pm - M^atHD 1V ICE • A^JWUtf 5 □ s •' I »i i <* -~ . ■* I | ,. f *: # ii hwrtacfct* ud dteappototoMato w« W—lH wttfc iknUuS imlN ud gr-.-' y.-. • .v. r%\ ** ■ •/„.. ■•»-* ,- s MMfe ltHTWt 4m biffdyr to tit* V >■?--/' •ifci * 1m **“ r~l-I iiMJL m gtms on OuUma sight st tits First Baptist cbareh u4»t tha direction af Itlai las Faaraaa. wiB ha repeated tasight is tha som aaditoctam. Thais warn a giast assy she war* turned sway aa aeaesat ad tha UmiV ad^aastisg capacity asd them tern thias af this east stirring drama which reflects is a vary realistic man ner tha trse spirit af Hirliiw Hies Fasrass and haa co^worhem sra ta tha hrmr pfadsetiaa, sad many win svs# themsetvee af tha appertsaMy ta arttseaa tha aaeasd titmntallin Tha MaaeeagV MUfcg as Wart Bread itm^ Dm f enter locaUte el the White Way theatre, lc naw being rasnadsllad fbr tha naa af tha Colo nial Am ana meat Co., which arm anas •pan np n madam pictmre theatre. Tha canting capacity wiB ha enlarged and tha bnBdiag thereagUy passant ad. Tha mnumis prninlaee high clsea carries in every yaittaslaa. Mr. Mamb Metres, tha prapeiator af tha Whits Way haa iccud tha Mi trip ilk tea spam hams and Is ahnwt^ ta large crowds aach aaaoiag Mag* waa act for tha mH erudaer swy. Beamingly tha aagela ad tha ■aly Ot, had aaaapirad with ths maMaaa architect af ths ntdaemc •atal day. *ra tha red af darkness had base withdrawn raaaaliag tha haaaty oi tha asraia, tha chirping HiVttm. wmttog frarn thalr etamhsm asd tla^ asd batataesa taps, apmng tram their downy leaehie and hastened ta , hahaM what SahK Nicholas, daring the da* hewn, had dsssrttad there. Ttotr toM ito to gwtiii w »nto» Umt n« to 11m toy tod Mt to got HmU «n MM HtoM with bright ud rw dliittoMvmg ud dtoag. pwt tog (Hah ito ritotow trmm toha rHw— wb* tori MM mr M Mtogifl tbtor ton with mtoi toy. (hat Ito FnM to torlwt Itoyto btobMfag *nr wtth Mm gbHtofMM •ad tfdia tb baby Ml —hart. Tawaaod wm tacaiaf a nm — on* «c tb* m>iti JuadlM mi «f hr Mw)l* Wttbaat any a otic* tba ear Ml tb* road aad fiaail mr tb** tbaaa A* body aaa a oouplota «nd aad tt *m ahneot odiamU— that any oftb* nwfeaH lnijii • oidaMy «tt aMaM taaabdba Day bar* mu MraMy. Bar**** wflJ tab* jlaaa la tba —land lfatkodlat •bank aad tba »itaal§al addra— win ba aad* by feu. B. C. Bob—on *1 PayrtterUl*. AiaMMMUl for tba oolahaatloa an bala* mad* by Praf. in. W. Vtn— aa4 Dr. C. B. Cadxtae THE GREAT DELNORA (Foia-oty of PWbi.lyhH. Pa.) Tb* VaUf* B- Gifted Woo* Lout- bn la D—a. V. a MnMb Pal—I— fry*—! Guo Adotoo «Hm la all aftdia of Ufa aial Ahlrt Cia-h b— at am Look P— H— ha—. M.aaala An J—t hoyood aad — *M—t frm Mow Or—*— Babaal Bafldtag OPBM DAT AMD RIGHT LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF na« » Under and by yirtae ef the powei of Ml* rontalnii 1b a certain mort gage deed cxecaUd by J. P. Lee end other* *a tbe 14th ef lily lilt, end recorded In th* atoca of th* Kegiitci ef Deed* for Barnett County In Book 115, peg* MB. default haring been made ta the payment of th* net* thereby »eeared, the uadenign ed mortgage* and transferee will of fer fer Ml* to the hlgheet bidder ie* cash at the CoorthouM deer ef Har mu Couaty, on the 29 th day ef Jan uary, IBM, at IS o'clock H, thi foOewtac tract of land described Ir mid mortgage dead a* follow*: Beginning at a Make with threi nine pointer* about 115 yard* South East of J. P. Cook'* house, his cor Mr. and ran* o* hi* line North 81 West, 8.15 chains to n stake witl tear pin* pointer* In the eld Uae, an other of hi* comer*: thane* as thi old line Bomb 4 l-S Went, 8.88 dudni to a Maks with one pine, *m htckorj and two red eak points r*. dm origi nal eoratr; thence at another original tines 88 1-1 East, M.88 chains to 1 stoke and oak pointer*, another origi nal cormar; thence m another original IlM North 4 l-S East, 15.85 chain* to a stake with black jack pointers aaothcr original eemar; thence m another eriginal linn North M 1-1 West, 11.10 chain* to a stak*-witl contain lug ST B-10 acres, more or lom This toe 17th day of December IBIS. J. W. LUCAN. Mortgagee. C. B JOHNSON, Tranafecoi ef Met Igf11 L. L. Leri noon, Attorney. December IB January 8 11 18. NOTICE OF EE-SALE OF LANI UNDER DEED Or TRUST Undar and by rirtoa al tka pawn of aata contained In a certain Deei of Tmt exaened by B. C. Warroi and wife Oehlo B. Warren, to Ux imdcrrifited Tmatca, rooordod fc Book 1M, aa«e Ml, a«ea of lUfti tor of Deeda of Ha matt County which aalc waa mada on Friday Do c ember 11th, IMS, and tka hid har In# been ralaod aa prodded by Ur and the dark of Superior Coart o Harriett eonnty, harinf ordered a re •ala of aald land, by order dated De camber 2Mh IMS. The onderalynex Traotee wtE offer for aale to Dv klchoat bidder for oath at the cenr hoooo deer, at LiUUfton. N. C.. 01 Friday Janmary IS, ISM at IS o' eloek M Fotlewinc deeerihed traeta or par tllg ff Firat Tract: Btffinnlac at a ear aer in the Araraaboro and Fayotto riBo road till ebaina from th ford of Babfood Branch, a itaka I •at on wait aide of road to tadieot where tka Una laoraa tha read free tha earner and rain E M 1-4 B SEIO chain# to a (taka with one rei aak and f opr poet oak potntora t Warm*! and Weet*a Una; thence a their Una E l« W. It.41 ohaina to i atake on a dick bonk, with on ptae and one black Jack potntora, i earner of Ia4 No. I: thane* aa ■ dl ridtoff Hna of loto No. S and No. I N. at 1-4 K. St.ll ahahw to a aorao: in th* abort named road, with atoki an Waot ride of aald road; theaaa a the 41 Sat and Tract: Bafffantac at i comer in tha Aromabofo and Fay ddnr for cash, at tha courthouse a.* la Ll.ington, Us land herein ar dcfcnbeai, to-erit: "ylrg end being in Hsrnell count: .e'lvirr she lafea of E B. Jehnaou inert Johnson at el and bond* <a follows: •• wt jr»;t: Be ginning at a stak £ B- Johneea‘» line tad alao cot ■ of aaid Johnson tract of thu -her Uni! and rent thence N. 2. E d.*M> chains t* a stake la the Du" log Jones Una, aasihga ef the ga>' i. B. Johnson's corners; thanes ar -he Bus of tha Johnson tract 8. Mil W. 16 r haln-t to a «erase la a Bpring Branch fast below 18a spring; thence as tbs o*tBR branch B chans to s stabs aad pointers: thence S. t W. 17 abates to a staks: thence as the old Barber line 8. 66. E B2.BS chains to the beginning, containing B6 asms. Second Tract: Beginning at a cor ner with a maple pateter am tho E bank of Neill'a treak aad nun thanoe as tha old Bahaa tbs E BB 8. M chains .to s stake la ggM Una; themes N. 2 E 11.20 chains to » stake and pointers; thanes N. 96 W. «• chains to a staks aa tha Bate bash «f Neill’s Croak; tbaasa down aaid Crack to tha beginning, lentntnteg ft acres more sr lees. Iba -lapdt herein eon reyed are a portion of,'the tract or parse) of land' con roped to J. Baa) Johasomb* E E "BaiW and C, E Barber and wife bp daad dated 12th dap of October 1806 and toseeded fat tha Biglslrp of fate County Book 164, page lit. ' Hour of bus: 12*6 If. Date of sals: PiMB, Jtnaiy 6th. 1921. Place of talc: Cemthooae doer, Lilliagton, N. C. CLARENCE J. SMITH. Trostas This Daeaabar 6th UU Dae. It 19 21. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND Under end by virtue of the power of sale contained in a oar tain mort gage deed executed by John V. Smith and Juice N. Smith to R_ L. Godwin, on November tftk. ISIS and duly re corded in the oSm of the Register of Dneda to* Harnett County To Book 116, Page 466, default having been made in the payment of the noter *» cared thereby and the holder of eeld notes having d—ended foreclosure, tha uaderaiinfd will, on Tuaaday January tin, IMS ad tha courthouse door In LtDlngton offes for sals to the highest bidder far eaah tha land hereinafter described, te-wit: Adjoining the lands of Lot 8mlth estate, J. M. Bodges; J. D, Barnes, R. B. Smith, st el j)beginning at a rtake and pointers. It tha middle of the Will isms plsntsdSow road. John M. Hodges’ sonar cad runs (hence with Ms Une N. fwRt'981 chains tn a stake with yap painters in the swamp; thence & MCE.-.46 chains to a stake In the BeeAr.JHm in the W. Douglas Smith |M now J. D. Barnes’; thenoa doH vthc Beaver Dam with tha said Smith and Barnes Unas S. * W. 14.11 chains to a (take with gum pointer*, tot Smith's cor ner; thence with his too N. 64 1-1 W. 64.61 chains to the beginning, containing 66 acres Core or leea Time or sale: 13:00 Noon. Data ef sale: Tuaaday. January SI, 1436. , " Place of sale: Courthouse door. Littingtan, N. C. December 81 34 Jbnuary 6 18. TRUSTEED BALE OF LAND Under aad by virtue of the power i of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed by J. A. Parrish aad wife, Nora Parrish to tha undersign ed Trustee on June 13th, 1933 aad - duly raeordsd In the ties of the Rag 1 later of Deeds for Harnett County ui Bosk 186, Page 1B4, default having bees made la the payment ' the | note secured thereby i ef said note having , closure, the i Tuesday. January Ml . courthouse door la , for calc te the hit . eaah, the following to-erit: Beginning tt i pin* atump mu the ■UHti of Jo* nh ttd ran. N. SO E. along a path 4.71 thuip* to a itiki ta a path; thaaee Id. 8 X- craning tha railroad about t .haini to a ■take, a comer of If*. 1 allotted ta Walton Parti*; thapea aa the Una of that lat N. 88 W. 80 97 chain, ta a ataka ta the open field In the tin. of lot No. 8 allotted to I* C. Parrtah; thenee aa L. C. Parri*’a Ihu 8. 18.91 chain, ta a ataka In tha aid Una and In a road; t*no* a* the old Una and with Stone*. line S. 88 E. 18.41 chain* to tho bagiaadng. contain Ini S7.48 niai Hoar of aala: IS *0 U Data of aala: TuaaduP. Januarj 88, 1918. Plata of aalo: Courthouaa door. IUUIngton. N. c CUUU8WC8 J. BIRTH, Traatoe. Thia Dae amber 18, 1998. Oaeamber SI 89 January ( it. mb street M feet to the beginning, containing two lota, also 16 x 1(1 feet. Umoo being conveyed to W. O. Hollingsworth by deed from J. B. VUson and wife Eon ley J. WUoou. •corded In book XU, page 6Mb sw ards of Harnett county, and convoy ed by W. O .Hollinrewoeth to Caaaie Xoore August 28th, 1*1* and re - ortled In Harnett County In book '8*. P*E* Ul, records of Harnett County. This Oth day of December IMS. TELGHMAN LUMBER CO., Inc. Mortgagee. Young, Boat and Young, Attorneys. Dec. • 15 22 28. NOTICE or BALE By virtue of an order of the Su perior Court of Harnett County lo wed on the 28th day of November, 1922, in special proceedings entitled “Thaddeua Lao, Admr. of tho ootata of J. a Bell, deceased, against Mary Boll, Ruth BcD and J. C Bell, Jr., ot al," the undersigned Commissioner appointed by said Decree-will on Sat urday, tho 80th day of December, 1022, at 12 o'clock M.. offer for sola at the Municipal Building, is tho Town of Dunn, North Carolina, tho following daocribed tract of land, to ad t: One lot of lend In tha Town of Dtfnn, beginning at a point on tho Northern margin of Edgarton Street 70 feet Eastward from the Intersec tion of said street with tha Eastern margin of McKay Avanoe, and runs , thence Nerthwardly parallel with McKay Avenue ISO feet to Kdgerton Street; thence Westwardly with Ed gerton Street TO feet to the begin ning, being a lot 70 by 16« feet !a riMk Term of Sale: One-third cash upon confirmation of the sale by the Court; and one-third In ninety days and one-third in dx month after con PBMbbhm tt.-matlon. (ha deferred payments to bo secured by first mortgage on the premise*. Ten per cent of the suc cessful bid will be required to be de posited on day of ante ponding oon firmstion by the Court. Thia the 28th day of November, 1922. N. A. TOWNSKND, Commissioner. Dec. 1 8 II 22 29. ADMlNIfTRATOR'S NOTICE The undersigned hairing qualified as Administrator of the estate of I vru*?. —wp mmrmmmmhb—— Goo die 8- Gainey, dee eased, lata of Ha matt County, this U to notify all persons having claims against said es tate to pesosnt thorn to mo duly veri fied cm or boforo the *4th. day of November, 1123 or this notice will bo pleaded In bar of their recovery) all parsons Indebted to said estate will make Immediate payment. This 24th day of November, 1922. LKNNIS GAINST, Administrator. Dona, N. C. Clarence J. Smith, Attorney. Nov. 24 Doc. 1 8 16 22 29. ^— i! ■■ ' ” -i a> » 4 i I Cotton Seed Wanted! i ' ► _ < * I Vi c pa> highest cash prices or will exchange for— ! MEAL FERTILIZER OR MEALYMON1A * ' < > ccaics situated next to J. L. Hatcher's Store. ); ; T.rr.ALYMONIA—Used last year by many farmers ;> ih ., aeotion—is highly recommended by those who ■ ! !! used it J N. B. Lee and Fred Baggett < » • \ | agents for :: Lee County Colton Oil Company || FELDMAN’S DEPT. STORE wishes you a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR A* During 1923 we will be in position to give you better service and solicit % your patronage. We also wish to thank you for the liberal patronage given us during 1922. «

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