DISABLED j E3tS WANTED1 Mri, Buckner Aopcals To State For Air* In Assisting Cripple* Cay'.Rf iuirire to ‘The Unknown 3':ld.er“ unit "lu-e.g 'lowers or hi* grave war .*. bw..r.t.{jl evibat*. If the Unknown Soldier could speak, no doubt hr 'vc.uk! *»y something ilko th.c, ro'.octly dccta: i) former Svcr* :«ry of In* Xc.vy. Joseph** Dnniela: •‘A’! thi :v,-or» that could come :j n*c have oocn rendered. It i* to n:y liv'ng .on.miles that you can loader help onJ blousing. Mrjiy are wound" I r,n; a.r'.c .".no nerd cheer, comfort end oncoaniffoiK'H- Co to them, my living coin rad'*’’ “Since the opening,"’ *cy* Mr*. Eackner, general secretory Buraca-i I'hiiatheo Union, “of the firrt govern ment hospital In Western Xortii Car olina. the Burr." iv i and 1’a via the a* of No:-th Carolina, with the aid of friemir, hav* bc-e.i bringing cheer and ranitlir.c into Uis lives of our rick rcrots *r« r.ut-MS in Ui.se gro.nl hos pi lab by tl.clr mcsKtges of love nnf i appreciation, exprci* vi through flow err, git*. visit* and trie Pellvanna Flowers beautiful potted ,-lanti R*ui cut flowur*. bavu been one of the moat highly priaeii of all gifts or cx preuionr. At Christmas and bloater each year young people p ace a potted plant ami cut flow*;* by the bedside of uvery patient at Otoen Hospital, with a cup I bearing a special mes »axc. This year tre want flowery by! Ike bedsides. In the Ron-parlorm, in th« Red Croat Houses and an every table in the mew halls. "There are uhoat 900 patients at the War Veterans Hospital at Otoon, who are still nerving ua sa-itlt broken health and bodies, and it should be our pleasure to continue our service to them. "Say with flower*" tha mes sage you would bring them in per son. If you could. "In addition to the flower*, era n«A»d for our Chriitmas greeting 900 Christmas boxes, each with the name of the giver on a card inside; hand kerchiefs; neckties; socks; pocket knives; safety msort and blades; fountain pens; p nrils; tooth brushes and paste; pocket combs; shaving brushes and rasps knitted sleeping cap*; bed room slippers; nuta; can dies and other non-perishable Christ mas knick-knacks. "Pleas* Send the gifts or money to boy them to Ha N. Ruckncr, Gen eral Secretary Baraca Philalhea Un ion, Ashevillo^ N. C., who will ack nowledge them promptly and will tea that all sued gfts are placed in the hamla of the patients. Please send them iariy and avoid the holiday nidi, ns it takes time to deliver them to each of the patients. Ml^t n* remember some one with our gifts and our fsrvlee, and learn the true spirit of Christ who taught that it ii more blessed to give than to receive.” MEMORIES It it perhaps, not generally known that the older', quick-lunch establish ment In Dunn ;* conducted by a man who wa* preparing viand* to tempt the liquor-aeorchod, shy and fickle palatcsof Cape Pear River Steamboat Captains and their friends, who were generally very particular gentlemen of the old South and whose tastes were distinctly epicurean, whan the site of tho pro tont town of Dunn was nothing more than grazing ground for the cattle and hogs belonging to Sib Neighbor*, John Robert Godwin, Na than L. Phillip*, Dave Truelovc, Jo *iali Pope, Hinton Momls, and Albert Sarles. Por twenty years Chat. Thaggard w*a known to the father* and grand fathers of the prevent generation as the b**t cook on the river when thoy floated rafts to Wilmington and came back on the A. P. Hurt. I suppose that the last trip the A. P. Hurt made to any point above Fayetteville was in tho fall of 1884 or the spring of ’9I>, I don’t remember the exact date (aak Charlie) when aiie delivered the last consignment at freight that ever came to the town of Aver*thorn axelutively hy watsr. Oh, ye*, Charlie could cook in ♦hose days, and his 070 hat not yri lost it* lustre or his brain its cunning nor his hands their deftness, and the sons and grandsons of tho clientele his younger day* rrowd hi* tablet now on busy days In Dunn, at Utcj have for tho sixteen year* sine* h< quit the river and came here. Full many a yoke-burdened tender be* undergone a complete transfer matlen and become rich rare steal under tho skilful management ef thil prince of good cooks. In th* dayi of Averathorough’s flourishing post - .v iww ana I ■ ■ ofiwam Kyle'* landing poatoAce batwaei tb*r* and Faycttariilc w*a kept b; Marrhall Wude and waa auppliad b: John Norria who carried tho mai With a hor>« and cart from Fayette rflla to Raleigh a few of the wall b do folk* along the route had woodoi mall hoxea nailed to trraa by tha row •ldo la which John pat their mai wWch conalated of ait ooeaalonal lari tar from dimant ralativea or frlaad and nt a f«w place* tho Atlant Weekly OanaWtaUou and tha Ralelg Carrfti an Advocate. After-tha Wllao Fayottovilla ihorVeut waa complete la ’M and the epiri* af program gc •ili'uaii i.) Hits land romcom .’aned a n'U-ptpor idled the Dim tig tv beard. 1 uo i.ot trunk Du-r. ha» txen 'v J.out 3 ni-Aj]itjKr‘ riser. I rt'a sen: I thiuh it tn Albeit aur'.ir. who cut the original .imbet growth from the ground now occu pied by G. F. Pope's mill property. Four sixteen foot cuts between the •tump and the fin* limb he’d get, ai d occasionally now we run crrois a board twenty luchto wide, pure 'icart, that came out of such trees as grew ttcrc. Pshuwl I mutt be getting old, reminiscing that way. They ssy old folks lire in the past. Good night. D. H. LEE. r. H. In those day’s uncle "M»’ co"»” would tuko hit Ion ('-barrel led lilver mounted ir.tuxle leading rifle cut along the Cape Fear banks and »iU a do ten squirrels while ount E.Tie wus getting the stove hot morn toS*. D. K. L. legaiT advertising NOTICE OF SALE Ry virtue of the terms of ■ certain mortgage deed executed by Willie Pope, and wife, Mollte Pope, which mortgage deed is duly registered in Hock 108, ]*afro 271, in the office of the Register of Demis of Harnett County, default having been made in the payment of the notes secured thereby, the undersigned mortgagee will on Saturday, December 23rd, 1022, at 12 o’clock M., offer for sale at public auction at the Courthouse r\.._ i. i : 11:_a — _ VI r* *_ . the following lamia in Harnett coun ty, to-wit: Beginning St a stake in B. 7. Wil liams line, and runs S. 86 degrees E. 9.60 chains to a stake and pointers In the old Held; thence due North 6.64 chains to x stake and pointers near the corner in a hedgerow; thence duv East 16 chains to a stake end pointer* In edge of a small branch; thencr North S 1-2 degr»es West 84 chains to a stake and corner In a branch; thence North 79 degrees 8 1-2 degrees East 46.40 chains to tba beginning, containing 105 acres of land. This the 23rd day of November, 1882. ■> A. BLAYLOCK. Mortgagee. Nov 24 Dad. 1 8 15 28. NOTICE Or SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of a Special Proceedings in the Superior Court of llamott Lounty, before the Clerk, en titled “Sarah T. Hodgea, Administra tor of W. A. Hodgus, deceased vs Eva May Hodges et als." same being No. - c7. the Special Proceedings Docket of aid court, ositl the order obtained therein tbs undersignod commissioner will, on Saturday, De exmber 23, 1982, at 18 o’cloek M., on the premises is Avcrasboro Town ship, Harnett County, North Carolina, sell at public auction for cash to tba last and highest bidder, the following described tract or parcel of land: Beginning at a stake in Bcttic Hick's Brunch, J. W. Hodges and W. A. Hodges' cornoi, and tuna up said ’inarch X. 4 1-2 W. 8 chains to an old corner; thence N. 78 1-2 E. 4-60 chains to a stake; thencr the old line N. 24 1-2 E. 10.90 chains to s stake at the corner of wire fence, l new comer; thence a new line and u the wire fvnex 8. 78 8-4 E. 9.4G chains to a stake another new comer; thence another new line S. 12 8-4 W 12.65 chains to a stake in the original line; thence the original line N. 88H W. 15.60 chains to the beginning containing 1C acres, more or leas. Time of sale—Saturday, Decomben 23, 1922. 12 M. Place oi sale—On pramiaet, At cratboro Township, at W. A Hodgei Flome Place. Term* of sale—-Cash. Tl.:. Vic on a nan J. A. MeLEOD, Commissioner. Nov. 24 Dec 1 8 IS. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE The undersigned having quatillec tn Administrator of the estate ol Georgia 8. Gainey, deceased, late ol Harnult County, this is to notify al persons having claims against said cs tste to present them to me duly vert fled on or before the 24lh. day o! November. 1928 or this notice will b< pleailed in bar of their recovery; al person* indebted to said estate wil make immediate payment. This 24th day of November, 1922 LENNIE GAINEY. Administrator Dunn, N. C Clarence J. Smith, Attorney. Nor. 24 Dec. I 8 15 22 29. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of th« powei »te contained In a certain dee< of trust, executed by Ellis Goldstsli to the Bank of Harastt, Trustee, da ted May 7, 1920 and recorded ii the office of the Register of Deed of Harriett County in Book 19A, peg 229, default having bean mads in tn. payment of the notes secured there by and the undersigned trustee hav I in^ been vpccificslly icqueated by th ! bidders of the notes thereby scouted, ' ;!•« undersigned trust** will offer lor so1* st public auction tor cash, st dir. court tounn doot, LUllngton, N. V o . Wuinordny. :!io 20ta di:y of iknmber 1922, the followir £ Jc ] teribed lots: All those certain lota of land lying ' and being in the County of Harnett, : State of North Carolina, roar the Town of Dunn and being lots No. # to 8 inclusive in Block "D" und No*. 14 to 19 inclusive in Clock “F* on * plat of land formerly owned by JL. I. G rant.mm and known as the Erwin Cotton Hills addition as sue 'eyed and plaited by J. C. Brady, pW. of which is on record In Harnett County, North Carolina In the Regis (ter of Deeds office. Hist Book No. 1, page So, to which plat rcfemr.ee is jieruby made for u more complete de scription by miles and bounds. Terms of sale: Cash. T.mc of rale; 12:00 M. D-ite of role : December 20, 1922. Khee oil sale: Liliington, N. C. This November 14th, 1622. BANK OK 11AHNKTT, Trustee. . Novctnbur 17 24 Doc 1 8. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Tho undersigned having qualified u» Administrator of tho estate oi MeO. Holliday, deceased, late of Har »>L‘U Couniv. tllld it to nrttffv mII n»r ; son* listing ciairas against sain estate tc pretent them to me duly verified on or before toe 24th day of Novem ber 1923 or thla notice trill bo pleaded in bar of their recovery; all per sons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment. Thla 24th day of November, 1922. HARPER Met). HOLAJDAY, j Administrator, Dunn, N. C. Clarence J. Smith, Attorney. | Nov. 24 Dec. 1 8 15 22 29. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a deed ef trust executed by A. L. McLaachlin r*d wife. Frances HcLaucltiin to P. 8. cooper. Trustee, dated October IS, 19»/ and recorded is Harnett conn ty In Book 109, page 43« in the of fice of the Register ef Deeds and de fault having bean made in th« pay 1 meat of the notes aecnred thereby and the undersigned trustee having been specifically called upon to fore close too said deed of trust, toe un dersigned trustee will offer lor sola at politic auction at the court house I door, Lallington, N. C-, on Wcdaes uay, toe 20th day of December 1922 I cl 12:00 o’clock M. for cash to toe j Bigneet bidder Lite following dcacrib |eu tracts of land: i Tract No. 1. Beginning at a stake formerly a pine. Goo. H. Lee's I vomer at toe run of the Pope .bianch; thence Lee's line 8. S( E. 24.00 chains to a stake, Maliaaa Sill's corner, and runs her line South 7 1-2 Meat 30.(5 chains to a stake, kor corner in (ho Hobby Line; thence her line ok raid line booth 25 West 96 links to a stake, the Hobby corner In iianfoot's line; thence Baiefoot’a line North 34 W. 16.00 chains to n wnile oak stomp on the South side of Pope's Branch in wood’s line; thence his line N. 00 K. 2.60 chains I to u stake on the run of aaid branch a* it zncandani to the beginning, con taining 28 acres, more or Was, sad being that land conveyed to W M. Pope by Richard Stewart and wife, by deed recorded In Book K No. 7, page 4, in the office of luc Register of Doeds of Cumberland County. ! TRACT No. 2: Lou No*. 28, 29 :urut 3J in the division of the A. E. H&ruer orooertv in the Town at Dunn, as inown by map made of said property, us regiatcred in Book 169, page 568, in Die office of the degister of Deeds of Harnett Coun ty, which record is referred to for complete description of said lots. TiLACT No. 3: Lota Numbers 31 and 32 in Block “C" and iota Num ber* 33 and 34 in Block “V” in the division of the i. A. and Beulah Cook I property in Booth Dunn. North Caro lina, according to map and plat of I said division as registered in Book 1169 .page 586, in the o ce of the ’• Register of Deed* of Hamott county, which record ta referred to for com plete description of aaid lota. Time of sale: 12:00 o'clock 11 Date of sale: Deeembor 20, 19*2. Dace of sale: Court bouse door, Liliington, N. C. Term* of sale: Cash. I Tlii* 14th day of November, 1922. P. 8. COOPEK, Trustee. Nov 17 24 Dee 1 8. NOTICE Under Du power of aalc contained in a mortgage deed made by A- & Goodman and wife to Martin Good man, recorded la naraeU County ix Book 108. page *03, said mortgagt • deed having m:en duly tranaferres I an.l assigned to E. F. Strickland bj i transfer duly recorded In He met: • County in Book 198, page 193, ant i under the power of sale contained li i a mortgage deed from A. R. Goad ! men end wife to B ,F. Strickland i recorded in Harnett County In Bool - 116. page 441, default having boot ■ made in the payment of the not* UDY WAS IS A MD FIX FROM MERVOOS MDOBESTMM I - ■tel. Mlm.—*'l k*4, Hr a »•»« ■ow. mw ywwfcw cd rtonac* htmhW," ap Mn. Alaaao Port, HIT Chy S«r««t, tht»d»y. •'Tbt tOMtlWllwMMIliiUonMAl Door tad «0. I Ml »• I coaM Inr reeurad I17 raid mortgage deed* the un.lcrcigtaed un'jrnee and mortgage* u'.<l ( Xpcia tn sale at pnbll* auction to Cie nigluut bidder for oMb atthe . ioc'thour? door la LKllngtoo. Har | County, .NV«th Carolina at 12 j o'clock M., on Monday, December IS, lf'2? the following drrc Qwd laad: A certain pirec or tract of land lying and bring in Arcruabero Town* ei-p Harnett County, State ef North Caro Ur a and dcecribrd and defined at "oUowj, to-wit: Br[tinning at a •trice and pointer* tn a breach, Kra Llliio Hodge i and A. A. Goodman'* to* <er, formerly J. R. " ri*k‘—1 and Martin Goodman'* comer, end rut I at their line N. 38 E- 6.87 chain* to J*.i* comer of the Are acme Martin Coe Jman *cU A. A. Park*; thence a>. I'tnt Uni* S. Jig E. 7.84 chain* to hi* corn er in Ihe A. C. L R. E right-of way line; thence as tint line S. 88 w. d.45 chain* to the inn of a i>, .sell; thence up the rnn of the V ,**ith to the beginning, containing i.<* acre*. Th’.i Nov. 17, 1022. E. F. STRICKLAND, Augnoc of Martin Goodman. R. F. Stricklnnd, Mortgagee. Nov. 17 24 Ur* l 8. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ES TATE Under ami by virtue at tbe power nf iulc, coiteined in a deed of trust, uv-de t/y W. M. Moore and wife, Lo la Moore, dated May 19th, 1922, ■ir.d recorded in linnk No- 198, page > 10, of the office of the RegisLer of Deeds of Harnvtt Ccunty, North Car olina, and drfuttlt having bora made in the payment of both principal and Interest on the note, secured by the trdd deed of trust, and tbe holder of mid note having requested foreclos ure. ibo undersigned trustee will at the court boose door la LlUington, N. C„ Harriett County at twelve o'clock noon, Friday, Decem ber 8. 1922, offer for sole for cash to the highest bidder the following described met or parcel of land la t ie town of Dunn: Using lots Noe I, g, and 19 la tha dikleten of tbe land purchased by J. E. Wilson and wife, Ruaicy J. WB *on from C. F. Young and sold at auction sale by Murphy Brothers on December 22nd, 1918, bounded by R. R Street and Granville Street, each lot containing in Mot 28 feet by 140 feet. Also lota known ae Met 11, 12 and 11 oa map made by deem E. Brines la Ihe subdivision of the land far -ale of John B- Wilton and wife »:i December 22, 1918, mde by Murphy Brothers land section com pany, lying on the East aide of tbe A C. L. R R. Co., adjoiaiag the lot* of J. D Phillips and otl.cn, each be li g 25 x 1ST feet. Reference 1* •node to a bond for title registered In the K-gistry of Harnett ;n Book 6. Page 112. 'Ihe undersigned trustee will re* qrl'e bn per cent paid oa the day of w.l* ss evidence of good faith. Terms of sale—-Gem Date of sale-—Friday. December 8, If22 at twelve o’clock noon. Place of sale—et the Court House door in Liliingten, N. C. C. C. PARKER. Trustee. Tbe 8, day of November, 1922. Nov. 10 17 24 Dec. J. NOTICE Or BALE By virtue of aamcder of the Su perior Court of Harnett County ls kued on the 28th day of November, 1022, In special proceedings entitled “Tiiaddeiia Lee, Admr. of the estate nf J. C. Ben. doe eased, agri-vet Mary B.U, Ruth Bell aad J. C Bell, Jr., ct nl,” the undersigned Commissioner ipolnted by hU Doer** will on gai ner. tha both day of December, *922. at IX o'clock M., offer for tale "t the Municipal Building, In the Town of Dunn, North Carolina, tha following dvecribad tract of land, to v.H: Ona lot of land in tha Town ef Tunn, barlrmlttg at « point on the Wortham margin of ildccrton Street TC feet Esitvird from the iotence t;>on confirmation of Ccurlj ami one-third FOR THE OLD HOI j or | FOR THE NEW HOME iGet your furniture at— Barnes & Holliday’s I ^ v ,, I No store has a larger, prettier, more ser viceable line. I No store can quote you more attractive pnces. ■ .*■* ■■ - -■ - |p|| SEE US FOR STOVES | The Bames & Holliday Company I Dunn, N. C. ^ ^mSSSmes^ssssfis^s^SSSSSSESSSSSS&SaSSiSSSSS^ I - — . ■ ■ ■ — --—■■ Good Shoes Heavy Underwear Warm Clothing —these are the things you will need for the weather soon to —»twl there as no pin in the Dunn District where you will find a better line then here. Standard Makes in Every Line —The very best that can be bought—sold at prices you can afford to find at BOLDSTEIN'S ALL THE TIME. « H M ► .< . ; i! S GOLDSTEIN SAYSt BUY WINTER CLOTHES NOW. Gold' u

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