” f— ' Parker, of JUaJdayham. »f»l the w*ak end h#re ydlk lila “W *n 9*0 Watkina left Honda, far Nyw Tprlt where ha will by far A»v wi dpi. Mr. and Mrs. Jama* jjarofom of ^ayettevWe, spent tha wa*> pad pith raladvea. Mr Geo W. Gardner *n<t Jlr- Jr*t» MVepn, ware bannas* rial tar* to H** Bern thi* erook. Mf« Mayyia Butler loft last week for Xlaaitaee, Fla., to eiait fir*. Mln ' M McCorquodal*. Girard Wtlom, principal of tha Anykr Hiyh School, spent the week end hare with relatives. Mr. and Mra. Henry 0. ifheJQ and •JauyhUr, Mas Evelyn, left Qptnrday for JLsltiph whore they pill 'make their Keme. Secretary Biddle of the Dunn Chamber of Ceaameree, I* in Raloifh and Sanford this week on business. Ha will return te Dona Thunday. Mra. C. B Taylor returned te her ho"** la raywtteviUa Saturday after •pend In* the Chrlatmaa holidays with her parent*, Mr. and Mr*. P. H. Wyy&took. Ml« Una Oough, who woe the homo* meet of Ml* Ivo Papists for a portion of the holiday*. left tha Uttor put of Dm VMk foe her homo in Lambert**. fhuch Prince has boon in e Rich mond, Va., hospital for the pert sev eral days where he wont for a minor operation. H* win probably return homo this yrpob- . Mr. U B. Baggett left left Friday afternoon for Sanford, Fla., to vVdt bU son, praxton Baggett, who to in the eatemebile batineee in tfvyt Mr. John Alderman, eon of Mr. and Mr*- A. E. Alderman of the Spring Branch section, left Sunday fer Mew Orisons, La., where be *01 resume hie Bodies et Talent Untver dty. Mr. M Hargrove left Sunday aI tcraoen far Tampa, Fla. He will he tone fer tome thing like thirty dpys an a prospective trip, and it is peeri ble that be may decide to locate la Florida. Mm Hargrove to already in Tampa. The aaaaaj meetii* of the mem ben of the Dunn Chamber of Com aierce will take place Friday evening et T AO o'clock In the Fraternal HaU. Every one who to interested in the growth* end program ef Dunn should attend this meeting. *«bheo» ■» her new Hama eat ft Broad efreel, Friday January 19th, at 140 o'clock. A program of the QOtOtint will be published in the nexi ioeue of The Dispatch. Pr Claude Fstton, of Savannah, Oa., to visiting his mother on' Harr attt. street. Mrs. Felton accompanied as far aa Charlotte arhert she stepped eF for a minor opecetion. Claude to one ef the old Dunn boy* who has gone out Into the world and bringing thing* to paa and hi* friends are atomy* glad to greet kipa. The Fleishman Bros. Company •M the B. O. Taylor Company open Ajri* Mg at mi-annual etaaruaeo salee Friday. Thto mot no that the people who trade la Dana will have an «x tyifjrt opportunity to buy merchan at greatly reduced prices. Tkeas sues ere Mg trading events sad look ed forward to by many people of the Dp*" District. Jteed their large eds mcnm tuns Saturday ♦ ***** i— »fni bf ylayad ftn« at tha fair tnundi— Saturday, January 18th batwaan Shady Ora** High achori and D«n A,lhrHt»jx, a baa eotayooed of boat Vgfc achool hay* and ataaana*. Shady Cftoo baaatad of a atomic grid team during tht pa— aaaaan, Kayjng bat o*Jy oat gaaaa an thoir aehadab, and wy coaa* ban aayacting to taka hack tha honor*. Sadi afternoon tha boat team ta man procuring and path* at teg' play* that they bay* will taka tha riaftio off-UHr fact. next Hater DUMN DSFSATS SHADY GN0KK Lari Friday aftamoon an tha tyeyl email. Dan High Sehyol dafugfed Shady Ora** High ighMl ly a ganto y baaket bad by the ararwhdaiiag .aepra of 47 to IS. Thar* waa a bag* • anted #f varistor* sraamt ty w}h aa*B Ik* mat which akoandad b ikagyy. play*. Tho waatWwny Uaal and tha «itev*nt*U~. •* *• R-f Hick School pdtfarmad WriHlaatty and tha Shady Ora** team waa awt cfaaaad ri rrary riaga of tha gam*. “Sid** WUaon’a walk bring tha «D ***** ftebJ* Tha Dam Klfba play a ratara gate* op On *“dy Ota** aapri taday. total af! tight r*r«Lt Jaikaan Laft Foa’wary Wily, ft MS. fug Loft Oaari Oadwhi IftWI. Wowkony of n^bgm* HIlHary Aaadamy. Ttna kaayar, Shaft af Trinity Path High Oehori. S ..""l, * WOMANS CUM CALENDAR * » FOR JANUARY * * S * BwlMM Civic* Department * * -JTrlday P. M., 3:30 o'clock, * * Vanpary IS, 19S3. 3 V Hume Kcoiomlci Department A * .Friday. P. SI.. S JO O'clock. * * January SS, 19S8. « * Mr*. Fred McKay, President * f. » There will be a reacting of the •iMullvt board of the Woman's club, Wednesday. Janaary 10th, at 8:30 o'clock at the home of Un. P. M. McKay. T*o Woman’s club wil 1 meet Friday January 12th, at 1:30 o'clock In the club room. This ia the first byeinocs meeting of the now year and le to be a vary important ono and thr president hps asked that every club be present at tkJ* meeting aa there art aomo important matters to bo dloruaaod and which cannot be decided upon unless there is a full •ttandaoec. A cordial invitation to Join the elnk ia extended to every^ one in Dunn who is net a member' Start the new year by Joining the Wonpaa'a club and becoming an ac tive worker If you are interested In making Dunn the most beautiful as W08 as the "Lived Town Under the Bun." be Nn to attend the lee tjin |>y “fen FimakOa Allen.” on “Remaking Mata Street" at the Op era Hearn Wednesday evening, Janu ary iftb St TSO o'clock. This is to be fro* of cborg* and a large attend |i*sf M dotfrtd. CAMP F|ft* CIRL1 MEET The Cherokee Camp Fire met at the heme ef Ines Pridgen Saturday ■ afternoon. After a short business meeting, they hiked out to the send pile, two miles down the Durham and Southern railroad. When the sandpits woe reached, all the girls gathered material far building the eamp fire. Margaret Loess, Ruth Ball, Annie Badges and Meric Owens won os • honor by building a fire with one match. After enjoying a sapper and ponee tho girls reluctantly returned to town, marching to the singing of 1 amp tongs. Helen Barnes of Payette- 1 rills. Ml a guest. MAMIE PEARCE. Reporter. r. L. RIDDLE TO LEAVE DUNN Hmrm L BlddU, ess stony of tho 1 Duaa Chamber of Commerce tinea its Inception three years ago, has resigned bis poelboo and. with the ; holding of the annual meeting of tip organisation this weak when his mrrasoor will be named, win laav* > for Sanford, where ha wtH”e«go*^ I of the most active in North Carolina. For throe yean he has worked for ERa* and the grant farming commu nity'which surrounds it Tew snter pclpas in the town and few farms in the surrounding country have not fait the benefk lent effects of hit Work- During hla residence here Dunn has prospered in spite of the two Warn years of boat nest depree ilon; the community has buildcd new echoola, scores at new homes, a doaan stores. Mew enterprises have beau at tracted and the old ones encouraged. Mr. Mddlg Iggvas a better Dunn than its found, and tho community regrets his decision to give up seer* tvial work. Mrs. Riddle and their tvo little daughters win remain here «*tH tips public apkoota cions in June, fljss t&ey will Jeta Mr. Riddle at the new 1gffpg in Rayford. (Cepprr*a Weakly.) Partogn their maaal bpUday taagiatalataoaa from the Da Pfrtaaqnt ad AsricBlture. Thto year It to on Rowing WM.MO worth ipor* kr»dacta in 1IB than 1M1. Th*_ praia* la wall meant, but prtaer 4g*a»1 Ml mere ~g»r ta Dm tymapto eotaa* nor mar* point qn bto tow and ban; neither wfll a b*)| btag gp/ tgwtor freight qytrt wf me* *r Are* price* for juryllyg to baa to bey while net getting aooefer hie wheel. When thto win to dltarfbutnd agieng 49 miliorv fere* *q*k. It eaaaea dawn ta atoot 41 doBem apiece. Aa leng aa the Amarteae farmer grew*, e aurptaa. Urn bigger that ta the imp begot*, and at aeeh tfawa b* to more qpUtiad to ogndoiener* than ta aengretntaD#** • ■ 11 - • "EVB" '•Era” tb* George Wtete motoeel eonrndy which we U the Mrtropol *» theeWP an. eigfto. •aWaday. Jengery totb, to ana ef the atndlng a—total "bit*" ef the praeent seeroo Tbe iinmn carrier thirty-five pea pto, arneng wbe am ta be tawwd many! aa eld Dm# farartta, notably Kim Kyra Brown whew heaaty and w*B kwawi* moeiaal eemady experience to known wheeearar Dm Engltah laiigp •go to apaban. Tba ptoee la in tare ••t* and thirteen aewan. end Invot «•• twenty-eight me total aombera and ton Mg rpoatai alaattoaal faatone. T^m c nop ray tairtaa Hr awn apodal O-hatapK w>l*b will ba amgmantad with tag Iwal motodau. Tba wet wfll taMhada baatdaa ■—f————— •am, Baby Riefcardn and many olden I together with the famous ‘twenty Ad »ml— Eves' said to be the niftier choraa that e*or itrnyed nway froo ‘Dear Old Broadway.’ Business Local CORN WANtoD.-^roM BUSHELS of com eiltcit/ once. Beit mar hot price >11/ paid W. D. Hoi l*"d- Y »tfc FARMS FOR HAVE 1 on«-hone t 5 milei from Dunn reat sep arately or b-, —uni man il he can handl Land in fau state of eulti sxerUont wa **<■• nos. If in torestwi K, .. to W. Osadc BcU, Attorney. N. C. 02t pH. FOR WANAMxNfcR COTTON SKRD see JohnrtAJCotton Co., Dunn, N. c- Wc BUT COT market buy iba ■ale by Johnaeti _ _Rttv. LOST—SUNDAY AFT ION U a Dunn end Rhoatrt lack leather l^dbaf , return u> Holmea 1 ... Dunn. M. C , *y Market. Key ettaellU, and re reward. Wty. ! FINE Real M1 Vo* SALT.— i la-room hoot*. Mod town cf Anyier, well for rexUtenco •r a boar “ _. Three yeed larnui, two _t ami !oU in fsrmi for rent. J - _ . , MONEY TO tJOAV^AMY —bckt i t’lVCMWUI't ilRJ.’ DOC Hem J<C*V 3 v.. vrt cu.i r*‘- him b> stvlui; tuj T. Jomt.. Poke,| S . 3 »1 M-j Ttr.ICK.—juLH~RiyT,M ru CENT Iim-L SblpBvnt^within 49 kna iub G^bELNORA (Fonatrfp of Philadelphia, Pa.) n-. WoM'i Mutt .-Ocxlo* bate for t kiinlHk »m»i Hagnabs Aon _ka>! zeroes street from New Grammar school Building OPEN DAY AND NIGHT _ _ t - -pnWBIMI.il l Charter No. 7188 _„ . OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST NATIOnSbANK “ *£88.881 70 6*0.78 | 41.S87.S0 8,100.00 68,838.76 48,718.00 8.443*2 108,633.11 I 10.144.48 1,920 09 447 *0 3,000 00 IVWI .. . Capital stock paid la ... turpi us fund ... ...s._ Undivided profits../(314IDuj las. current expe-scs, interest, and IBs vs paid. Circulating notes outstanding___ Vp*ur* to Ftdttil Restive BSik (deferred “T3iu> .... .. Cashier's cheeks outstanding Certified cheek" Tetal of 1 Isann act to L ... _ Individual liepoeill'sabje Total of Hrrr.V-d depoits deposits) am [tme. deposits snhjJ M daps, or sohjs si'd postal saving Certificates of deposit rowed) __ )tit: time deposits Total of time il Jills payable (Inch ■eating money borrowed Total . Stale of iftrth ■ lefi.fi ' a: B TAT2P*. Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day of dBhaary, 1*21 J. L. HATOHSB, Notary Public. Commission expires October 25. IMS. Cermet—Ablest I KT1 FJt GO LOST KIN, MABV2N WADE. TIT DKAUOHON. Directors ____ l ■—■■wa—EW—— * ..- ■ — » Dr. W. I*. Beffrett, Chii ^ OP^4eFICF. AT Fim r»ti^wKBank Building, Third Floor Fn^f January 12th, 1923 f h— ■■ ■■■ .■■■■ r J. L. HATCHER Dunn. No/th Caiolira Undertake?Lindr Licensed EmbaKner ; Fv/pt Service l ./ Day or Night Phono No. 16 i -' JUST ARRIVED «, AME N FIE FENCE . Any Stylb ton Want The Barms &*H olliday Co. Dunn, North Carolina i i . r \ TREAD LE TIRES Special Price_S2.6S' I « i i Fit* any wheel. Ev ery tire I'uaranleed. Order now ■—pay poetmaater on arrival. STORE ' Raleiffh. N. C. i I . ..rr.-':. y/c •:r i • Spring <xj x-nirent to ?cn »rt*» I'.l'ce your N. B. Lee aW Fred | •raits for Ice County Colton 03 Company jjj s £i ! '.’he Season | for Stoves ! is Here s' I / I I Voh wJ! find the Urgcst and ; ,.io ^ IRI 1 Brother* jSBllljp - 1

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