o—--i £ LOCAL fV-< i _ PROCLAMATION 4 Pursuant to a resolution of 4 '*■* °f pur Board of Commirrnonr'.'a 4 /t ilr meetnn lirlj December 4, 4 • ipreuirc oftbe doen of rym- 4 •"’* pathy felt liy our pcop'e for the 4 •7 trick** city or New Born, vul 4 44 ami tiprvarinjr our dcalra to 4 ’* n ■'.■v aid in aflcriotlny t ie »of 4 '■■t «f *>or propL*, ‘.hop Band* 4 -f whor- c.rr without homos, 4 * d ln Raleigh W<*un-«ilay visiting Sir daughter, 'Mm Eminn Lev Kltrcri! Tar: I'm four I a hunch of key* ill * ttalme wallet, which the tfrt.r Try get by teeing him EMU Goldstein left last night for , Augusta, Gn , in response to u mc* jugc stating that hl« mother waa ten nusly ill. There will be a 'special service at Ihv First Baptist thurch Sunday a rn Every member it urged to be present. Rev. E. N. Johnaon will preach Sunday inoin ng on "MtUatonea and Mibatoncs”. There will be no preach ing seivice* at night, aa the congre gation will worship at the Mnthodlst church. A. H. Carr, vice-president -of the Durham Hoairry Mills ami C. D. Par tin, general superintendent, wore in Dana Wednesday. It was Mr. Carr's first viMt to the Dunn branch of their mills, and he .was favorably impressed with the town of Dunn and the loop ing annex here. Rev. G.‘ T. Adams, the pastor of Dhriae Street'Methodist church, who -i—s— for the pa* several da71 for treat ment, will prdsch hta first sermon in . Dunn Sunday morning. There will \ also be evening services at the usual hour. The public it cordially invited to hear hint. Several clearance sales are now in progress in Dunn. Goods are being offered cheap to Christmas shopper* and you ran get what you want from Dunn merchant*, gales are going on at Johnson Bros., The Goldstein Co.. The R. G. Taylor Co., and Feldman's Deportment Store. These will con tinue for several days. N. B. Baas, superintendent of the street department of the town of Dunn has asked the Dispatch to re «ine«t all the citixena to clean up their promises early or before the Christ maa holiday*. Mr. Bass wants a dean town for the holidays but be cannot •lo all the work the day before Christ. TBM Co-operate with him hy doing your cleaning now. L. 1*. Surles and his father, Albert Surles, are in Raleigh th.l« week at tending a convention of the Purina Chow dealers of Castem North Caro lina. The convention is being held In the Yartsorough Hotel. MV. L. P. Surles is the local dealer for the va rious chows of the Purina Mills and has bniU up tor himself a aubstan tial business. The following item appeared re cently in "The Uplift,” published by the Stonewall Jackson Training and Industrial School: “Master George Branch Howard did such good work on the outside that Mr. Boger decid ed he deserved to be placed In the printing oflle*. George U now O. K., :-rd In the words of a former repor ter, “likes to hear the click of the type.” The many little friands of George’s In Dunn will be pleased to (ram that he is doing so well at th« T-ainisg school. Tomorrow (Saturday aftrrnoon) )■ fHo Urne tha Liberty Flyer. will 0y over the Dunn territory and dray package, containing Coca Cola, Fruit Qake, groceries and crates af Hu Crape, a new drink being Introduced te Dunn people by Dunn Papal-Cob Bottling Co. These thing, ant aii rnluoble and will be dropped la para chute, to that they may reach tlx rround In good condition. The lib erty Plyen will alto circulate then neper, the Aero Oram which contain! many Interesting advartlaetneat. and 'ceding notlcaa of Duns awl lu pee •ft'-. I nlcaa the weather b too bad ran may watch far thean tomorrow MU AKTHVK POPE f-NTEB TAIN* Mrt Pope dAlshtfuNy arrtertalnw tha Eatcu Houa Club Thuraday after noon Bridge sad Kook War playod at throe taMca. A deHciou salad coarse af coffee and mists Va f ) served. I' Tim club Bimlirw present worv: > AloMlamcs Marvin Pitlnmn. William J Ivur.'idl. Emnx lt Thompson, Herbert ■T.'ylui. Mu■ W)n ri.isoui, l>av|d Poar* - -ill, Louis Slnphi-nr. Vari Barefoot, 1 Oeor; k McKay, Mob (kiming, EUiaon ' Goddard Invited guests were Mum 1 l.lirile Howard ur>d Air*. Horace Free ' .uuii. AT GOSPEL TABERNACLE CHURCH There Will In- i-rvici-i, M‘. the Cos ' .0*1 1'ucc:narli- church holb Sunday . morning xml idg-.t This ,■ o now ; Sunday recently added to oJr aerri j cci and v\e si-ull jc **iad u> welcome every hony wrh* will com*. L. DAVIS, Pastor. lOCCOR SAY3 MRS. VONCANNON WILL RECOVER •*’’ '*hlit* Y'.inrarnon. wife of !' • V vr.ennnon. was »hot In the •: r. of tis,*- head a* she rat in i',j || r Rockefeller hunt *rF i’ • rife ..-..it Saturday night be , 7 r.u 1 g o'clock She la now • r Au:v «rf |)r. V'ntr in Duke hospital r'v-n •„ was taken Monday by Dr. -. V.. Ffill'ipc, t ie intending physi -**-^ Phillip* stale* tliat the aro 1 ' wound is painful though not . =ee-ss. Iy fatal. He think* she will rr cover. U •• . .CUB'.I .. 1 r M Ifmfiu ti Uiai »«, at her homo Saturday after o; ?i Vim! that her husband wu at v- J Smith's h.doinR with hog kill 'c<- 8i>e .states that Fmnk Trulore l“'l.1v to her home and tried to tn •'"•e lie- lo ran uway with him. She «nr> that si:* .rfused and he left. In '.fiw minutes Aerhie McRae came .n ..»•«! rot <'o«n and was talking to 'hr rhfldieit, of whom them arP four, rang »|* In age from ubnut 8 to 10 yearn. Mr McRae had Wn |n the house •>i)iy about five minutos when a shot n ~k oot and he iliscorersd that Mrs. Voeeanno,. wa- wounded. It seoma ll.st th. »l.ci war fired through a nr.ill crock n tie hours, the pflnt of the m.-toi being a very snort1 dia tanci- from t.n woman's head. The ^t.bl, h .If calibre, entered just ho hij.d tire nght oar and drove through the hack of the Heed coming out bc hw the loft ear In her .Utrmsil Mrs. VonrannonJ who lias been conscious all thu whits. Strongly intimate* her belief that FrrnS Trulnve did the shooting. Her I huiband's tUrtmenLi, according to'tha same Intonation, fftilove has not . been taken in custody. Sheriff McAr tan was ontble to find him whar ha went to the scone of the shooting and ir it rumored that ho has fled the ..I lf| country. There Is a nunJid story connecter! with Uio affair which is so revolting 'll it* detail* that ir u u,,nt to print The woman herself confessed u> thi officials. ho it is stated. that she hiul not been living virtuously ami wai then in a delicate state. She stater that the man whom she believes shol her was rosponsihU for her condition (luits. a little excitement was arous *4 when news of the shooting reach ed I.ill.n*"ton. Rumor mingled with .:.julntid stories of the affair mails •at that'tin Ku Klox were again en rampage and that they hud shot a v. or inn ami the whole rcedon of Har lying nrxt to Cumberland was shouting for help. Tiieee rumors (p.oad thick unrl fast till the officers brought ;n the true story of the shooting u» far as they had been able to learn it at its bit*e L.ATER — Thursday morning Mr. Whan you wiah to ruler money, re member* we have a plant that ia growing every day. To make the fi nancial plant of Pirn National Bank. If nil women dKMcd exactly alike when they went to church, how much of a congregation would there b«T Drenu-a worth whllr coming to ere at Oreoghon’a. * •. ll’a not necoeaary to call a row U. S., becauae ahr’a gone dry, if you food, her on Ponna Cow *Chow from I, P. Snriet. A man foraarrly called for hia pa) In hia anto, and drove him to dnnk. Now he taken the whole family and get* everyone in good aplrita To be perfectly contented, leave your auto with The City Carmge Why do wa kina a girl on the fore-] head when she hai an extra amount of cheek? For headquarter* for thing*1 that go to tba iipa, get grocenea at Walter donna’. • I . A baker’* ton ia neve/ hard ap, be cauae he alwayt goci te hia father whan be kneed* the dough. Whan wa need the belt bread, wa limply aay Mity Nice Brpad. % . ‘ Trulovc ran* into th« iherilT, nffitt1 mid <«vf bot d In th« atari of $-H,ooo' for hi* atipeo.Mi.tr at the noxt torrn of court. H« ha* engafeod Mown. J. R. Bagyr'.i O' MHitif-taa and th« law r.rm of Your*. U*« Hd Young of l*U»o li lilt AN ON ~rA.fU« and* in a:.' .nni, treat $1,000 U 160,000 fo? 1$ jom. Godwin and Jcrnigaa, A tomryh Donn. X c if. INK F**Mi FOlTaALE CHEAP—I Your «.ant.: to own a farm by pay-1 If n.r - IB 4 lU way and wlft th« • remt* p»y|f >: It. H]ia will be n orb 1 •x-.tr- thin renting A buying IB rototr.ebllr. Own a hMu for your j family where you cannot bo drHea I *w»y Rout.' 8, Box M. Ounn. N. I _C-_If St pd. CARET COU. WATER HEATERS— Lor and Fyc. Prioo. reaaonabla. -8tfc. OR RENT—TWO ROOMS FOR light>hooM keeping. Phone $1«. H Str. LOST —SUNDAY, DECEMBER lid Mm brews leather bead bag con talning a child* cloth. I will gladly P*y anyone whe ka> fond the bag. If found picas* bring it te Mrs. Man Maynor, Dunn. N. C., MO N. Elm Avenue. St pd. BRICK.—ElUt" RUN SO PU CENT hanl. Shipiaaats with la it hours ef .r receipt *f order. Laytea r.irk Works. (Established lM«) Marion. S. a Deo 1 « mo. HUNTERli I WILL TAKE YOU TO Pamlico Sound for weeks dusk, equine) and Mrd shooing for SMI ’ey all expense* except heard and rtbcl a. Board for SI dafiy. Private place. Beat sheeting. Leave Raleigh cacli Monday on Plerec Arrow con ■. '•rtad car. Meet parties la Smith field by appointment. For reserva tions writ* Cedi Barrington, Clay ton, N. C. WANTED.—TO GET IN TOUCH with some one Heading a farm fore man. Hare hod experience in crewing any product grows oc f.-rm. R. F. Monroe, Dunn, N. C. Cars general delivery. 1 MUMS FOR BALK AMD RENT— The»« air a* good u Dm beat, wall located mat "haichta -nfrrtir.it pally m«ll«. public mad*. J. a. Layton, Duna, M. C g Etc. LOST. — ELI mTAT BETWEEN Dana and Fayetteville a Matt hand bag. *10. PC nr ward oRaevT “ artaa C. 0. D. far <10.00 to A N. Jahrean. Matter, A C. B-gtc. IMirll, FCRTER A CD, CONTRAC. ;.-r» and builder* af frame atn£ - tare*. Cfllco error Bailor'* Malta*. rroa*|M and (aiia.'acteiy wee* guaranteed. 14 *10, GOOD MORNING. HAVE TOO MAD y «?r “W*’ Call 111 aa4 na will *ard Tt ta y«a. Freeman** Caah Groeriy. he Flee Hundred Tbaaeend Dbllata ta lenn on tiat mortgage ea raal ** Zl'tXgttJTXSZ Peneon, N. C. OCee third floor, ber.ocr* Commercial Bank Baiid J"A_‘Daa. It*. CARBIDA—ALL (IZZl. PRICES right. Lee and Itya. title. w'l IMMMH' cSSfSLt^ vu r^kvfLKC»r*^VwmtSSm ST u5jC NkUeui A/eWCU^ ft • ;_ ft M THE CHUT DEL NORA The WaeW*. Mm Clftet Wama* < formerly #f PhCadrt|M«. >o.| Locate* hew jn Daan, N. C. for til* winter , UMUb *■«*■ C.fatal Otar c- Dog _ _$2.50 garine Scratch Feed_ $3.00 Sngarinc Buttermilk Mash_,_$3.50 I Sttgarine Dairy Feed_$2,50 iiucrene Dairy Feed_$7,75 J.?st a few more tons of the above bar gains left. Next prices will necessarily be higher. Buy now and Aave the difference. i _. _ _ _ • FREEMAN’S CASH GROCERY I . , j — — m—m • ■ -» GIFT AND HOLIDAY GOODS AND ALL KINDS OF TOYS (MADEIRA AND SILK UNDERWEAR NEGLIGEES AND VIMONOS . > ' The Fifth Avenue Shop pUNN, N. C. PINE PURS AND CHOKERS i • ^ 1 m RATH ROBES—JAPANESE GOODS I * • / l _ H “StrongandWell” SCARDUlS The Woman’s Tonic holiday goods - _ ' to*,-* ■ ■ »V ■'v ■'' ' „ CHRISTMAS GOODS CCt-n AND SEE OUR STOCK The Filth Avenue Shop durn, w. c. . . TOYS TOTS t J————— ^ m ■ Each Department is Filled I Coat Suits, Dresses, Coats P Millinery of the Best p; Gage Hats W Little Miss Gage Hats |Pp Style-Plus Clothes v|B - . ... . ji^.. Ralston Shoes . - Godman Shoes * llj * , '» Queen Quality Shoes | Fairfield Shoes. • _ ■ KEEP YOUR EYES Ofi THIS SPACI Hassell Duke, * • * » __•