SLANDERED MONEY '•bel·· u-.ed Ιο be an old adag* to k' c effect tltut money could buy ev erything except ivalth. Va/ !t tnw M tliU moment tiler* λγο 2,tot) V ο Ί· in ΜοηΚ Carolina who m · ne il te die <··':'ι.η 'V ι. · <t '.wralv· f >"thi of tahr.> ■ pr.'icntâbk, r·· : bl* d'ieft'i ■ ,»Μ·.«·Ή·* PttVt ltV|i Ml these prop!* rwïil m dloal car», )· -d food. f :v «ir—»·»ι| noil Ira· ι lut—a κ o'.îtJv of :ww to i-sr* Uirtrucl/ .. «»l ·'. Λο·' r· ·-· .· ~ί ι» tt ï ιβιη - ' ·. ·. If Λ1 <nd > ·4"ylif .u |· r...» 'Xpert* to t'uii'Mtt the MI !!><' · lut t'-nill work «'.it * !" .-n.· e'j. Uul the Hvc» oi th< 2,· • ·· ι* :.ιι· Ui.· h««liu o' ι «noteii thousands nf other», are ·■ motey s; · the/ '»otî bv' Arfiulii Chrialrn.: : Scikîi an? »' Irai t il to a ntamping ou: this pre ventable, curable dl'f'JO- T»W* romt of your «landrrctl money—a few cento, a few dollar»—and let It re trieve thut saoirch on :to reputation, it mean· ilcath to tubercule»» Inntead ι : death by tuberculous. Let It buy health for year city. The lilt Seal Sale begin· Thanksgiving Day and extend* through Christmas. PHILLIPS BROOK'S DREAM Let mr live the year* of my atoy upon earth 'way out In the country, close to nature and nature's Hod. I want to feel the touch of the tranna as tfcay cone and go, making up the years. I want te fsel the chill of via tor In By frame, not too sever», bnt enough to make the blood tingle. I want to feel the gentle warmth ol spring m, with her gentle tooth οί mafic, she inknil new life ht thing» dead. I want to feel the beat ol ram mer, a· the golden tunthinc ripens tl»e liarvest and matures Irait end flow er». Lmitl)- l srant to catch the cold breath of autumn coming to fan nwsy the heat tnd lethargy of nnaatr. I want to hear the cry ef wMpporvillt ai the twilight Mttlea o'er the hill and oltow. I want to be near when Bob White it calling to hi· mate, when the fields of ripening wheat ware gently to the puiia; breeae. I want to hear the tinkle of bells on the distant hill side . a* th* «un is going down and the kMjdid» commence their night-long tl'G'.lrr. Then old Jack Proat pauses by, with hia touch of whita. I want te wander down the old rail fcncc and on to where thf mutcadinea bung in rlc'i profusion; and then.· for a time fa·! and forget. Yet, let me live oat the ycais of ray stay upon the earth in the foliacés of the country, and then, dying, let me rest In the quiet churchyard near where fattier and mother sleep—where the sunbeams play In the rammer, and tho snow Hrtfta high in the winter.—Phillip· Brooks. THE HOPE OP THE COUNTBY If the rural districts are to hold their population, as it is desired thoy should, they must offer advantage· such as arc the chief factors la lur ing people to the cities. The boy at girl on the farm has the tame right to whatever is desirable and hel|»fu! at the young people of the etties have. And if the πιπϋ community does not meet their needa, wc scarcely can blame them if they seek their for tan*· in the center· of population. In a certain section of a state in tA« , JtiJdie Wcit â record wu made ol : the funili*» leaviny the county fol the city during t certain period. Ir i-fcch rur ι h» rmeons for the reroova' were ascertained In a »a»t major ity ef cum It «raa found that Uu Impelling motive wa* to secure bot ter school advantages for tho ehll jdrsn. It also wa* noted that the boyi ι and girl» illd not return to th« fan· ' after they had gone away to school. Son* aligned a> tho reason for re aortl a lack of social advantage·, 'the absvm-c «f a community eenUi of community Interest. With other) the ehlcf complaint was bad road*, and Inconveniences of a rlmflar char acter. The otx Ih'.njf that 'rmprrta·* on·, •if thuw varioua complaint# are con sidered, ij that there ii not a fntl» eauar fnr complaint hut rould be re moved. The consolidated tchool and rural hiich tclioti) aro solving the ed ucational problem in many a rural diitrtct. Social eerier» can he pro vided and a community spirit devel oped, 11 the proper stop· are taken There ia no cretue for bad roade, and Ι ( tnc; «xi» it h booaaae tha paeple un· uM»ni>iitf c» pay th· prlœ for I guuj out·. The Uuth 1· that In many j - gita-Jvt- ι oral diatrieta the roods j :ir· iar better than th» streets In th· : nu** It is liar Γυι all th··· thin*» coat ! money, at aell u tira· and effort, bat ! they eat uiiywhere: Th· poraon who j live* °.n thn <Hty And· that tyi moat 1 pay hi· per. of th· coat of th· eon- ι Yt-r.iciitc·* h>- enjoy». Why not pay j j the prie· and enjoy than In th· rural ' I J'tlrirt κ* well at in A· «It y Τ The farm «till la t^· baeis of our .iBtional pivtpcrity a ltd whatever dr-1 t Jft> from In piosperity and attrae- . UvMirv is iM injury to the country. Our pooaUtiun cannot all br naJc tninrd it· J*· city. Tfce farms au*t br uuintai&rd and people mnt live ci. (hi"n. An.I lIk'wj peuple arv ·η tillH to tl·* very beet there i> for ■Ji t fi'jyaleal and intellectual wet 'â' p. Dut they khoold re alia· that tE«y neeil ι-ot leave the fana to have It Tho λοικ oi the rural dlatrtct it 1» j ' I'linfir.c to it the thltffa which draw . it· pnpulat.oti to the clda*.—RellgMca ' TcletCOP·. ί Seleit Y our Xmas Gifts From Our Catalogue Oar urtc ι lino fut ajfordi >»« an mn usual opport.miiy to itleel appropriait Ckrutmm (Jit it lor y oar friands and loved onn. Every pate of this baaafffnl rata lagat is filltil with fift lafftlttaaî tkai appro! to Chrulmai ikopperi LARGEST JEWELERS SOUTH Yaa ma) parck/ur from ike Paal-Galt Greenwoitd Co. with absolute confidence. Tku ronrrrn uvit founded la 1S47 and its reliability is /irknowledfed all over I ht Soutk. Our name on boat u pf«fw i«l Paul-Gale-Greenwood Co. I.AIOIST JP.VELEBS SOUTH NORFOLK, VIRGINIA "Built Me Up" "T USED Cardul (or years and it dkl me more good than an? medicine 1 ever used," write» Mr*. M. C Rafadale, of Port Towson, OfcU. 1 used to «after with womanly tremble that weak ened me until I waa a mere shadow, nervous, and could not sleep. ( did not feel like I could live. "It seemed fliat nothing helped me till I heard of Cental and began to use tt. It -"■•iXi _ ' m Η ro« are weak. take Cardul, Ike woman's toafc ÉM tone about whkh woaumly relieve pain and dfecoufcaf doe to temate alimente. Try Cardnl, today, lor ymtr CARDUI The Woman's Tonic h I I I ι ι ι Π1Ί·1·Κ·Ί·Ι I I I I III I I l iT SPECIAL PRICES Klitt Proof Oats (98 per cent pure) _ _ $4.50 Standard Middling* $2*15 j Ked Dog $2.60 j Sugarine Scratch Feed $3.00 3 Sugarine Buttcimilk Maah ..$3.50 Sugarine Dairy Fred $2.50 Sucrene Dairy Feed $2.25 Juet a few more tone of the above bar gain· left. Next price· will necessarily be higher. Buy no'.v and save the difference. FREEMAN'S CASH GROCERY "Ί High Grade Fertilizers for Sale Γ .GCO Ton* lli|!i Gr« e Miud Fertiliser·. 2.COO Ton· 16 per cent Acid Pkotpkit*. 1,000 Ton· German Kuail, 12 per ceaL 500 Tonj German Muriate, 80 per ceat 100 Toe· German Sulphate, 48 per ommt Pokib. 100 Ton· Groand Tankage, 10 per ceat AapMnia. 200 Too· Dried Ground Filb, 10 per CMt ^Mada. 6,000 Ton· Agricultural Lime, M per «Ml 1,000 Too· Nitrate of Soda, IS per See or writ· me to call on you at one· fer byt prieee. G. I. SMITH Coat·, North Carolina —Here is an ho neat. c~.i>e»t appeal for your Christina· trade, and * praniic . vo replace your confidence with the beet gift idec.3 :.r.d tl·.urtt gift value·. We have gone to uni eual extent· thi· year in stocking Christmas Gift Sup .>iy. All the old standard line· have been replenished ar.j crli'ied with the newest in each re spect. Unueut 1 idee, β h?ve been added; innovation· in the way of gift goc 4s and novelties of unusual character. All these goods are of best production, the finest made and to early buyers wn offer them at unusually low cost. II The happy accc*np aliment of satisfactory Gift buy ing is the result of kuir.g and selecting from our stock. II Place your Christmas orders early. Don't let other· get the first and bcôt selections. Get them yourself. m Drug Co. Dunn, North Carolina m = ' Ji. m , γ\ $9 $ Ρ M ■y •y m DIVDI VSLOLR Protect Your Home from the World's Worst Vandals 'TVHKIR namec ira Wear, Warp, and Rot. They steal, they mar, they bead, they break. They leave behind them a trail of uglineae and ruin. Ftre does far leaa damage tlian they. At a hundred places in your home where there are bare, or poorly prints surfaces, these vandale ara robbing you night and day. Stop their deatructivencest Shield your property! Protect your walls, floors and furniture with paint and varnish products. A· long as the paint and vsrnifh coating is sound. Wear, Warp, The cost of painting is trivial coopered with the loes caused by this constant vandalism. And whan you buy paint and vaiuith products, buy only the best, aa the better the paint the greater the ratura. Devoe Products are tln>e lasted pfoven, by the 168 years' experience of the oldest paint msm lecturing concern in the U. 8. Pounded 17S& âUTL£R b Κ OTHERS N. C. ■M

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