THE ma DISPATCH riattl· i· im* hi » pndMt te <to t—I— «tel ta Ha Mttor whk ia rtitl qtahu at «kM tb« e*utij «Méi to Mac M kuk to that t>o feltawia* Mi Mid to b· a : t* thai nW>irtnl| disappear·*. I HI· faaiiy dkM to· aid of «toi aath*ritiea to —to Mhh kU akwk, bat without _ >«· M Mt with (Sto Μ ImMIm (Mr neighbor, who| had km bunted M · IMac •C to· attar of to· "MAI· * .—, . rahttTM of to· Baa mitkad to·! *· ■"'· body, beerily with iron, m found ta a "Nwutkamiteifto·-—. of lUr Khp, H waa nid that ton· otoar mmm war· intnil la a ftaid oa On hMMW of to· itUf. η» ■trip te th« waiat Maiked aaa with heavy ,rawhld· wUpe leaked their bare tnili· until writhing to pale, toa Tictin, fa* loeinc laiilimi·, fall to Ut· Fiud. Carijr in Aaguat M anaad au kidnappwi In bmo, ton· of who· war· r»l««nd and to· otoar two kara Wa miatnc anc*. The masked raider* told to· Ban they wo «id aerer m their relative· or Mead· train and ra far this hu . "There ii aa orgamaatioD, aop· poied to exiat under levai charter, •xteading lia ramifie atioeu tkroagh toe Caitad State·, which bean toe tith tf Ki Ktux Wan. It did not originate toi· title. bat niekad Κ aa from the peg* ·( history. Its natk cxb are stellar to thoaa of niitn npilMtwni of half a century as* that Wn various bum hat «ut all popalarty tensed Ka Ou. Its raster is sseret, sad its members, usually operating In nombeia and at night, «rear «ailes snd robes similar te those worn by the original Κα Kin klan. Any reob so dhgaiaad stay eaO Κα Kiss, regardless of whether or net say of Ha members srs affiliated with the persons who are ptaaad to style themselves génoise "Uimmc," and who eaa point to a charter legally au thorising theoi to operate, lassed by Wme malfeasant state official. «-et as sappoae that the purposes at the chartered organisation ara sf the highest, snd that Ita methods whatever else msy be said of them, do not Include theee coward sets of mashed murder snd torts re. What is the retstleaohip between the Ka Khn klan and any one et thess "klsns" that do take the taw into their own hands for the parpose of murdering, to flaring or . terrorising _let as proima. era», that the meae bershlp of the regular organisation Is of aaah a eoasManUy remarkable quality that no "real" Ku Khsx has or anarchy. We srs iwamlsgl to take a concrets eaaa, that the man who beat Thornton because he doee not go to cfcorah and b not a problhiUea i*t had fsnaad a klan of their own for that particular pitrpoas and ee easiea, or for that and other similar purposes and oeeaaions, and that nat one of tham acknowledges the im c pariai aa|M|y af 81manona, or ta uk nowladgod by Um Bâmaon» *«141. '"They eaoploy tW*ih. their In tention la te Imf their M>ntity ae~ crat, they mu Mih tnd rob··. the «M· Un «m of terror. Tha* la exactly te· way the aid Χα Κ lux operated; ui it 1> ter*ely iden tical 'With tec way te· Simmcma klan operate·, They Hare aa mach moral right te «ail te——Ko» Κα Xhu ai anybody ate Tbair motiva la the rafotettea of aoeiaty, by mît» local imim, accords■( ta thatr own no tion·; wMch ta tree ot both (ko ta dent klan and te· Slmmena orjani aatien. "It la sot at an diflcnlt te coaootr· that te· moron coward· wSo boat Thornton and (hoaa who tortured te death th· Mar Bou*a farmer, wort acting aocordmg to thoir Mghaat con ciptena of dnty. Many an ofloar of the inqniaitien waa a eonaoUntiooa man. John Cahrin heartily appimwl of the decapitation of Coeiotaa for Kerccy, and b· waa a conadeatien· man. The New tmlaa4 aaiaa who peraecntcd old women—bat probably bomod bob·—far witchcraft ware coMelMttioo· people. All the·· war· intelligent, too; which the Loulatena and Harnett oeonty anarchieta in not. According to their ligfcta, ac cording to their point of vtow, the Looiaiaaa midnight aaaaaaina may la· uccu Cimim V> ηβτ· U much Juitiflea tion for their couraa ma amy (twp •f the "regular" kiananen. "The whole idea, the whole Nf cution. of Uwm Implit moba whieh ta charity to the ragnlax oigamiaation, Mqr bo neiimed to bo (iflty ol «11 the ranked anarchy and outrage ta oB «action· of tha country, oooaeo from tbo um· ooarea M the tarror i«le regalia. Bat for the organisa tion to which belong a number of raapoctable citiaena who are reading the·· Ucee tkl> moraine, there would be no Κα Klmx crime ι comntfttoed by unaflliated mob·. The rogaLar or ganisation might ba aa pur· M it la dangaroui ta «ociety, M high-minded •a It It mistaken ta Ita notion at what il wrong with the tin·· «ad bow to •at than right; nrrarthelaaa lta neth oda, of cowardice and anarchy, aarra to cloak ananehlaUe cowardice and reekleu, fanatical seaJ everywhere. The psblic think· of «vary act, weth er of riolenoo and lawieeaaeee or not, done by persop· who by their dreo· proclaim themaalTa· Ka Shu, aa an act of &· Ka Kfcou withoat dlaerim lnation. And the public la ter from being ahog*th*r wrong." WOMAN'» CLUB NOTES Beginning with Sunday, Mi ftoto papers, each Sunday, no tice· of dab meetings and dipping· if any and all the happening· of the Woman'·. Club of Dunn. Oar Ctab deotrrn tone publicity ta the (tote, •a it can eaaQy compare with any Club in the "tate In prograeeiTene·· ind pep, considering the itae of oar town. We aboald be pratd that Donn hu a Woman'· Clab, ami ρ rood that t <· deserving of mention in omr paper·. What do you do vo make thia Club a succvxi? Do yoo attend ail iu TnreUt**. buaineu Or toclalT Do yvu idt you.· ae'ghbo/^te co with you to 0 » club meeting*? Have you «olicitrd any monter· this fall? Il Mr». , v.-lio ha* juat moved to town a mem ber? Old you aak her to Joint Do yr· rromble when the Preeident phono* you (alter perhap·, having phoned about twenty other* that same day) and aaki jrou to phone tan member· a»<i notify theai of a meeting? Or do you aay I wQ] be glad to, and thon phono her later, on, aay about Friday a. m., and aay the took U not here and I Juat «ut do that phoning? Hare you thoeght ^ut any way» te make the Club attractive to new member·? And haVe you paid yonr doaa for lDSl-ietl? And by tho way, hare you acrwered Xn. '■ card e Deleting that 91,M Have you thought about what a dreary place thk old world wwald be If we did not have a WomaaYZtah? Did yea ever •top to think wlH a good preeident we have and how much the meed· your cooperation^ and how very moeh ehc weald afpièkli your doing the few thing* «he |b to aak yea to do tram time to φΜ? Are you going to th* meeting· Thereafter, and bring aotno one with V*>? Pleeae de. And wtul· yon are fa a good trama of mind, Juat tadh Woman*· Club and get toae intact aroueed and lata have a model to tell about at the nest meeting at the Federation. And DONT FOROSy that the Club meet· on th« Mcond Friday each month at tha club room, and that you ara swat cordially Invitad to tea praMiit (A MEMMR) SENIOft ·. T. P. U. MEETING In οnlar to convanlanca tboaa who d«iire to attaad tha home talent play ■a to be riven ntxt Monday olgfct the Senior B. Y. P. U of tk· Fir* Bay tilt church will mnt at 7 o'clock In itead lot ita mruLar hour -which la ?;S0 p. ra. An mtareftiog prof run ha· been arrangad by Group leader No. 4 and all member* are urjanUy r»qo«at»d to be proaent for thii meat tac. Remember the hoai 7 Λ0 o'clock. Lots ttert oa time *nd clae· on lime. Litton I The house will be picked ■t uch performance of "M, Uncle from Japan", so get yovr inti r» Mrrod early GROCERIES Good things to eat for man and beast CHEAPER r ► ■ ■■ I ► t » We sell foods and feeds at prices lower than most ! merchants pay. See us whenever you are . hungry. I The Dunn Pack r .age House Η. M Pitman, Manager * Altai Wtr feed then Sweet Feed MuiUge. It 24% protest moat milk ai B4fr-Mantm I Vt **V U. When little Jackie Coogan was making— "My Boy" and resting between two scenes hi a director drew this picture and asked Jackie to name everything i:' it, the name of which begins with Ο ι - Jackie could not name all of th c things. Now he has passed the picture along to his friends in Dun η and asks them to see how well they can do with it. To the first 10 who can name the most things beginning with the letter "C" the White Way Theatre will give free passes to— "MY BOY" at Whiteway Theatre, Friday December 1st, 1922 List must be handed in not later th vn Thursday night. Good Shoes Heavy Underwear Warm Clothing ► —Awe are the thing· you will need for the weather soon to come—and there ii no place in the Dunn District where you will find a h etter line than here. Standard Makes in Every Line —The my best that can be bought—«old at prices you can afford to pay—theee you find at BOLDSTEIN'S ALL THE TIME. » GOLDSTEIN SAYS t BUY WINTER CLOTHES NOW. Goldstein's DUNN'S - BEST ■ CASH ■ STORE

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