FLORIDA WAGING FIGHT ON WEEVIL Galneefllr, Nittnktr 13.— Twiill of il! iqMni (bracts nk the limn) from cotton planta at a tin· when TirtaaHy mil cvUoa MI »«tiih are oat of their ! V' ' *- !■ Flc iir afcovt Jam 4 4* lac Ira of the aqua ret, -i'.-Iy hy a iSi-rou^h -,;ΐ··ύ·! of ciklin arsenate or bad anarata wltt a eoitable doctlnj ■mUm. 1* the ·»ΙΙιι< developed fat «Mtral of the weevil annooncd Bat· viij aight by Dr. WHaoa NntD, |lut aa—ilniinr for tha iUI· plant tetif and director of th* Uni veraity of TlatMa experiment atatlor U waa tocUaad today by the oAciaJ fcaBetla aa the aub>»et. Dr. Hewdl hnatd tha development a "aoUr plero b>w" to Uta weevil and itatcd that lilt whteh had onderfoae the tiaarmiat had produced virtually aj ■til cottaa aa bafora its advent. Gee no D. Spelth, aaaaeiate entomolo fiat, working under tha —pi— ai tha atate plant hoard, waa givaa e re dit far arolriac th» «aw method of «ashattaethe peat which ha* coat the wthem plantera hundreda of mû laa· at UWa Tba loarteon bet that the to Til MB be poiaoaed effeethrely durtnj Am foW fMMdh| the ippouun of the btt a«UNi pUyc<t the leadinj fut ta Mr. Biirti*» work. Applic» ti·· of plier]· at thli Ub· Mia rte teaDy a» «wiDi Is the field bat wae *fla iiiutna later depaeit their nr ia Mm eariy aqoana, atarla* the aea. eon"· tnfertation. After the iqu»r« deralep the adalt weerU ia dUBcult u ptimm and beeanae the (fp and Ι·τ. rae are within the afoaraa the polaoi haa a· efftd ape· them. By etrippiac the Brat aqtiarea, afin and larrae de poet ted by the ortr wintered mrr'k ara removed, aajri the bulletin TTiia dlapoiei af the wee rfle nanaa) bat · eeitatderahla nam· bar of adoll waarfli remah. Theu, do|nl»od of the aqguw la which to hide aad apea which to foed, tars apoa the taraalaal aqoarea hi whlet te hide aad apea which to faad, torr •pan the tcwaiaal or growing bad ol the float far food. With the aqaarea oat of *e way by «tripping, it to «im pie to UtetaBy ill the terminal bo<! with potttn from a doat gun. At thto ttee the ererwiatared wee Tito hare ealy a few aaore days ta Ht· aad their teatteet to aarrtn arree them te Caad liberally. Appli aattaa of pofeon to the tenaiaal bad) at thto ftaga haa baa* followed ia all the aiperteiaate by tto dcatraetioi cad practically erery wtaril that ee raped waa raptored la the (tripping •-wat'm. With the oror-artatcred weorlb aad - ir ρ ogeny oupoMM οι, ne »βαι· - : '«Ι weerfla of any nmuqocan wlD (MM to Ik· Said before the nniul Migration, «kick in Florida nswQj takee yliri about Angoat 1- Cotton Mia vUct are mora than kali grows when tka noMr ««(ration occan wîmiI in maturing and opening bo Man tka Ant atigatory weevil arm lag in tka fteMs lata in Jaly um to Am mini and da not attack tkc greea holla to aay utat In tkta ra> apect tka treated taid, on mini of tka Ant wlgateij weevil·, It in ■ laadMlon conyanUa to that of a] ordinary cotton Held mtUct in Om M—— «rkfl» «wrflf aro daatroyiaf the aqnarca the bo Ik largely eaeapa their attack. (Tka coat at tka treatment waa gkrii by Dr. Newell at from $1.50 «a ft M mm, lariaOag labor.) OVBtTINIIILLlQMPAB rot TOBACCO AT WtLtOH WPaea. Mar. 11. Op t· d«U M,· —Mtt paaad· of tikaa.n kaw boM mM a* tka Wflaon floan. wfclak kreaght HMMJM U. an «veragt *f ftV.M par kandrod according to reparla of Η. Β. Jikri.a, aeperviaei M MlM For tka atak endtog November It, fee MlM wen IMIjm poanda thai eeld far IMMtl.Tt — average M the week )tt.a per ieilnt AO» MAM HIKU FROM MOMltOM TO KALUOM FapettoHDa, Mar. 1»—After bO lag aQ the way fie· kla kosa la Bo keaea aeaatψ to «Mt a giaidna ia IMA Jam— InUmi, who dak· «ΗΜ ka wM be lit year· old the *Hk of /aaaary, paaMd tkraagh kare yaa li ι dip, afoot, Μ Μι «ay koee. TW aged mi agfean aa kale and hearts αττητΑΜ urru mots *κι wm>*« mm**» é* n Mil UQUL AOffltlBfflG wntseriUMi il lu ι ·»^Μ> «ri «MM Im ! it, UN bjr J. Ε. William* and wife, ! Looaana win.'·— te Mis. Mar/ J. ί Dca), rwerM ta Haxaett Corah la : Book LU, ΗΠ It, aald mortgage , dead Bad not·· baring ban duly ■ truKfamd to unJe.-»'*nc<i and de I tan't aa»ing ktcn nul· in tha pay Mil of U-d note», the undersigned . w 11 ukm ta rai« at public tuttion I ο the Si*he*t bidder far cafh, at the oi t in» doer in Lilïiagton, Har c; scatty at 12tOO o'clock M, on .dcctaay, December β. 1922 the • I:.ioeleg daer.ibod iaada: ι ι Λ cma'.u piece or tract of land ly I ~>t and Holnir in Black F.K-er Town air Harnett County, Stat* of Xortk r';aa end de^iacd and describe*! ai ». w'.i : t.« (Lining at a «take .«· cu.-d ut J. E. Deal land, — ·. u.».a' and runt Sou ta .. u ·, jtak»; tncnce Sooth It .. >»..·« caauaa tu a cuine? in the J. S. Deal Une; Ukuicc N. «î.,78 W. -2.»J c n:.u to a Jmk* iu D. E. Cats uout'a lino; thcr.ee λ. 31 Ε. 10 ckataa .0 a tlakt-; tkejic· S. 80 £. 17T voaicj; thence K. *^.5u t, 7 chain* •o « t-akuj u.c^cc ϋ 61 L·. t.M caainj .« j> tii«i.ce ixoilu 04 £, 1.ΒΪ vmuU .o mO u-^..1.1 tug. tiiuuuunf (te) twviuy>£ru aerus el land, more or Ma, b~i.ua a irftruoa of tac land* • of the late W. A. tMaL ! The above property waa aold under 'aid nuitgage at "-he court hoax door I in Lillington on Koveaioer 20, li/21 ι and taa b.d having been raiwd tne I iiAiAvi A..L·r-Ί a ".— -I- —' "·»·'' —— I ^crly a&d th« re-iaie will cake pmce ■u «u>av# it «Ltd. Ί.ιύ November 21, 1S;Z2. J. W. GILBS, Anifiu· of UaricaiM. No* 21 28. ' TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND Under ai.d by fJtU· Oi Uie power of sale contained in a certain >Imi1 af truat ex*caLad by A. B. Weaver and »H«, Hattle Weaver te the under «C.ied Trustee on May 2, 1921 and duly rccouleti In the offlcc of the Ee* Jter of Deed* of Harnett County In Book 126, page 117, defaolt having been made in the payment of the r>o:c .«ecurcd thereby and foreclosure :,λι ing been demanded by the holder of taid note, the undenigacd will on Friday, Dice.Tiber 23. 1922, at the -ouftioose door in Ullinxton offer for tale to the hiffhett bidder for •a*» the land hereinafter described, •«-wit: A op^-half imtereet In a certain tract •f la^d lyi'UE and being in Averaakoro ivniiip, County of Barrett, State f North C» χι ' :n* : Begtnnlng at a '» l.i t^e run of Mlnpo with cyp ■(» and ffmt pointe», C. Hodjej" •ir-c.· ana rare N. 37 W. 14.06 Vt!«t to a stake near the mouth of d'leh w-'th pointent; then np the ''Uh Ν 87 W. 4.61 chaîna to a cor er in the ditch with one cherry and -ne maple pointera; then N. 67 W. LSI chain· to a new corner In old Itae. not up; thcncc 8. 34 W. 19 cha. ο Λ (take in old Urte between the in and 90 acre tract, corner not up: Lience with that tine N. 86 W. 16 c'na'n* to a stake in Bettie Hlx branch xlth n m pointera; thence down said branch to it* mooth at Mingo; thence op Mingo as it meanders to the be ginning, containing 104 acres more or lees. Hoar of «aie: IX Λ0 M. Data of sale : Friday, Seceaaber It, 1922. 1 lace of >alc: Caurthouae door, Ullinron, N. C. CLARENCE i. SMITH, Traita·. * r Vovrriher 21rt. 1?22 I ·· ~ 28 Dec. 6 12. Τ1ΓΕ ΟΓ SALE OF VALUABLE 1 LAND V der r.nd by virtue of authority viio'tfiod h a certain di-i-d of iruat <".< rv'fJi by WJ!ic Pope· to E(r» Pan tr. Tmru-e. to «cere the balance or tie purchase price of («id tract of •nil, which *akl Dr id of Treat is of rerri regi'iry of Harnett County. Book 193, page <15. defaufc having OOP made in the payment of the •oica wca-ed by sa'd Deed of Trait, the huldcr-of pa«t doe no·.?·» haring nadc demand upon the undersigned inuUtt to foreclose *ald Deed of Tnait. the undersigned. Trustee will offer fer sale to utlrft «aid note, fit cuh to the highest buldcr at pub lic auction at th« eourthouv door in tnc town of Lillington. North Cor» lie* at J2Λ0 o'clock M., on the 18th day of December 1D22. the following dr «clbed real ertate to-wtt: Fir H Tract: Beginning at a stake to conter of Lot No. 10 runninf 8. 1? Ε. 88 Chain» to a (take; thence Κ. 77 Κ S chain* to a Make; thence N. 17 E. 12 84-100 chaîna to a (take; thence N. 77 W. 12 84-100 chain* to a (take In the ran of Black JUrer; thence N. 17 K. 81.0* chain* to a stake in Henry NonV old field; the nee 8. 11 Ε. II chains to a stake tience 8. 17 W 5 ekaina to a stake; thence 8. 777 E. 2.90 ehain* ta th· teg inning. aod containing «Jxty-οββ (81 ) acres, more or lee*. Second Tract: Beginning at a •take aod rn« Ν 86 W. 7.30 chains to a stake: thcnce S. ·· W. 18 chaiaa to a (take; thence 8. It W. 10 chains to a stake; then ce 8. Μ Ε. 8 chaiaa !« a stake; thence N . 87 K. 2.80 ehalns to a sutke; thcp.cc N. 80 E. ICchaiai to the beginning, and eon t airing twenty-four (24) aeraa, bo re or lee·. Tbi( 18th day of November, l«l. EZRA PABKER, Trustee, i New. (1 t* Doe 8 It. NOTICE By rlrtae of a certain mortgage I executed to ma by W. M. Moore and } «rife, Leila Moore, recorded in Baak 1122, Pag» 88. Registry of Harnett Cevnty, I will, en Decossber 88th, • I»t1 at iha Coart House door la IHUagton, Ν C., at 12 o'clock M„ •ell at publie sale to the higkost bid der for rash, the following real f :«te in Avaraeboro Toaaahl». Bar rett Ceeaty. to-wit: Being all of Loo Kos. ·, 8 and 10 la the dlrlston of the lead known aa the 08 MID or ti.e Colored Centtorr. It bona the »«·η· 'eu pin |>·||« kf/. C. Wltw aiMt w'f·. Bunk*, fraa Ε. T. Tm|. »elH M asrtle* Vjr M«nk; Bret.. M DkmW n. 1912. WenM h JuOlWd l«4 OranrilU it met·, *Mk lM win* It (Mt by 1 JO fa*. ht f ujw lawHuiw. m m«rt «4 nU "flSÎifirtw II. Ittt. M. A. BELL MiUltn MOT ΚI or SALS or LAMP UM »?■ dr ko or rmSr *'~4-r mm tidiit») nMafoil ka ■ • ' VI »t mm \ήγ·Λ m Λ·|7 L£t.î;zrJÎ! 'tm. a*4 tàttrée4 Ml M, 1» OM jÉM W et Wmmm aa*m» been mari· m the payment of ! Λ· bond· thereby secured and the an drralgnud trust·· baring bwca re quited to mil nul property uuhr «aid deed of truat, the following de scribed real «state will b· aolri Co tâi his* «et bidder for caah at ttc coa x fiuuM door la Liilington. N. C . o.·: Tuesday, Deeombor lïtà, at 12 j'elock moon: Beginning at a «take at the inter wtion ef w. H. Moore'a line with the r.jfbt of way of the A. C L. railroad aad nuu with aaid Moore'* l ac about Cast liO feet to a (take; ι t>o«ce about North 45 fcot to a I *.aka; thcj.ce about W«*t ISO foot to « rtake in the right of way of the A. C. L. railroad; Umcc with the ■'.id right of way aba at South 41 v-ct to the beginning; being on· lot 55 χ ISO feet and containing «750 I /q"ari· fe*t, and being a part vf the J iha E. Wilson property which li ' lluated North of the Town of Dunn, iy. C.. and which wa» formerly sold t. ruttion by Murphy Bro«. IV.i lltb Λ*τ of 5Tove*r>>er, 1322. D. C. FUSSELL, TruaWe. ο-ί<γ Best and Young, Attorney*. *.» : i 81 28 D»-e. 6. TKCJSTCK'*' «ai ν ni t iun TTnder and by rirtuc of the power of talc, contained in m certain dead if trust executed by K. C. War.en .-.n.l wife Ochic B. Warren 10 tho un I I'nimtd Tniiter on Docrmbcr 8t.Y ' 1 fto and duty recorded in the olSce of rh« Register of Doods of liar· -clt County in Book 125, pair· 263. drf-iu't having been made in the pay ant of tlic not· *ecar«<i thereby cd forclosure baring be*η demanded \γ th» holiler of said note, lh» an : d M jiyood will on Friday, December 'St?;. 1022, at the courthouse door in . T.iUinjrton. offer for talc to the high est bidder for cash the Uuid herein , ftrr described, to-witt Two certain tract* of land lying '*nd being tn tac County of Harnett, . St::tc of North Carolina, bounded 'c*:d drscribed aa follows: 1 Tint Tract: Beginning at a cor ,·.*τ In the Averasboro and Fayotte . v'!> Oad 14.38 chain* from the ford ! of Fobgood Branch, a stake-il set 'c< west fide of road to indicate tvher» the line leaves the road from ; Cio comer and ran» 8. M 1-4 W. 80.10 chain te a itake with one red ■»nk and four poet oak pointers in Warren's and Wenfs line; thence as t<>elr line S. 26 W. 12.40 chains to a take on a ditch bank, with one piac an·) one black jack pointers, a corner or lot Mo. 9; thence a* a dividing i ·:-» of lots No. 2 and No. 3 N. 81 1-4 7. 38.10 ehalaa to a corner in the ' lovf named load, with stake on A'«<t aide of said road: thence as the road N. 26 K- 8.40 eJialn* to the ) berinni'tg. containing 33 acr««. second Tract: Beginning at a cor ner in the Averasboro and Fayette ■«■'..Ill ■ >»* · iî 78 chai il î>oui the ford ' . *11Κ it ok β on ·<·· f t'.ic oatl a \d rani β» "· ·· . *? » -.j a rar • **·"Μ ?!ic c-/ ; ..·; £ i U: N.·. i s si ι λ, I ι· c°. ? to ;'ic bt -η! ·κ cut I . « '·* -<--«1. jjOji <.·* vtUrt la;0U Jl. i»r - >>f mUc: Friday, Dac. 15th! U'22. V'.arr of «ate: Courthoajt door, Lii'liigtun, N. C. ι CLABKNCB J. SMITH. Truite». This Nov. 14th. 1822. t'ov. 14 SI 28 Dee. 6. TRUSTEE·* tALE OF LAND Un«!«fr and by virtue of the power i( writ· contained In η certain dr*d of exjrated by Jnco1) IIAm and :'· Ki. I> llaa to the unricrnlgned UMU <·.. December 15th, 1&21 and r.ect'-cd m the offlcc of the . gie.er of Dee da of Harnett County . . tit Λ lûC, P*c« 211, default har i brjn muds In tii* p4ymuu of the otr :<c&?ed thereby and foreeloeore «ft'K hero demanded by the holder in'.d no.c, the ondtrt pied will oo ?misty, Uiceabtr 8th. 1922 al the .•oar huueo door in Islington offer ■ '•r ialt to the higôcet bidiiar for ••.vh the land heroineftcr dneeHbed, o-wii.: ixi.ig au οι iota Ν», (,ζΰ) twcn v-ftvc end (ϊβ> twenty six in the i bd. vision o< ttic A. A. Parka land. ■)">V 2nd be:ng near the town of , N. C.. each of wild lot· being .v.c;«ty-<lve (oct by one hundred and I")ν fret in d*· and adjoining each other. Fui a moro definite dtwcr'.ption of λλΙ lota reference 1» hereby made to p'.ot of >ald fibdiviaioii ».< recorded m Book 170, pagr &W& in the office •jf l it Register of. Deeds for Harnett Coor.ty, Ν C·. and is the tamo land -cn\uycd to Jacob Ham by deed frvm Cater Hum and wife recorded In i'«ok 194 at yagc 423 in the office it · jr kegutar of Deed* for Harnett Joor.ty, K. C. Hour of «ale: 12 Λ0 «'clock M. Date of aala: Friday. Dee. ith, 1022 fltcc of a*le: Courthouao door, Lillirgtnn, N. C. CLARENCE t. SMITH, Trustee. Thia No*. 7th, 1022. Vov. 7 14 21 28. NOTICE OF SALE My virtue of authority contained in ι jtiil^msnt and deere·.· of aale enter d in the superior court of Harnett Cninty on tne 20lh day of Octobor .022. siir.c bulnjr No. 2010 on special proceedings docket entitled. "F. D. 7-yrd. Adm. ν» A. W. Byrd et al," 11»· jr.tJ*rj^nod will on Monday* Doeam h-r «h. 1022, *t lï o'clock IL. at »·ί courtiwwr <loor la Harnett Coun ofT»r (or s»!e to the hi* he it Nd • t for c»ii the following d»«crfb«d · ! tui tc-wit: 3 In Harnett County, State oi h Carolina, In Sewart'» Crook t° lp. container ·8 aerai. mora lew; the uni being a part of · tract of Îuxl conreyed by deed tram Allen J. Barbour to G. E. Byrd, dated March IB, IMS and duly recorded in 3»oV O, Pac· 870 «te., umli of Harnett County. A survey of the above deecribed property will be mad· (Mb( met·· tad bound* before a deed la executed by the undenlrned commiMianer. Thi· tract of laad will be divided Into two tracta asd mid aa it li all practically clWrvd; than ι it will be ««Id ta a wkol· If parehawr dulna i>o*.h tract·. Tanna of ul< : Cut. Tim· of *ala: Dacambar 4, IMS. 12 o'clock 11. FWe of *alo: Coarthoaa door, Lll llnjton, M. C. Thli the Hat da* of Octobcr 1(12. CLAEENCB J. SMITH, Commieiao«r Oct. »1 Not. 7 14 »1. Coadeojtd tUtunenl of The Fir·! National Bank, Dunn, N. C. at the dose of buaiD*«a November 6th, 1922. i RESOURCES Loans and Discount* $610,766.89 li. S. and Olhej-Bonds 41,950.00 Stock; Federal Reserve Bank 2,100.00 banking House and fixtures 63,329.76 0 per cent Redemption Fur.ù . 2,000.00 Cath oa hand and in other >"-l" 284,008.71 $994,154.86 LIABILITIES Capital Stock i $ 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profita .... 32,698.25 War Finance Corporation . 49,822.72 Deferred Credits; Federal Reserve 38,570.46 Circulation ·_ 40.000.00 Rediscount; Federal Reserve Bank 77,487.98 DEPOSITS 710,725.60 $994,164.86 OFFICERS P. 9. Cooper, President—J. W. Draughon, Vlea-Pre·. H. D. Taylor. Cashier DIRECTORS W. Drauijhon. Marvin Wade. John A. McKay, J. L. ""~de Thcs. E. Cooper, ^.l'.U Goldstein, P. S. Cooper. ν High Grade Fertilizers for Sale 3,000 Tmu Hi«h Grm*m Miud F«rtilis«rk 2,000 Tnw 16 por cnt Acid PbotpKaU. 1,000 Tom Genu* Kaiait, 12 por oast. $00 Ton. Germ*·) Maria to, 10 por owt Pota«h. 100 Ton· Cormaa Swlpbata, 4* pmr Mil P«U(li. 100 Tom Crowd Taaksfo, 10 por Mat Αι—not· 200 Tom Driod Ground Fitk, 10 por ««at Ammo-i* 8.000 Tom Alrinhml Umm. M por Ml 1,000 Tom Nftr.l· of Sod*, U por om*. 8mm or writ· mm to call oa foa at mmcm for W prlw. G. I. SMITH Coals, . North Carolina H The Season for Stoves is Here You will find the largest and most complete line of— Stoves Heaters Cook Stoves and Ranges ever brought to Dunn in our «tore. Furniture for every room in the house. Price· always ri*ht· 1 f / lilfll Butler Brothers Dunn, N. C. . Varina, N. C. i ι FOR THE OLD HOME OR FOR THE NEW HOME Get your furniture at— Barnes & Holliday's No store has a larger, prettier, more ser viceable line. No store can quote you more attractive prices. SEE US FOR STOVES The Barnes & HollidayCompany Dunn, N. C.

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