_ «**] r««n «f IP, b (Md wfth Km m •Mfcy «I IWtafr HW •UK I· the IBM at life i· •«•ctrMy WWt kan job to npet wW ·* Out ha· «f« «Hi Be Chow Chowder ii w«U ρ tou rnait· tkif km okt^ud. Am* Jwt tbiab U» pnttut prie· ·( (βΡ are free 40c to 50c per fan ι M i· u«i u diiMttd •r TU· fMd is k>U 9S.00 p«t km M (or ft· fila fMd, $«.16 ii Dm dry muh. On· petal of h an cVow Mi 1 lb of ehleken chowder wfU fe«d Mb hot per àxj. Compare Oil vkb Λ· pi—It priée of «agi aad M «Μ · bif dlff«rcac·. Axi «kit • pojtac proposition yoar eUckeaa ere wtmm pwyutj uni for. fwabii rhwkiibiMîd bac· only by L. P. Strlw LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE or SALE tr Ttitoa of Ifct in— of a certain mortcacs dood exacsted bj Willi· N>>, nd wit·. Maille Pop·, which ■nrtnn deed U duty mKnd I» BMk 1M, Pat· tfl, ta th· *C«« of the iMùttr of Pniii of BuMtt Cwaly. dafaalt kavinc been nada in the pljinit of A· not·· aaeand fttrikf. the oiMkimlncd βοΠ|·|μ mitt mm Dmdtr tSrd, IMS. at IS o*eU«k M.. offer for aal· at yitti ntloa at tha Conrthooa* Door to LUbncten, N. C., for cash, the following Ua4 In Harnett eemn tr. I» mitt Bt^mmtwt at · «Uk· in B. P. WB liaMa lia·, aad m S. 84 dcera·· K • 40 chain· to a «take laiiiKii in tfca aid M; thane* da· North LH daka to a ataka nd pobtan Mar MM* WwOll·» dy—· WartU ' •i- Horth ff digioaa S M.4I chain· to tha Mag 1M una *f Thia the tJrc) day of M«nak«, int. J. A. BUYUXX, Mortcaca·. Hov S4 Pa·. 1 I WU. HOTKI OP SALS OP LAUD · hy Ttrta· of a Special in th· Santior Court ·< nty, Mora the Onk, ·» mm T. Hodcaa, Adartalatra to* of W. A. Bodgaa, deeaaaad m «▼a Mmr Hodna at aia." aaaw tolas *·. —— an th· Btxci·! PiacMdfaf» DnHtat of «aid eowrt, aad ik· order th· oad«ia%B*d «m, oa Saturday, D* U. IHf, at IS «'clock It,' I i* A' ■hip, Ilaraett Commtr. IMh CuXi ■Λ at Mfclk «action far eaak to tk« U*»eikie«wtMUr. tbofoUowlw |jMajk|l txact or ywaal of Uod: Κχ at a (tab· in «ettie Hick·· J. W. Ho4n. i>< W.M β«*5Γ *!7Ti w° i "7" - - w . II t· Ml oU Mwr; tkeaoo Ν. T8 1-· Κ. 4Λ0 ekatau te a (take; tkeaco tke old liai Ν. H 14 t 10.se ckalaa ta a (take at tfc· Mnu of vbe tene aev coiner; tkenee a now Hm — aa tke wir* tame· β. 78 3-4 S. ».«6 chaîna lo a atako another now corner; lK**cc anotker now Una 8. 11 M W. 1KB efcalaa ta a atako hi Mm original the original Ua· N.ltH W. IB.60 ckaine to tte MailnJ containing 1· mm, wh or lean. Tlaa of «ato—eataHay. Dccwakor IMHt, Il M. Mae· of «ale On prradaas, Av araAora Towaaklp, at W A. Hodgci Hone PUea. Tanai of talo Oak Tkla Nov. *0, IMS. i. A. McLKOD, Commiuioner. No». HDmII IB. ADMINISTRA TOR'S NOTICE The undersigned h*» in* qualifled aa A<l«tinietretor et the estate of Geergw 8. Oust;, deceased, UU of Hsrnctt Coanty, thii Lt te notify *11 persons having claim· ag*ia«t «aid es tate to praeeut them to m* duly vert lied on or befoia Um 24th. u; of November, 1913 or this notice «Ul b« pivsdcd in bar of their recovery; all persons indobtod to aaid aetata wûl make I»medial* payment. Thil 24th day of November, 1IIL LXNNIE GAJNKY. Administrator. Dunn. N. C. Clarence J. Smith. Attorney. Nov. 24 Dae. 1 8 IS 32 S». NOTICE OF tALE OF REAL. ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power it tale contained in η certain deed >f tnet, executed by Ellis Goldstein te the Bank of Harnett, Trmstea, da tod May T. 1910 and recorded la the office of the Register of Deeds jf Harnett County la Book 1H, pan 229, default having boon Bade in the payment of the note 1 ncared there by and the undersigned trustee hav inc been «poetically requested by the h eider· of the note· U»«roby ««cured, the undersigned trastee will oiler for tele at public auction for eaah, at the court boute door, LUKngton, N. C. on Wednesday, the 20th day of Decestber 1922, the following de icribed lots: All thote certain lots «f land lying and being In the County of Harnett, 3ta,'·» of North Carolina, sear the Town of Dunn and being lota No. · to 8 Inelaaive in Black "D" and No·. 14 to 19 Inclusive in Block "9" on t plat of land formerly owned by U t. Grantham and known te tka Erwin Cotton Killa addition aa tar rwfd and platted by J. C. Brady, pWt of wUdi h oa record la Haniatt Coeaty, North Carollaa la tha Baré ter af tMi ιίτι. PUt Bo»k No." i Tanaaofaala: Caak. Timm af aoiei 11 IN K. D»U of —'-ι Γιγ—Ιιιι ι SO. lttl Kw of Mia: UUlaetcn, Ν. α ΤΗ4» Noft. RANK or .... Nwwkt IT 14 Dm 1 L ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTtCK The uadaralgnad harîn* -r—'1 aa Admlaietrator of the aMi of MeD. HoDtdajr, daeoaaed. lota f( D**t ?·«·**». tkla to to notify all aona Kariaj data·· f *-■> τ to f*Maot them to mm doty verified on or before the J4tk day of Novem ber 18X1 or thia aotiea w01 be pleaded in bar of their recovery; all Mr •on» indebted to laid aatata will Immediate μτβηΐ Thla 14th day of Knwl», IMS. HARPKH WeD. bcMXIDAT, AdarfaiatMtc.. , Dm, V. c. Clara ace J. Batik. AtUmey. Nor. 14 Dac. 1 I IS tt It. NOTICX or SAL8 OF tKAL ESTAT· • Under and by virtue of tfc« M*«r of Ml· contained te a deed of tract executed bj A. L MeLaachlln aad wife. Franc·· McLsodUtn |o P. S. Cooper, Trustee, dated October 1·, 1917 and recorded ta Banett comjv ty la Book 10·, pax* 41· to the of fice of the Relator of Deeda aad de fault harin* been made In tbe fer ment of the Bote· aectired thereby •ad the undersigned trustee harta* beea apeeiAcally called upon to fore close the laid deed of trot, the un dersigned traite· will offer for «]· at public auction at th· court hooeo door, LiQinctec, N. C., oa Wednes day, the 20th day of 0»B«mh»r It It >t 11)04 o'clock M. far eaah te tba bisk cet bidder the loVewtas daacrih ed tract· of land: Tract No. 1. Begtamlaff at a ■take formerly a ptae, Geo. H. Lee'a corner at the rua of the Pope Branch: thence Lee'a lia· S. M Κ. 24.00 chain» te a stake, MaUaea Bffl"s coraer, and runs her line South Τ 1-1 Weet 30 65 chain· to a «take, her coraer in the Hobby ltne; thence her line on aald line Math tt Weet tt links te a stake, the Hobby corner la Barefoot*· line; theaee Barefoot*· line North 14 W. It.00 chain to a white oak stamp on the Bomth aid· of Pope'· Branch la wood's Uaet thence hi· line Ν. «0 X. t.tO chaîna to a stake on the run of aald branch as it meander· to th· lieçlanlaf. eea italnlac St acres, mm or lea·, md beinf that land conveyed to W. M. ;Pope by Richard Stewart and wife, by doed recorded In Book Κ No. T, 'page 4, in the oOce of the Baaialar Λ Deai» of Cumberland County. TKACT No. >: Let· Noe. J«, i» iBd SI in the divMoa of iK, A. t. ■upe. iixcp«rty lu UM 'tow· ol 'ααιι, u ihowm by map made ol χΰ property, m nfàuttd Id Book .<!>, pap if», in the ο (He* of the rtfUiwi ol D«wb of Harnett Cooiv y, which record U nl«.nl te for • npleU rteeerlaUon of Hid iota. TRACT Ho> 17 Lots Number» SI tad Μ in Bloek "C" and loti Nam j«r« SS and M tat Block "D" la the Jivialon of the J. A. and Bealah Cook In South Dun*. North Caro· erdta» t· Baa· and plat of dWWon aa MliUnd in Baafc 1» Μ· Μβ, B» flha a CO ol tha KTS îar5ifttji2ïï"c52 Ttea of aale: tt.-oo o'clock M. 5«» * «·»ο« keaator 10, lilt Wm· of aak: Cent fcouae door, Hwa of aak: Coart UlUa«t«a, N. C. Terra· of Mia: Caah. Tkla 14th dat of Nor — Ν or amber, 1MB. P. 8. QOOPBB, Tnutoe. NOTICE Under the power tf «ale contained In a mortgage M maia by A. R. Goodman and wife to Mutin Geod ■u, recorded Sa Btrntt Couaty ia Book 10·. M· let. Mid mtMi deed having bee· duly tranaferred ud aaeignea to' K> F. Strickland by transfer daly recorded la Harnett County ia Book IM, Mft 1M, and under the power at eefe eoatelned la a mortgage doeA from A. R. Good man and wife :*· ■ T. Strickland, recorded In HitmU County la Boek IK, page 441·' dafnit baring been —m ia the Μ ϋ·> of the notae Mtortd by all a arte»*· deed· the andereqrned •■teeoe and mortgagee Will eapoee to all at public suction to thehighMt bidder for cmsfc at the courthou·· doer In lAllnftea, Har nett County, North Care Β no at It o'elooh M., on MeaKiay, December it, IWt the following described land: A certain piece οτ tIMt of land lying and being ta Averaaboro Town ship Harnett Gouty, Stat· of North Carolina and ieecribed and defined aa foSowt, to-writ: Beginning at a itake and pointer* in m branch. Mia. LiUie F. Hodge· and A K. Goodman's corser, formerly J. B. Strickland and Martin Good ma it*» aoraer, and runs aa their Una Κ tt X. 6.8? chaîna ta the canter of -the In acree Martin Good ana eeld'A A. Park*! thence aa that line 8· tt Ε. 1.t4 chain· to hia corner in the L O. L X. 1 right-of way Una; thence aa that line 8- tt W. β.IS chain* to the run of g breach; these* ma the ran of the branch to the beginning, containing βνβ aeree. Thi* Nov. IT. 1911. Κ V. STRICKLAND, Assigne· of Martin Goodman. R. F. etrTckiaad. Mortgagee. No*. 1TI4M1 t. NOTICR OF MLR or REAL U ; TATR Under and Hy virtu* of the |w«g of eala, tsatsthsd in a deed of trust, made by W. M. Moore and wife, ιο ί ia Moore, dated May ltth. lilt, and ioa*rded h Book Mo. 1M, page 410, of IhfrdS# the Raigiater of Deed* af W VTTWty, North Car olina. ·. u having baen aada yuw* 0Mvrad w im ■M deedoffruet. and tka hoUbr of •aid note htffrff »■*·«< fencte ure. the tihfchfened trustee win At tkl coilt hOOM dOOT hi LiUiagtou, N. C., ffamett County at twelve e'eiook nooa, Friday, Dec·» ber t, 1MB, offer for sale for eaah .β the highMt bidder th· following dMer'.brd met or paroal of land la tit· low* of Dann : BolJHr lot» No·. 8, ·, and 10 la th· dlrMos of th· Uad puiebuad bjr J. B. Wllaan and wlf·, lanky S. WU toa from E. 7. Yoong and aoid at AUotiao lal· by Karaby Brother* on Dceomber ïlnd, 191B, boanded by 1R. R. Stmt and Granville Street, oach loi containing In als· >6 f«et by 150 iMt Alio lota known u No*. 11, 18 ul 1!) on map made by Ceorm· I. Prince in the (ubdlrliion of we land for ml· of John E. WJeon and wife on December 22, 1Î16, nude by Mnrphv Brother» land auction com pany, lying on the Baft aide of the A. C. L. R. R. Co.. adjoining the loti of J. I). Phillip» and other», each being 26 χ ll>2 ieet. Reference U made to a bond for title regbtared In the Registry of Hareett in Book C, Ρ««β 112. The undersigned t< ailft will re· qairo ton p«r cent peltd on th« day of Mia m evidence of ψ ood faith. Ttnai oi »*)♦—-C*jk. Date of «al»—Friday, December I, 1922 at twalt* o'clock noon. PWce of ial«—at the Court Hons» door in UUtafton, N. C. C.C. PARKER, Trite tat. TM* 8, day of Ν or· «bar, 1912. Not. 10 17 24 D«<. 1. Cotton Seed Wanted!. We pay highest cash price* or will exchange for— FERTILIZER OR MEALYMONIA Scales situated next to J. L. Hatcher*· Store. MEALYMONIA—Used last year by many farmer· in this section—is highly recommended by tboee who used it. Ν. B. Lee and Fred. Baggett agent· for Lee County Cotton Oil Company f| 1M The package euggeete it Your taste confirme it The «alee prove it Over 7 billion told yearly Low Prices Always The Rule Low price·, superior quality, the ultimate in service—these and the best of values the foundation of our business. They are the things first to get consideration in our store. We invite you to benefit through the m. < ' Your attention is called to recent arrivals in Shoes, Clothing, Over Coats, Dresses, Coat Suits, Cloaks, Underwear. —tall bought before the big rise and priced a ccordingly. f W· wank to number you among oar ban dredi of uitnfied customers. Wo invite you to eeo our great stock of real Value·. You wil 1 have to go far to find its equal. i' The Feldman Dept. Store tnTfcaOMJ. C. BellStof· Dub, Nortii C*roHna The F. R Taylor Farms AT AUCTION! Tues., Nov. 28th, 10:30 a. m. These farms contain 271 acres and are located near BU1£'S CREEK ACADEMY, on good road. These farm· have been subdivided into small tracts, and will be sold on easy trems, regardless of price. A wonderful opportunity to secure a good farm near a good school in one of the; best communities in the State. FREE PRIZES BAND CONCERT COME! F. H. Taylor, Owner Buies Creek, North Carolina

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