g—ggg 1 ■Jil· A YEAR'S DISASTER RELIEF COST 14*000 T«tai nowm ma·» M IVMUHM ky CM IwHiw M CM «vint th· tml nm mma 9m» M. m κηΝίκ h I «Ut»—« h—d M th« Mk VM jwH· Ml «f U*· «M IV iMTTtNM ul tor·»! a. of Λτψη, th· nmttl ta >), Ml · bi<|p c* t, wtXmm iMifc ndlw«j «Cl· •mi « Ir itftil Of th· Im* h DMM lut· that « tea A* >. ta» etatd th· itmim MBOftMO «ad th· hl*b •t waiw m·, wko* m· of VldDfeOTg and OTHZB» ! W· the Uvm of others te oiake |' Mr Uni ι Mjilitc, It takM the imfiM of «rigtiber» to Ugfet tu hub» Itnyt; And al) tk» J«n «· Mtain would j1 mU ind Mrdid ho Uni·· wtW waited M ilun our TK toi j For mi « J—it Ulaad wtwn bu ' muat U*a al mm, Thoag*i h—f< with fold u< iih>rr which W could call hl» ova, Ι A· itaff weald lose lu val·· and he I would »i·» to care, I And he woald îigh for ion one with ι who· his wealth to than. | Fam vote an empty glory without the fjitodi who pralM, | From other* cornea the splendor which crowa· the toil ol the day»; \ There'· noae ·ο great or humble hut what at night m tut find | Γ hat with the live· ot many, hit life. la intertwined. ( Wo Boat have kindly neighbor», we | man un 107ml meads, On them and all they give a* the Joy of 111· depends; ΓΚβ thing called 8«If La trifling, it makes succeee dafeat; Wc need the lives of others to make oar lhrti complet*. —By Β dear A. GueaL WOMEN AND CtOARKTTU According (o the Graensboro Nowi, 'aam is a legal battle on over the , ■igarette stand ta the Y. W. C. A. ; total la Washington .and the News i >tatoa that It will not venture an ' >pinion apon the legal aspect of the zam* but state that morally, the wo men have the sane right to amoke ; cigarettes as son. We agree with the news oo this -■oiat, bat wa also render as opinion apon the legal aspect of the ease •hat is that, legally, women hare the same right to sanoke cigarettes as aen. If they have the same right to wear aura's breechee as men, why le they not have the same right to jnjoifo cigarettes as men? The news also states that corn cob pipes may have injored oar grand ' mother» bat not their morals. Cora sob pipes, ia oar opinion, not only didn't injure oar grandmothers mor als, but prolonged the liras of those zraadflMthsn who used them moder ately. As evidence of this, lnstaaees are oa ncord where women who sacked corn cfh pipes moderately, livad la ha asora than 100 years aid. Aad again, the News, ia comparing corn cob pipes with cigarettes, states that estheticsfty aad hygienicalty, the , advantage ù wffi> the cigarette. ' That dap ends ea whether the smo kers smoke hand-made or "roll their I own." If they saolce machine-made 1 oaes made from tobacco which eon 1 tains "seething ayrap," than the ad I vantage is with the com cob pipe. StiU further arguing Ule ease, how ler. It might U* ju»t ·» fair for the nun to pel a baa on th» women «met "g cigareU»» and waring aita'i irMCtc·, as "or women to pal a ban iu men taking a drink of liquor. la τΙμ» of Ctr fact that the Ktwa «α» ηΛ^ΐΓΐ ά as opinion on th· moral upect of womon smoking, w« would ik» tu raw the New· render m opin on on the moral aapcct of woman •raring mon'· breeche).—Carolina Senear. FARMERS AND BIO BUSINESS We batkre that the npireij farm ...c ar.tl ν·Ηί boiinet» hav· «w coma t->g->.·-· *us a few week· ago in Chicago when the leaden of the Form fcurvan nnd a number of the ► ;ç ί» plaice of industry hinrhed iboot the rame tabic. Soma conric lk>n» wore axprceiod at thit confcr i-i«c that wo ho^e might somehow be p'anted in the conscience of erery latine» iran. For Instance, Alcr tndc ' Legge, president of the Inter national Harvester Co., anil a far· mer UamK one·, sud that basin··· » t« '.oak upon agriculture as _i Lnjustry tad not am a national re ·—sr to be exploiter then, he aJdcd, "it the present tit.:*Lion la the farmer's fuserai, mrj b usines» man Lb Amcriea wWto on the aronii'i >.· «h." After the pxe»At lituation in ag i.'nibtl was accurately presented bjr the farm bare·· executive*, It is re assuring to learn that · resolution vu presented by · big business man ' xnil unanimously approved by all the tmsinoas men present to the offert ' that "we aa business men use oar 'beet effort· to to prevent the tact· I concerning the agricultural situation [to the boiineot. transportation and banking in tenets of the country μ to enlist their cooperation with the farmers' organisation and other agen cies to correct these conditions." It Is, of coure·, dJAcult te Dest in the valu· of a conference of this kind. Tangible results are seldoca ap parent bat effort· of this type can never be entirely In vain. Much da peed* opon the aincerity with which . «»olotion» an pmi4 and the w ncioc· with which they art taken from the conference room. We hope the bijr buaincti men enjoyed the company of the firaan that day aad went bark to their awn knotty prob lème feeling their time had been well «pent. We need mora loachaa of the Chicago kind, not only in the btg clt h i bat in *v«iy cou:ιCy mut in Am erica--Indiana Parmer·' Quid·. AGED MAN HIKES FROM ROBESON TO RALEIGH Fuyettevill*. Ne*. 16.—Altar hik !oï all ihr way from hia homo in Ro beson cmutj to riait a grandson lo Raleigh, Jr.me, I-ocklaar. who clalma iLmt he win bti 113 y».u « old th· 17th of JunuT. puirj thrvu*h h»r* jru t*nl»y, afoot, on hit way homo. Th« a*rd man &pp*ar» μ hole and hearty ai a man much yennffar la ytan. He live» at Fairmont, N. C. Yvu'll U14I1 al Mr. Mclvtr μ ••Hwkiah Barnahy", the "Unci, from Japan," a character «tady. CoBiiciuad statement of The First (btfanal Buk, Dunn, N. C. at th· cloee ot hnihm Nowwdbar βϋ>, 16)22. RESOURCES Loans and Discounts $610,7&β.89 L. S. ar.d Other Bond» r— 41.960.00 Stuck ; Federal Reserve Bank 1— 2,100.00 tanking House and Fixtures -♦ 6S.S29.76 ô per ce.it Redemption Fund -r— 2.000.00 Cai.ii on band and m other bawlra — 214,008 71 «994,154.86 LIABILITIES Capital Stock i—« 60,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profita -— 52,598.25 VVitr r inance Corporation -— 49,822.72 l>e*eiT«d Ciwlita; Federal R«serve 86,570.46 Circulation __ _______ 40,000.00 n«di;tcouni". Federal Reserve Bank 77,487.98 DEPOSITS ~>A~ 710.7284» -"φ ' 8964,164.86 • ' A , oi P. ST Cooler President—J„· Η Β. Taylor. C«ahitr>r DIRECTORS V·'. Ji-ï-u^rlion. Marvin Wade, John A. McKay, J. L. •.Vf.:».· l'hos. E. Cooptr, Ellia Goldstein, P. S. Cooper. The Season for Stoves is Here You wil! find the largest and most complete lin< of-— Stoves Heaters Cook Stoves and Ranges ever brought to Durai in our iter·. y i : [ ' I « / - w-r ■ ■ yf' ' ' Furniture for every room in the how·. Prie·· limy» Butler Brothm Dunn, N. C. Varina, N. G kr. is·*· >.-W> >' ■ 5ΛΛ. τ τ*, r · . TO BE 'Offered at Auction ===== ON Friday, Dec. 1, at 2:00 p. m. 31 lots high and dry· Convenient to the best colored Schools in eastern North Carolina. Situated on west side of the A. C. L. Railway, and known as the Martin Goodman property. This sale should interest all persons who desire good home sites. Reasonable terms to buyers. BAND MUSIC : : FREE PRIZES Geo. L. Cannady, A. R. Goodman, Auctioneer Owner FOR THE OLD HOME O R FOR THE NEW HOME Get your furniture at— Barnes & Holliday's No store has a larger, prettier, more ser viceable line. No store can quote you mo.e attractive prices. SEE US FOR STOVES The Barnes & Holliday Company Dunn, N. C. I

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