THE DUNN DISPATCH ■■SahBA.1 V* I, ^14 TUKSDAYI? TTnV AnUDAY» L. busb£k pop* — .— at ■ ..- - — Dun. —North Cwilm SUBSCRIPTION RATES: On. Tut..HID Six Xontfu-1.0C Am Mrrlti--.... .KJ CASH IN ADVANCE Addi— all fwnriririnu to The Piglet Ail deportments of The Diipatch cxn ho reached tbroaph tole fktet US. Gearaaen i cation* a pen He* topics are invited, bat under all cireurastan aaa the tender of each eearaaaiea ttooe moat faralah uj with hi* near, ft '» no: aKtiurjr that the nut 6. pjb.Ubed, hat w« ItiaUt that .t b< prrcn aa aa evidenca of nod faith. Shad aaeaaata of weddlnpj, enter laliimaaTi. dab aaaatiaBt, etc., are iavitod. Aheat To Bo JodpeT Bee. Dr. Oscar Haywood, of Now Tort, asserts that Henry Grady, of Clinton, who recsutly was elected Jodpe of the Superior Coart, k head off the Ka Klax Klan in North Caro Uaa. The aatertion calk forth orach, comment from the prem of North] Carolina, especially from the Green*-1 bore Dally Nears, whose editorial' writers have for aome tiara wiped a warn mad not wholly ineffectual fipht awoiMt the klaa in till* State. 'There u bo telHnc,” rays the News, “what the Rev. Dr. Haywood has done for the Ka Klux, but be cornea mipfcty near fixing fadpa-elect Grady, anleaa the Jodro does aome nimble s!de-*tep Ptop. The News uyi further that "* maa esaaot b* at one aad the une tiaa aa beam Judge aad aa hoaaat manibar of ft* Ku Kins. To become a mciabor of the Uoa bo mart take ai Frapaatarvaa oath ta rapport the kUa authorities «ad defend them agaiaot all opponent*; he a mat aw ear, likewise, ta reader assistance under may aad aH ciccaassteacea to a broth-1 or ktanwman ia dlatrcoa; Boat damn tag af all, he aaaat swear to oppee* <*• apraad of influence of Jaws, Ca > tfcoUaa aad nagrota. If a ama is to kaop those oath* honestly, be cannot at the same Urn* keep the aatk of a Judge; for a Judge mast swear ta up bald the eons tits tions and laws af the state of 2fotth Carolina aad tile Uni ted States, aad to recognise no other aatbarity; be must swear to adminis ter Justice without partiality, against a klsssmcn aa rigidly aa agafaiat any body else; ha mot swear ta raeogniae a* diatia ctiou la Ms court on account j * teowda. he But swaar to apbold the rigbta of Jaws, Catholics aad negroes aa rigorously a* ho upholds anybody. ates*s rights. "A Ka King Jadga would And hint self sworn ta giro dm sQegieaee to Siawtoae aad alas dm allegiance to the goraraaseat; swan to prefer fel lew-ldeasmen share all others and »ke mm to prefer no mu above •there; worn to be ia vole rant of Jaws. Catholics and negroes aad oko aamm to be tolerant of all mean and, • creeds, including Jews, Catholics aad ■■grata. No honest man can taka tsre neb antes, far bo atan can keep term both. “Haywood has sained hia man. He ■I* that Henry Grady, of Sangmea county, recently clocted to the Bo paelar court beuoh, is head of the Xa Khnt to thk state. It it to ha hoped that -lodge elect Grady sHD in •toady repudiate aay conaaetlan srfth j tha argute alien; far If he attempted to ga sb tha beach with aoeh a (tain an hie repntation Us aaefalaaca as a Judga weald ha destroyed before he oAm." Then tha Kalelgh Erasing Timas "M* tang as Her. Dr. Oscar Hay wood of New York stack to gen era H Um abort tea leadership of tha In Xtos and ■eatoatod fchaaaif wHh ad toftttog hia awn lapawMBy to thk to***etlaw. "to of as ware srlBfag to lat him aad Dr. John leech Ptrat toa tight ft out; bat when ha booms 1 Haary A. Grady of CUa " *f the Xian to Marik far M Om m •i m fm m l zU «?■! I|Sj bmttk i anono wsrou ■rnuunuui SondaySchool f LessonT <»y w w. a. nnwATu. d xx, "■■On of E»(ti«h MH* la Um Moody ■■ nmibxta of CHafo) ggyH Woncm m—MM PMia. LESSOR FOR DECEMBER 3 JMU* SENDING OUT MISSION AMISS JJfWITBXT-tito MO-H 9QLVKM TtXT-tta tout mly to p“l *" >*• Mbtooro aro low; pray ja I i r g-rcraPl^TOrev-joaao Btada rank IimCIUrCXJIATI AKD SMB TOPIC —Hcnlfi of Um KImkOom. JToukU| piroru and arm rone I. Tha loo only Sant Forth - Tha haraaat was great, but tha la total were few. The task before the Christian church after oearty 1800 Tier* la atUI great. A Fray the Lord to Smd Forth La borers Haatod the *<* (r. •). Three disciples war* given power ta —el the (left. The mtatoton of Chrtet ■boOM seek ta glva relief to thoee in dletrom aad am every epport salty ta proclaim the poapal meeaage. S. The Awfal rate of Tbaac Who Bo Jact Chrtot’e Message (w. 10-l«) Their eaaa^i mom bopelam than that ef IW*. Thoee who reject Chrtot’e am* ■■■*•»» reject Ohrtat III. Th# Return eg the Seventy (rr. 1T-M). !• Their * apart (». IT). They wen highly elated. They memed la ha agreeably aarprtsad. They not eoly found (hat they enuld heal the etek. bat eaat eat rename alas. They reread to be tiled with eetf-eattotoctioQ. It to •toy arm la Chrtsttaa service te he WdOed by ore so cm meg. t leaaf Anawer (re. IWt). (1) Hi toW them it was ae earprtee te Him (re- H IP). With prophetic eye He tow (htor aactoto as tedt—*f that lima whew the prince of this world weald he eaarthiwwa (John I2:3i>. By vlrtce ef Hto mighty trlamph over Baton He eesaroa tbre that they seed have ae hear ef what Would befall (hem. Hethtap eoaM harm them; noth ing Could proepee which eppneed them. ftxtood. Both tog can harm the eerveal who pern abaat Hie lfmetee'a tiiolnem (*> Reel caaae fee rejoicing (v. to). Ha promptly rebuked them, totltog them that their cfatof Joy should be be ta—* ef their heavenly relation, net bantam ef those mlraculere gift* That above all which tootod provoke granted* to tbe fact that Ood bee tooeea to Christ aad saved ea, inacrtb to* ear aaaoea to heaven. (!) lea—* enttatloa (re. 21. 22). The muriow mm that aoaa tha otctery «nH ha »« hara aaa Ood had comntttad all •hla«a acta Him. aad that only aa man yalrad Him caald (hoy haanr tha Yathar. canaod nim la rtjoic* la «hal *to Wa* orcotapllabod. (4) Cawat alalda tho tUaciylra (or. B, 94). The Vatirlan haa Uaaad a aanNt a paatatao aat la talca part la p*H ka ■Aden, ivimn'i untimr >am*o Maw Yarti RmK ! I ho damage be had done and hr nrw j A“«d 85 for breaking the peace. H;* loee w»« greater than that, really, for he did damage to hie miit-l and his body which 10 tim*e 083.00 weald not cover. Blind anger of this kind is more dangvrooe to the brain than a whack on the head. It I* more dang*roiu to the body than aittlng In a draft or eating a whole mince pie. R»«e poisons the hotly just ai rarely as arvenlc. It checks the normal func tions, particularly digestion. It saps and weakaus the wonderful human marhln*. Anger, end particularly anger over trifloe Uke telephone massages, is1 futile, reaming at the mouth never brought quick action. This rage over petty things harms the man who In dulges in It and the persons around him. These bursts of passion break up homes They wreck business enter prises They strike at good manners, which are the base ef human comity. Without such isnseleaj exhibitions of bad temper there would be fewer failures, divorces and wan. Goldsboro, Nov. 15.—Missouri be llev*a the system of public welfare work in operation in North Carolina :s the best in operation in the coun try, and is modeling her system after Lhe North Carolina system, it was stated last night by A. E. Howell, Wayne county superintendent of pub lic welfare, who returned Monday from Jefferson City, Missouri, where he was invited tq make tire speeches on the work being done in this coun ty end throughout the State. I*. A. Halbert, of Kansas City. Kan sas, former executive secretary of '.ho National Public Welfare Workers, who is remodeling the work in Kan sas. Mr. Howell recommended that the county boards be composed of three instead of five members, and that they be appointed by the State Board just as it is in North Carolina, In stead of by the county commission ers. Also, he thought that the state laws in both Missouri and 'y regulating wrelfiru work should U rttcngllmaed. ‘ lOUIniL, at ioc:-. Mi, Howu.. ii-ukt- to tlic lcticln on of rural soda. • ■ ••ko. >. T hat nigr.t ho guvs an illu* (rated lecture with stei. yytieon tlidoi. on Cir uorh <*e t'ie State Woyiu county. - tiday coming he nad a twi iu>ut»* conference with Homer Tulbot, superintendent of the I t counties in kiseouri In which thare arc commu nity welfare organisations. fa M!a Mori the often of the State Wel fare Department are in the (Inert cap itol building Mr. Howall declared he over aaw. He raid that the building coat around 88.540,000, and waa so contracted that all automobiles could bo parked la tho basement iaatead of till figuring the grounds. tkUSlN&&> LOCAL LOST.—SINGLE BAG POCKET. book containing about 880 is p* per money and ailTer. Lost in Dunn today. Plea** notify J. 8. Norris Dunn, No. 5 for reward. 1L pd. MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM lands In amounts from |1,440 to fuO.OOO for JS years. Godwin and ^ Jcrnigan, Attorneys, Dunn, N. C. CADET COIL WATER HEATERS— Lee and Rye. Prices reasonable. 88tfe. ■RICK—KILN BUN 80 PEB CENT hard. Shipments within 48 hours after receipt of order. Layton Brick Works. (Established 1885) Marion, & C. Dee 1 8 mo, FINE FABMS FOB SALECHEAP— Your chance to own a farm by pay ing rent in this way and make the rents pay for it. This will be much better than renting or buying an automobile. Own a home for your family whan you cannot be driven sway. Route S. Box 84, Dunn, N. C. 17 6t pd. WANTED.—-TO CRT IN TOUCH with tome one needing a farm fore man. Hava had experience lx growing any product grown ox farm. R. F. Monroe, Dunn, N. G Care general delivery. SMITH, PORTER * CO.. CONTRAC* and builders of frame struc tures. OSes over Butler's Market. Prompt and satisfactory work ,'uursnteed. 14 tfc. MONEY TO LOAN—1SOO.OOO.OS Five Hundred Thousand Dollars to loan on first mortgage on real ea Cate. Long time. Easy payments. R- T. Series and O. A. Barbour, Benson, N. C. Office third floor, Farmers Commercial Bank Build ing._ Dec. 1 fit FARM WANTED.—I WANT TO boy a two-horse farm with Im provement* near Dunn or Ceuta Will pav epot cash. See B. Lewis, Dunn, N, C. »1 4t pd. HOW ro SAVE MONEY—PUT IT in automobiles? No. Rrlrt malts? No. Extra dress? No. Put in good land, eueh as will add to your wealth, health and happiness—and care for your widow and children when too are happy In Heaven. I. have the kind of land to Invest In.I 1 have more thin I can look after! want to divide on long, esnv terms. J. G. Layton, Dunn, N. C. Dec. i, at pd. | GOOO MORNING- HAVE YOU HAD your sausage? Call SIC and wa, will tend It to you. Freeman's Caah Grocery. I7tf. | CARBIDE—ALL SIZES. PRICES right. Lee and Rye. ZStfc. - ——■ sa ii— i —i^—a——— ■■■ III ■ I I —i—a—. A muskrat was tbs «sosa of Steron- underground cable and found that a Wile. Ontario, going without oloctrl* muskrat had chewed tbs cable to get city for throe days Workmen search- the beeswax intide the Insulation and ■ng for the trouble duar down to the bad been shocked to death. | SPECIAL PRICES * > * * i ... 11 ■ »■■■ —■ ■ < ► Rust Proof Oats (98 per cent pure) _ .$4.50 Standard Middlings __i_$2.15 I: Red Dog. $2.60 Sugarine Scratch Feed__-i__$3.00 Sugarine Buttermilk Mash_$3.50 Sugarine Dairy Feed_$2.50 Sucrene Dairy Feed_$2.25 « > Just a few more tons of the above bar gains left. Next prices will necessarily be higher. Buy now and save die difference. « ► < * < * < ' j| FREEMAN'S CASH GROCERY i » « > _ ^ ^ ^^ ^ Milk Prices Are Governed By Methods of Feeding Severed Reasons Why Dairy Products Advance as Winter Approaches.-The Only Solution erf This Problem Memphis, Tarn.—This ia the Ml sonwfaen dairymen begin to demand a higher price for their milk aad batter, end they are engaging In their usual conflict with the milk distribu tors In the city. From tho low ram mer price of eight to . tan cents per quart, milk Is advanced gradually a coot er two at a time until the winter high price ef twelve to sixteen cents is reached. This la the period when newspaper writer* exercise their right to lamhaet the distributor. They know nothing about the coat of making milk or datr&vtiag It, but they believe they are the champions of Urn consumers, therefore they do not hesitate to call the milkman several kinds of a pro Steer and a few other things borides. The pries of every leawnullj Is Axed by the coat of production end dtstrtbstloa and tho consumer de mand for the relume produced. When manufacturing coats are low and the predact!oa large, it goas without say rag that the price to tho tritbnate con sumer reaches Its lowest point aad tho reverse is true when casts are highest aad Che volume of production Is email. Dairy products are low in pries daring sammer months, because the dairyman tame tk cow* to paatare and the loccuUnt graaooe sujpyly a vary large part af bar food. When gran 4 nr* up aad the tan duo Modes tough, the dairyman muh buy hey to take the plan* of grass, thus the cost of producing mint le Ur|dy in "ThTgraatast prsbtsae of *o dairy man has bean to attain n land whiafc Mi eew* nil ant and atmrl into ndlk whan ha tnkoa thorn from the pal§3281. * & SlMa M h* to binatioos of faadbig materials to do tannin* too boat ration for dairy com whan the pastures no longar supply them with the succulent material. The dairy ration which moat pan foctly aaoata tide nood la known el Happy Cow Food. It ia the combine lioa of cotton eeod meal, earn meal, linseed meal, gluten feed, Meant ad food, alfalfa meal, a mall quantity of sala and rare eana malaaaaa mixed In Juat the right proportion* to supply tiio cow with the milk-making mater ial In the balanced form which kai nature demands. Tha most aueceaefeJ milk prodoean throughout tbs Booth era sew feeding Happy Caw road regularly, and they are no longer losing In their prodee tion of milk when they make this change from pasture to a dry feed. They are fortunate In keeping up Uieir production without materially increasing thalr cost* and, as a result their profit# are actually bicrossed, *» pd cos arc adaanead for tha tall and winter season. Happy Caw Baud la rapidly becom ing the backbone of too aoutharu deny industry. Mot only the commer cial dairyman, hut raMdanta of the towns and eKiee Who keep see caw for family mOk prod action ar* fast ing tola /amass ration. It keeps thalr animals la gaad rendition andmakas si mt& *** Happy Caw fsad Is ary sseaeadsrl, bsrsuss, psaad far pound, it pass far thor than any athar emablaaHaa af feeding m atari eta An ex call eat ra tios far each saw la Mx to eight farads af Happy Caw Bead, srtth II poande af earn eOaps sad t panada •t timothy Imp. Cotton Seed Wanted! :i < > — Wo pay highest cash prices or will exchange fop— J| MEAL FERTILIZER or :: MEALYMONIA < i Scales situated next to J. L. Hatcher’s Store. ;! MEAI.YMONIA—Used lost year by many farmers ;; i;. this section—is highly recommended by thoee who '<' used it. ! I l i N. B. Lee and Fred Baggett agents for Lee County Colton Oil Company j; + + + 11 ttff MMMHHtttlMIM * p== — - 30 DAYS OF=-=-- — Special Inducements For Christmas ShopperS a We invite your attention to recent arrival* in shoee and clothing. In the lot were 100 case* of— Godman, Star and Lion Brand Shoes all solid leather and guaranteed to give good Wear. Big lot of overcoats in belted and the more conserva tive models. Late styles in Men's Suits. Everything for woman’s wear. Underwear suited to the season. Full stock at right prices. During the next 30 days we are going to give some especially attractive prices to those who believe in giving ucefol gifts for Christmas. < It will pay you to look our stock over. J. W. Draughon — I IN COLD WEATHER !i YOU MUST HAVE I GOOD SHOES YOU will soon have cold, wet, weather. I WE now have the best and largest stock of good, solid, leather shoes we have ever had. WE SELL GOOD SHOES I RED GOOSE for children and women. I HONESTY for out-of-doors men. ATLANTIC, JOHN C. ROBERTS, Dress Shoes for men. PACIFIC, FINE SHOES, lfoARTHA WASHINGTON- - Dress shoes for ladies. BUY GOOD SHOES AT LOW PRICES I -FROM- I GEO. E. PRINCE & SON I