O L 6 C A L Mr. W. P, Dickey tun, returnc from a business trip lo i'lorcnea, S C. , . Mr. J. W. While head 1. i«covcrln| from an attack at illness which eau* oil him to be confined to Ilia roon for savers) days. Mr. S. i-'iv.shman, Jr, leaves tnaig/r for Baltimore and Now York when he Will assist in purchasing goods foi the local stores of the FlcUhmar B i oa. Co. 0 Mr. E. W Wood of ftouln l fro it Doim, was among jtlic traitors ,n town Friday. Mr. Woo l it the ion ol Mr. Moore Wood, who hod 20 broth ers and sister*, all of whom lived U be more than 21 years of age. Mr. F. Grovor Britt haa been In l.umberton this week making arrange ment* to move his family to Dunn. They will arrive as soon as the weath er is agreeable enough for them to make the trip. Mr. P. S. Cooper, who came home from Baltimore last week to attend the wedding of hit daughter. Miss Florence Cooper, hat returned to Baltimore where he is being treated at a hospital. Mr. J. S. Stewart will leave this week for Wilmington where ho will be associated with the Seminole Phosphate Co., plant in that city. He will remain ip Wilmington during the fertiliser reason. • ■uinii§ ncik ui near okq man, brother of Mm R M Pearsall of Dunn, died Sunday morning of acute indigestion ami was buried Monday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Mr and Mrs. R. M. Prarsall attended the buna) The N A. Bell Hantware company moved la.t week from the Phillips building into the new brick building recently erected by this company on East Broad street. It is the purpose of this concern to increase its slock, according to Mr. Gee. M Floyd, a member of ths firm. The following relatives and friends of the family wete here last week to attend the Denning-Cooper wed ding: Mra F. W. Norton, Mrs. John Cooper and Mrs. Janie Williams of Mullins 8. C.J Mrs. A. V. Bethea of Dillon; and Mrs. Cooper, mother of Mr. P. 8. Cooper, of MuUina, S. C. u A, Rowland u moving his gro cery atom and pressing club this week into the garags building until recent ly occupied by Omen's Buick Service BUUon. The service station in the fu ture will be located In the Gerald Bales stable building. Both these buildings are located oa 8. Wilson avenue. . , ' “ ' Mr. JohA Wash^rV^Kr^ Mattie Washburn of Dunn die? at Sanatorium yesterday after a brief attaek of pneumonia He had been a patient at Sanatorium for several months and was getting along nicely untQ pneumonia was contracted. The burial will probably take place at Uliiagten today. Mrs. Washburn was with him at the time of hit death. Rev. B. P. Smith of Memphis, Tcun., will preach at the Christian church In Dunn next Sunday morn ing and evening. Mr. Smith it remem bered by a number of Dunn people a* ha has preached here on former occasions. Ho is one of tho moot forceful preachers of his denomina tion and tho psoplo of Dunn will be glad of an opportunity to hoar him. Mr. N. A. Townsend, Harnett’s Representative In the Legislature, was named last Friday to head the Executive Committee. This places Harnett’s Representative at the head of the most important committees and his friends bsek home fool that he will fill the place with credit to him self and tho State. Mr. Townsend is fast becoming one of tho must ini fluentlal members of tho House. I The Wesley Bible class of thA Methodist 8undsy school, will give a banquet in the fraternal hall Friday nfgtit. Mr. Z. V. Snipes, chairman of the social committee, is making an effort to get In touch with all mem bers of the class to get the assurance that they will be present. It is the dpsiir of Mr. Snipes that all mem bers attend the banquet, as welt as all prospective members, but it Is neeee ■ 7 fee hi into know that the pro per number at elates ma« bo nrroar ed. Some valuable prppcrty will he . offered for sal* at auction by the At lantia Const Realty Co., here next Friday. In a pace ad. in thin Issue a foil description of the property may be aeon. The property it owned by Mayor J. L. Wads and some of the most desirable business and residen tial property In Dunn will be sold at your own price. The aaie starts at 10 J* o’clock Friday morninc. In tbs afternoon the valsable farm proper ty of Mr Wade will he offered to the public. Mr, Proatoc 8. Cooper who hai boon a on fined for several weeks In a hospital tn Baltimore, baa Undatsd Ms rsslcuarioc as president of tba First National Bank of Dana. Bit males niton has baas accepted by tba Board of D(rasters and Vleo-Prual dept J. W. Draagbon will exert lei tbs dattas of president eutO tba an msad moo tiny of tba stockholder February lttb, when a yrasidont wfl be olooted. Bis friends and associate! heps that My. Cooper, now rsliavut of buataaaa earns, will rapidly regufc hio health. ' MI.xsrj CROCKETT AND CANNA I DY ENTERTAIN Mil* Ruby Crockett and MUe Ag II ms Cannady delightfully ontcrtalnoil l' Friday evening from R:80 to 11 :3(J at the home of Mn. J. E. Ciockett n honor of the Oxford Basket ball , tea mi The guests ware mot at the door by Mies Ruby Ciockett and luhored into the dining room where dolieious punch was served. Dancing and pro r.roaalvtt conversation vretc the chief i'i , rare* of the evening. I.uteg a tempting salad course wax I .cl voit by the hostess. LANCASTER CARRISS Wilson, Feb. i>— At the puneonage of the Fi»it Mcthodiit church hi this city Miss Dearie May Ourrlxs daugh ter of Mrs. J. TV Gsrrlrx, were united in marriage hy ltev. F S. Dove, yoe Iciduy evening Both of the contract ing parties are pnpoixi young people of this city. After thoir honeymoon Mr. and Mrs. Lancaster will reside in Dunn, where Mr. Lam-aster has accepted the position of manager of the Colonial Theatre just open in that town. The marriage was a quiet affair, being witnessed hy unjy a few friends. Kev. J. A. Campbell, of Ruin Creek, filled hlr regular appointment »;t Spring llraneh Sunday, a/ng for his theme John 1*5-11. Ir spite of the Inclement weather, a large cowd »« present. Every day in every way, thing* urem to be getting better, except 1 "in days. The farmers of this sec tion have bern doing excellent word,' the ri*t week in preparation of the coming spring ilays, which are np ‘■lly approaching. They arc optimistic. Miaa Lacy Naylor, student nt State School at Salem burg, spent the week end with her mother, Mrs. J. T. Nay lor. M. M. Jomigan, of Dunn, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr*. M. W. Naylor, visited her daughter, Mr*. J. M. Page, of Clem ent section Sunday. Mra. Martha Barefoot, continues right aide, we regret to note. Mr*. Geo. Naylor of Dann, visited friend* hem last work. Misses Lela Strickland and Sallic Naylor, of Dunn, were guests of M Lucy Naylor, 8unday. Mr. K. L. Strickland and family have Moved to Fayetteville. Mr. and Mrs. Julius Lee, who have lived in Durham for Ike past year have moved bock to their farm near here. recently He is getting along fine. Mingo Sunday school 1s doing *omo line work these day*. The superinten dent Has been working to build up his school under what is known as the - six point system and it seemed that his efforts had been partly successful, when on last Sunday he announced | that every member of the Junior ctoos , was a one hundred per centum. Schol ar. This does has for Its teacher, Mr*. - SPECIAL Friday - Saturday Pearce’s Bakery AT THE GIFTW You will fln^Cll klVygXA’al entir* part weary, UuneiT. fav or*. otV ISyou wiah to be re lieved «* pfenning and prepar ing yourViAnu, phono— i Ion SHOP I call no: i7 HIGHSMITH I f For Bof™i H oily brook Pout try Food' It*. Iriah Potatoee, Clover, P 'and Soy Beans. Pauey flwil por deo-Me Omtam Seta, %r quart-10a a. H. Jackson. The basketball team ' of Mlrg cchool went up to Union A endow last Friday and playod tho twain i that place. Th* score stood 14 to In favor of Mingo. r~-~~.. * CALENDAR i * WOMANS CLUB FOR 4 * FEBRUARY 4 * Music Department —Friday 4 44 evening, eight o’clock, Feb. 2nd. 4 * Bu.incjw-C.vics Department 4 44 Friday P. >L, S:S0 Fab. Sth. k ■14 Homo Economics Department 4 44 —Friday P. M.. 2:?!), r,b 28. 4 * .ntniTtn-t,,,,.,! There will be a regular btiefoea meeting of Uio Women** dub on Pri day. February »ta at 3 JO o’clock. A this meeting th* .ounce of the new of fie*n lor the coming year will i> submitted to the dub and voted upon It is very impudent that every mem ber be present at tbit meeting, nnc it is hoped that the attendance wil be on* hundred per cent. Mr*. J. 8. FARTHING. Cor. See. DUNN’S BEST PEOPLE SEE DELNORA FAMILY Many of Donti'e bettor-elan, of poople am dally taking advantage ol the great worjuhgtth* Gloat Dolnora ts doingJRfe has for many in the month"and urjriliud great u-ctoril that hav* \JT perplexing quedfione withWu ndjKtlc art TF.or -'Wui fngl nlWi yet been to iceL-r bmthado to wsnee at the will uni A be sinprlll mmpart ol M* Bnb-TOrRwiMrv ..a... Philadel phia, wbnfc »haMf» permanently lo cated for two yStlL 8 e h_« eeorea of lettore from mR ov<-, tht United States praising hclgoifc. i. icatod on MugnoHh Avenue,Must beyond and serous the .tree* firon New Grammar School—look for her banner.—Adv. \_ after racalpt Brick Work*.. : rot SAL*. Wakefield cab] ta, at I1JI par tbauaad. Edward*, *ai can. N. C., Boy 12 St pd. RIKE SIGN SHOP Wc paint, make^dd h AMD ADVER, SIGNS teHpdw Year Want* UGHT SIGNS >uj Gobo SIGNS IT (^STS NO MORE 228 Hap St t FaywttwTilW, NX. . mbing a£id Heating arc prepare ox andVn Saturday,February 10, 1*88 at 8 o’clock P. M.. x.oVill have thl namea drawn oat and the flret r*'-»n whdtenawere ti hia or her name will be given c. c .k.; o.veed of flhat persona choice. Ymm meat t ru.1 mr yJLt Naaal ka Peres* to Qualify. Get m lhsJLnd u& the feed that wOl produo* the best rea«.?ts fwllii uAnsy spent. freemans! cash grocery V«OHEN.»g I ora •f •f of MCA1-CHOICVWATXX GmWl 4—-— BUTLER BROTHERS . (JSl$500.00f^n 1—. WORTH OF y Raincoats to be Given Away • ■ ■ ■ —-1 tm These coat* are combined rain high collar*, flannel lined. They are Range in price from $ I 5.00 to $30.4X ing to $75.00 we will give one of the size from 6 to 9 year* of age. A pifrchase will give a coat to a boy or girl ran ging in M age. All that you have to do is to purchase $75.00 or $1 large stock of grads. j " ; I 11 I RlltW Rrnc } m m “■ _ 1 mj i m ill <4 M. L. JACKSON, Owner I GEO. L. CANNADY, Auctioneer I --J ■