__THE DU VOLUME IX DUNN. NORTH F III! -SBggaggg-ggg!!^^— ERENCH TIGER TO SAIL FOR FRANCE Cloawa Hi* “Pwetcu Minion" In United SUte* With Spmch At New York Nrw York, Dec. IS.—Sunoondtd by frit-nils of France, in u hsli fee looncil with t!i« intertwine*! flag* of America and his own land, George* Clemenccau last night earns to *i> end of his “peace mission" and took leave of the United States. He appeared in the grand ballroom of Hotel Pennsylvania, before 1,30b member* of the American Committe for Devastated France. Immediately utter be had spoken h*- motored to the steamer Paris, on which he sails back home today. The Tiger of France received ova. tion after ovation—Aral when ha en tered the hall to the strains of the "Star Spssagled Baimer," again whon lie was referred to m an address by Joles J. June:and, French Ambassa dor to the United 8tates, again when he eras Introduced by Owen Wiater and several times daring hi* brief talk. fllem-rccaa .poke only about ten inmates, explaining ho “was tiled, l.*d u soic throat, end wanted to go to bed." “1 cannot Anil words," he began, “to express my gratitude for so kind s welcome. “I had made up my mind about a week ago to make hare tonight a long and elaborate speech to prove a geat many things that need not h# nroviil aj\iI to Util vnu manu tkims*. which yon know u well a3 1 do. -Why should I speak? I have got s sort throat, I am tired, l ajn old, and I want very ranch to go to bed. “But all this will not prevent me from saying oner more what I might lo say I came to thia country to ac complish a doty which nobody asked me to accomplish. I came to appeal to thr American mind, and the an swer cam* from American hearts. "*7 dear thands, 1 have'^sen . row* sMaq la this' bloody craal war. I am a wttaaaa far them, If they • need any. I know from the first mo much longer. Yo* have done splendid work, a* great I should any or greater than could be expected from your con* and brothers and husbands; but there remained a duty, and tlie great est part of it was beautifully accom plished by the ladies tlvrt I have be side me, wbo with generosly, with kind haarta toward those who had suffered to ranch, did more than they could have been expected to do. “For thia 1 am not to thank you— that is not enough. 1 do not beliavs in reward. 1 thing each good haul l» Its beet reward to itself. “I want simply to tel] you that w*» acknowledge it, and we are eve*' thankful for ft. When the Americana came they arised among us great hapat. Wa had bean promised the end of the war, pity, generosity, all the great dreams that man has when pro menading .With himself funder the stars. These dreams have never been realised. Wa were told they wen* go ing to be and wa all believed It. "fhit now a sorry time had come. No more question of killing of dying of infllctlag 'wound* and bleeding. Now the time for peace, that is, for duties which may be harrier than it scams. "America left after having (fitjn Uretted herself from the action of the treaty. I know the feelings wet all tight I do not suspect a moment that there was in American heads anything than this, that they had accomplished their duty and could leave the right to other times “They thought, seeing the soldiers coming home, ‘we ora through.’ The trouble la you went not through; at least we were not. We wpr* left and struggled and suffered, and we wer# not paid, and we have to bow and •pond money for reparation that Qer • many ought to have paid, but which nobody has found wuys to oblige has to P«f ■ la that way wo suffered and wo did not complain. ‘‘Bat as far aa I am concerned, I suffered very much more when I heard that we were charged with be ing milltaristie and Imperaitstic In Amariea and that made me jump tram my vary pleasant mat on the ocean and eonut to America to ask you what was the matter. "What the matter was, f know It now. The matter was that you were not wall Informed. The matter war that you did not knew what eras our condition. The matter was that you thought France was militaristic and ImparialMJe, whan Gemany woo mill tariotta and Imperialistic. And that *»et was that aa soon aa you aader Otood It, I hoard but ana cry—'’Viva U France. "Tn a few Hours I am going to aald back haring accomplished ■ mlsolou which I hare act roes trod, as • • BLUE SKY STOCK ARTISTS BONDS MUST BE PAID Two Man Alleged To Have Swindled Farmer*, i^iil To Appear For Triel J G.vcnahorii, Dei- iz.—Solicitor J.l ! C. Bowi-r wi'l demand at this term of J | Guilford euperio. rnurt, now 111 tet i rion, l int l’io bunds of J. B. i'cgram and L. R. K»be, two allvged blue B«y xrriel*. b»- paid, a* the man have not put ir. an appearance since they ware < ordered to appeal before a magistrate 1 on a charge of violating tlio laws of' the state regarding cluck selling. The two were attested last Mimmer I wfter. it l.« said, they hud roamed the 1 rural secllone of Dovie. l-'ornyUi and’ lUndulph counties, devouring (hr aha-! Udi or the thrifty farmer*, oil prnm-' i**i of great we*Kli to hr mad* by the stockholders of tho High Point Springing!! Shade company. The peo-1 pie who are suppoard to clutch a dal-1 lar a long time before they will turn it loose, fairly tumbled over them* •elves In giving their gear to the slickers, it was stated at the time of the men's orrnrt They (Mil not show np nftrr they' gave their bonds of $1.0 DO each, and Mr Bower is determined that they ehall be paid. Hr called for thecn this morn.ng, by a motion, but an account of the absence of one of the tnep's lawyers the motion went ovar until next week. BOLD BANDITS ESCAPE WITH «M,000 LOOT| Ho'.d Up Bank Manager In CtoeM Uebfcr And Speed Away In Met^r Cnr Knr.ens City, Mu., [lee is_Thru* bandits rushed into the crowded lobby of the live stork exchange building here jiatrnky, lhot anil probably fa tally wounded Thomas F A. Henry, ricdit manager of the Drover*' Na tional Bank, aod escaped with $9S, 000 loot A house detective and three other employes of th# etock exchange baild lag wore accompanying Henry from Ui* poataBk* substation on the main floor of the buildlg when they were •kr.niJ.rtW.,,1111 his arms and pushed his way through I * nearby door into a commission ■ firm’s off re fine bandit ihouted "Get back t'wre, or I'll loll you.” Then Henry attempted tn toss the money bock over a small partition which subdivided th# room. One of the bandits filed point blank into Henry's hack Henry crumpled to the j floor. The bag rolled to th, floor and t (be bandit caught it The three obbvrs backed out of, tl e lobby, hoTJting their pistols leveled *l too watchers. They leaped Into a large motor car and sped away. Th* money bap contained $100,000 in cash. One package of S4.000 was re-1 covered when the robber* dropped it in their rush to escape. Five men were aneeted in the vi cinity of the robbery and held fori investigation. MOTHER AND FATHER E PNEUMONIA VICTIM! Laniberton, Dec. 13.—Mr. and Mrs. Gaston Britt, of Route 4. Luro berton, were buried in the same grove Tuesday afternoon, both having died Monday night of pneumonia, fol lowing -nfluenas There was only two hours' difference In the time of their i death*. Two of the five small children i surviving are seriously ill with inflo | enia. If you consider your time, money and land wortn stynlhgh_, _.N__ sad land worth anything, don’t waste >'! by using poor seed next spring. 1 told you. hut hoping that I gtvo ycu matter to think over, to ponder on. You see in Franc# we arc almost rt the trvi. of the greatest difficulties *' have encountered sine* the end of the war. Wo have been quarrelling too nftan with England and this might hav* been avoided if Amortea had bee* there. “We do not auk for anything. I do not aak for pity. I do not ask for eharity. 1 do not ark for holp. W# want to do our duty ourselves “You hove been good toward our widows, tows in I our children, townrd our fotherleo* orphans, and for thla urn thank you. And in doing this you certainly have done more than a great many nations would have dono for Items* tves “If you think that now this groat motion for liberation' ha* carried France and a part of Europe through war for independence and If you think you cun do something for thorn, as has beon done for ■ you, My ; Friends, It I* for you to jadgn. "I tnd by this simple word which I I hov* repeated very often, and which I want you to ponder—a na tion can not be greet one day tad small anuthrr. FINAL FORECAST OF COTTON CROP SmnllMt In 20 Yean, Euapl ing Laat Year; Rank* Fourth In Value Washington, Dee. 12.—This year's ration production U the smallest in •wcr.j-t years, excepting last season's '.mall crop but based on December 1 farm prices. It Is the fourth most valuable ever grown with an aggro ,-uta of tl.m,608,9(6, not including :he value of (Inter cotton a odd cob oiueeH Which will total many billions •S dollars more. The crop this year was placed to day by the Department of Agricultmrc in Its final estimate of the season at 1,767,262,000 pounds of lint, which '* equivalent to 0,964,00 balsa of (00 pound gross weight (487.4 poo ads of lint and 21.6 pounds of baggtag and Us* estimated per bale.) Thia final estimate Is smaller by 171,000 bales than any of the government's fore casts of the season mads from con ation reports doing th« growing ssa jon. While Uiee was a Urge acreage in cotton this year, the boll weevil got m Its work with extremely heavy 4am tge and drought In many sections ma terially assisted In keeping down the production. South Carolina and Oeor *m were hardest hit ef any of tha cotton growing States, their predac eien being about forty per cent ef tbe average of the five years, 1918 to 1920. '-ember 1 avenged 2)1 teals par pound, which rub fourth highest la the history of the industry, bel^g ex 'ceded only by the price in 1817, 1818 and 1818. Statisticians estimate the dimen sions of this year's crap in hnlao to be equal to a cube six h usd rod feet square and m hundred feel high. The average per running kale this season is estimated at 808.8 pounds gross. . The estimated production by Stutm follows: Virginia 25,000,__ South Carolina 880,000. <e»orgla 721,000. Florida 20,000 Alabama 835,000. Misaiamppi 1,010,000. Louisiana 357,000. Texas 3,290,000. Arkansas 3,040,000 Tennessee 400,000. Mieaeuri 149.000. Oklahoma 835,000. California 85,000. Arizona 42.000. All other Stages 16,000. Prior to December 1 there bad been pinned 0,318,144 running bales, as announced by the comma bureau. That would indicate there are approximate ly 648,000 bales remaining to be gin ned. the CHRISTMAS TREE THAT SATISFIES 'No human being, of himself, is sat isfied. For this reason Christ came into the world. Last Christmas Paul Rader pent to his personal friends a strikingly beautiful Christmas sue ssge. He mid, in part: “Hew beauti ful a type of our loving Lord is the Christmas troo. It is eat down, aa ha was, for the use of others; rat dowa and taken from Ms heme to our homo for joy. His cutting down on that ctuel cross, becoming a curse for ua, satisfied—yea, praise God!—fully satisfied every claim against as. The Christmas tree sparkles with Irides cent light, cheerily, merrily, bright ening the room and the happy faeea; but He ia light arith all He glow ami glory of color, cheering, lighting, warming, comforting, delighting. Hit light slonv m trades; for it el one can not away all dgrkneas, letting ua ‘walk in the light, as he it ia the light.’ Thle light alone brings fellowship. Loneli ness eannet reach ue; he satisfies. The Christmas tree to leaded with pres ents He came to give gifts to men— the more abundant lift for spirit, soul snd body. In him and through him for us today am gifts, gifts, %tfu for evsry need. Our names am writtoa on them, but we have never opened them. Will you with me this CHrist mae draw up eloaa to hist, 'thankful, oh; so thankful, dear Lord,' amt take) take I take I for ho satlefieth the longing tout, and fMeth the hungry •oul with goodness'.”—Selected from Sunday School Times by D. H. Hood. Simple* designs tre the reoat baau tHdl. The host dressed woman fa one •f whom people do sot toy “what a beautiful gown," but rather "whet e hneotiful woman." Every thought ei giving your tar * partnership In the farm buslaoml Present the putter to Mm tbit Christ, The Doan Uazae played of th county lerie* is Friday December T. arts aing oeer the e eeon of 26 to 11, pet U| e good fight, »hoti were mede by bul the Dunn boyi [, egillty and si ahootiag. The ta As (ter (trie by a tol. The weond played on the December It, Dasi soya played a which waa end eh noting of waa SI ta 18 (too totals atndfhte far not ia the ed for Doha line ap for the Doan • • » Dowd ‘ ft. Wlleea. 8. WI lean, ft. Jackaea, T. <• PamdJ Field goal*, Wilson, ft. t; WQsea, 8. t oat Woodaworth 4, Foal goala, 4. R< ferae, keeper*, Mr. Scorer, Mr. captain. Mr*. C. L» —’fcm m aiart ed «pon«or, whila. Norwood Marrrtt »u cfeotan aa nMNt, aad flaittal Godwin, captain. Wa (aal that then people as pilot* and caardiaaa of oar bamkat ball taa wU krii« arach itupiiatiaa to ifcrfcaT*, m# that thap lorathar with Mm taar^dwiU wf* •oee«i and honor far oar acheol. rAwwnuujE GOTMfflOBSnttS Oa ChrMmaa night. Dwwhnr it **»• Senior B. Y. P. U. of the Pin) Baptiat efeareh aether* the CMotbM pageant “Bothlehear'L In the ebud for the beapflt of Bt* pub&eat large. In connection wtt l«h» play portray ing the birth *f Chrtot. then wfl be given aeooral Ublaab* aremapaiilel by approprlnta Wake and apoeial lighting effect*. .' Tha play wtU h* ***** opoa Man larged pulpit wtdt a h*e%MMd el the city of Bethlehem tn tha distance ea It looha today, tthtpdm ehatan term, exeiuaire of the choir will takt part In the pigMO* Tha. k b«»g given primarily |*a th* people sT th* too* neap <_ k the real sptrtt of Ariaenna,_it noaa th* portrayal of the birth of Je •oa. In ao far aa It ll mdlhl* for thl ancient yet oailri trie with ad id ** carion to bo humsalr prggantad. Thoec taking part far the fg—g bav# been In eoortbat rehear**} f« th* paat week and already a aoceoea fol spectacle |» iaar*l. Bpeolally a looted nmole far th* ehoir, arider th direction of (flea lea , ha been arranged. A lm» ae romnt and pragma of the u> orfll he ghraa in tha maxl liae of thl ! PM*r.' ' WILL ABSUM IMOUGM ARBBMATK FOB WIIYBI New York. Don. M Oaraimnaa official*, InaectW* maMfeiHaum n» ! white arsenic producer* ranruaiif a I conference ysetendnf that although | rhortag* caleiom Sooth aa b I prod action by ■efficient fee at a roMoo*hU»y^M A rabaertptlon to IIQI good fan and Kama Joantal make* a «*e f.brlatmaa prmaoNt tor the boy aa girt oa th* th* form •MG LAND SUE kTmsmmm i eond acted thU nli appear to bo a i eoauoas and 111 i man intoi agfr— 1 cation and tboir -TtrrrTr of i—dart' •pproral of aO prant ARRANGE PROGRAM TOR WINTER PRESS MEETING J. W. Bailor To Ad dr .a. Caawdtot Final FMMM iMpg At ftmta HsCal Motiatro, Doc. 11,—Tto tuct • Uee coiMBtttoo of «ha North CaiaMaa | program for tbo laid-aria lor aondan of toe oooociaMoa to bo beM at too Rto | mtoa hotel la Hfch Point T.ntoit j 11-1*. Tto opoateg raadon «iQ to ! at »tod .a. nu January 11 and too invocation arOl be bjr Dr. 1 K. Mo , Uitr, pastor of Vtdqr MmttIoI ehareh. Addiaaco of aiaaa <HB to Bade br Major John W.*Hoond> j rich. Prod 'M. Tats, pndlm of rtto , High Point ebamhor of ilnn—, Dr. M. B. Stott, proddont of tto High Point Rotary OMb and T. J. Gold president of too High Point* Hi | tranU Ctob. Ttortcpiaao will be M P X. Bardatto, of too AAoaito Tines. Baaiacao astoiona w« ooanpp —■ »« »Wi 1*7* « «UI P4**, 11, jto* »*a*»artw wm rrn tht South*!-* SifMtlM ■ufldtaf. At I -t V(iMk •* to* *i^t at iwurJi, B*n. ■ -—- — “-t-*" ink tadkB 1 «Mini toWMmtW*t*M* At 1 p. m, Jut. it, to* («m* I lad Monday than aa'aay day la tok »' lad to!»*,*»—, toMtohh* 40* tM can unitoi to nputo’fllil to day ky to* t* foot 4* wttk to* Cm ! Barvtoa DtrMoa *f to* Anatfan I Bail way Aa***lati*a. wkldt told B k*4 a* r*e*rd at daily l**dlapi ptta* t I* tto—»yiaia ay*. I tan toa kad pr*vt—a tatol aridck —i i raaahad — Nwiatir M. I WO, ad t aaaaadad by MO «u* to. Itailaw « i Ortakar 00 lad, attoa to* total wm toa kdgk*at far aay day dad toa ka I A atwdy of *te* ya—tta* dkaaa tod a toaaa «**atl»» ttoiek at* artaaiay — i la to— MW — toa kaB dattrrO aa 4 to*** wtto a paad kawa aad fan tm, eottoa Mat t» tfc* |*«*i m« COAtHOBQtm.iiiAr.IAJL, r Attoto* n. r. WALLACE, fcewtary. I UJJL-SnOTHSpST- .Z-Z ALL UNBEKNOWNST ■ STILL GOT THERE r*r*f*UU. Dec u.—Wh!*- Uel ■« Hay and Pel, Sen .ivpt tav elec p j •* the >u* certain moral per. erta cr 1an4 thair homo, mi op * whlthay MU and be Tan the manufacture af «ba atuC which Xr. \'ul~its*i abhou . *• ■*•*» thoa *hcy. The uim?^Ptc« f»rt a# the incident, from the atond patat af tha ianoeeirt e'eeptrs, h that • »a*ty •# deputy aavrttf* happened in aad faaal tha ttffl to full ape re tlon- Mahan aad Peter are aegruci, wha lira near Slocoaeb. a dawn mlleo north af (hit city. They are bow hearting at Cumberland county'* jail, na their otery of the gaacah af the atM aacnaad a hit lamaetir to Deputy X. J. Underwood, wha wua in charge •f tha party which made the raid. The dapwtito alao kaew that Bay had baen triad for blockading at the teat tema af Cumberland court, and ae taMad far want af *u Sclent art ■an aad Bay were tucked enugfy in bad aad apparently deep la a leog *M when the Sheer* entered tha haBaa after failing to receive a reply to tha »atnwe«. The ■»« wua tort ia tha aagt ream, bat tha aa- ' giuue elanaed abaoiutt innocence of / aay kaowiadga of |tc yrraeuc*. de claring formally that ^umebc .y had put It data altar they went to Soap. A crude affair It waa, madu al two galvaaiaud tuhi welded together. Throe gaDoae af earn liquor wa* alao faaal ia tha room with the sill. PHILADELPHIA AMS NATION PAY TO WAN AM AKER stock fahokba «U dm ta boon for tko.mmo ported. Tbs public schools of PMteitelpkte will bo rlssod for ouo ■mils to momorj of tho famous SMrrbsnt who wus long actively iden tified with ths city’s educational sys tem. The leading competitors of the Wanaanaker Itputuest store wffl close for the first five mi runes of the faaorai service which wiH begin at * o’clock la Bethany Presbyterian church where Mr. W*na maker was a familiar figure. Preporstiou bore been made to allow thorn suds of person* to view Waaamoker's body as it lies In state from lb A m. til noon tomorrow in Bethany church. Tho funeral service aad Ike interment in the Weaaaakor mausoleum is the cemetery of fit. Jams tho Less, will bo private. In tho list of ISO hor.eery pallbearers are tho name* of many distinguished persona la the nation, state ami city. THAT CHftlSTMAl PULING By Pnuik L Bbuton 1 It’s fin*, that Christmas foolin’—just before the trumpets blow Aad you hoar tho belli a-Tin gin’s all the musk that you know; And yuu’ro rick os all creation— though no monry comes a ml Tor they’re millionairei of light aad love—the little children, *111 Thate's not a joy at Christmas which tha older folks'll mis*. With tha ehlM-oyoc ahinin's for them, ■ad wRli many curia to kite; Bchaca af your childhood—(hoy corns fro* far away, •wsslact soaps thay sine yuu—rwsst act word* thay say. It's ftno. that Christ—* feel .n't Old And Joy is la tha haads-aroaad, and has a daaeo wish you: And yeo’re rich as all sraotlsn. whore fairy sols* sal Ta aiUioaaina of 8fW and loro—lh* little children, ait What —aid yoar to—nanity ko M* wtthout yoar ho— town payor? Wilson and colby law rum WILL DISCONTINUE MtACTKE New Talk. Bac. IS — BaSnbrifes Colby, secretary ad state lu PrsrfdaM Wlaoub cabinet, —»ml today that hU law partnership whh the for **r hwlfial would lormtnato Da csmkti Si, at tha etylrUea ad their co-yasdaasubiy tcnasnrt. Tha ma nsencofnonl was wada fra* tha local 1 Meis ad WDaoa sad Colby. >*l— saptap that ike tot-war r fraaidsat “is Write Ms enaryias «m ■ | — to sabjacti which ha— loop Sa il el tad Wa.* Mr. Calby made aa stole t ataa* as to Mr. WHson's plans for the Mm

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