THE DDRN DISPATCH April I. MM SUBSCRIPTION KATU: OhJ». M.O· ■adâ' :::::::::::::: Va·! CUB » ADVANCE ι all «MMMBkaUoas to Th« AO iepertaeenU of The i«akmcMthn<«h ι 1U. P—IwliiM Ufioa Ht* topicsI ·*» luih»4. but aaAtr all on miiK eea toe Win e< nek Muatie·· «tea· aa*t (mimkk mi with kit • b a«* untmmtj that toe nam· be " "*W. bat w» iuat th>: H be ι a* aa wMtm mf good faith. Bta at wihiugt, eai ,tor ate., art What la mmibli far toe snat naUr »i aotonobilt accideatiT UaaaQy aaeMeate can be uaccd to Me ti three caaeea—iaeaparieace, totoakatien or (tiarecaxd of the tzaf fte rule· aad WMÉ· eourUey of to oely ou way te minimis· of accident· from thaaa aa. Aat U to IkuM «Il drtnn, rrroka lleaaaaa when the driver* that ttaey U daacareus to th« The MeeUh w.mld like to *M fOTOmmant inatitaU · t obc·. It wo«ld do to ewrik the apecdtr» «ad Uom who ihow ao litU« regard loi Um aafety «f ethem. to ft claoae la the contract by tho CutUnt Power ud Light Company throvgb which the «m »o emitted to rôtir» il» to the lova ton y «on I et Mtuity, the moalmpal |tr bt M0,000 in hand with it katn sot what U do. The U Mia, and tha Unrn dada it acfe kke a little boy who «lia that hia penny ιιτίιρ bank aaa ba opoad befer* CkriMmaa. It k jM itching to lyosd the moacy Ha pockoea. brada vhoaa liquidation to «»aa· through this «9 boar ate per coat intereat IKS—or thereabout; a total of tm fuà. W· do Mt knew what vmdaa. We de aot taw* that aajr «h«t towns raqaiia this lauréat, bat w do kMW that mil town· should. It * (MM that the town la not |etti»t aaylUag from this «40,009 uU other taà It ur haT« M deposit. MnUai frta any sjltklam that m%M be wade of those who <liww ap • iwnit which pimaWad tha ani rfpality to ho <qiM of the «S4.000 iatnaat (am a eoaeera whom abUhy ta poj la aaiai qomtioaed, wo do aaw Mt im*»f<) mamt that th« U0MK la bead ho Isveatad la aaca ritim of Tatoo aad mfaty ο qui to thorn the nitiwt has peaaittad ta ho tedmd. •mm mm km wqalil that it MT ko tWmHt for tho tow· to 1» •m |M,M0 la hotadi for Ma oontrt bstiea toward tho MeDaaloi Hoiliday Ma—ilal >ι ijllil That weald bo |Mi Bat wtaa tha baade am imaad, weald It Mt ho wal far tho tewa to hay tham boa da tasstf aad thereby aa*« the 91MM la latareat tbo beads maald MA babeoeu now aad the Hat tana And *a aad a half per mat M Mi dodMdan. Why dMld aot eiiteijia wad», karaot fS0,009 la tto •oaa, too, tha school dktrict to to aril f <M— tat ashast boada. Why aot laaat avows hia yiqin to rvfraln tiom the killing oi |U Iuwi'i friMù, and perhape others will Jola kim hi «nrla* the "Bob White».-— Health*·!·! HenU. KNOW NORTH CAKOtJNA la Ckahvan V'rank Page's liUlo that Mo-><lay t'.ght to 30.00· pcoplo ever tic nniopjftcc, Ac told thaas tha*. the state's road bu^'jig result* daily!» two mil»» of Hard surface and tnr*« of other ccnst-action. and that ùe building float 5r*t to last ia tahaa I 8,000 men. Tram tha ixpaaditurt-a it can be Wft. too, Uiat this conilruction re quires about $100.000 irt.y *ort day, figuras which we har* verified. Tito «tote li therefore spending about 145,000 a year an road* and le completing each day 6 milaa, m aore Aen 1,230 every yc»r at the present rate. Mo wondar that people are re longer unintelligent enough to attack <.b« road contraction program. Than «τ* 180,000 autornobilrs la tha state oot counting the 18,000 trucks. These ail belong to North Carolina, but il 's taX· to assume that 50,000 auto mobile· from other state· every ya&i ue Ner.h Carolina roads. And what the·· too ris ts can do by way of say ing a good word for North Carolina, everybody caa sac. From California t· Maine aad from Minnesota to Λ'» baaoa, the choraa of praise for North Carolina la without discord. Many a buaincsa has collapsed on the ΤΜΓΙΠ' of Λ. mArnSe#rnt «««··· joat ÔMtUM it lack··! a little rtti) capital. North Carolina cusp dan gerooaly near dome th« erne thing w'ana m little adrerslty «truck it two ago. The *71,000,000 put In to acfcools and road» will unw back with a billion of compound interest. Fhr· mtlr» of finished road and 4100,000 paid to 16,000 mto daily— that :j cn-uiuly going aome.—Qreaaa boro News. FOR SALE Parma food of all klnda and with -hf many good thing* I Hit has boon «aid. Her· i> proof thai the checker board feed is bourul to be In the l>ta<l. I sold roar ending September 30th, 1022, 4,531 bags. Tula ia procl enough if nothing olae waa said thai it ii the leading feed of today. 01 coarse much has been «aid about the -eiulta people hare gotten froaa pig Chow, Cow Chow and poultry feedi bat Uier· has ncrer been much aaid about O-Molana for hard worked hor ses anil mules. O-Molena la by til the greatest her·· and nala feed that eaa ho obtained, giving beat result· at the lop^pt efst. .Wateh for _ some strong testimonial ada from othan who are uslnpr It. L. P. SUELES. Eppi·—How did Jack got 1» wrong with the English Proft" Logge—He wanted to know when Scott's Îaolsioa was written.—Roy al Gaboon. FORD 15 THE RICHEST OF via paw New York—Henry Ford i* the rich est man in the world. According to ■η articl# published today by the Wall Street Journal. "Heary Ford ha* in the Ford Mo tor company the larjrcat income and, I capitalised. the largest fortune is the «rorltl," nid the newapaper. "Proftt* before taxe· for 1922 will exceed $120,000,000. After taxai they will be $110,000,000, about flOO l ear. With these earnings the Ford Motor company could be eapitallsod H $J,000,000,000 and pay S per ont » the capital. 'Tord condemn· banker*, but with 11*0,000,000 hi eaah he U the largest individaal banker la thia country if ■ot fh the world. "Hj income, adding to kla bound lean wealth $500,000 a day through the bury aeaaan, la probably unequal led la all history. Ok· Mm· T»m "Etcο a Republican congres* unites te add ta tha Ford wealth. The com pany paid mora than $£0.000.000 ia federal taxe* Ι· 1MI. Because of tha abolition of the cxceao profit· Irry, it will pay only $14.000,000 in l«î. IV Fords are $»4.000,000 richer, ihe'jfh it Ihey wet* to draw the rtehaa rat they would pay wore than BO per Mat aMttisaal la pirsaa hteetaa tax 's. "la Ford contlnoe* tsrpOe ap is bis ra«lassa tha Blllloas wfclefc ted their ray lata Wall «tree». His replaeaeaeat [•art· Maea Is so profitable that ha :*«M eli«p off his nntfadaitaf pro It 4 pr*trtlf |S0 ■ Mr ud M7I tlMM 115.0··,#00 anmuUlj, of 114 m «Mb ■> prvdaeatf from flM ■Je *( parti ι U keep tk· ffiUWw al M» now m tfca ι A Wall |M la I "K« mvM JttrfbaU tM* 914 M » «m Mb It M · w preflt tra· tataraat. "IM ha I· Mat ulllaf at aaak Ha I· wMtaf ·· la profit» fn itm m* nrii $W,WMM la aaart ta» aaatfc· nM to* F· try· 11 to*»· Ik) k«»r IBM·. fUOrj MM to ·> rfakaMMr • IMS. T*t* b · Wall MNt to! «TWm4»| I "If be cortiao·* to pUe up ··■!» *> tKii rtti be cannot long tlenouao? Wall «tiret or the money powir ci the country. "Henry Fenl will bo tïlat money power." A FITTING TftlBUTE Durn Ik propoalne to *«*et a ho-v p'itml thcrv *« ■ memorial te the 1st» McT). Holltrtay. We know of -10 nor* (1 til riff tribute that coeld be to the mewiary of not1» a man as TloUiday, eitper-eltUen and genius of publie tplrit that he was. If he might hare a voice In tit4 «election of % memorial to his service to his com· "tonity. we doobt not that b.> wouM chooae a hoopital, bccaase he always had a heart fall of sympathy for bU fellowman. Holliday would role for a hoepltal, ' '00, because he would readily recoff cia» the greet nred of a town the nice of Dunn for an institution of that kind. If he were Hiring he would join heartily in helping to farther the en terprise. and now that be liree only ··* uicBiwi~j, ban acTPiopmeni ui u:p cirlt life of Kli beloved community τ:Π be most Siting Indeed. If wo may be permitted to offer ■ ' jggerticn, we would wj that a nur ble tablet with MeO. Hoilidsy's pic ture done in told and inset will be a splendid idea for the reception hall of Dun n't hospital—Harnett Co ant J New». "BE YE HEALED" Since the fall of man aod iU con sequent detrimental effect upon the nhysieal being, men bare fought m ran· of heating. In all agea suffer ing humanity ha* sought relief from the riiicaaes to which sin ha· made fleeh the heir. By the exercise of faith, a very, v<»ry lante number have found in stant relief from every hind of die raw in prayer to God. When Christ, the eeeond person in the triune God head «ru on earth he was much sought after for hit healing power ind It was «aid of Him that He never refused κ «Ingle earnest applicant for physical or spirt ual relief. Hia power ta supreme. Why do we not all go to him for healing! Because. He has left us with certain duties to per form in His name and for H!a soke; amonc them is the duty of carrying relief to the suffering, help to the helpless, comfort to the Borrowing and provisions to the destitute, pray ing always for the guidance of His Spirit *o that nothing may hinder Hia blessing which alone will make our feeble efforts of any avail. White He ■a able to heal by the miraculous pow er of His word He has shown «s by kV* own act that tha use ef eeaaparal Means In ttiatl% disease Is not eon: trary to His WiB. Read St. John 9Λ-7. Then if we wish to-serve Him, the logical thing to do Is to use the means at hand to show oar faith. To this and, broad-minded, big hearted men in the town of Dunn ha*c launched a movement to build and equip a hospital there for the treatment of diseases, accidental •orts, etc. We understand that half .ho capital required to found this in· viii · ι*.ί<1 s; t>j t<v.v"V! 'c ;.. tt !►:*:. j χαι<-1 ·. . '~ ' ; VV. 'ciWiidtlj ο . · > ι· whcsî τ1*ν« ··' .îv »'τ.: il Ίι '·" ίκ: : c·· h: 'ΐ cv. J : · c ■'. · " ί·,. i'.s ;· ■ γ·; I Aerrfi»!· , . ·'. · 0 α τν'is; iy ^ f-J"W· ' i*v.t '■>'■· '.mTtlc; «:·-> I· wl:Vrr' 7 ,"i" b» tr » i"l bv ih .ναβ Λ'Γ',.ΐΙϊίί Λ '4 »3 •.«■•il : ! ·· · } ■■· .·,; cjupeltat nur-ef a* wii1 ·· ■>«->.· ·. wh» i* »Me "·»ί w'ÎÎÎnr to pny. l)y ilkacvi·, Kfr.iemen. j'.It·; ·' i.i '!U mar, aart »» rjccc-st ·.· "Give Gnd the tiralse." Jno. >-ti j P. R. I.KR. STATE POULlUVMEr: το EXhinrr dec. is το ιβ j Krecrufcoto, Ν»*. 18.—The joint j ;cu'.t'y v-.ot of the North Carolina Tooitry A noc talion taii th« Central ι CuroHnn Poultry Aaroc.ation. to br held her.· 01. December 1·!. 14. 1} and 10, U es;-yrL«l t· bring together the flwrt, most eomprehcM »* collection ! uf b'oodoi bird* «ver «oet» b> the Rotith Atlantic htitu. With the co-operative marketing principle rocking the State and the I nation, th· pool try mtvrt hero na ; tarally turned to that idea and it il ' confidently expected that when the ' «hot/ will hare doted tare will be I act in motion plans (or better mar jitetfng facilities, with the organisa tion of the pouHry raisers of the I Str.te into h ttrong eo-operative alli ante for the Insurance of e elent hani' and marketing of their pro duct, especially (|p. The annual meeting of tho North Ctnlina rooltrjr association will be I held on tht n'.ght of the ISth, at ' »hlcb tln»> the oAcer* for the en>o 1 mp .re*r will be aleetcd. It i» export ed that the co-operative marketing I proposal will come up that evening, ! also. An cspécial educational pro it π»"ΐ will be pot.on the night of the 11th, with nddresie* by Dr. B. F. Ifc«p, poultry investigator for the North Carolina Experiment anocta t'oa and Ε. T. Adam·, of Charleston, 8. C., director for the fourth district of the American pool try association, 'featuring the evening. j AUTHORIZE SURVEY OF THE UPPER CAPE FEAR I Wilmington, Nov. 14·—Money has been appropriated by the United Slate Λ government for an authorised tu.-vey of the upper Cape Peur river hrtwben here and Fayetteville looking tovrard the advisability of building an additional lock afd dam between here .and the metropolis of the upper ; Cape Pear. This nrii will bo sgrvey jed ^MthMSlBf^iyk^fnture hy fcaffl : neers of the local district engineer's . office. I In the event the work is authorised j and completed It will aean much to thin entire section of North Carolina [in aj much as a rafflelent depth of I water will be had the year round for 'bctti to ply between hare and Pay I cttcri'.lc, and will thereby eause I fro'jfh t rate* to be much cheaper In I the «étions surrounding that city as rtirmoditiei can now b· test dlr*et Niv* YorW via Wilmington end FtytttiviHs by tracer ard nil on a t>cu;< cai of LIGHT SENTENCE FOR ÎUU.ER 3IUNG5 PROTEST CilÎMiif Of Miiwibm Το»«Ιύ| Γ· litioa Jitdj· Te RmoiuhIw SuMew WUoineton, Not. Id.— LigHt »en· terce paucd on a defendant ic Su perior Court TrtcUy Yd to a petition by Cltlrenj of M&soaooro townthip, where I'm crimn w«» wwnïitwl, that Judge G. W. Coiir.or, ireiWng, re jeoMiidor 'ιϊρ i coition in tic cair> of Wil'Jua ?IcClummy, r;gio, acntenced to three year* imprisonment for the killing of Dallai Ripley, r.cgm, there lact weflc when McClammy "shot op" • dance and Ripley ttu hit by a wild bultit. ' Til» ru ίΛ!ΐΛ·3ττ.1 hy η foTnat iuy <?e»tion contained in the report of the (frond jury that "more. s»vere punljh ment" be Imputed in .«crlotu cases ai a remedy for th' l*ntv number of capita) ca»«« on the docket at the Fourteen cap! 1*1 charges wer* on thft docket at thr beginning of the term. Six of t'ieee were continued, three nol pressed by tie eonrietlon of the defendant In another casa while the total actuenecs for three killings and on nauiult chnrjte with the death «entonce imposed. MAN AND WIFE ARE INJURED BY AUTOMOBILE Clinton Nor. 20.—Mr. and Mr*. John Smith, of this place, were both artruck and knocked down by an au tomobile last night about half paat seven o'clock. The automobile was di ivcn by a mi η ηαπκιΙ Strickland, who haJ Just bought it and who waa asJd to be unfamiliar with ha opera tion. Mrs. Smith «offered several broken ribs and Internal injurie» were feared while Mr. Smith was not thonght to be seriously injured. The accident occurred about one block from the Mcl.endon tent to which Mr. and Mrs. Smith were going •·.»!.· Pejt.-.ej are :,·.·** J.y and uvliï fî-r -χι"^·. You ir.ue* now ί?*7 ·ί i.tcd of the kind or your COWS will fail. Keep your cows c:i the job with riappy Co4v feed — ' V!. pi.tria. Feed it witk hay or en silage for big milk pro duction at luwctt feed coat. Call or 'ftlC Hi" m g (or Mrvle«i and «ru wlta«wd by Hconi ot Hail*. The driver w appr*hand«d and wma M o*rrcom€ bj «*.:!tee«n» that bm fâLnWd and himtclf η Njuired tncdl cal attention. Cotton Seed Wanted! We pay highest cash prices or will exchange for— MEAL FERTILIZER OR MEALYMONIA Scales situated next to J, L. Hatcher'· Store. MKALYMON1A—T'fc-d last year by many farmer· •u ckU section—is highly racommendod by Uioee who used it. Ν. B. Lee and Fréd Baggett agents for Lee County Cotton Oil Company SPECIAL PRICES Rust Proof Oate (98 per cent pure) _ .$4.50 Standard Middlings $2.15 Red Dog $2.60 Sugarine Scratch Feed _ .$3.00 Sugarine Buttermilk Maah _ .$3.50 Sugarine Dairy Feed $2.50 Sucrene Dairy Feed $2.25 Juet a few more ton· of the above bar in· left. Next price· will neceaaarily be {her. Buy now and save the différence. FREEMAN'S CASH GROCERY » -And at Breakfast—Bread fori up well! lireakfact make· the day for meat people, an t>c .'.mount and kind of (o«l you eat drp«nd the nerves aad energy to kfep you rotr.j nil day. Broad if. Ideal fuel-food for young or old. 14 produce·: Kobuat Jiealth, Active brain*, '.V»U-n'ju,-lihid bodice, and all at the minimum of coet compeared with other food·. >rsfbrd& CO ^j'i i" I 21 * I 1| 4 n ψ i Mj hi ί IP Ϊ LOWEST PRICES In the History of the Ford Motor Company ι "i I m . . $235 Runabout . 269 ![|j Touring . . 298 Τruck Chassie 380 Coupe . · 530 dan · · 595 É1 'm ι 2 ~j;S ϊί:!'ί i ift " i.l • ·. : ! . ?■ ' *».< 81? Kill Sei All £*ricoe F. Ο. B. Detroit At thtsse lowest of lowpricen and with the manjr new refinement», Ford cars ara a bigger value to day than ever before. Now is the time to place your order for reasonably prompt delivery. Terms if desired. J. W. THORNTON,— DUNN, N. C.

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