T. H. IPOCK DIES AFTER AN EXTENDED ILLNESS OoKItboro, Dee. 8.—T. B. Igpek died at hie home litre Tuesday after a itoer 'decline of many months. He wan a lift long member at the Beptiat church anti a most exemplary ciliacn. He was twice married and la (ar rived by hie wife, and eight children of hie flrat marriage. These are Mourv 0. L. and K. C. Ipock and Mr* A. H. Coward, of this city; H. B. Ipock, of Clinton; Mias Janie Ipock ' of Dunn; J. P., and J. B. Ipock, of Klkin; ami T. B. Ipock. Jr., of Asha villa. The funeral wan conducted by Bar. Zeno Wall, of the First Baptist church. , IN DREAMS OF LIGHT I.i dreams of light, when itarry night Hat lit the quiet tea, I roam once more, on memory's In eweet delight, with thee. •hore, The Golden itraitd of youth's bright land 1* spread beneath our feet; Wc walk in Joy, while no alloy Doth mar our rapture tweet. • Ah, happy <1 ream* I when gladness ■cent To beam about my way, R»t on my heart, and leave a part Of one bright, ling*ring ray. AH. golden dreams! fair as ran beams, That bathe my goal in light, , Come once again, ye bring no pain, Como In the deep, derk night. In dreami of light, when starry night Reete on the earth and eky. 1 roam with thee. In eeetary Beneath thy live-tit eye. —Ida Carolina Harrell Home. ANNOUNCEMENT The office re and Director* of the Farmera Commercial n»«v Benson. If. C., announce that the hank hae been admitted to moubenhlp la the Federal Reaerre System. Thay feel that the beak's -p-V-r and strength will be greatly enhaaeed by this etep and It is u this and that membership was applied for. The management feels gratified *«—• tt was able to paaa the strict tion required by the Federal Reserve Board at Wasfcii^ton, the greatest banking tribunal In the world. The officers and Directors barite the continued patronage of Ha ros . tomerg_ and friends, prooMag, lp a. a El II— ■ M I. ■ ■ I M Em higher things, for the community which it serves. Faithfully yours, M. T. BRITT, President. 2tc. _ < --^ ■ ■ T- , ^ - WNLUOMSTH smtikeii Ac otk« manager of a largo cor gonMIoa one a method all hb owi for diaeoveriag to what mental tjrp« applicant! for pobUena aa elerit and tteaogrogher belong. Ho etrowi Mm —* ' ■!,-'. ‘T *T. . anteroom with the latest copies ul «M**lnna ranging from Zippy Til,a and Cinema Scandals to the noti •teid end worth-while publication, i Oft time* while welting, the applies;, t |pkh> up the periodical Interaetuiy him or her moot. LEGAL ADVERTBWC TKUirxx'g uu or land Uadae and by virtue ef the pewe. i ef eaJe contained la a certain deed of tfime mooted by L L Weaver and wife, Mattie Weaver to the aadsr elgned Trustee oa May 2. 1921 and duly recorded Is the oMes of the Bsg leter of Decda of Barnett County In Book 129. page 117, default having been nude In the payment of the note secured thereby and foreclosure having been demand ad by the holder ef eald note, the uaderaignod will on Friday, December 12, 1922, at the eoarthoiur door hi UUington off*, for anle to the hlgbeat bidder fe. caab the land hereinafter described, •e-wit: A one-half interest in a certain tract *f land lying and be lag la Averaabero Township, County of Barnett, State ef North Carolina: Beginning at a ■take in the run of Mingo with syp reaa and gum pointers, C. Bodges' corner and runs N. 37 W. 14.W6 chains to a stake near Us mouth of a ditch with pointers: then an tbs ; ditch N- 27 W. 4.21 chains to a cor I osr in the ditch with one cherry and Iona maple pointers; then N. 07 W | 4.61 chains to a new corner in old line, not u: thdUFA 8*1 W 10 «t«« to • Make in old line between the 1* and 00 aera tract, corner not an: tfcenco with that Hoc N. 15 W. Id chain* to a Make to Betti* Htx branch with rum pointer*: thence down raid branch to It* month at Mingo; theoce op Mihga aa it moaadan to tha be ginning, containing 104 acrao mart or look Hour of rale: it*0 M. Data of ml*: Friday, December tt, IMS. Place of aalo: Ooarthoooe door, UlUagton, N. C CLARENCE J. SMITH. TraaUe. Thla November flat, lift. Noe. SI SS Dec. f LI. NOTICE OF SALE OF VALUABLE LAND » Under and by virtu* of authority contained In a certain deed of tract executed by Willi* Pope to Ear* Par ker, Trustee, to toco re the balance for tho purcboM price of aaid tract of land, which mid Dead of Traat ic of record ragiatry of Harnett County, Book 199, pogo 99, default having boea made In the payment of the note* aocurad by mid Deed of Traat, tha holder ef past due notea having made demand upon the onUcrugaed trustee to foreclose said Deed of TraM, the undersigned, Trustee will offer for mlo to satisfy said-note, for cash to tha highest bidder at pub lic auction at tha courthouse doer In tho town of LUllngton, North Coro lla* st 11:00 o'clock M-, oe tho 19th day of Docoanbor IMS, the following dead bed real estate to-wit: Mmt Tract: Beginning at o Make la semper of -Lot Ho. 10 running & v: feterifsr N. IT E. IS 64-100 chains to a stake; ehalna to o stake; thonee N. 80 X. thane* N. 77 W. IS *4-100 chains to o •take.In the run of Black Blear; I thence N. IT X 81.00 chain* to a stake In Henry Norris’ old Sold; thsara 9 71 E 11 chains to a stake l. ft W. d chain* to a atakai .7 X i.¥'J chain" to the \ a.: i rOnUi'ntng iix;j>oiu I • - ..Ilf of it**. • * • 8' * axing at * a N _•& W 7.80 chain . er S. 1C Wi if chain) i*h I* w. 10 chain. v: thence 8. ,50 e. f chaliu ..Ur; tj-caee N f7. E. t.M ■ n. to Oho beginning, and eon •* twenty-fear 1*41 acroe, more Ivee. I’dir I Kth day of November, a822. EZRA PAJUtEB, Tnmee. •'tv. 21 28 Dec • 12. | NOTICE 3y virtac of a certain mortgage I executed to ato by W. 1C. Moore and Jw tv, Leila Moore, recorded la Book i ' 5 f. I'orc 20. Baglatty «f Harnett ,c mty, I yrlii, 6a Otuakat 20th, Mr.* at the Court Heuae Jbor la L Ungton. N. C„ ft 12 o'aladt M„ Ire- I at public cale to thLvi-i.-.. bld d< . for caah, the following real am1 . (etc in Avcraabore Townauo. Har 11U County, t»-wB: Botag Ml of l.n.e Noe. 8, • and 1C l* the flilMaa of the land kmewn ai Die OU-Mill or. th < Colored Camtory, it baieg tba . * <r lota pure hared by Jt. E. Wikon •nil wife, Eafiiey. from E. T. Youag, •o-l at auction by Muruhv,Broa. on December 22, 1816, bmuvded by '■’j\ lio.id and Granville street!, ra~a nt being 26 faat by ISA foot. FbrJ fui thcr daaeripiloa, sac rmuml of aald mortgaga The November If. 1M1. N. A. BELL, Mhrtaaaee Nor 21 28 Dot 6 If, F • TRUSTEE’S *AL« ot LAND Under tad hy virtue of the njaij of ni* contained ia a eaatafa dead of tmat ewttad W J. A. Blaylock to the undjrnifoed Trustee ra «rv 14th IISO and doty recorded la the office of the Register oi Deed* of Harnett County in Bad 185, pan SSI, dcfaalt kav&g keen made intfc* Mjh* old Boater UhIHIN cteAu to a Bate in mid Baa; tteada N .I&. 114* chains to a state nd poiaton; theme,N. U W. «l chrfns to a itako on the Beat bank af XaOro Crock; thence down aaid Cmck to the beginning, natctnlm Tt acato Dooro.or lees. The hokMta aen *Wl am a yodho af the toast ae KK-Vi! rssa,iic*s "d.wtfo by dead dated ltth day af October ItOt and reamded to the Bagtobry af Harnett Coanty Book lit, pap lit. Hoorefoala: If «0 1L Data af aalai Friday, frailrj Mb. 1 ttt Plata af sale: CoaMtenaa dear, Ullingtoa, N. 0. CLABBNCB J. UOTH, Tirnlai This Daceoater Mk lift. Dae. 6 It It M. V / FOR THE OLD HOME OR FOR THE NEW HOME ' N % / » Get your furniture at— Barnes & Holliday’s * * No store has a larger, prettier, more ser viceable line. ‘ * No store can quote you more attractive . prices. i * • I _ SEE US FOR STOVES ( V . / The Barnes & Holliday Company Dunn, N. C. i . . % $ I High Grade Fertilizer* for ' • Sale - rr-O Ton* High Crete MM Fartttiuar*. 2 000 Tea* 16 p«. —» rtwapiato. 1.000 Toa* Gwau Kaiait. 11 per eaat. 600 Teas Cornea Muriate, 10 par aaart -__ 100 Tea* Caruaaa Sulphata.46 per e*Mt 100 Tea* Creuad Taukaga, 10 par «at 200 Tea* Dm Crouad Fish! 10 par eat 5.000 Toa* Agricultural Lfaua, 66,per etuL ; I '.000 Toa* NMate of Seda, 16 per eaat. i I See or writ* X to call ea you at aaee far heat prieaa. i I if & t » * b _ t * • *« Dw^Tc IMS. M«n«m Loam and Dtacounta_., U. 8. and Other Baade_ Stock; Federal Baa area . Banking Hooae aad Ftetaiea 5 ter cent, Bedaaiatiaa Faad Cuk « head oai fterdhar I # Capital Stock _ _ 10 000 00 Sorplos and UndMdad p nuef p War France Corporation . Deferred Credit*; Federal Circulation_ Bedieceont; Fad oral deposits_ fMUMJB J. w. Draafkoa, Wade, Tkpe. E. ' ' '1 ■ *■ i m THE BIG BUSINESS LOT SALE OF B. 0. Townsend Business Property * On Mam Street at Dunn, North Carolina Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 10:30 a. m. Most valuable business property now available in Dunn Barbecue! $100.00 in Gold! Lot Free! Wonderful aeroplane and parachute exhibithm—Biff* gest thing ever seen in Dunn! \ _ Sale Conducted By Atlantic Coast Realty Company Petersburg, Vs. Winston-SaJem, N. C Greenville, N. C 0 > N O T -MISS • I T! * i _ • , » i ss5ssSBBSS5SBSSSS&SBSSSSSSSSS^SS55SBBSBB

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