THE DUNN VOLUME IX. miMN __■_ _PUNN, NORTH CAROLINA* MABEL BUTLER WINS CAR GIVEN BY THE DISPATCH Mrs. Carl Barefoot Earns Sac* ond Prisa—Valuable Suit Of Furniture CLOSE RACE ENDS Six Of Seven Contestants Bunched Closely In Last Wnek Of Race Who wins the car? Mias Mabel, daughter of John E. Butler! That settle* a question which has engaged the attention of Dispatch reader* for the last month. It was set tled last Wednesday night when the Success Circulation Bureau, which ha* been conducting a aubacriptlon cam paign for the Dispatch, brought tta drive to a close in the rooms of the Chamber of Commerce in the pres ence of all the seven young women who had sought to win the Durant automobile and the other valuable pi iaes offered by the Dispatch. It was a cloao race-anybody’s race right up to the last moment. In the last week of ths campaign Mias Bat ter started with Mm. Carl Barefoot leading and the rest of tile contest ant* clow upon her heels. Then, as at the close, a few dollars collected hv rithi-r runtrslint »nn)>l Laws s*Ua ed her In the lead. Mra. Barefoot waa leading by a good margin. During the week, however, Mias Butler turned in $109.00 againat Mra. Barcfoot'a $84. That placed her in the lead and won for her the car. Mra. Barefoot how ever, won the suit of furniture, whose value, bp the way, la more than the average monthly aalary in Dunn. Mra W. H. Jackeon, aunt of Mt«a * Butler, ie to be credited with tbe aae ceaa which came to her neiev. It waa through her influence and untiring endeavor that Mias Butler waa enab led to win the Durant. Mra. Jaekaon r *turoed into The Ditpatch more than *. ._,8p(^y^rubecriber* and collected the era. All of the eonteatanta did Wonder ful work in the campaign. Notable Among them wai Mila Kannir John aon, of Lillington. Mlr* Johnson is a «t»nogr*phor in the office* of a Lillington lawyer. In the find weeks of the campaign she waa able to pile up a good margin owr her rivals, but in the final day* waa obliged to neg lect the rontr»t. Tlv* threw her be lt.:td Mra. Wm. R. Jackson for third p!??« b" a narrow margin Mis* Peart Turlington, daughter of Mr*. O. R. Turlington, was behind MU* Johnson by lt*« than 5,000 vote*. The judge* of the campaign, se lected from the bonks of Dunn and Lillington, made the following report on the results: Judge* Report We, the undersigned Judges in the Dunn Dispatch's 'Salesmanship Club’ Campaign, after carefully counting all the votes, do hereby declare the following to be the winner*! Mia* Mabel Butler, first prise. Du rant Touring car, Z,238,800 votes. Mrs. Carl Barefoot, second prise, Suite Bed-room Furniture, 2,078300 votes. Mrs. Wm. R. Jackson, third priio, Edison arid Watch Bracelet, 1,944, 750 vote*. Mias Fannie Johnson, of Lilllngtos, fourth prise, Diamond Ring, 1,740, 2 SO votea. Miss Pearl Turlington, fifth prise, Elgin Watch Bracelet, 1,744,750 votea Miss Matibel Godwin, sixth prise, Elgin Watch Bruealet, 1362,250 vataa Mrs. Martha Pipkin, seventh prise, Watch Bracelet, 182,000 votea (Signed) H. B. TAYLOR, J. D. DAVIS. W. L. SUTTON, T. V. SMITH. The contestants made the fall owing statement. We, the Candidates in the Dunn Dispatch's "SalasmanMilp Club" Com palgn, now closed, de hereby deelare ourselves at pleased with the selec tion ef judges who are to count the votes, and aloe with le state that ne member of the Campaign fore* nor any employee ef the Dunn Dispatch which price we ahould win. To owt boot knowledge end boliof tho com patgn hna boon conducted fairly. (Signed) HATHA PIPKIN, MAT10CL OODWIN, PANNIC JOHNSON. PP.ABL TURLINGTON MRS. CARL BARXPOOT. by A. C. B. MRS WM. JACKSON, by War R J. MISS MABEL SUTLER, by W H. JACKSON. HUGE ECONOMIC LOSS BY MOTOR ACCIDENTS Census Statistic* Of Asia Deaths Tall Oaly Part Of Tha »«~7 Washington, Nov. 80.—The recent Centos Office bulletin, which presents statistics for deaths In automobile ac oidenta for 1821, u>» thirty-four States reporting, shows that 10,168 men, women, ami children loft their lives through accident! which can not be held to be unpresentable. It is pointed out in the National Capital that the economic loss of neb wholcaale hillings is enormous, no matter how conservative the figures are which enter into such calculations. Supposing that tho average earning of each of the killed people was or would eventually bo at tho rata of one thousand dollars a year, and that the life expectancy of all those who thus died was but tan years each, and the enormous total of 1100,000,000 is reached, aa the earning power wip ed out by automobile Occidents fas one year. National campaigns are undertaken in tha inter**! of stamping out tuber culosis, cancer, and other diseases which yearly slay their thousand*. None of them, it ia pointed oat among legislators In Washington, who so* in automobile accidents a wholly curable canker In the body politic, are laora deadly than the improperly, careleje ly, or drunkcnly driven road vehicle*. The accidents caused by them thus take s place tide by side with the other plagues agalnrt which society is at war. TEUST COMPANIES GEOWING IN PAVOE Substantial increases in Trust Company resource* both for the Stale and the country are shown by “Trust Companies of the Uninted States,'' the annual publication of the United Kate* Mortgage and Trust Company re«ing: Cut loaf bread (stale) In to smalt pieces, add butter, about S 'ablespoons to 1 juart bread, salt and a light sprinkling of aogc. A email ‘mount of onion or celery may be •dded if wished Blend with boiling >eler until smooth. Staff trussed thicken with dermlng, place ehJcken » pan, add about aa Inch of water and meat, basting occasionally. Beef: For roasting select tip or middle sirloin, back ef rump or fiat uirve no*. Bump U more economical for large family. If necessary to wash meat ses that it m dried, fte.r In frying pan. Place in roasting pan rob with salt, d radge with floor, part ly cover with water and roast ANOTHER SCHEME TO FOOL THE FARMERS (Progressive Farmer) And now there'ia a new scheme to fool the cotton farmer. Hero Is the proposition as made to the on suspecting grower in soma sections: “Give us your estton and we wiH, advance yon M to 80 per cent ef US presort value and lot yon sell it to ni any time yon wbh between now -.nd neat May 1- And yM one stro de editor says that this beats ea op marketing! At a matter of fact, it is the very -pposile of co-operative marketing. Co-opei stive marketing keeps cotton o(t_a crowded market and so boosts ueflRnRwfmds rsSMe to already glutted markets and sa keeps down cotton prices. Under this scheme the cotton which the farmer delivers is turned over to the cottpn manufacturer* who spin it up as fast as they need tt. In this way they art prevented from any necessity for go ng cat mlo the market to hoy cotton; hey have the cotton already! In oth er words the foolish farmer who bites ’t this hait simply helps kill all eotton fuctory competition in baying cotton —and It in, of eourse. Just this com ic! ttior that U needed to boost cot ton prices! No surer scheme for holding down cotton prices bus yet been proposed than this one ind we cannot believe tnat many farmer* will be looted by it. The fmnoer’i only hope to yet better prices for cototn is by stimu lating competition among buyers while this scheme most effectively chloroform* competition. ECONOMICS DEPARTMENT The Home Economics Department of the Woman’s club met on Friday afternoon, November 2S. After the usual club business Miss Bridge guvs s demonstration In the preparation of meats. The next moetiny will be held on Tuesday, December B to avoid a meet* iny during the holidays The topic of the department will be "fruit cakes." All members ate urgsd to be pros eut Bnekeeplny offers good returns for the money. Borne owners are getting from $600 to I7B0 from fifty to sixty colonies in modem Mvaa and only spend from 6 te < days saeh year earing for the bee*. ORDER HA BEFORE Ku Klu* Ornasa pkia Hlmaolf) Aa To New York, Nov. JO ear Haywood. Baptiot Church, at IhU eently defied Mayor him from orgaaMag a is Now York City, laat Herod by hk Board appear before it aad The deelaleei at tfca S. Raymond Eatay, that Mr. Haywood ad to aaeertaia tivttloa aa a Klan' lated the principle* of impaired hk i dot* for bk i _ chorth board m kit ! TAKING UTTLS IN HAYWOOD'S XbMbon, Nov. attributed to Dr. New York and Nartt gallet, that aWcted judg waa the "hai In North any manifest tha biggest to dy'a diatrtot, hera Tha with tha k before, a* tin*, and Mttla them even in With no persona who an the new Jarlst, Oliver Allen, of withheld an connection with the organisation sort In hit Xu Kiss la aai District. It has bar* sines tha organised la arc few alow and Duplin ed her* Local tatn-ea Oe i i tha ana son. in which bat they balirva it la be small. ■ • Wea Oa Fair Fight Grady was elected la what wm generally regarded as a fair fight with four other Democratic eandl •laUa, Henry Faison, of Us earn eean ,tr; Henry Stephens and 0 serge Ward r Duplin, and Cay O. Moore, of Ibis fit V Ha ffilkilw en VI n ~iana am mwl. minimt The Grady* hart long boon ar felk ia Boutheaatem Carolina. On unueual personality *M another factor in Ua merest Than arc few more “pothfced” lawyer* to b* found anywhere. The Ku Kl«x did not elect Grady, H warn armed la la» gal circle* hare today. It eedldnl har* elected hhn In this dlatrtet Grady woe a place on the bench by the employment of hie own attain ment*. and hi* campaign wna net won through the aattatanc* of any sac rat organlxatloa, hla frienda declared. Grady pc rurally con Id not be eoto manieeted with; he wne etatod to be ■way from home for a few day*. TUXLINGTOH-'TENNIMCS Mlae Winnie Jtaxing*, daughter of Mr. and Mr*, t. T. taming*. of Ola, Iredell county, and Mae Turlington, j war* married in ike homo of Bee. S. A- Edgerten at Buka Croak Meades afternoon. Mr. Edgerten ifMatad , Only a few eleaa btond* of tke ymam Tht bride hoe taagkt in the achoola ' of Harnett couarty tar aerora] mrwtha and ia a young woman of car* charm. Mr. Turlington In a tea at Mr*. O. B. Turlington. He oM Ms brlda will make their hoto a with hi* I mother at Turlington *» Crum Beoda SUM nuMl TMK IOAO CotaaM. (S. C) State. A eubataartlal aad Urge brick bulld tag. af three stories, ta the capital of North Caiwtiaa, Scan the sign, “Stau Highway Department." Tha hearing ef the highway depart ment ef Nerth Carolina requires a it recto re ef the riac af oae wing ef the Mate house in Columbia. Traveling 400 miles over the read* ef Nerth Carotin* oae b convinced that the building in Saleigh b not • mere gesture. The State's readers have hterd of the head beae of «*0, 000,000; they are swan that eoaatioe •nd cities hero spent end art spend, las much arose than the nm voted by the legislators aad deteih wtald not munot the a*. S ear/where, on the **ia thorooghfareo, work b in prog rea* and the metoriet must frees then u time detour Thera North CWre highway* depart—rt enter far' preiee. The deteen are plainly mark-1 •d and the department "asaintains them." Seme ef tee. an nanww °®mw,T reada—bwt they an net an ci“t r>wt-pathe left ta meter— to dl*c*ver aad espAare. They are main ^>Md. Seen* «f them, ae from the Ww,tar helew Danvtle to SeldrvlIU, •"to Lesttogton to the Tadkhe aad “WHW to Concord an top '••*» d«*to aa good aa tha nror *** raod af that type la Booth Oajra Maa. In North Carolina ara tapaall nude, <• ko hard mi Maid, that an aa •■**•■* that It teems a pity ta dla tarb than (a anmplc, tha awiag »f •« ar TC miles through Stanly and Nentgmaaij eiawtln ta Carthage, tha aaat of Moan comnty—a aactiaa °< tha road connecting Charlotte aad Raleigh. treat of tha coart hooae now la building la Carthage to a amaat, a simple and chaste shaft, ta *e man. °n of Jamas MeCeaaelL “Tafl at* ahead this maamaaf •na sldrani t a yowth af Carthage. "If* Jim McConnell."-the ■ewer. "What waa heT" 'Why. he war a boy raised here.” 'fm what did ha da—was be in the ! r with Germany!" “Ym. ha wo* a flyia' man.” Tseng McConaail man, wa haUoaa. •He first *-1 aatatar ta Mmt hia Ufa ia asttoa aad was ia tha french strain. The UaaMsd kaowi edge ef the yoath af Carthage wa alao inexact—MeCeoneU waa not “roiaad” there; he spent only a few »aar» af Ua Ufa ia Carthago. The monument wo* built by aubaeriptlona , cf money that eane in part from1 Northern stalee. Our knowledge af Him. too. Is inexact, but the monu •ne.-.t ia an latorarting one. DUKE AMD DUNN SCHOOL DONDS BRING PREMIUMS Duke and Duan district bonds aggregating 9119.000 hors boon sold far I117.1M- anker, Hum or sad WUl»»*a, of CMc^o, won tho porefc seers. His Daks boade to talled 976,000 end the Dunn Bonds 969,000. A premia* of 91491 was paid for tho Daks isoao sad ana of 11.000 was paid for Bu Darn i*os. Kncb lows boon Arc and n half par eont internet snsuaBy. They are serial bonds an taring between 1914 and 196*. Tbo Dake Isaac la to pay for s now' building under construction at D-jke. Tbo Dann laraa la to oarer additional sapoaaa Incurred la Bio construction pcajaet bore nad brings tbs total mhcel bends sold wMhin tho tact year to 9149,009. I MB. MoQUim TO IPIAK Mr. McQueen sriO talk to tbo nm boro of tbo Women's Mble da* of the Proabytorian ehaieh an Sunday moitag at tbo ragalar teboel bear.! I AD moatbsie are argod to ba prae lent. CO-OPERATIVES WIN BEFORE JUDGE LYON CwttaiM 14 Coma To umh| 111 Anri Walt— Par #**-rngi at V«m Raleigh, Nov. *8.—Onri victorias 'followed the argmmoiato ha tbo co operative tobacco cmaoo this evenlmg wWn Judge Lyon continued 14 caeca ta hearing mad denied remora! to pe tition*™ from Poteen mnd Pitt.. P. A. Ella and J. M. Edward*, of Pitt, who had asked removal am 00 coent cf witnemes lott and C. E. and X. T. Winstead, of Person, who attacked the contract and aeogfct trial at hoiao beeauae their tobacco moat bo delivered there, loot their pe tltioa. The co-operative victory •* complete. It fora It bee no laiitaaiioa at to when the cates may be tried and tent to the Supreme court, bat the con tract aumcn an held it the IMS plan tine and it coaid ba a jot Win tkem litigation* roach the Jery ate Judge dig* The contract* kin been attacked a* frmeda On* of the al legation* 1* that to procure signer* •0 per cant had baa promised u •lit payment The co-operative* doe* aay each Mitaml and contend far the actual verbiage of the compact The indedlaHanaa* ef tba tetter' iag make* the injunctive relief aimed permanent and be later* the re-opera tiv* can** nlgldflj HARNETT TIMBER IS DAMAGED BY BLAZE Thirty Sowar* Mte Dev*We*.I I, Faaee* PWe Dwetag The Feat Weak Fayetteville, Key. Are which orlgteated ▼ter ate the Spnat_ nett county November 22 burned am an area approximately 20 square miles before it waa brought under contro' Thunder night of tet weak, according te Fire Warden K. W. Chrwtian of Cumberland county, whe led a forte ef 20 men hi etwvteew the Maas.* wtmi um Mu* rmcoc sooth at tha rate of about fear miles aa bow and was moat dificalt to handle, he laid. A boat 20 per east of the boned territory was covered by big timber and the remainder eraa young growth and undotbosh. Ba could not give aa estimate of the value of tha “mber destroyed. A LETTER TO THE TELLERS Dear Fallen;— Did any ay yo over git drink of as the celebrated Sample ■ County Squirrel Brand Swamp Angel HoctarT If you never did then you've mimed sumpin. If ye did and lived to got over tt yo are i lucky panes and either a thankful penitent or a darn ed fad. 1 don't git paid to advert!** the fact, but I dent miad telltn yo in confidence that the law is thie Hate allevel a man a quart of Hkkar every fifteen day* aa wo of Saaapeen air mighty law ahidia folfcc* whea tt comes to gtttta everything tha taw allowi Of Men moot ov a* don’t drink Kkfcer but them thet das trial to make tha average for the whole poppylatioa. On* ay ow moat de peodabU neap angeta left thie aai •hbothood tan winter aa west to amRher county, hat we're loeidn for 'ba back moot any time bow “oasa ha dost Hke tha pleat ha want to." Fact ia, ha got amongot nm fakea that didn't Uke Me atyte and they )eat oaeehrfy tak Tm oat a Cow aha* ago an whaled the emaatlil tar eat be Tm an I’m batata two to ana aa hi am I kin rooeh thet he comm back to Sweat Bawyoon or tha Soaih Beat •amor it Harnett artur be Ida wort trader th* eaperrietea er the nan eM fas be Bead te wort (er. Te deaf need bat one yeera te teB wbe tbet >e. An Independent bleekader wraldnf ltd three dare round hare. No atari Berne o' the eld togalan *ad *»» wp fere *e cad git rattled dawn geed. It tehee a feed raeit te *H by with °*** Wsaaae hereebowta. The men wbe ere really raapewaibte far meat of the boot* me kin era awn wbe eeald ea weald, peere A-l eharaetate tf braaght bite eewrt. 1 hr pie te keew tbU te he abeeletely tree, Vot I would here eae -heWeea" tiara yea rln It te the eaUaPeeUon er e peeked }«ry end a “wet" eeUcHer wanldai IT New leOert deaf tall ae teddy whet I teW jrou and when 1 rite agin TO Ml yen e little aeeret eheat Bra bind ef protection the etfllm get dawn here. owl mo ««». MANY EXAMINED IN THE T. 6. CLINIC HERE TfflS WEEK advises A rest Pr»Wb An Af Sctnd laiwal To* late Far w—^ ,|, Oat af the twenty-throe ad Bite mad flvr children examined beta Taeoday •ad Wcdnttdsy iffl tha tabereutook cliBie by Dr. /. L Spruill, af State Saailoriun, fix adult* wart found to b* positively mad two probably effect ed by the diioan. Tboae effocted were advisad to r* U the State Sanitarian far Mara thorough exandnalloao and for troat nent and wars advised to n*t as Bock to possible. Dr. Sprtall wti aided ia tka chaic by MIm A|tci Harris, coamsak# nurse, sad mast of Um physician* of the cemskusity. Be ra to cut kis visit shact hare by ssvwisl heats ia order to cat hack to tka sanitarian Wariaaadsy Bight. Far for crawl nations wars diaappoiatod. Another clinic, however, will ka aoa dactad as sees as arreageataato esa ta atoda to have a tvbin alssli ape eislist coma to Dman. LOVETT nasaws Te the Dans Dispatch: * I hsv* keen asked to write yon a ■tateh of the life and (uoal ef Mr. Lerett Eldridca. Bro. Ddridge paaaad any Kevaao ber ft, afur an iOaass of at sot • or ■ day*. Tka funeral services wars held at kis haato November U, p r — conducted by fait paatar, Eev. L. B. Tata of Banana. assisted by Eev. Mr. L»a«atoo • minister af Dnaa, aha ' cum with earn* of tka relatives of the family. fbr and mnW vtowltke Itot *tom tka faae af tbatr friend and huathar ia Christ. Many baaatifal flower* were plac ed an his grave. In the family which Bro. Ddridge wu raitod, he leaves three sisters, Mr*. C. R. Thornton of Daaa, Mrs. M. L. Blackman of Barepsom county, Mr*. 8. P N. Tart of Jaknatoa county In hia present family ha leave* a wife and ana eon. Chortle who ia 21 run ef u. Bro Kldridga «u educated at Be lenbarg. however, before Ms odoca tiae weo completed lie had to return hems os account of the illness of hh father and mother aad never retanv ed. He teaght acbeel Mveral yean in Johnston county. Then married Oeor fie A. Wood. Bm. Edridge joined the Tf'ilies ary Baptist church at Hood's Own •heat Id or Zb yean ago, aad baa been a very faithful and active mas her. T** *•*»* hoe only knows Bro. Edridge about fear mouths, aad has foand him t aba a faithfal worker in the ehsrch. a loving hatband aad a tender father—a man who evasyhody •poke well of. If Bro Eld ridge had Head until tha 80th el this month he would have boos 84 years aid. The family and loved ones, haws tha sympathy of the pastor and many friends of Bra. Edridge la their be reavement. L B. TATE. CHILD DBA* The death angel visited the heme of Mr. aad Mrs. R. C. Neighbor's Set arday. November 28. at >40 o’clock aad teak their darling little Lets Irene 18 months oid. The Lord givath aad **• teketh assay; blamed ha the asms of the Laid. The funeral wss rend noted by Bev. C. 8- Johnson and Bov. Albert Bat tar at Hedge#- Gbapel. A largo crowd of relative* aad friends warn rmsal Little Inis had towi a grant suf ferer for tvn weeks. AS was doae far her that a loving mother’s hssds eoaM do. Mm Is gust hut set forgot ten. Never wfll her meamry fade MU sm meet her over tha river to that Written hr her heart hrehen Math er umoa b. r. r v. An traDm •( the Senior B. T. r. V. of The Ttret Baptist ehnreh am orfecUy regaeatai to ha preesat at erhleh^rffl*be touTal TBO e’etoek. Walk srfll ha began a* ear Ctotehaae —gaaat end B te la^teariri tot the i aiahin ha there te hear eatiiee at I—geaat nto ha asrignatf —rta Left J ha .lithaay ea thi -at.