J LOCAL * 0- ■ 0 U u Hattie Wilson has MutMi from a visit to friends in LllH^too. David Wilson U able U be oat i.fMln after a sever* attack of pnoa monla. Mins Lucille Harris of Richmond, Vu.. Is visiting her lather, Mr. C. W. Harris. Gvo W Gardner and Eugene Par k-', were buslnaaa viailors la New fi n this week. y »» Ruth Westbrook is spending tin Christiana holidays with her ma ll.o. Mri. C. R. Vinson. Mli. Rlonni* Perry of near Wake fii '.'i, is the guest this week of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Jackson. Mrs E W. Myers of Haleigk, was here this week visiting her parents, Mr. end Mrs. Martin L* Wads. Mr. and Mrs. K. A Stewart of Llllington were the gaests this week of Mr. and Mrs. J .K. Crocket*. Mr. and Mrs. W. M Gilmore and Walter. Jr., are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr*. J**. A. Taylor. Mr*. L. R- Parker and taro children from Wade rrtomed today from a visit to her brother, H. A. Parker. Mrs. J. W. Jordan, Mia* Pattle Moylsn, Robert Jordan and Jack Jor dan, Jr., spent Tuesday is Raleigh. Rom: To Mr. and Mrs. A. T. God win, at their home in Aurora, Tors ‘lay, December 26th, a son, William Troy. Miss Alice Poole of Laurens. S. C.. and Mi** Anmr Ball* Pool* of Little Hack S. C.. are visiting Mr. aad Mi*. J. A. Pod* Mr. and Mr*. C. A. Roach of Rod Spring* and Btedman and Mary Vitk spent Chriatma* with Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Parker. Mrs Mitchell Hargrove and chil dren left last week for Tampa, Flor ida. where they will spend several weeks with relatives. Master John Snipes, son of Mr. and Mrv. 7,. V. Snipes, who has been 111 arith pntumor is for ooveral days, -a reported m*ch better. Mita Miriam Baggett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Baggett of Lfl l.ngton, is viltaiag In the home of Mr. and Mr*. Jess* F. Wilson. Mr. Sam Fieiahmaa of Baltimore. Md., visited his sea, Bam Fleishman. Jr., manager of the Fleishman Bros, aborts here, daring the holiday* Prof. Robert Paaraail of the facuL tv ef State College, Bslo gh, sgeat the Chriatma* holiday* here wMk Me pore at*. Mr. and Mr* James Pearsall. Mias Clyde Sneed left this maratag for Richmond, V*, where she wfll un dergo an operation. She was accom panied by her mother, Mis. Frank Snead. Lieut, aad Mrs. W. C. Lao of Ra leigh, spent Chrislm** In the dty visiting at th* hem* of Mr. and Mao E. Lee They loft today for thalr home, r Mbs Pearl Wilson laft Tuesday for a ten-days trip te New York. Bhs Joined a party at Rocky Mont aad Washington and they srill make the trip together. Mrs. R. C. Taylor aad son, Harry, and daughter, Mary, aad Mr. Jim Da vis, have returned front 'Gastonia, when they attended the Taylor-RaV tie wedding. Mr. and Mr* Jams* Hamptoa, who have been in West Virginia far th* past several weeks, ere here spend ing sometime with Mr* ITiuptoik parent* Mr. aad Mr* Martin Wed*. The Christina* Pageant, "Bethle hem" which pleased eeeh a large congregation at' the First Bap tint church last Monday night, will be presented at th* chuiuh again tonight. The peblie is invited. The graded schools will re-op** next Wednesday morning, A* teach er* who went to their homes to spend the Christmas holidays, will all re turn by Tuesday algid and be ready for the opening Wednesday mo ra iny Mr. and Mrs. DU* Thornes of Rockingham, A man Thomm tad Mr. Williams, of Maxton, Willie Joseph end Mies Marie Joseph of Laorinburg ami Lewie Sherman of Richmond, Ba. were the holiday geest* of Mr. gad Mr* ITirrf Thnmaa Jess* and Mask Dsaaing, of How folk, V*_, visited relatives In Don thia week. Their mother, Mrs. JnUa Denning, died while on a visit Is thorn •everal week* ago and was bnriod at Norfolk. Their nwnj /friends here eympathlm with them In the lorn of their mother. Ooo. W. Gardner, who has charge of the ainging at the Method!** Ban day school and Mr*. Baiph Wade, the organ!at, were each presented with a gold fotmtiaa pin daring the Bun - day srhool hoar last Banday for their fnithfal terries daring the past year. The gifts warn given by the Ben Soy Reheel. Goa. K. Qrendbam, chairman far Harnett cownty of tbs Woodrow Wil son Fo ends tiee fund. has aebod the Dispatch to *Uta that ba Is stiU re ceiving donations from thorn who with ta cewtrtbwto ta Wig food. Ho • tmpolgn I* being too fasted but Mr. Grantham I* anxious far Harnett ta raise tin gaota. Do net! one may be handed ta him a* any Mate apd they 1 will lx forwarded kaaHkld) * data headquarter*. - Otto P. Shall ft la Raleigh today 01 buii now. Ooorge Moans of Marlon, g. C. Visited relatives hero this wnk. Miss Gladys Davanport has return od from a visit to friends at Clinton Mr. and Mrs. H. Q. Pape of Oby ten. spent Monday here with rain tie as. L. T. Jeralgan at Wilmington, vaj hero Christinas to spend a few dayi with relatives. Safus Gardner of Waahiagton, D C., is hero this week visiting his la User, TL Gardner. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Herring oi Roseboro. were her* this weak lh< rursde of Mr. and Mra. Horace Proa Rev. A. B. Harrrll of Petersburg, Va., returned home Wednesday af tor spending a few days hero with relatives. Joe Green, colored, hae found a watch, and wants to find the owner Set him and if it Is yours he will bt glad to turn it over to you Robert Young, who has been con fined to his room at Young's Hotel for the poet two weeks suffering from pneumonia, to able to be out again. Mia. A. H. Harrell left today for Petersburg, Va, after spending the holidays here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pope Shs was accom panied home by Master Harrell Pope, who will spend several days with her. WILLIAMS-JERNICAN A quiet bat irapreeriv* wedding ceremony wee solemnised on the *v er..ng of the Slat at the home of Rev. E. N. Johnson when Mr. Adoh phna Williams was united In mar nag* to Mias Reva Jernigan. Only a few relatives and intimate friends were present when Rev. Johnson spoke the words that Mended the lives of thee* tw* popular young people. Miss Jernigan 1* the beautiful daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Jar ntgan and has resided In Dunn all of her life. Possessed ef a charming personality and a gracious ——t* *h* has the beM wishes of a hast sf friend*. Mr Williams is one of our progres sive young business men, being con nected with the establishment of Mr. J- T. Guy. H* came to Dunn a few years ago from Trey, N. C.. and be cause of his sterling qualities and sunny disposition is deservedly po polar. The happy couple hove returned from their wedding trip and are bow at home to their friends at the ruei dsoc* of Mr. M. L. PMllpa. MISS BATTLE BRIDE OP »**. R. a TAYLOR. JR. In a ceremony of marked bounty and charm place Tuesday at high noon at 8t Mark's Episcopal rharch Miss Iva Battle and Mr. Ran som Garland Taylor, Jr., wers united in marriage. Rev J. W. C. Johnson, rector of St Mark's pronouncing the ecremony. The church was lovely with decorstoona of pahas. white lilies and lighted cathedral candles. The bridal musie was rendered by Mia Louis Pry. using the Bridal Chorus front Lohengrin as the bridal party enter ed and Mendelssohn's wedding march as a recessional Before the entrance of the bridal party, a quartet Incled '»« Mari* Terre ace. Mn. L. H. BnlthU, Mr. Lucy Adam* sad Mr. P. B Thompson sang "The Voice That Brttthtd O'er Llan " after .rkiuk Him Marie Torrence Mg “0 Perfect t^re.” The Bret to enter was the Dover giri. little Miss Jane McKay, deter of th* bride, wearing a dainty frock of white crepe d* chine with •kirt and bertha of lace and carrying »" frory basket from which ah* scat tered pink rose petals in th* path of the bride and groom. Th* maid of honor was the bride** rioter, Mlai Westray Battle wearing a oharmln* gown of nory Poirot bwiJKwtth molt trimming* and a black *atin hat trine mod with mole. She carried an arm bosquet of ftasasl] rosea The bride entered with her step-father, Mr. H. H- McKay, who gar* her In marriage vaa strikingly Lorely In a tree el tng coetom* of Malay bream dot* trimmed with bearer, with hat ant sccseeories to match. 8he wore a cor cage Of orchids and ralley Uliea The groom waa attended by Mr. Jam ns D Daei* of Darn, as best man. Th< groom and bis attendant entered fren th* eretry and sset the bride at the ehaneel. After the ceremony Mr. an< Mm. Taylor loft for a bridal trip te Washington, New Tork and ether net thorn el tie*. Mrs. Taylor Is lb* oldest daoghte *f th* lata Jacob Battle Jr., rf Keek] Mount, and Mr*. H. H. McKay, of tM elty, and a stop daughter af Mr. H H. McKay. Mi* eras ednested at th< Southern Conesnretsry of Music. am Is a charming and accomplished giri She is a finished musician and darbij her reeidence la Oastenla has bee prominently IdsstMsd with the muri eal 11ns af the cHy. She la eery pope Ur In social eirrieo and wtt be gens Inely missed by scores of friend* wh regret that rim I* to auk* her boos rise where Mr. Taylor la a me of Mi and Mr*. K 0. Taylor a Dunn, and is eoimseted In bsrinee with the B. 0. Taytar « that u»*, N. C. 29 St p± BRJC9L-E1LN RUN S* PER CENT Hard. Shipment* within if Soaiu after receipt of order. Layton Brick Work*. (Eetahli.bed IMS) Mariea. E C. Dec 1 S mo. FARMS FOE RENT.—I HAVE FOR rent three one-bo ret forme. Will rent to one man or will rent sep arately. Situated about two mllee ot Dunn and one mile from fair ground* Will rent for itanding rent or on charm. Fairly good building* and oi>t-hou*e* on land. If interveted aee or communicate with Joel J. Lee, Owner, Duna, Ne. I 29 Zt pd. CADET COIL WATU HEATERS— Lm and Hr*. Prim [mimAIi Ml*. LOST—BETWEEN C. W. NAY* lar*a residence and E. V. aainer'i reiidenee, gold ahrine pin. Finder plcart return to Mre. Roger Brook*, lie. NONET TO LOAD ON FAJLM ianSa to ar>«m trm »1,000 to IH.M4 to* it raw. Qodwta and Jeralg**, Attmar* Dune. N. C tz. FOR SALE.—FORD SEDAN IN good eonftteoa. 8*e Ear. G. T. Adama or Z. V. flnipaa, Dunn, V. C. Itofe. CAR BICE.—Ali" SIZES. PUCES rtghL Lew and Eg*. CM* AUCTION SALE.—THE SALE OF the late S. P. M. Tart peraonai pro perty win take place at his late residence oa January 9th, 192S.1 Thoae interested in bayimt ahauid »w«nd — M I iCARDUli Z Tlie Woman’s Tonic " - ■ ■> Xmas Is Over But Another One Is Coming Allow ua to thank you, my friends and coetomera, for your patronage since we have bean here in your Hty. It haa bean reported that wa would leave after rhristmas, but let ua say that wa ara hare to stay. Wa told you in our Christina# ad that our brother raised the excellent fruit thst we were selling. He Is still rais ing it every day, and w# ara going to get our share from time to time. You will And it at oar place of buai ueas with the best line of fruits and candles, also vege tables in season, that the market affords. Again thanking you for your past patronage and soliciting a > liberal share in the future. Wa want you one and all to know that our motto haa always been and ah all al 1 fW* he satisfaction guaranteed or your money cheer fully refunded. I have juct received a message from i my brother that he has recently purchased on# thou I sand acres of the A nest orange, grape frnit and tanger ine farms in the State of Florida and my brother and t 1 stand shoulder to shoulder, so my friends can always i get the best stuff at right prices because wa are In a t® do this. Remember its my brother and I. Wishing you one and al) a prosperous New Year. ’ Yours to Serve, i ___ M. S. DIBS DUNN, —NORTH CAROLINA % ' * - lirrlaei At MidtBii CWnk P>weehin* Milan. •BdT’jp m. by the patter, Ear. O. T. AAama Subject at mo minx aarmani “Chriet’i Power to Draw Mao." Subject at erasing tannon: “Tounx Man, What a Chant a” Sunday tthoal (Ml a a H. L. Godwin, lupertntesdam Han't Bible Clam 9:46 a m. Prot. W. 8 Solpae, leather; W. O. Johaaen Prea tdant. Midweek pmyer-tnaatlnx Wed* Mwdty T:U j> *., aoadaaUd by the patter. The public cordially inrttad to all tha aarrteae of the ahatah. Atten dee nubara—x«od aude. NOTICE • _ Tha Anneal moot hug of tha ateefc holdcra of the Pint National Bank of Dunn. N. C-. will bo bald is tha city of Dunn. N. C„ an tha 18th. of Juno* try mi. tha third Tneeiiey, at 1S:S0 a a., for the purport of eleaflux • Board of Director* to orrr* for tht •aeuing year and for acti^ apon «a«h matter* a* teal ba brmi|bl ba* 'or* tha meatinx a tthait than. a B. TAYLOR, Caabiar. December 18 th. 1P12. Dec 18 18 Jan 8 U. •OX PABTY A SUCCESS A bo* pony gioon by tbo Mary' Stewart school Friday night Deo*is b*r tt war attended by a Urge andj thoroughly good cats red aadlsacc.j »*tMn bout wet* sold for a total af j IMPS, end the total receipt* of th*: evening were around Itl.tO. Th* school and faculty wish to ** ^roat eincera thaafco to all. aad aa soeially to Msasra. Byrd aad McDon ald who auctioned a* the boxes, aad Mr. J. Steven* of Dnan who raffled off a oaks, which was prosoated by I Miss Mary Boll Fasfcasv of Dana.' a former teacher The cab* was duly appreciated aad added materially to tb* receipt*, which wore derated te cancelling a note oa the achoo) piano. J C. WOOD. Principal. DUKE NEWS Duke. Dm. Si—da the proaonre at the moot intimate friends, Mr. A. D. j Woodworth aad Mia* Kaaioe Byrd wot* united la marriage at th* home j of tb* bnd# Saturday night. Th*; wadding was a guiet affair only doe* frianda af tbo bride aad groom being ptowat. Th* coronaany wo performed by th* Bor. A. C. McCall, pea ter of the Baptist church at Daks. Mr. and Mrs. Woodworth will nmk* incir nome ax uui«. Beguening Inst fltsndiy Bight and continue* through Sunday Bight the Chut mat season was ushered U hem with appeepriahs •tanlstf. The Mr via Concert hand meietad by the other musical orgHctaatloae at the town gam a very ytaaaisw concart roauisting ad Christmas songs tad music. Friday sight the Sunday schools of tho town held their annual Chriatmae tree exercises On Satur day sight the Community Christmas True was held lo the Lyceum. The Girls Friendly chib assisted at these exercises and, at which several Im pressive end henaScial {talks were made by tome of the tewa'i moat pro minent eitisane. These talks ware on the general theme af Christmas sad what it meant and hew It should be observed. The pesters af tbs churches Sunday roaming and night, preached about the birth of the Saviour. Mr. and Mrs C. S Ricks spent the Chriatmae holidays with relatives In Wilmington. Mlet Whitney Holt of Saint Mary’s School, Saleigh, la spending the hoB-j day* bar* w ith ha/ part ala. Da. and Mr*. W. F. Hail MM. Mary McKay *f Mara Me D—aid Ctlltft, Bad y»* it apaadta* tha holiday* km with har paraata. Mr. aad Mr*. F. M. McKay. Mia* farah Barbour af OraaMhor* ia apaadlat tavaral day* bar* with friend*. Barr. H. L Daria, paatar af tha Methodic* abort h, ia apaadia* tovarol lay* with rotative* at Mm*. Mia* Lowiaa Saddle af CaiwUna CoDa**, Motion, ia apandia* tb* hal idaya her* with her parcel*. Mr. and Mra. B C. Oaddia. W. F. Halt. Jr, atataatt af tha Cilrtnky at North Carolina, ia apandiny the holiday* her* with hi* parants. Dr. sad Mr*. W. F. Bolt Mr. and Mn. Arthur K.lly af Maw port News. Ga, art apandlnff arr rral day* bar* with ralatiraa. Ftwf. W. M. Fowler of tb« Qein rrly orhooi, Oriftan, I* opending the Mldny han with bU parrau, Mr. iaod Mia. A. r. Mr. O. A. Zachary ayant tha tioildayi with Ma par.au at CpaWawua. Mr aa* Mm B ft. BaMy «prot tha haMday* with fiionda at MooaotriUa. Mr. and Mil L C. Tho mat amt tha holiday* with friaada la Ooldo ! boro. Mr. and Mm ft T Doolcl tpoot th. holiday* with iwUtiaoa m W.U ' \ ton. Mr. and Mir. ft. J. Clark* apart th* holiday, with toIran in LiuMon. Mitt Praacli BoWraon spam tha 'hoUdaya with kn parwnta in Ban paria, Va •tywart KfTar, atwdaut at Dartd ron Collrtr*. it rpandinp tha balidaya Sara with hi* parwarta, Mr. and Mr*. F M. Mriay. May, tha jvuap daopftoT of Nr. o»d Mta. W. A. Goodrich, la vary ill w4tb paaamonla la tha Good Bop. Ho^dtal. Mr. Farmer— Use lime—It will make you money. ! We have jut receded a car of MAS* ; COIT ground lime stone and the price is r i^kt. Come to see us at once if you want soy Cur winter end spring use. We dp not think it v/ill last eery long as thase is a big demand fcrUme this year on account of the price and : He BOLL WEEVIL. Johnson Cotton Company . Dunn, North Carolina ; KiJ • ....... —■-■ VULCUN PLOWS We now have on hand a supply of VULCAN PLOWS and PARTS YOU KNOW THE QUALITY JOHNSON BROS. . • Dunn, North Carolina • • »* - LINCOLN Get Behind the Wheel yij T-L. The eaae of mind and R tkai. Puui.^ | driving a Lincoln ^jwatnget open ^ throttle until you 1 $4900 The ^cylinder motor—cylinder block* act at UJ raeoank an included angle of 60*. the refinemente of yS Tea Body Typee which show the pretest engineering dUB in the motor car ioduetry. givea to the Lincoln. MV without qualification, the L| power plant | 1 J. W. Th 01 I M ru*m