•r ;• the LneanUd <*rt’on ou Ot OcUfei IT. im. >; 2 DUNN DISPATCH EatabliekaJ April I. 1(14 *t!UI-ISHED TWICE A ■ WEEK I LUSltAt S A N I) KKIDAYS I.. BUSBEe' POPE Duou, —,— North Corolino SUBSCRIPTION RATES: #M Yaar.. . ...12.00 S‘x Month.. 1.0« ’»b Month* .............. it CASH IN ADYAKTV Amines* all comwuati'akioiia lu The 0'*P»tch All department. uf Tha Di«| at*li ran hi rai.rh «l h.ouyH iula pnctia 11>5. Conr.mamcati'” - I v'. i«.p>r. are invliad. t-ul u dor all e r> net m caa tin modrr al •*uu.:uaan:o tlona roast furrieh j- '.%•*•!> fi. nimi, It it not ’hei he »'Mr.e He publiehrrt, hyi a< ,,.,u i fivon as an avnleite* at ta.Ih. Short aecou lj.f tt.dipnx., tnier tatnroenta, club meeting*, ate., are lOTited. The Maxwell fluuy is apparently eubaidintr, Ibouyi the damatru to Uic State la yet uncletmiiuiad »B wonuer now the France nieth 0,1 !,f 'liuk'.ig Germany puy her just obligation would work with individ ual*. o The Rockingham Post Dispatch last week said; "Every case that ia tric.1 before the mayor or magistrate here is published, whenever the pa p»i known it, regardless of who the prisons uit1." Thl* will ho the future policy of the Donn Dispatch towards tha local recorder's court. In othor woids, the only way to "stay out of the papor" will bn to stay out of the recorder's court. A young man. or wotr.ar. either, should not become discouraged whan they make a business failure. If •very young man who loses in hig first love adventure .-lopped with that first loss, the world would be filled with old bachelor*. It pays to try, try sgain. -—0— . i Are you doing your part to keep "Dunn (hr best town under the ran," or are you toaving it to youi neigh bor? We'd prcooum-e it a shocking lost, the loss of a pint of "bottled in bond" whu*ey, which was incurred in Dana by a traveling man recently. What would you call it? -o • The Wilmington Newt is the name of a new afternoon newspaper to bo published In WllmJagton. This new afternoon paper it fathered by the Wilmington Star Co., which company publishes The Wilmington Homing _ Star, _the oldest daily newspaper, In the State. The Raleigh News aad Observer re cently referred to Dunn as "the largest town in the State to Its else,” which reference Dti the town exactly. -o Farmers generally will welcome1 this real winter weather, hoping thatj it may result in the freeaiag to death of at least a part of last year's boll, weevil crop. Here's hoping afong with! ' them. 8p«aking of passing laws to make it easier for people to unnsarry, it might bo said that the only difference tn the coot of marrying and securing a divorce under tha present law, ia tha difference in the cost of marriage license and the coat of an attorney fee. • * f — 0 A DANGEROUS PRACTICE. If some motion Is not taka, sithoi by tho town commissioners or tha pa rents of Dunn, to stop chi Id ran from skating or. the paved streets, it is to be farad thst thb habit Is going to result in the death of tho eon or daughter of some local father and mother. Only recently a small girl skating on Bread street fell directly in front of a heavy-loaded wagon and barely no heed being crushed to death. Several ether children have barely mlesed being run down by en tomoMl»e while skating an the street* It would be better to stop thb dan go roue practice a the past of chil dren before the life of somo child ha boa snuffed oat than to wait until after this has happened. In Mas terras and cities ordinan ces have boon psteed by the town commissioners prohibiting skating, not only on the pavsd streets, bat also on tho paved sidewalks. Thb may be carrying tha matter a little too far, bet aa child should ho allow ed the privilege of taking the ohanoe of Skating a ths streets of Dm ONE OP DUNN’S NEEDS. fudging from the determined spir it in evidence at tha meeting eailed by the Dana Chamber of Cornnwrea Tuesday evening to dbcate-and de vise plans for tha erectlen of a hos pital la Dana, the end xrf the year IMS win Bad a modern hospital herg. The sitbeng of Dunn generally agree that ana af the present outstanding needs ef Dunn ad the Dunn District Is a hospital, and the citlwae of tha town should bad every pemibU ef fort ia bringing te Dunn thb much ncoded public Itetltatton. Only a few days ago, a cltlsen of tho tawa was stricken wMh seats ay peed leMb. It was aguqtey te tabs the patient- te Psyettovtlla, M mtta •'»tant on u car for uu operation. Eeforo the hospital coulil be reached, the diseased appendix had bunt, k4 rutly endangering the ll/o of the victim. Bad there been a hospital In Uunn this patient could havo receiv ed the nccusaury attention much U'lt'vr nnd the danger of fatal re ndu largely eliminated. Dunn need, g hospital, and in or der to pet it, the citisene of tha town must make some sacrifice*. Will you do your part? -o UNMASK THE K. K. K. Represents tie* Townsend of Dunn win listed us mtr of the 68 memkars of the legislature who Wednesilay vo ted for the passage of th* Millikan bill, which provides for th* registra tion and unmasking of secret organi sation.. This bill, which it was de clared "cuts tho heart out of U>« Ku KJux Klan," was passed by the Mouse by a vole *f 68 to 44. Opponents of tire bill made a hard fight to provanl its passage, bringing Into play every pariiamentary rtn iouivi- at their command. It might be said for those members who voted for the passage o fthia bill that they --IVir vlctiont, regardless ot politics. If the Ku Klux Klan hu a field for service, it It only fair and right that It perform that service in th* open. AWAY WITH THE IDEA. There are farmer* In th« Dolin' District who arv possessed with an1 idea that cotton is the only crop upon which they can depend for money. These farmer* arc sadly mistaken, for the fertile tolls ol thli section will produce many other crop* in sbumtancr—crops that can be sold fji a profit equal to, if not creator, tbnn a cotton crop. Among the many crops yhlch can be grown in tho Dunn District, beside* cotlou are, Ir lah and sweet potatoes straw berries, sugar cane, melons cantaioapea and other truck rropa. While the farmers of thig immediate section have never muile a tsireeia growing tobacco, the editor of The Dispatch has yet to he convinced thst with the proper at tention anil thought a good grade of tobacco cannot be produced on the lun-ls surroanding Dunn. However, in order to make a success of growing tobacco the grower must hsve a thorough knowledge of how to culti vate, harvest sad euro th* "weed." The coming of the bell weevil makes it necessary for th* farmer* of thig section to turn at least a part of their attention to other crop* betide* cotton. The farmer who doe* this beforo he has been "ruined” by th# weevil ariil be the farmer who will bust be able to Vliv# through” the contest, or battle*, with the cot ton pest. The hon, the hog and the cow arc other wessons with wblrh the boll weevil should b* fought by the farmer* of the Dana District More permanent pastures will be necessary in lighting this battle and Ge soon er the farmers begin to grow thaa* pasture*, the better. Permanent pas ta res are an absolute necessity in sorrowful hog and cattle raiging. Be gin now to head off the weevil and be will be much easier defeated than if he gets Ge advantage in Ge start ”50 GOOD CIGARETTES X GENUINE ! “Bull" DURHAM TOBACCO CAT AND THE CAMAMY” WILL KEEP YOU GUESSING Careful observation on Ge part of |L1 boom Gordon, producer of Gat famous mystery play "The Cat and Canary," daring the first eight months at the long New York run, proved Gst not one In • thousand among Ge quarter million visitor* to the National Theatre had even Ge slightest aospielon as to Ge identity of Ge real villain of that Grilling drams until Go ond of Ge last aet That GI* Is na reflection upon Ge mentality of the audiences is proven by Go fact Gat ms so keen-minded a detective as William Pinkerton ad mitted, after Go first of several vis its, Gat Ge eolation earn* as a tem pi* la surprise to >1100. Tor this credit moat be given to John Wlllani. G* ■giber, who baa given to the stag! Uk« most ingenious as well as tiu most exciting play eeer written aosneone has Impplly likened a rial to "The Cat and Ge Canary” to 1 ride on sen** ingenious "Shoot lh< Choice,” 'where Ge patron enjoy Go moot delightful terrors koowiai that Ge ride will end la laughtoc The simile it doubly bappty boson* part of Go enjoyment *f Go enter toinment la furnished by eGrr* In th< aadtenee who an startled into fas voluntary shrieks of warning wbei 1 danger threatens Ge shaming Ulfli | "Canary" or the "Cat” reeim about ] to enter upon tb« went Although "T2»a Cat and the Can ary" make* one a)iiv«|r with excite ment the three acta aim filled with more hearty laugh* than arc enjoy ed In- many auccvaafnl eomedim and Ihu dual curtain doaconda upon the doiutioet of lova acenea that diapela *'»M| laat v cadge of terror intplred by the gripping atory of the play. •“The Cat and the Canary" come* to the Metropolitan nn Wednesday, February 88th. • Permit* to erert '«ro new achoot btkildinga nt a coat of 7800,000 have been **»uod by tlie lon-n of Wlleon. ——gar- . . . _ j !. The MMw street ear ban badly damaged by Are Tee*lay. TV damage la estimated at JS.OOg. The fir* was thought to hare been alerted by email boys tracking cigarettes In tho barn. ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE The undersigned hat qoallfled ai administratrix of the late L. G. By el* and may one Indebted to said to tal* will pirate come forward and eettle same; any one bolding claim* against said rotate wll -present them on or bofore January SOtfc. 1*14, or this notiro will be pleaded In bar of BARIC. Thla January Mtb IMS. SARAH STAIR. Administratrix. Toung, Best and Xoeeg, Attorneys. February 1 I II It Marl R Wllaoa, Feb. 14.—Ban Brady tad' John and Arthur ¥. Pace amm, were ccswlcted la Bapartor court bar* ted»y of murder la the eeccod da re** Suutenc* aat yet pieced. Tbay I ware dunged with the murder at 1 Richard lawn, a country (tore keep * PUBLIC BTRNOGBAPHKR # w Far public ctaaegmphk »' * walk, caa Maria Turlington la * . * (he Chamber of Commerce *! : -- • *■ imiimiliimignams - I I (at. V.lPri.O«u Wash Fabrics • Attractive waah fabric* dyed by special process. They hold their original beautiful color through every phase of wear nnd laundering. Let u» show then to you. There’s an interesting display in the Waah Goods Section. ~ i TI P»H li Smmlifkt tat <# H'oAJng fat t» &■ <i‘ltilug Johnson Brothers W. Broal St. * Dua, N. C. WE SERVE 11.c record of this institution since its in t.tption has been one of service to its commu nity. its state. Upon that solid foundation has been built a structure that is a matter of . pride to our citizens and to those who have had c prrt in its making. livery officer, every employe is filled with that spirit of service that makes it agreeable to imronct ones financial affairs here. 0 * • ■■■- -— The First National %Bank • DUNN, N. C. \ i I . ■ OFFICERS A. TOWNSEND... J. M. SHERWOOD. _ J. W. DRAUGHON. . H. B. TAYLOR.. J. O. WARREN. DIRECTORS J. W. Draufhon, J. C. Clifford, Marvin Wad*, Jaa A. Taylor, Jno. A. McKay, EKia Ooldatajn, N. A. Townaand, G. K. Grantham J. M. Sherwood and H. B • . • Taylor - JUST RECEIVED Car load of first-daw FARM MULES. Come in and look them over. W. T Monds & Co. Dunn, —— North Carolina ■-- ■ ■ Ml --.iJ tmmnxi t THE NEW MARKET In the New Brick Building Across the Street from Where We Used to Be ? ■.* ■ ■_ • We are now Handling a variety of meats never Handled before including— Veal Chops, Lamb Chops, and Pig Brains • ^ We can fill your orders for any of these any day you want it. In our new building we Have established die most sanitary-market ever operated in Dunn and we want you to come and see it. - " ■■■ ' i Our Price* Are Reasonable And Our . Service Is AH You Can Desire HODGES Phone No. 61 Reel Brood Ski eel —t— * Dunn! North Coiuluuu - ‘ *. * '%?■' • - •# ^SSS^SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSKSSSSSSI^SSSliStSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS^SSSSSS^ A Morisot of which the people of Dunn Should Pool Proud « Best tfmdcs^: Who gets the beat prices for his hhwrf Why, the former who brings hi the beet grades, of coarse. If yoo one high trade fertiliser intel Upently. you will not only mmir* . tower crop, bat your tobsooo will hsofscatter grade thenusuel.end T>sre are jaet two thing, to re tnember in using lertOoer for making bMer grades; first, pat your trust In s reUsble, dependable old brand Hhs Royster's; second, use eoough to gfothebeet returns. Ofcoarse.no brand is • sobethute for good cnkl> radon and cere, and unless you are the fond of fanner who ghres bis to* becco good forming brains, we'd just os soon yoa did not oee Royster foctUser. Royster’s tobacco fertiliser is a sehodfieefty btfignosd food made from the beet rasterlsls ohtafoeble in the whole wortd, and AfilfoBy com* pounded Injnet the right proportions to til tbs requirements of tbs phot, fa is m« the cheapest fertiliser, but I ROYST ER TiekJ lested Tvrti/ixers I ' ‘ ^_ _x _./

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