DUNN DISPATCH' tuAMuf April 1. MM MWHD TWICE . A . WEEK TUESDAYS AND FEEDATS L EUSBEE POTE Owa, —e— ** North CaenlV* * SUBSCRIPTION KATES i Oar Year .......-UN St North.- 1.00 Throe Meath*. •* CASP IN ADVANCE Ulrwi all cowwaahatlaaa te Tte* . D'(patch All department* of TV Oiqattk CM ho reached through tola phaoa 144. C—amwtaall ia* tpw Hn tap te ar* i art tad. hat aader all Hrtaraf a aaa Ut« iandar of rush .iwaulrr dap* mat fprmiah a* with hi* «wua> U u sat Decenary that the owe* h paVUdtof. trl ww Irret that It b *ivea a* aa evidence of rood faith. Art aeeopnts of aaddingn enter toiaawnta. club awetiaga. at*., ar rntvd A MU regelating ‘poasurn hooting in Jefcaatop county era* peaaed by the leva* heuae of the loglaUtarc Wadewtoy. WUh wa have not learn ed jaet what the MU provide* la th< way of protecting the 'poarana oX the neighbor eoaaty, it la aappeaed the MD provide* far potting a atop t» aptohg theta. No doabt the ‘poeevnw who make their abode in Johaatoa win •‘Uagh’* whoa drey read hi the paper* that the Mil ha* become a taw. A batlmro that ian’t worth adver tiaiag, lui’t worth the time it take* to operate it The heat way to rvath the bpyora of the Dun* District b tbraagh the calntnn* of the Donn . a A pphBe library I* bne of Duan’r awtataadlag need*, aad the Woman’* dob abaald And it oaay to rale* the 4S04 which wfll ha necoaaary te A aaaae the library for the fn-rt year. Every child, aad grewn-ep tea. should have aeoeja to good booh* and the public library will give to the etti aen* of Du* the aecaaa. SOME GOOD ADVICE t S Mwifa, noted negro orator toadcd to the colored clttoea* of tan In n nddnsi hen Tuesday emlng. The South me pictured by the speaker, and rightly aa. aa the boat home tat America for the Sooth arm Mgre. While to the ahatnc and ftgun ad the sections to which they an committed, a lynching freqaently takm place. It can be tastefully said tent tea negre whe heap* to bis place baa ae batter friend to tela world hah peBtioal freedom which the —gn ■toads te used of, hut the fraadom which he la —corded ha the Sooth— the freedom egual to teat of th» Write man to Make aa boatat living nud accumulate wealth for himself. — o MOM TIMS TO THINK Mo doubt the more stringent mar riage tows passed by the Norte Can Itoa legislature four year* ago aad tea MB white has passed the Lower Ms—s of the present legislature and Is sow before the senate will "keep da we" matrimony. The bill pawed four years ngu, provides teat ap pMeautc for marriage license studl aacun fra— some repo table licensed physician a health eertlfleate to be r»toll te the register of deeds be tom the tissues is issued- The ton mw before tea lagislatum provides th— ill parti— applying for marriage fcceeso give a£gtit days’ notin to the register of deeds before the U sa—s era to ha issued. The purpose of this bn la to halt hasty marriages •ip ■ rlally am—g tbs boys aad girl/ to their ’tones. The pea—go of tea hOl will probably moult in many would bs 1m ■ ban its giving notice and thrir faffing to sag for th* Usance, to steer wards. It win give the coo treottog pant— man time to think We" they act. The passage of tec hiB should toed to dsrnass the num ber of divorcee asked for. «*p II Mil tJM | KM S' «• « Ml I V'' aL* SB •a •« yatroaUug bm tnduatxy aad the ampatga ha* mat with necw. Tba Dispatch believes that em [restar an cum waald remit from the srgaalaatlim of a slater organ teat! an to be known ae the Grwwn-tn-Csro tinas <• a posit ion Tba eitiasnahip of the Carellaaa eaald lead anestlmablc aid to the agricultural clam (and thii would benefit the States as a whale) bp eating mere heme-grown feeds When pun appeal to the former to grew mare feed aad feed crape, kir answer fa, “What’s the neat, I can’t And a am that foe them." The merchant will toll pen that theca la .greater demand Nor the “shipped In" produet aad that he «nl <1 mc is clone sky7 .*'■ you sco anythin* In a ma bat mod? C -■,, ob !u k lute t'«* "y t' •>a •J .ct b-yoml the *:anT Tiierctorc if.wc have n-jt l‘n- n oitunlty to got to collcyc, or to nv. jp to Ur. Edison's self-uppuict.' standard of education, wo may a toast oaok to answor these question In Bio storms live. Permanent Pastures On Rough Waste Land Snob I eodo Con So Me do Bull Foe Croat Lhwtedt By a W. GAITHEE, District Agent. Tboro aro too as on da of seres of rough waste load la the eastern coas tal plains section of this Sts to, not bringing tbs owners In anything, which will produce good pastures for eight months of the year at the small cost of toed and seeding. These acres should bo mads the basis for too com ing livestock industry of tht Stole. By burning off too gram and woods In February and scattering from three to sin pounds of carpet grass seed two to I Vo pounds of Dallas grass and ten to twenty pounds of toipedeaa seed, par sera over this burned off toad, between February 15th and April lot, without say pre paration or covoring of the rood, then ns soon as too native grass begins to show groan, turn cattle enough on the | seeded lend to keep tbs young native grass eaten sleet, a good pasture will result. IThe leaped ea will make good gras lag from tbs first or middle of June until frost the first pear. The carpol and Dallas gramas w01 sot * r»ake a good showing the first year j < but will cover the ground tho second 11 fear to tho thrill year and lost in* | leflnitely. There two graasob wtt < radically crowd oat all grasmm and veeda within throe yean. All three will reseed thcwtmWue from year to year sad the two grama will remain green tor tho greater part of the winter la moot of the eastern patt of the State. In case tho pasture land le needed fer cultivation, there wHl be very little trouble In getting rid of the gramia. This mixture will do better on good land than on poor load, hut it has the advantage of doing better on all kinds of land, from poor, Ught sand to heavy, wot bottom land than any other mixtures that has bean used la this section up to this time. For marc detailed Information, see your county agent. Robert J. Small, car Inspector, dropped dead in hit office in Char lotte Monday morning. He had shown no signs of Illness. It may pits for a maxim in state that the aihninistratlon cannot be placed In too few hands, nor the leg islature In toe many.—Cicero. __1 DUNN'S BEST PEOPLE SEE DELNORA DAILY { Many of Dunn’s bettcr-claaa of| people are dally taking advantage of the great work that the Great Dclnora j Is doing. She has rend for many in, the post month and unfolded grout | secrets that have been perplexing i questions with her mystic art. Those who Havo not as yet been to, rwmoio Ara tbe Earliest^* I Snap Beans jf —the Best T&eldin^y Garden Peas / —the Sweetest 4 Cantaloupe ® The SrterVRlte Charts la tho IMS Catalog of I I Shew at a glaneo the varieties of each vegetable to plant for cnrUanas yield. length oi brertng avnvon. o' tor whatever purpose to most desired. The most helpful eatalog we have ever issued is ready to bo mailed la you free on rsqamt. FREE FLOWER SEEDS •n Itfl (fctmlaf UUs ham mm na km Cmm ■UfcMf Mt Mj I post cue tw yarn ripp. T. W. WOOD * SONS, Betitmen e. uuftwZoi.liwirMMa. v*. co hor hotter do ee at one# at lha will nip ho horo t>H the latter part ol larch. She comae horo from PHiladol hia, when ihc wae permanaatlp lo oted for two peon. She hao oeoreo | of letter* from *11 ever ft* United State* pr*;*!n* hor wort*. Located on MejmoHa Avenoo, Jujt beyond end eeroo* the itrret from New Ornnaer ! Schdot—look for her banner.—Ad*. onwwwniwnmaawai " 1,1 —■—i— NOTICE If you own a Willy*-Knight or an Overland car yon should get yqpr service here. Being authorised agents for these cars, we are Interested in the service they give and can furnish genuine parts at the factory list price. We have your interest at heart and wilf strive to serve you wail. E. V. GAINEY DEAUSR Phone 156 —Dana, N. C. » . — - I"---*-.-Tit i • * Watch This Page! o o It’s Coming! i at"iew colonial THEATRE Dunn, N. C. I Runs Continually from 3 p. m. to 11 p. m. SATURDAY. FEBRUARY 24 Charles Jones in "WEST OF CHICAGO” COMEDY: "Splitting Hairs.” > % i ■ MONDAY. FEBRUARY 26 "SNOWSHOE TRAIL” and Cemsdy TUESDAY. FEBRUARY 27 : Ooris May in "Boy Cra*jr" and ‘To* News” *MMMM.SM«M.MM....MMMM.. Honev Saved is 0^f\ Money Earned^L^Wl r—T,—*—| I Afanasy JiSi soafuntfswX i iip^-featfeMi; Aw 9.-. Aw11 ' Sftoe^ ,11® Polish I ;] r L' M*y £i*fmsr l*«- BufU*. N. V. J it