I LOCAL 0 0 ‘ 0 ¥ WOMANS CLUB CALENDAR ¥ ¥ FOR JANUARY ¥ ¥ - ¥ ¥ Malic Department, Friday ¥ ¥ P. II., 3 JO Ocloek,'Janunxy 5, ¥ ¥ 1039. ¥ ¥ Buinta—Clncj Department ¥ ¥ — Friday P. M., 8 Odock, Jana- ¥ ¥ ary 12. 1928. ¥ ¥ Ho-ns Economics Department ¥ ¥ .Friday, P. M-, 2 JO O'clock, ¥ ¥ January 26, 1923. ¥ ¥ MERRY CHRISTMAS ¥ ¥ From the Woman’* Club ¥ ¥ Mrs Fred McKay, President ¥ ¥ ¥ Mr. J- W. Jordan and son Jack spent Monday afternoon in L tiling Ion , on business. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Gainey left last week for WaynsrrtUa, where they I will spend several months. Odic P. Butler, who is living with hi* ancle at Georgetown, S. C., spent Christmas here with his parent*. Durham Taylor found n ladies cho ker on the streets of Dunn today and will be pleased to return it to the owner. Miss Harris, public health nurse, l.ea returned to Dunn after spending the Christmas holidays with rela tives. Dr. and Mrs. P A. Stewart have returned from Greensboro, where they spent Christian with relatives and friends. See*raj ofour cititens left today for Raleigh to be present at th* con vening of the lu-Rlsilslurc on tomor row. Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Harris, Jr., of Warren ton, spent th* Christmas hol iday with Mr*. Harris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Crockett. Bom: T# Mr. and Mr*. Paul C Hood, at their home on West Broad street Saturday, December 30th. a (Inr bey, Edward Pearsall Hood. Mrs. LUlis B. Hinson and Mia Ethel Jennctte, of Raleigh, were th* guvfte of Mr. and Mrs. P. H. West brook daring the Christmas holidays. Mr. John A. Parker of Washington, D. C. and J. C. Parksr of Saaford, spent Christinas with their father, Mr. D. 1. Parker who resides on tha Lillington pike. The music department of tba Wo man's Chsb will matt Friday after noon at 3 JO o'clock at the dab rooms All chib members are invited to attend. Mr. and Kb. W. R. Howard_havs returned from a visit to Concord to toe their adopted eon, George Branch Howard, who it a student at tha' 8 tone wall Jackson Training school. I The recently elected o(Beers of Capa Fear Lodge, No. 136, will bo' formally installed at the meeting of th* lodge next Thursday night at 7 o’clock. A foil attendance Is desired. Mr. N. A. Townsend, Harnett County's representative, left yester day for Raleigh to bo proeeat at tha convening ef the Legislature on Wed nesday and to attend the caucus to night. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Cooper, wbc were married at A1 lob rook, S. C-, Christmas day, arrived in Dunn Sat urday. They have secured rooms with Mr* J. C. Goodwin on West Bread street. Mias Katye Lee, who has charge of the department of art and expression in the Clinton graded school, is spend ing a few days in Dunn with rela tive* She will return to Clio*"' Thursday. .. ¥-AT THE * OPERA HOUSE * — ¥ TUESDAY ¥ THOMAS MEICHAN is ¥ “EASY ROAD" ¥ — ¥ WEDNESDAY ¥ "TIMBER QUEEN" ¥ Epteodc It ¥ Educational Comedy ¥ Harold Lloyd Comedy ¥ — ¥ THURSDAY ¥ “FOOTLIGHTS" ¥ — ¥ FRIDAY ¥ "WHAT3 WORTH WHILE" ¥ A Louie Weber Production ¥ _ ¥ BATUHDAY ¥ "RADIO KING” ¥ Epiaode No. a ¥ Century Comedy ¥ "SHORT WEIGHT" ¥ Two Reol Western ¥ "SOUL HERDER" ¥ Mile Berth* Westbrook who hss been spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mra. P. B. Westbrook retained Wednesday to Greenville here the will resume her work at East Carolina Teachers Col lect. Mr. and Mra. G. C. Womble and children haw returned from Ptttabore where they attended the funeral of Mr. Wo mbit's mother, who was burled Sunday. The numerous friends of Mr. Womble extend sympathy in his be reavement. Mr. aad Mr* Claude Sanderson, and bob. Master James Sandaraoa of Bentouavtlla, Mm. Q. A. Packer, Mr* Scott Price and Mr. Sanford Packer of Clinton were among tha guests of Mr. and Mr* P. H. Waathraak dur ing the Christmas holidays. Mias Emma La# whs spent the hol idays with her parents, Mr. and Mia. E. Let, and Mia* Ruth Wosdbie, left this morning for Raleigh. MMa Weiu bla’i home is in the Capital and was Miaa Lee'a guest far a abort time while en route from Maysvtite, S. C where the spent Christmas. Mr- S. R. Holm**, amnagur of the Franklin Electric She* Shop, on Rail road avenue, has aakud the Dispatch to Inform .the ladies of Dune that mamKsssammmmmmmsamss to to now prepared to thiao ttolr *to«a. Prompt esrttea aad polite ev taction I* what to prcnd*m the** who call at hla place far a thine. GRADY mu. MUMT ON KLAM AFFILIATION Clinton. Dec. SI.—Induction into tto aflaa of Judge of tto Saporier Court tor* tomorrow will not change Henry A. Grady'* toliof that wtottor ho la a member of tto Ku Kim klaa or not to nano of anybody** baton***, to long at to performs tto data of the efllea to which to to* toe* elect ed. He will hold hi* first ssstooa of court in Craven county a watk from tomorrow. Recent effort* to indneo fudge elect Grady at tflim or deny the statement mad* by Dr. Omar Hay wood that he Is the Ittular toad of th« Invisible Empire in North Caro tins tor* been unavailing. Friend* of Mr. Grady had expected that to weald main a formal statatownt before h attorned tto daitlao of tile jadge thip, bat It I* andwstaad tors to night that to will maintain hla to lenca. 4 - A nry Interesting and eathaalaatie cam* at haaket hall wa* pi eyed so th* High School ceart laet Friday af ternoon when th* enmity quintet lambasted a teen drawn tram th* Alumna*. Th* event wai well attended by the local fell ewers af tbe sport and eth er* her* for the holidays. Th* weath er was toe Inclement to permit the etalwart athlete* to perform perfect ly hut com* spectacular play* af forded th* spectators several thrUU. Following wa* th* lineup: High School Alumnae Wttsom, R. Cewtec Clifford Dowd Left Forward Newberry, F WUaaa, C Right Forward Fridge* Ferrell Left Guard Hood | Godwin Right Guard Newberry, W. | Field goals. High school: Dewd. S; 1—■ ■■ ■ .. 'Wilson, C.. 4: Wilson, l I, m4 ’ Godwin, ]. For AJMMwai New tony. P-. «t Newberry, W. I. «d Clifford t. Referee, Alexander •f the Wfl mtngtoa ,rtn. THE HOG FCEDtHATPAYS On Doc. ltth A. V. Mm killed i • bunch of shoot* averaging 1M Ha. These pip were only T months and 1> day* old. Ho saytf wtthowt tha mo of Ptg Chaw it would have boon toe postible to get them op to that weight , •' 1 very often have people tell rae when I mention seUisg then Pig Chow they ham plenty of ao)e bow,! com, etc. Now A. F. Baric* baa eeja been*, cent, potatoes. gives pasta res and everything that* grows for hop In this section of the com try, bet still Pig Chow contains several to grodlemte that la sot grows around here and by the see of this weoder ful feed it reeks* the ether feed* I has* mentioned worth tote more sad A. F, Surlet advisee all hag g»—yy to cry this feed, if set satisfied in every respect your money will be (Udljr r*f and «d. ter tha ha Bad af tfaaaa who wiah te atahaaga am far PM Chaw I aril thaw *1.00 gar hated far am He Chew at mint *M« par teg. Bald ia ateaharteard baga eoly by U F. Baden. Daaa, X. C. Ian. t MU. Mr. J. Fattey Caapar aad Mia laOa Milligan ad Alhhtaah, & C.1 warn married at tha ham ad thaj brida at ABterate, I .C., Bandar, Dmateir tdth. at I A* e’daak ia tha aftaraaaa Tha marriage waa a raiattraa aad daa friaada gftaeeaed!‘ tba iiremeay. Mr. L. W. Caapar, i*e da of tba brida praam. aMdatad. i Tha brida ia a daughter af Ms. Harriett Milligan, aad ia aa* af the meat papdir paaag aaun af bar community. Mr. Caapar, who ia ama> agcr af tha Boutliira MaiMa Work* af Daaa, la a pranking yatmg bud nan* ana. aad tea nada many friend* ■in** moving to Dana about a poor Thay arrived la Duma Batarday aad have aacaiad aa apartment with Mia. J. C Ooodwia aa Wa*t Broad atreet * OB. JULIUS IHAFFU * * IimMh W Brm # ♦ BUM rni..n • « PMm Cl.mm * • n. c * • ru. mi * • * JUST ARRIVED Car Load of AMERICAN FIELD FENCE Any Style you Want The Barnes & Holliday Co. Dunn, North Carolina . . .. .. i i Cndtmmmd ml iL CamdhUa 'ml THE COMMERCIAL BANK DUNN, NORTH CAROLINA I_ UHOCIOM Loan* and Dlaoounta .IK14MJI Furniture and Fixture* __ C,t89.M Caak on Kami and in otkor ctrong banka .. 100,099.79 Liberty Bond*. i«4«0.00 WM.1M.T9 UABrUTlBS Capital itock...9 10,000.00 Undtaidad Profit* . 7,0*144 Dapeait*: Cheeking depe*iU-9tll,*M.S4 Tina dapealta_ T74**-*l Bond dapealta_ 8,100.00 ToUl dapeait* —......... 1*8,1*4.11 9114,104.70 Swift’s Brookfield Butter. mm - ■ ' Yellow 1 Now Open at L Broad Street xj Look for tl : Whan PENDER'S comes ;t means to a community to Ism a 1 Octagon Soap &?.* 5k | Ivory Soap ?2!Ur 6c f I Mi 1-Je S -10c i-sc Larp* parkas*__ 10a Red fl*al Ljr*, eaa_IS* Star Ut, cam_IS* Boa Ami, oak*_Be Navy Baaaa, p**md___ IBs Black Ey* No, piaad-18* Lima Baaaa. pound-ISc Lary* Meaty fraan, B—i-IS* Dromedary Dates, pkg. 21x1 IChgMi*! Har on. 14b. Carton.43c Consumers Fig Bars, lb.. 15c Silver Lake Pomplcfe, Large Can-..15c Seeded Raieme 15-oc pkg..15c Seedlaes Reisins, 15-ox. pkg..17c Standard Tomatoes, No. 2 Can.10c Kingans Corned Beef Hack* 2 pound can_15c Goat Con WHeomC 2 pound (i«Ht Roa (WCcr pound ci |jpoand‘£ $ ■- y -■ DnCKS • Chewing ( Cracker J Best Tub Butter, CC. I Swiff* U1UC Oft Pound.D3C I premium nADflJ, pound^'C g Royal Scarlet Libby’s Plum Wk— „ D. P- Country (I Cranberry Pudding, ■** Gentleman . | Sauce, No. 1 Can_27c ,.»*■ bn v-.-r-:-Jfc Sugar Corn 15-oa. Jar-30c No. 2 Can-80c No. 2 Can_17«' | FI AVID PALACE PATENT 244b $1416 484b $2410 | LUU iv Seres Trouble, Self Rising Bag $1j0$ Bag $2.10 Jordan’s TipTop Stnithbald Hams, lb. 80c Swifts Frankfurters, lb.___17c || Troco Nut Butter, Pound_28c Swift’s AO Perk Sausage Mant, fc._28c |> Swift’s Picnic Hama, lb..18c Swiff sSmitbfield Style Sausage Links 28c Armour’s Bacon, Strip*, Mk.18c Best American Cbaasa, k..34c | Clear Spring Cora, can.-10c D. P. Coffee, lb*. 1..33c a Bran, pic*.--17c M Beane,can 15c /» h j<"»-■»-_ » m. ■ t uoUwn nlena soiree, lo. mc Blue Dot Lima Beam_15c Tuobiuiku* | D. P. Bread, Full 16-oa I ^ D. P. Layer, Plain or RaMn ocl 3 Loaf. # C I Cake, Pound.. ZOC Bo-Lo I . PORK [D P, T LARD Peahut Beet Salt Pork Platea ISc Pare, Cut from the i Beet Salt Pork Belliee 17c Sweet Peaa, Tub, Ih..16c | Butter, Fane* Norway CaapomLCatfran S 16-oa. Can 19c| k£Sarel,eacfa._i21.2c| No. 2 Can , -27c | iSItX tt>.ISc 1