g LOCAL ο -ο < > :»<>»♦♦«« »« »««*>»»»♦♦»«>»■ * WHITE WAY THEATRE •V PROGRAM <i ¥· SATURDAY *· "PERILS OF THE YUKON" fcpijoda No. 14 * "UNMASKED" * · A Univaraal Western "IN SECOND" Univoraal Com'dy MONDAY "FACE TO FACE" ■*5 Pathe Faatuit * "CAIN AND ABLE" old Liiblc itoiy will be V «ho» η alao f TUESDAY * "RIDING THROUGH" * A Pint National Production * — ?· WEDNESDAY * "TIMBER QUEEN" * Epiaude No. 1 * "SAYING SISTER SUSIE" * A Pathr Comedy * "CHOP SUEY A CO." ¥ An ISduealloaal Com«dy * THURSDAY * "THE WOMAN WHO * WALKED ALONE" * A PnmmvUNl Special * »»**«*«< U. 8. Page. h prospcrnu» firmer of Rob«ton county, wu here veater duy to visit friend» and to look after tonte of his permanent investments. Mr. Pag*, it might be remembered by wnu of Dunn's older citiier.», «ai thief of police here for three years. My Unclt from Japan" next Monday and Tuesdsy. Dr. J. L. Spruill. tuberculosa spe cslist from the State hotpltll for tubercular patiente at Sanatorium, mill conduct a clinic for tho "iami niolon of probable tobeiculosia caw· in the rooms of the Chamber of Com mun.» next Tueaday and Wednesday. 'Hours for examination will be be tween 9 and 12 in the mornl'ig and 2 and & in the ifternoon. All cxaml nutiona will be free Misa Agnes liar ri», community nurse, and local phy «',<ian# will aid Dr. Spruill. Any per son, whit* or colored, will be exam l:.'d upon request during the hours BHQMd. The annual Red Cross campaign for funds Is progressing satisfactorily and there is no dowfat that tho full quota will be raised within the next few days, according to Sill· Gold stein, chairman of the Bed Cross Committee. Member· of the Woman's Club are doing the work. Rev J. H. Buffalo*, pastor of Di vins Street Methodist church, will ptaach his farewell sermon here next 8uiuiay morning. He will leave next week for Durban, where ho will as sume charge of the Carr Methodist ehmtch. Nothing but fun tee "My Unci· from Japan," the f unmeet ahow 7011 •v*r uv. Rev. G. T. Ailtmi, new peator of Divine Street Methodiat chardi, w«* a hers thia «reek arranging to more tu Dunn aa aoon aa the pareonage la vacated by Mr. Buffalo·. Mr. Adaxaa ia a native of Harnett County, hav ng been reared near Linden. He ha* held tome of the moat Importaat charge» in the North Carolina C01* fcrane*, and 1· looekd open aa on* of '■at ableat minlater· of the State. For figfct year· he wan presiding elder of toe BlUabeth City Circuit. He wa* paator of the Centenary church «t >Jpw Bern and of Trinity at Dur ham. He come» to Dunn from Bt. Paul* at Goldiboro, wkere he haa b^en paitor for four year*. He U uiarried and haa one daughter, who it a teacher. Mr. Adama la a gra<tu «te of both Trinity College and Van derfcUt Unieenity. Elmer K. Polk, who tor the laat eevarat month· haa held a poaltlon with Ζ. V. Snipe*. Hm returned to the Smith and MeXay garag* aa chief mechanic. Mr. Polk haa connected with the Smith and McKay eatablMi ment for aaveral year* before he went to the 8 nip·» ectabllihmaat He will be (lad to have all of hit friend* bring their ear trouble» to him. ' Pretty girl*. kandeoma coatumaa, ratehy aonga. clever dancoa, aide· aplttling komor Pleaaing apeelaHiaa. A treat at ena-half the aaaal ad miatlon price. Don't mi m "My Uncle from Japan." If* a great *haw. Will H. PUllowra and P. ■. Toon*, flyer*, are here with ttwir aeroplane and aoon will begin a trip owar t>a •unrounding country to advert!** Dunn and tt* me ft***· aa a trading centre. Tfcev ara or·sarin· a Harare. papar of which they will print aér erai OiDiuad MyU· to b* dtnpped la Ik· te vim and Um> Mrro«n<Hn| eoantry. They will make the trip »em» time Mit «mL Mr. Hlam U wall remembered In Ddbh. Ha bftd hta kaadqaaatara km tor irmitl menthe and rtW KM faute r* flying at tka Dana fair, whaai kl· pêl. CMi ■)»»»ba, parfamud aevie «peetoaulai fast* apen «ha wh>Cf al Kit plan·, tka ■•tor at ata at tka FLflmera p*»aa< w*e tamed In the flra whlek Iwlur ad tka Heary Mian Oarafa Ikraa jreara are. Anotka' aaiaaaahlle aaaMaat WW add ad to tk« l<m« liai af Ika kaal twa weak* (aailtf might' whan a Urpi ear owned by RoLert Jerni^tn *»·<· ι Unv«n by Hub Jemima.ι rullii'od with h fcnînc and »1 «on un the F:\yetUr ! ν 111 - Roxl ι riiert distance Ii >m tf*i Bttevllle whU· U<« car wtu hoy η I for . bunn. The horrc wax iciUed and or.o j occupant of the· waroii ri·* Ι'ϋΊ. I*' '·.· I Orivvr w>i with yoiinj.- Jeinljran nt ! th« «lmc. Neither w«j hart. Tli a ·*■ I mintU u< Lrnt w'lilo U««rr ;■> u»u*liy much emaure for the driver» of eau who vnaeh into f m τι. ivufviia, thvra ii utually rem·· h'.atr.f nttaehM to Che il-vrn of wagon*. Νί •••^,υη ei'r ri«« l'jîhl alonfc Ηκ· ro«f|*> r* niglii. Si Idon· ·1ο<'( η auto «1λ»μ .-..ρ a wagon In the roa-l until it :a ioo late to ι lop. Wwprtiu· Hi *» ·*ΙΙ It ι muUhtio biî«a «hojM cany llgh'J· at nig-ht—If fpr .io other i*u»om 1Λμι· the <»f<rty of thofe who travel by wa^ron Hear thai Lu ilaimony Fojr, ;hcy *urv vi*:i .ifi'monlxc. that b!ack-facc rkelch "Going IP the raro·" it*; a knockout a»d "llowery Caper»," j a irloom de»troycr. Λ11 a|M'<iRl feature* lirtannf 'lu acta «1° "My Untie from Jap*·»." An aero plane «how at auLioarint. price*. With the rtr»t t oavy f runt of tor winUrr coming this week, the out-! •lonr or*(ι ιΙιΟΉίομ icwm eamr to a close; and maker· nf th» luikj hnoeh >|onneil the wmt«r mnck^nawi. Wlntar haa been ilelayo<l in cominr. but the writ er "r.*n caution* uii that „.-kiv «III VT1 sbihv ; i':n ; y com WOÛIII er from now until the find b.iieh nt •prinjr. It 1* pnmible that »"* n<U ΓmII in tio>c for a whir* Oh<-i«tnu. Meantime, fet *11 the potted plnnL* under rover «nil *e« th»l the coal bin anil wood box η ne filled. All roaluminif uied in "My Lmr'ej from J»p»n" rnt »dk«. antins. Mid pluah, dwigned by nrtiKt*, nod worn by a bevy of Dunn'* ·η<>ν. ocautiful riH·. 1 School children in u littli in on uf : New York State are atoekmg th-irl library through a plan ttiat n<i|»ht pro fitably be omulaUd in Dunn. Their »ro iM-arly 2,000 pupil* in the Kow York U>wti achool, and each pupil la driving to ptrn SI with which to buy booka. If eKrh of the nearly 800 children m the school» hen would do th« rafg»· thiny cacti year, it would «ot b· Ion* before the Dnua ρ i»> c ! chool 1 bi.ny :> thr ji-i. i-quij»c<! in the fltatv. Hew 11 out it hnyi ίιμ! pria? Two hour· of fnat, fjiioua full, wher yrn we "My Uncle from Ja pan" you'll lay lt« the brat yot By nil mean* we It. Wom«ij of Bethetrla. the Quaker choix h call of Dunn, have made a quilt which they are to aeli at a Thankagiving night cnU rtalnmoot to b« held in the church next Tharaday nl(rhi- firfrrahiBenia will b* aarved on thla occailon and j c orrl nl '-ivllation to attend ι* extended to the puhlle. A muaical mirthquak». "My Und« from Japdn," p^.ro.iixc hoa* indiu try. Thij it a "home people'»" attrac tion and the cause it indeed worthy. è »m buiinoi κίσηι co mms uil* mow. A potato, ni lire* u the «weHed head of t>«- average peanut-brained office holder, «υ brought to The Dispatch yerterdsy by Joe J. Wilson, ou' old friend who lives ία hi» bach elor qua£er« north of town. It 1· the Uircest we have «eon this year, and it bear* out Daniel Sob won Lcî's contention that the Dunn District ça-not produce tuber* of the smMI variety. Eight cuch would make a full bushel. It la a Porto Rico yam. T, U Riddle, «erretar)· of the Chamber of Commerce, U lu Sanfotd to (pend several day· with relative·. Get your seats reserved for "My Uncle from Japan" at Wilsou and Ucc'a. The nhow I· splendid and yon should enjoy It In κ good Mat. No e*tra charge for reaervin*. Influent*. in a much milder form than that know to the community in 1917 and 1918, la rating throughout the town ami countrywide More thon 100 caee· were nndrrr the care of doctor» In town thii week and it seems to be spreading. 8a far, there have bean no fatalities, folk seeming to have learned bettor how to manage it. II «till I» dangereux, howevc· . and physicians are advtiing all to go to bed ai soon as the symptoms are no ticed. Mr* W C. Rradaher of Durham, I· the gueet thi* week of Capt and Mr*. I. M. Reams at their home on Weet Harnett street. TW..,.Ht "ί 8u)0i«r» Memorial. "My l'riptp fio.n Jtpa'i " Al) patriotic. '(· «"IihI |i«r*ple1 will ntt*«i1. > ι li·1<« Noi-Unn jt L.'Ul)i*ton, ·.· ! h.r mother, Mr*. W. J. ; ' Ί v> till w*pk. O-i y ni· DEUEVE IN MISSIONS AT HOMI r l'sm >ι· thi- ft Y. Γ U. Mondi; •illfi·» At ίΛ0 o'clock and l*t'» talk !t j-r· 0···»·ρ IV hu ch«pj» of lh« pvinm α:;.I mvilcb you to be pre#· "l. Th* pr'j^<*m: ι Rit ν.υ.τ li-non—Mina fop*. M*-l N'o.l! aid Mr». Butt·. l)iUi»lact:on — By the leader— Cert Jc-hnion. fn>"i,tinjr IUrm» of the Hom« !: λ1ι!'λ Work 'lÎKcar.wti· by member· I tV Croup : V A *li'ig »Vfc^k Churvb** to h'ivel · -. irl.:<c. j •2. Mount.-! .·. Si U.toi·—Mi» Wr.yl .·Μ·. N^ylor. 't. >:>·.ιιι(Π·!ίΛ«η. ; K'J U7»j<-nt—Dr. Warren. I' ■< · &·;Ιο .'lie· 1»· Pçarton. 5. Indiana. ». Nee· oc*. 7. Citij-n— M'»i R»a Strickland. S. Furriftiorv .1. Cu'ia and Fanuiu—Mr. O' - »*■·' Yucul Holo—Mit. Robert Denning. I'». Ut » : Ae'JviU·· — KlM M·· .lie Bell. BUTLER ALTMAN Γ. BjtUîr and Mit» In» Alt ·α'.ι· rrjUTii'tl kl «mlthfirld by Πι ν. Μι. O.lliit» on Tu»»d*y, Kovan '1 ft 14 Tti.'jr have t-ilabll»hed their •iii.l-ncc her* The brida u an na i.v* of &HdjKion *ιι(Ι rtwided nt«r. IP of Jo)ir.»lon county and reaidod •"a»·· NVwtan Grove. KOM". TALENT DEMONSTRATED AT PAIR ι By Β η. BUNN.» North Carolina stand· on» pr»-*rai i rtlj* ::a tin·; of uur trading |U>J in ' V io'.th. if r.ot the leading Rtate. Th« *' ·τν V --k Tim·» c*-rie<! a long ar !>ir i" iLa m'umna a f nr weeks ago :c'crr;r.» to »-rth Carolina u "Th* **·. " !·. I' · aoi.Lil. The writer m«n >. .1 W No"h Carolinian· wrrt • Πύΐ/ i-ou.l of tha "Old North • lato" for :*i nnrij oot«t*niliny fw ·.?· NortI Ρ ··οΙΐΛε ha* a <li»tlnction • r · · .'a v? hb IV*1 id other itatM '...i «.· thi arr-atrrrt advantage· of ."•••••'ve. '« {>■ .he jkhjijI* on enter ιγιι -.pie ·η •«•cri.» ami iilea·», tWerAjr - ·» r' «xau wurvhv lacts, worth VI·.· t ι ccunty κ nil (tale. One of »!i ;r»%t ι help· of North Caro V ·· i* the rnonty fair. * · · em· to i«o'itac what différant <■ ·. .if Xo"h Carolina tUrnii 1er •'.<1 Ju?t vriva; art doing, be tan vis't tin· «l' jaty fmrs und tve for hip» . li i ΐοΐ. tviint It chrr*. Many of the the t'j-.u- ti .r «■« juit a few yr»r« :?<i. TV ve Is much money behind «on» of the*o county fain. reori ln tcrctt iliown fca the work of exhibi tion». wm nhown In the itate η deca«'e or two ego. Thrne m» riot toaqoirt* Jurt htnded out they arc nrtuxl f«cU. weirit theep thing* jutt ei they r.rc you cannot help from k-eing what prugreee might yet b« mode along thli line of production. 1: brW-ve* ua a* citiiens to brine η err tVouRhti before the people u thuy b'ftm up before u* even If the public doe· not deem It wite to per fect the tuggratlon To l*ke the place of many of the ivrrofitibk· feature» at our county fs'r wv roul·! well profK by putting ο·ι H.n exhibition of tome home talent •<>fductioii in «trail of "ruade to order Γ»η·ί«1<." Thia could be done by tho rou.ity >uperyl*jr with about one a»· (ittant. I won'·! sugireit a plan like tKla: If the county would instruct it· »o IM-rvieor to ileeote her foil tine, for right week» before the fair In getting up paKmnta, play* and respectable thowt fro in community center» οτβτ the county to be given at the fair. T^e county would tee it· heme projection which wet the roal intention of the firrt promoter» of a fair, tho county would need one other perton to aaalat I its xu5cr»itor. In grouping about ftre to eight lommunity center*, each communiyt could have a community pteeunt Mid a ifcew or play all of which would be of a different nature. The two parformoiMea for Mcb com nullity could U« on ont» or twin <-u<'h .'vci.li^ and afternoon daring ι'.· fair. Ttioo· group cwIk fair· ce old be worked «et by the two - ο amy official*. Their uaiataoU in eaeh group »<.ould be appointed to puah the wark la thair (nap. I arc bat ana hlndfanoc in thi· plan and that la houaiag room far the player·. The plana lor tooting aad aiaging conld be wniked oat by the two official· and · Joint committee of the fair aaaoclation and ftnanoed by the fair amveiatio· of the county, •r JÎKuiainc thla pian with a few of oar county*· moat noted men they put their ι Lara μ of approval on It 1 Relieve that #0 i«er east would chope» a food clean home pageant or moral • aw. made up of home talent In place of a cheap (ambling dan and immoral ahowa which ara not fit for man or bea*t to behold. I bar· no a word ogalnot the port of the fain that ia toward the moral uplift, bat I am advocating mora good, clean, wholetome horn· production In the rUcn of ao much "ordered itoff" and then have to pay e big price for H, ii mote wayi than one. I would like to ae· about Are well worLad up educational pageant* and I five ihmi that will W · credit U jwi/ ce<u»t>. Would youî I I would mention thl* for the wel • titr of tli»· achool r fa lid tf no ethei .'te»o». TIm xxm< of tha achool baardi tub that the achool· clove fur on* day of their county imh. In order thr.' t'»o ihlMrrn m'ght attend. 7W· l« Am. 1 approve of IV Bet whan w* g*. to the fairfTouMda (of any ordl . r ■ y fair) Our firat thing we aaa an ttv rmtway la gambling >Waa galore, r.r> ' tiw kind which η luring to tha -x. ool child frow May aourcea, ta pe-tally, " ·>* wm hia father or « ri ch . by giving over dime·. I lia a -nan at the last fair I at tended offer over the counter a roll cf «boot S3 dhaea mmm to tha ma», nml racvivvd in retarn a plaaaant ■nil·, aad a "came again." And that ii all. Would a good homo talaat ahow at pageant ha mora appreciated than ; ;hiaT If your aniwrr I» no aomethlnj I· wrong. Boot· whan between the* ' and me Do you think thia would faa a (tap ' coward bringing about a better eoa ! mvnlty internet In tha fain of the county? Do yon think, thii would Im prove the condition· of oar fair ground» and make them of more edu cational value than it la at preeentT Do you \k'jùt · tottaiad Μ ι l wWI fc. mer» tducatloaal ' boy or g!>l <«· batiar ta _ , , Mk> H-· t » food hoaM talent ftajr ' or put·^" wo«M bot What to , with tW uiHud «y* pw a j Si (.»» tri<n4, that ia rt-r i!m· mmn tb'nketh M j If thfc UM why Mt plae< I the boys mad gifla du beat, μ . . I /hUfc the béat ralad» in abla to pi*· é : i'«aT Harnett county baa aixty ! choola.Tbcic an thraa MvM Ugh I r hoal· »mJ tbiaa deia* pert tiaw ! htorh tfbool work. Ont «a pradaM ' K.-tR· homo talent wwrtt? ι Think. :b«fi apvak. "MY UNCLE FROM JATAIΤ Kuiic. lianeimr. el«»ar tlaaa, φα οt laughter and fan to b* bad U y aurna «y uncl· Iro· MpMI". It*· tb· Monday end TuiJtji Mm ThanknKIn*. Celebrate thi· BÎlInaal beîiday by attending a ftnt clw en tortainmeat and thereby makiaff yaw «wntribution to t mott worthwhile raw». Don't forget that the poire«4» win fro toaarrt· constructing » Ihring ■1 to the WoHvl War Wo··. A <·■«· ,talented and welt trained, and rhuraao· bubbling over wMi pap ι and rip i*<are the roecaa· of tfca , play itecif. In addition, there wfll be rc icr* d aem eut wait» "between acta." Far a fiiwt dan male qaartet by Mrari BoWt and Lewi· Dan-' iir»r, Butler and Bye; attractive bow· cry caper· by Mia··· Glady* Pawl port and Koaalia «kSdateéa; «ad "Coin* te the Boot*," by Moaata. Balitrti aad Ferreli wfll entertain yoa. . Ticket· ate new «a vale by all member* of the Cornell** Harnett Chnpter D. A. R. aad aie etlliaf taat. Don't delay getting yean till the :<l*iit of the .how. Bay aew aad be aomir^n ef a Rood aeat. ♦ BUSINESS LOCAL ' ί ——-w f Ql'ANTITIB* AMD ITILL HOU liixiry costing every weak to tba ; Vfi)o% F rout Store, bat of coeraa,. <jn an advancing market the aaaaar ; a lay your needa, tke better tori ;»u qjtrk actio· «ta the ftaeati all to wear, theaper M the, Yellow Front Store, Daaa, H. Cj Γ-ο you or do yoa not care. B. O. ' .-for Company. r»» '. mber Z4, IMS. ι ■1 1 . a~—««β—a λττεητιομ rtoru.—ουχ ru· M*· ta (Ma «MtianawTTÛ.^ > PO»«U Ci MON t· mad· «w ι •f T« Um» tb· Mm ratt «f «b*M iiîrW ·**η Mk" of ■ tS2ie*itoe»oSr^iuî ttaw With m κ h 1 T "·*Ί «· r*wr hnë «4 et tfca YcUev Fmt Km, punu, M. C., WMrra fâfU Êmt «■» M*.' to mm and Ί» -■■*■ *—■ Cil·*μ·Γ «Il ih« til •Hwiw ··»*. *. α NwcZKmu. IMi. MONEY TO LOAM tea* Hi >*">oa:t (N· IIjOM to ».*>*Λ<·β ft./ 4S yean, 0·4·1» mmé ^Jvrtieam, Atiermy*. Dm, M. C. roe mSZjr Ea*t Pitmll ft. Ko cm. Sm a· If lolofMtS. J. ·. War· raa. at gaipaa Cane·. IT ~ 'MITH, PORTE* * CO, COMTftAC. ton Mi balldei* a* (mm «traa tar··. Oflra tw- r.-tiW* HMaL Ρ tempt *.d HiUriNr Mk it tfa. FARM FOBEMAM—HAM «ΠΝ rainy ycirj y p« r»»n^ tn^lhajnaa Ûannj L.^A^Tsni^er"'». îj Dm. ANim 1. W. liirfiiil. n Μ Κ. BmfMt, ft. 1, Dm, k. C. " p* ran farms raft iau cbkat— YowelwiM to ow » to· W pay lac net la lUi way iM aiu the tea*· w far H. Tfch wffl ka aacfc letter tkan raatteg «r tartar ■· «■tcMBobU·. Ow* a kaaaa far year fuafly where m laaaM ka Mm «war. Mm I, Baa 04, Dm, X C. It H H Ρ ARM WAXTCD.—I WANT TO Wy a fa heiet Can· «Mh iaa proeeaaeata aaar Dn> ar Oaaca. WMl par Mat eaA. Baa ft kak, Owe, M. C. I1«M GOOD MORMtMQ. MATE VOU HAD year MMrt Cafi >1· aM « will mTu ta yea. PnaaM·*· CMk Grocery. lftf. WOQOt AW.—1 AM PRRPAUD TO Mb year weed aa dhact mNm, Lrnefc Wade. «M Cart Bread BL SI St pi ANNO U NC EMENT The Empire Amviement Company bee to announce that they will exhibit in Dunn ev ery afternoon end r veiling commencing, Monday, November 2','th for the entire week presenting for ycrr approval clean, moral and refined ahovj riding devices, free acta and two braaa banda. Don't fail to visit that Funny Old Planta tion Show, The Georgia Minstrels. I Mauy Million· Lor.t Annually By Check Raiting h ku b«ti ratably u> limn ted that {re· thirty to fifty mljlieo· of ilolUra «to «tvk'D annually free bank depseitora wVo da not protect their chock i. It may nrrar ha»· happened to yen—yet year nnrt check may bt- > a!*-d. ' h ti next te tepoarihlr to writ* a check that U cafe, υ η lea· pro tected with a modem device. !ù'waiV«r that In tiiaac day*, every daae ef erint U eeiv r - 'th- ire re tine and a~. aiiproteefd check la a demrerooa aiaat. No matter te «ion yea (tee year check It h not u(e fer it nay I r trunffvrrctf to another party or itolan from the Bail or get II..» the handt of a dl*hor>u*t eaipieye. «he by «aine a few dropa rf iïc I rr by eleveT ecu changing raa sake ever yoar check ae . rt ' in vnold arareoly know IL ΙΙΛ .... w-— »1— » ■ » - .-M xaiku·) AiTVW 1U Do JJU knew that yoar ciguatera reprveenta every dollar that yua »n· wortht b it ret worth a few delta» ef year moaey to protect It? > Do 't pr.t thla matte- off ar.otVr day—bat write for iattreattaff S ;rraur·- on check prelection. It dec* net obligate you at all. A l> » is <* wl'J jlo. ι a <· wl'J j)o. T'~ · ■>· > 'pjly yoj «its any ttardard make of cheek writer or ji-otect ng dcrice for half price or lee. •Vj r.U: etiv· propo: ,tioi> offered to live vira local aalraawn. STANDARD CHECK WftfTCft EXCHANGE Γ>ρ·.. 87 208 Broadway, New York City ? - - - \ Each Department is Filled Coat Suits, Dresses, Coats Millinery of the Best Gage Hats Little Miss Gage Hats KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS SPACE Style-Plus Clothes Ralston Shoes Godman Shoes Queen Quality Shoes Fairfield Shoes rV\ mm Ι;λ -TV't;· Wêi [ I A: North Carolina

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