TIE DUNN DISPATCH ■«ab»lh I AprS U MM MUMP TWICT - A - WCU TCXSDAY6 AND nUXMkYB l. aw&lwi ~ -- CHh —>— HwA CimBm ~ »cascsirnoN batcs. Om Ywr .....|L01 SJfTfci.-*S CAAq IN ADVANCE D ^i2" o? T* MpokO cmn be raatbol through td» phpf.. 165. mT*to%£d.UtoX™4,VaI\ COT the ter.dsr aj each c»«mn«iem *iw OTUtC farmlth at with fci« awe It 1m not MtMnrjr tlut the »««»* tx pobibhed. but w* inn; that it b« n« aa aa of Mad faith. Matt aacciomtc of wmddlaga. tabi •*t»taa«t«. dab aiadlagi. ata.. an BACCCTT AMD TDK KLUCESKS. CPMonday's Greensboro Nows ap Peered Um following article tauehiin oa BoaatorJSeet Baggett's bill de signed to “preveot secret aassalts b wradcad marauders." It waa att on under a Baleigh data line aad wtl be interesting to many Dispatch read eta. It fallows: Senator John B. Baggett, who* bill designed to “provost secret as saalts by masked marauders," sayi the secret assault oa his measure ha begun far the shape of a whisper tha the big senator from Harnett count] is coming to wipe out fraternal or Am Mr. Baggett's bin does not eroi mention the Su Blue, but seeks tr pcublMc the wearing of masks of one’s premises In tbs recant Hat; note Investigation which the acw ora ater attends A it was sets that mask od as* moved in daylight and if tho preaaace of oflcers One of tin Hnrnctt deputise said the “masker maraudin'* mid Mis that warrant ■galnrt the two boys examined tw< *nta would he best withdrawn. Th< deputy acid be had ao pistol aad o: i there waa aa law giviag thi ta arrest awn without form amuast them. Baggett would , tho chazgaa by the rery Urmi of tho I* a native 01 - ——i of Judge Hunri A. Grady, who has bean named bj M*r. Dr- Oscar Haywood and Bar Dr. L B. Thompson as the grand dngan of tho Man la North Carolina, ■arantly Mr. Baggett received tarn >««tars, one from former Bepohlicaa •cjttjcmfabhra Cyrus Fsirrieth, oi mSS^v^zjh ’‘CUnten, N. C, Now. 25, 1ML "*“■ J. R- IhQitt, UUington, N. Co “Door John: Good for yon old hoT- I taw i«»t toad year yoyo aad hill and fmUy agree with you. If any thin* I tan do to holy you get it the law of thia otato at Waat, ctnn •ta *o. I yield to bo man in iay seal for law onforooooat, oouOtly aad im partially, but lot it bo done by tho onawAod aad in t*s oyoa by rwora tBMala backed by jromr eitlaotioUp. Tour friend, “CYRUS M FA1RCLOTH.” “®*ta!gh, N. C., Nov. 29. i»**. “■an. J. R Bantu, UCington, K. Cw -Mr Senator Baggett: ThU U !•* to nay that I rvjoiro at tho pna ••Port that yog will Introduce la one approach lag aeatloa of the legislabuo » h« against th» operation of tho Ka Ktat Uan in the state of North Carolina. “I have no sympathy wbateoorver »Rh tho organisation; It should not ho permitted to esi* in ear state, Iw k tanmls for lawiosanom and the •dMcstlm of coajtitaOonsI govern *••*><- In nod a faw tnoteneoa it has ^0“ S*Wp of mob viol nice of tho ■mat ahamoful kind. “If tho state of North Caroftna par mlta a Mashed mob to take tho law: ‘■tathtar own hands and treat a' AIRPLANE WDI j DROP PACKAGES i WOl Ry Over Damn and Viein ! i»y TM. Wwk DiatriWting MuyAitkk* Heult ep over Dunn for Coca Cota, Fruit Cake. Orocorioo mad crates of No Grape. The Fillmore Aircraft C*. who hare been operating In Dunn for the part two weeks obtaining advertising for their Aerogram, aa advertising paper published by them wiB fly over the | County this week, weather permtt j ting, dropping their paper* from the I alrpltse over farm home* and rar I rounding towns. j la an interview with Mr. Yeung, Itrnerol manager, this morning we 1 j learned that tomcwfcere In two of the : advertisements in the Aerogram will he found two misspelled words, one word will ho redeemed for a (6.00 gold piece to the drrt person present • mg it to the First National Hank. ’ The first person to present the other ■ misspelled word to Hood and Graa ■ tham will receive a box of Non-Skid : cigala free. I Look Skyward ona afternoon this • wnek over Dunn. These aviators will drop th>ee crates of Coca Cola i for Coca Col* Bottling Co., Karettc • rille, a Fruit cake for Pierce’s bak i ory. a basket of groceries .and one i crate of No Grape for Freeman’s tj Cush Grocery. This merchandise will ’• be dropped from the airplane over ’ the business section of Dunn in para chutes to the tacky one. ,! Nancy n.-.d Sarah Cullom, Mr. and '! Mim. Edward F. Cullom, Mias Eliza ,! both Cullum of Rockingham, and I Miasm Naney and Sarah Cullom. Mm. .1 E-iurard Cullom was attired In a hand some gown of brocaded silver cloth, , with long train and worn a corsage ot I sweetheart ruses. , Mn>- U. M. Potcat and Mr*. 8. W. , Brewer invited tho guests to the i *»uth parlor where an ieo course was - reived. About two hundred guests called during the evening. MISS MATTIE MAI UGON MARRIED LAST SAURDAY Frlesul* here will read with keen Interest the following announcement: Mr. nnrt Mr*. John Emnsot I*igon announce.- the marriage of their daughter Mattie Mai to Mr. Earl L Johnson Saturday, Nov pinker twenty-fifth. Nineteen huadrud twenty Sws Roanoke, Virginia At Home After December fifteenth Roanoke, Virginia. I The bride ia well known her* and has a hoet of friaods. 8he real dad in Lillington in her girlhood days and hat visited here since. She i* a young lady of such charming per sonality that the has won wherever fh< it known the sincere admiration at all acquaintances. -fJohnson holds a ruiponaibla po '.’rtion with the Norfolk Western Rail way Company and is a young man of prominence In the business world of iwanoK«. Congratulations or* accompanied by hearty good wishes for the yoong coop I*. Imnujr (lately after the ceremony Mr. and Mm. Johnson went on an ex tinriatl bridal tour to southern r* ’orts. and will rsturt by way of Mia ninsippi where rXs. Johnson has rcU t.sss - llam».t County Mows. The scrub bull ha* bean triad, con victed and sent noted by the progress ive dairymen of North Carolina. Hia “»>» am nunmborvd la those hards whoao owners wish to make money from their row*. Put In poor winter evenings study ing the farm baslneas. Write the ag ricultural extension service at B» lolgdi for a list of available bulletins. They are free for Use asking. LEGAL ADVERTISING trustee s sale or laud Under and by rlrtao of the power of ralr contained to a certain deed of *5“* «o««tod by A. B. Woarer aad artfe. Mattie Wearer to the ander afe»«d Traetee oa Mar *, IM1 aad duly race tried to the o«ce of tba Rey War of Deeds of HamrU Cernty to p»ek IS*, peyr lit. defaalt hertey SJAwsysrajus bnrtoy brew demanded by the balder rmmrtt: ^ajaaBavaac abatoi to a aube near fee aaaS Mil a dMrb wttk pelatere; thee a* the I •BMk M *T W.dJIebaina to".~ll Honr of sale: lldX) M. , **• ,f rrkUy- December 22. kVZl. JW*e« of teW-: Courthouse door, -*l.ia*ton, N. C. CLAJLRNCE J. SMITH, _•, . Tnjjte*. ri.:» November list. 1922 21 28 Dec. 5 12. notice of sale of valuable LAND *Bl1 by vlrtae of authority corns.n«d fa, * certain deed of trait *X9CUi*^ by WIUJs Pope to Kara Par ker, Trustee, to aeear* the balance ror thopurebasa price of saU tract of •wl, wSieh aaid De-d of Trust u of B^Id,S?r*tnr 01 a*n** County. Book 198. pace 46. default hsviay cc *i made in the payment of the by mid Deed of Trait. - e holder of put due notea haviu •’.’U- demand upon the underlined •uiu* to foreclose said D«ed of Traotoe will oher for sale to satisfy said note, c“h to L**« J»i*he*t bidder at pab *•* aacUon at the coorthouso door in t-*c town of LLUinaton, North Coro , M *; «:<>« o’cloSt M.. on the 18th n«y of December 1912, the following de.eibcd real estate to-wit: , F,r*‘ Tract: BmrUnhig at a staka " comer of Lot No. 10 running 8. V n ^8echfi^ to * ,uk«: »«>«• w. 17 t. 64.100 chains to a stake: bams to a stake; tfaencs N. 20 s! ..tores N. 77 W. 12 64-100 chains to a -Hie n the ran of Black Elver Spence N. If B. 3L09 chain* tea :a Henry Norris’ old field: •bonce fi. 76 E 13 chains to a mbs' hence S. 17 W. 5 cUteT* a\££T: ' cnmins to the containing slxty-o^© ^ [} more or lets. Second Trtct: Beginning mt m 5.skc and run. N. 35 W. 7.30 chain* • o a stake; thence 8. 36 W. 18 chain* . * S. 18 W. 10 oh am* ta a <-ekc; theoco B BO E. « chains a a stake; thenea N. 87 E. 2.B0 lCchaina to too beginning, and coa « twe' Court Hoosa door In L Ungton, N. C., at 18 a'dock M.. well ftt public sale to the highest bid der for e*ab, the folWinT yeal ey. tote m Aremsboro Town&ip, Hnr nett County, to-wit: Bang all of I.o!» No*. M and 10 in the division o, the land known a* the Oil Mill or :V Or.'o-vd CVlterr. ji b"\:d 1! r Ins fuiriiutd by J. fc tin.. »<«! »ife, Kci.'ey. f:cnlt i . •O'.' 4*. aUvi.cn vy Xur;v... 1' Uetciab r Ji. >: ir». rn,. n i an t f!;v,nv i|» fc'rv; bcicc 20 feet b^ is f. y ” l r di-vid^.k) ', «vm •» .•». , ■ amgsgo. «a » ..v i mbr - in i:'i; ,. N. .X SELL, Xortp .e o •••»>’ SI 28 Dec. F. 1*. TRUSTEE’* SALE OF LAND _ Under and by virtne of the power of sale contained in a certain deed o/ trust executed far J. A. Blaylock to the undersigned Truatos on Janu aJT 1 tth l»ao and duly recorded in the office of the Heglatsr of Deeda of llam*lt County Ut Book 1*6. page S.'t<> default having bean made in the payments of the notes secured there by and foreclosure having keen de manded by the holder of said notes, the undersigned will oa Friday, Jan. oth. 19*3 offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door in LlUington, ’ the land herein after described. to-wit: Lying and being la Harnett county, adjoining the lands of E. B. Johnson, Albert Johneoa et a] and bounded a* follows: Pint Tract: Beginning at a stake in E. R. Johnson’s line and also cor ner of said Johnson tract of the B?rb*r ,,SBtI “d U>*n«» N. 2 E. 88.30 chain* to a stake in the Dar Jlng fan** line, another of the said E. a Johnson’s corners; thnneo as Ed proves that Happy iw Sweat Feed sup et what grass no n g e r gives. This nous feed—24% pro il—with hay or eniil e makes the noil milk lowest cost. iadt fry Eifar - PI or fax . }Jm(ku. W§ till it. !/ or 'pkuur at K t WADE l>saa. N. C Cotton- Seed* ■WsaldH^ i — Wre pay highest cash prices or will exchange for_ meal FERTILIZER OR MEALYMONIA Ser ies situated next to J. L. Hatcher's Store. ;; -■EA,!;YM^L,AT-U^d lMt ye*r by m«ny Armors ' • ulcd it.80 t 0rt—W hi*hly recoromended by those who !I _ i • N. B. Lee and Fred Baggett agents for < ► Lee County Cotton Oil Company \\ ..♦ • Coademed statemeat of The Firm* National Bank, Duan, N. C. at the close of «-»-TtI M_l.. /T 1922. resources Loans and Discounts_ asm ts* no U. S. and Other Bonds_.J'* 41 oJftX Stock; Federal Reserve Bank 21 on on Banklnf House and Fixtures_I™"“ 53 329 76 Mver cent RJ^pHon Fund -” ISkM vaea oa hand aad ia other beaks-1 264^006.71 $•94464.86 LIABILITIES Capital Stock -_ J so ooo no I w? Uadhldod Profit*-II_ ss’sog 26 I I>a^^!S*Jr^HwrP°^°n -- 4S.Stt.7t I Fadanl 99*79.44 p'X* 1 - r - 40.000.S0 11 DEPOSITS K#dw*1 Beak- 77,497.99 UKrvarn. 710,729.00 9ss4.i64.aa I OFFICERS P. S. Cooper. Pr-ldant-J, W. Dtmagh^ Vl^Pm. I H. B. Taylor, Caahlar DIRECTORS f; C7*»fl»OB. Marvin Wad*. John A. Me Ear J L. W "Bo. Tin E. Cooper. EDI* doldateta. P. R &©per. 9 * Him of lha Johnaon tract 8. 84 M lb chains to a corner la a Spriig .. .>,.)> just below the spring; tbenci • the spring brunch 8 chains to ■ mie rnd pointers! thence 8. 8 W chains to a stake; thence as tin • Berber line 8. 88. E. 22.88 chain :ho beginning, containing 88 acres Second Tract: Baginning at a cor vr with a maple pointer on the E bank of Neill's Creek and runs thonc. m the old Barber lino 8. 88 E. 89 chain* to a stake In said Una; thance N. 9 E. 11.80 ehaina to a ataka and pointora; thonco N. 88 W. 89 chain* to a (take on tltt East bonk of KeiU'e Cr«*k; thenc* down *ald Creek to the beginning, containing 79 acres mort or lota. The lands ha rein con veyed in a portion of the tract or parcol of land conveyed to J. Boat Johnson by E. B. Barber and C. B. “<• wlfo by daad dated 18th day of October 1905 and racondad la , R*«i»try of Harriott County Book 184, pajr* 1*2. 7 | Hour of urie: 12:00M. 1 at •***■ Prid,y> January 5th. | Ipfio Plara of tula: Cooithouia door Lilltngton, N. C. ! CC.ARENCE J. SMITH, Troatea. Tbit Daeambar 6th 1888. The Season for Stoves is Here You will find the largest and most complete line of_ Stoves Heaters Cook Stoves and Ranges ever brought to Dunn in our store. Furniture for every room in the house. Prices always right. Butler Brothers Varina, N. C. " i . —-_ FOR THE OLD HOME OR FOR THE NEW HOME Get your furniture at— Barnes & Holliday’s No store has a larger, prettier, more ser viceable line. No store can quote you more attractive prices. SEE US FOR STOVES » % The' Barnes & Holliday Company Dunn, N. C. ^ j,, , , i