ankle la mot ml r all Interested p^reMarlly In tin r Inda lry nor In the a*U o1 K land; hi* *® Mm the wemlngty Una Una development ftf th» verted re _ »oarce% of Harnett < ounty Km bee» la an lateneel; ebeorfclng atady theei Μ hut few rear· la wfcteh the eeenti • hee keen reeking »u»S lengthy etrtdea ta For inetenee, the wry fteldi fre« y " (Mrk were taken the Material fa the aonetrurtlan of that aVagant jteo< PR< Précisant Wa Harding, public tmi aaide Ike ts American^ conmndi to ( <4aU at fed 1· iflv« thair (•ratios aail to cloeer -*h ool Tfce text 1 ;:a. t If M ! "Τ lu (dealt] mont an planted try. The οηΐτ 18 Preeidant ι WMte Hoom, mt December I to 9 •p WmIl Ha tm I na tioaa 1 tie· that they ««Prort and coop npoo parent* »ea dn behalf of on In [ democratic yoTem ilf In omr eoan baMered that The «· of the (ka of oar lift, ta It Soaadattoa of that cottar· »rb ha*· coat t* u briactac the »»ηΗ*χ Inattta it thmj Mdthi • laid far rrrW tt abad It ardor that the mi ι ration may be iqtlpptd, of «acrifiea· ta the ymaaet, for ■ncn—ir* ra*oa«MMaa vfckfa H nuit bear. "The rtr*nfth and ——Of «f th· nation wil] always rat la tba iatatH imt body of (U people Oar edoca Con thoald baplant conceptions of -nililic doty "·"* prrmt obtlgatiooa broad enou.rfc '« en»laac» the piah !»m· erf » ■ ■■■■ »l— M or* than anything tbt, mm ud «TBW BNd th* capacity to «m with Var r-ft* and te contemplate with '""n, unpT»JmMlced mind the ta— » ·? 'hefd time». Only tfcroagfc a pro icrty motivated and ganeiouUy In Wired proem of adoea«3trn can thl· br aecompliAed. "Id view, »h»n. of Owe and but other conaldetntiona, I hereby pro claim th» weak of December · to t ι» American Edoeatioa Weak, ree omraendinc to the appiaprWi nati onal, ctate and local authorities that !hey five their cordial «apport «ad cooperation to —"-p Its obaeiι 3 ne ta inspirational and beneficial. Oic orraaiMUona and religions bo diet may reader «pedal aenriea by their eo-operation ; and pntietlMlT t ia recommended that parant* an :«t themselves la behalf of aleaar an deretonding between the achool and the home vMt the paipsss of matasal helpfolness. "In fonaM «ration and wttaeai thereof, I hat· hereunto eat ley hand and eaand «ha «Mit of the United 81* tea to be tOsad. "Dane at *e City of WasklagVm, tMi twentieth day of Kwartw ia th· yaar of nr Laid, one tbovaad nine handled and twenty-*we, and of the indépendance of ike United Statee, the «· haadrad and forty seventh. "SlfTvd: "WA«nr 0. ItAMXMO. of hifinmr, *· LtCty·*·. i«Mm frtm R*fa%» rto LUBa«tom to Fir ettOTttU — &«t |WB< PI«4mm iHU y*»r α»*τ bpiwri MltKstUi 01» af ti» Ml *0*m Ud Utn»l • n>p« It· ff*wa to U« —Il|1i Ma tirjr; aa4 Μ knaty afeoat Mm M ιβη η»ρ a· pm m tka teat thai >So bell wwvU, km to tofîH·»·. r* r/M m l|MMt af DM top· ** —* :i4 m ι «—In hral«| aatha4a lb !■· nept ο» Ak· μ un it «m t» Lite to i«t I» Mi Mir vxk B« >·!« i· tlai bmtt fat—» m I u tml 11 «at to g* Ml 4lr«atfy to «I r Indaftry. Tka fMt tM Ο Hanwt tirp* ·* gfrel ka· 4raw· «I ι itoaMM af pMM ι··Μ·· r' frem Wat Wi|M> tad AUum ê m to· M ||||irt —à fac Ik· to IMPORTANT PERIOD IN DISPATCH'S BIG DRIVE COMES TO A CLOSE AT THE CLOSE of Business for the day Wednesday Indication· Are Tket Second Lmp WW Cloee WHk All CCi dttM CloMijr Bunched. 25,000 Elira Veto· AOlwi Ob Every Chik of $20.00 I· SukicriptiMu CoUmMI Before Clow Of Iifu«te>n Tmmttow * * THE REAL WORKE RS IN THE DMVE * NAME ADDRESS * Mle· Fannie Johneon. i.iilin/ton. * Mr*. Math· Pipkin. l)unn. l'.o'Jt· 6. * Ml*· Mattbel Godwin, Dun n. * Mrs. Carl Barefoot. Dunn. ν Mrs. William Jarknon. Dunn. '<■ Mist Mabel Butler. Dunn. * Ml·* Pearl Turlliigton, Dunn. Route 8. * The second Up in ϋι» rw· for the Da ut touring car and th* mur other valuable prises to be awarded in the Dunn Dlapatch's big «ebscrip. war. driva comes to a cLo»r tomorrow »»c lin*. This marks the eleee of the Una) extra vote offer and Iran Thursday morniag to the cloie at the campaign there will be no trtra votea allowed oa sabeeription*. lhe «abecrrjrtions Uraad in before thia offer expiree anrafr two and a half time· aa many vote· at will be alia wad later, ao each and every can didate shoeld aoe that the overlaokj no poaeble avenu» of votoa, aa to morrow'· Mbaertptieaa ara mare than twice aa valuable aa they will be the closing parted of the drive. M|M Far C·—iW· A»ilel«d Tlie Jadfti appointed to coast the votes and award the prisee the closing night are: Mr. Herbert Taylor, caah ler af The First National Bank; Mr. Τ V. Smith, président of The Slate Bank aad TraaL Company, and Mr. J ha Davie, easier of the Caaaaardal It » hardly ·»η«—ΓΤ to in trodoce tk«M |«Bdtii« to iwMmM of Don tad ifckky m Nek la M that chug· of the ctnpklfi and after thoroughly counting all rot*· polled by the different WldlXl» will pro ceed to award the pria··. Jaat CM week froa night. Μη ·η·igetle pane· ■ ι U drtv· away fro· the — in|>|·*! aÂce of The Dana Dia patcfe in iheir owa beautiful Durant touring ear Tfcit «tournent does not imply that all of the candidalaa in The Djjpatich'» drhre aie not energetic u indeed thia la not the tut, aa all of the active candidate· hare proven Iktrnxin· both encrgtie and aaabi tioui. However, the one who really combine· energy with ability and get* the mon veto· w® be the winner of the Durant. In a campaign where the different candidate· an ao eloaaly benched aa in thia drive, one can hardily afford to lœe a «ingle day*· warfc and «till maintain their (tend PRICES OF FARM PRODUCTS FIRM New York, Not. 1·.—Cantlnaatkro of a high rat· of in4b»trial ictMtr uti BtMHtorj pncMM of fan trad* in indicated by the baolne·· rf the peat week. Steel production, H anything la |gpra»ad »4 U now Mated btteNn 75 am) SO per east of the country's capacity. Gotten conauarption retaraa she>w that tb« Uxtn« orilla aaed 5*4,00· bale· ta Octobwr, till· figure being 19,000 lar m than for bftNiWr and acting ι new high record for aay mentfc siaca Jim IMO. Baft coal production ha) continued at a rate of abnt 10,700,· 00· a week or at about the beat at tained since the ead of tba strike. Perhape the Aret sign of · aca» onal slackealag which nut be a* patted |a famished in the statiatlo •f ear loading· Total loading· fai material bas landed la this rovnty th< largaat tn»MUaawl· fat this p«iOcal»' .. Indaatry, perhape, la the «Ma coaa ; ' try. It Ka» long bean said that Har 11 nett ooanty aal] waa the boat In 0k 11 world ta nva a pea, bat en)» recent!' bean datwwUated that it I the vary boat te traeel upon. On leeaUoas pafeaa haa hem heard t remark that It the street» above ar paead «Hk Material tram Sand ha wiU bo sentent te dtrol • • ; 1W aoit laapraasd eoehaaUi • «quip·»eat art) W imiM by th « Cape Fear Ο Tarai Ρ*·, and ft la Mgt ► Ij pufeahU that atl af It b· • ly I -*ti out itopt to comUar that the iota of juat mm day*· wait might mer ι the itftnaca bet—a a· aata ■>ob4c amJ a vriat arateh it la certala c* to anyone that a· tine abo«I4 be (·<>*.. If a candidal· feela aa thoagh be es th· akould aaat mp, thaa the un· m rerung coal* MX oc poat pom J until aitar the dot of the r=a~:i|P>· Wk. WU1 Wtmt Tôt qictll» » one that the candi dat»· KM xr nrcr Car Ihi iilm Will yo» cat every tmbetrtpttm poa albl^. workin* each day kajdar than th« ilajr baiera aad heafta» lac! y at tha -ippeintad «tak mi «aata* a· mu; i»i;li la jmr intecaat aa »aecik>, ar wffl pa ha anMi) to Tito way to «ta ta tiûa drire U ta «*ik harder when confronted wlta lirftur»| iwtat and if rot do tkla tien yowr cl^Kfa of winning the taorlag car la rery btight iadeeri. Dont thiak Tor a atawit that ba Ui« yo» hava worked raal hard aad Save managed to atay aaar tha ta* aB flaring the drive that yon ara aura of w'.n»ln* any certain priai a* ta rt oed thoor who ant running aaar the bo:tom ran by putting forth «χ ι tra tpura, of effort ha loading tha entire :iat of candidate» on tha eloa inc night, if the leader* fall down and fall to take advantage of tha time allowed them. Anrwcr the qoration of "Wha wfll wist" making rrtry day «how Ha full quota of votaa and deciding tha qui-ation by '.living away la tha D»· rant. !— -» ι m—·—a-a M-i-iJ ι the week united Novvaber 4 awaxint I -d CO «94,000 c*n. which la aoene ! 20.000 car· b«low the total far the jwcck -K-forc. which nt the largeat ι for thu y*«r. iurh a decline a qalta ' liaene In cotton the marttet hae eoatlava^ to Tactaate la (He neighborhood ol tS end H cento deepHe heevy pro* taking. Opteien eon tin—a ta dMTei ao to the aHlmato atae bat aemrfMng mwi than nhn milHon waa talked at big the pa* week, fa may evert f le dear that the trap fa piaelf 1 for Berth aatlefaated uTftM kaal neea nrorpecta la that éhtrtet Ma cee ruepandlaglf W|MvtA. A farther 4aelh>> la the raiarei η Ho of the Federal Reaorre pria ad* beakfag nn»mMlia «p «h evidenee of gnvhg tiade m4 eat - i raent The 1ratio of the «yatea* m U i «hole ae*r ctanda at tU par cap IwMoh fa M par eeat aboee that 4 CALLS ON STATE TO AVE THANKS Prayer» Per TImm la "I ι jr,. ail CtH the fNfk Λ Ν y rLh Garata». at thiir Tbank» ■tarinr mvtm. 4Wîm «hÛ mm far all la CHril amfcartiy, that ih<· y me y ha » · a , i ; *-p aaaaa of (M* •V>:i*atiaaa t· a»d a, «all ·> to thi people tbey up OmnM ΓΜΜΝ1 Merrill. ;« hi· annual Tharkafivinz prcrV-natlaa aattiaf ppart Ntracbir 10. f . & day of tSank» ia North CtreUna TV preilaeatlou follow»: "In kaopiatr w«h that bcaetifal -nd time-honored carton «Malt hat fourni a fMUHWKl plaM unoif tha ♦ndfcloea of «t* Nation ai Of· and ta» bna hand#d of tfca acveral atatea, *1, Cwin» Vonifon. Gorrrnor of North ΓβnUm, 4» hctrhy pMetala «4 eat apart ItocMtr, N»»embar 3twN upon ut taring tX« yanr aaur <ιι·Ιη to M deer, renew cm alleffianoe te H ta *"4 ·»<* («klaaer for the futar· "We h*T» paa«rd through cria··, tat witkMt MHmai or UnMmiI, V«*«e»r we «r· a united ixep!e. aad the » pi rit tt ΒγοΟμτΙ) Lov* ha* pra T>W. No |r«u calamity ku befal·· Ica κ Law ud »nUrr W been respected. V· hava held fait to the faith of aur father»: ml cueaeqeenV ly, «a hem eajeyeiΛ that rial, ahld ir| ρ το «périt y which CWUI atily to r God foaring prcrple. Our acc«B plabw—ta have btm auuqr aad the fatur* halda poitib'l'tlM far l»Ml m» apae God far all tMagi worth while "I jwpactfoBy adi that the people of North Carolina, at tWr Thank» an«e for all 1a err51 authority, tiat titer nay hm a de«p tcnm of their otiVpUnx to God aa «*11 aa to the ■Mtpbi tkir aai»a." "CYCLÔNEMÂCK" BEATS WRESTLER Popular Ewflirt Lmtm Off BattU WitkDvHIT· "lake On Show Man Clinton. NaT. IS—"Cyataae MacV baa wraotfe* with the 4ov9 aai; Uma and torn· oat aa to», tat it «u not cuudl Urt w*eh at the CUa toa (air that he «τμΜ peMthr wtth a nphr wrrMXtr aad aMat a hh'i aralp to Wa erring of mMwi "Mack." or mn yuyMlF. the R«t. Baxter ΜιΤ <·<η·. nrldely katrwn *nd popular cr»»p»Uot, wai w»ty paaf—lanal the ant after noon at S oVllt A dnaiaak>a to thia i-t r«« waa eeld. 'the «M win loaf ho wahaiad In Ma Tfllaga. «M «*!jf toe fU to pay mr (ht torfttt «4 tk· Mtak. MtI^ixl on Mt wlr *N th· WM bat wkat k· IdtoBltj mmt* «portant. h· ho» «·* kit Mjr lut· th« h«*rto ·χ> Mali et «mm km » p«r «*T> l»« •f «faOt M Tk» <—Uw« (a «h Ugh Ρ*Λ *f the r«w wiw> to Mll| ·> ΠΤ Mat H* farther ni to tha bwrwe *f ι m (k* Mn Y««fc •t (M «M l.ltfthKMktol-lfMemtolmii « I HÉMÉi