orwvm iMtfotM mumimmi i Sunday School T Lesson7 | <By It 15V. F B FITZWATER. O. D* T*a<u»r oC K(«U«h litblv In U14 Moo4j t blhV :nnil(uf« or riiir«Ao ) UX I*!l. WrtUn Kfffipim OD9C ) LESSON FOR MARCH 10 JESUa CRUCIFIED LH'ON TEXT-Luhe OXH GOLDEN TKXT-He «u muM Mr our liauagTvaaloaa. Hp PTftP bnl«H Mr our !nlqnm««. Uu BmM—I of oor pvaca itii upon Him end with Hto strip. » w* or. Mini.-laatoh H I K.l’KKICNCR MATkltAAlc-Pee. 3.1 a: I Lor. i n. >|; Oat. 4:14. rri.u.vav TuI'IL-Jmuo on ibo Croon JUMOll TOPIC-—Jaaua an Ibo Cross. L TLlOUDUTt AND Stt-MOB TOVIO —Whot our Solvation Coots. TOU.vO PXOPL.IL AMD ADULT TOPIC —Tba M vauiina of Qutat's Death. We aim faoe tho greatest tragedy ot all tlrse. No record la ibo annali of hi at ary approaches It It la ibo very climax ot all history. Though mb|na Id Its bbirkriesa, from U Howe streams of liberty oad IL'u tor all tbs world. Let every toucher beva tba personal experience of Christ's death tor him, uail then got hla pupil a to aao that Oirt*r « death waa laotoad of tbelr own death. I. Tho Place of CeuoMHdon (v. 88). They led Him away to Calvary, a hill north of Jerumtern rasoBbllag a skull, calvary La tba Latin word und Itolgufha to tho Hebrew. Title to n significant name fur the place where ntou a redemption wae accomplished.! The abnll li an opt picture of man's condition ua the result of ala—life und intelligence are yoae. leaving only (lie dark empty envorn which ontje coutulned than. Jeoaa waa not crash Bed In the city (ot Us wue to snffar without the gale (Hvb 19:11). II. Hl» Cotnpaniera on tho Croes (v. US;. T«o malefactor* were crucified with Ultu. Ttivir nuineo are act given. This Is u (ultl!burnt of the Scripture*. “Us waa nombaml with tbs trunagraooora,* tlaaUli 58:13). III. Hta Forgiving Levs (V. 94). He cried. "Father, forgive lb torn* He doubtless had la mind not only tba j soldier* who acted for tbe government, hut ihe Jews who la their bllnitneee uete tgnoraut of tbe enormity of tbelr crime, tie bad no hatred In Hie heart, lie i earned for tbelr salvation. IV. Tho World Revealed (ve. M-SJ). Jcaua Christ on the croaa to tba supremo loacbataae laying bars tho beert of tho world Taka a crops section of tbe world at any time Mince Christ was cruclkcd and repraaanta ■ Iros of tbelr dames were found uround Jesus on tbs cross. The cross Is tits Judgment of Ibis world (John 12:31). 1. The Udtium 'V. 84). They gambled for HI* malm rob* right under the cruet where Be Wee dying. Tu ripnMuu thoee who** primary Interaat Ip Cbrtot ti a mean* to gat people aiood belioldlng The grant tuam of tba world gaaa upon ttb cruet Bad Cltrlat with at olid Indifference. 3. Ilia Scoffer* (rr. 85-*). (1) The ruler* reviled Him for Hie claim ■o bring a Sartor. They waatad a S«viur, but not a crudflad garter. Jinny today era rellgtoua. bat bar* only contempt tar a eel ration which renter* la a blood alonamenb (2) Tba anldlrr* rorlled Hlia for dalmlag to ba 1 a klag Th* title, ••King of tba Jew*" j _ ned linn placed over him In hitter Irony, but it waa true, for by right of the UMYldlt covenant He aball be Klag over lvwrl (U Surauel 7:8-l«). (8) The Imp.'ulieot Thief (».*). Tbla brutal maD Join* In rartllag th# Sartor rran when ba waa under condemnation. * 4. The Penitent (rr. 40-48). Th* conecloua ainner who dlacernod th* licurt of the Sartor pray ad for mercy. The miration of tbla penitent thief la a rrumrkabl# picture of the taring power, of Chrtal. The man caofmaai Hla aln aa again*C ’Oo4 and cried t* Jam » for aalvarton. H* aaw that the dying man waa the forgiving God. Th* fact that ha ackaawladfad hla aln aa agulurt God allowed that ha-war peni le"' TH* raqneat for Cbrlat to remem ber him when He cam* into HI* king dom tbowa that h* rccognlaed that th* <>na who waa dying on the croaa waa ■unking atonement for aln and that ha would com* to reign a* King. HI* aalv alien waa Immediate. Cbrlat a*Id. ' “Today ahalt thoo ba with me M pur.tdlM.' V. The Death of Chrlat (rr. 40-44). 8-> ahocktng waa the crime that na ture threw around lb* Son of God a ahiviud to bide Him from the Godlnae crowd. Liarkneea waa upon th* land at noonday. Whan th* price of ala waa paid He cried with a laud role* abo-rtag that H* (till had vitality— Utal Hla death waa a at through ex ba nation but by Hla tmardm wllL Maun era in tha'ta^p wf£s of dm In* things.—Ralph Waldo Rnaraoo Tim*. Tima devour* all haman thing*, gad H la but Attlag that wa should loateb bow (.'thing tram H la* our turn, which wag tarn to account la Ufa ataraaL— IN. ViBcent of 1-crlne. A Cheerful Rasa. A cheerful face la aaaxtg ad good fa* an Invalid aa health; weather.—frank lin faking Our Cel arm. " « ir.Va (,irr color* ctiam*tcc»4IICA , fron aueh other.—Chant ton. , i TOWHUMO DCAIRVU credit The House shewed go Ha a deter mined spirit In taking the kiwi eat af the K. K.JL N. A. Tawbaend, af Dunn, deserve. great eiudH far the aatlre part ha took La aaeariag the paaaage at the MltMkaa MU, whtek di rects that Am naaaae of the nwilu ship ahall be filed vHk the astralaaj of state and wHh the alerts af the coart la the general counties The amendment to stake if a wfadaaaawasr to have foiled of puo(i by two votes. But probably the publication of tho names is sufficient to bade* tho disposition of tbs kiansmen thaa •elves to plunder about under cover of madu, though it leaves others true to do their devilment under the Ku K'.ux guise, and this would seem to be units an embarrassing situation for the kiansmen, now that the secrecy of membership Is removed, or will be so soon as the senate bee passed the act, which It probably will do with little hesitation for the people are not disposed to have a secret body of regulators at largo*—Sampson De mocrat BOY, PACE U- S. PACE It is time for lbs Cumberland coun ty officers to quit taking any chances with moonshiners or bootlegger*. An other deputy was shot down in cold blood by two of that gentry in ray eucville Saturday! If the ftllow* can be caught, an example should be made of them. An old-fashioned hanging to which all Cumberland blockades* had a special invitation would be in or der. But really, it docs not seem re asonable that an officer should let his prisoners shoot him after their arrest If there Is any shooting to be done let the officers do it Ws recormnsnd to Sheriff HcCvachy our old friend V. S. Page. Bisks him a deputy and • »e if any moonshiner gets him_ Sampson Democrat. _ - _ I AGED MOTH A PASTEUR RELIC Veal broth bottled 74 yean ago by Louis Pasteur to prove his germ the ory is new in the povseeeioa of Dr. Ernest La Place, a Philadelphia sur geon who eras the noted Frenchman's ftrrt popil The fow ounces of broth is In a small, round flask and is just as clear and uneontaminated now as it was when first bottled. It help* is bear out Pasteur's idea that there can be no decomposition without germ growth and no germ growtfi without contamination. Pasteur's the ory of micro-organic life—the germ theory—ia the basis of all modern medicine.—Bx. POET LAUREATE DOUGLAS * The Federation of Woman’s Clubs has arrived at the conclusion that it funds In need of a poet lauruaU and casting about ever the Acid has set tled upon Rev. John Jordan Daugtas, the Presbyterian minister of Wade* boro, who makes frequent contribu tions to The Observer, as the naan best equipped to fill the biU. Of course, only native talent is lietiratkle.] In Mr. Douglas they have found a poet of admittedly line qualifications. Rla work has boon given recognition by many of the women's clubs throughout the State and has boon hall received by. too public in general. He Is post and scholar of the highest order, and from him the federation may expect productions of a charac ter in keeping with the beat tradi tions of that organisation. — Char, lotto Observer. THE EDITOR'S CHAIR t lawyer charges a man 110 for ten minutes conversation—tho man in#lots on paying It? A doctor (barges $1 for a prescription and tbe patient «!". “Oh pshaw—it that enough?" An undertaker conducts a fun ami aiul charges $100 and ha Is Just per fectly lovely with everybody inside and outrode the family. A man buys a gold brick and apologia** far not Haviig bitten sooner. An editor walks a mil l in tbe hot sun to gut the facts of a fudden death or wedding or so cial function ai>d spends throe hours writing it up and tells lias and praise* people “till he bates himself. Than U he me tea an Insignificant omission Of error or chatgto five cent* straight tor thi re extra papers bo is a stingy russ who never geU anything right and charges four times the priee of city papers twice aa large. In ah art, he is a confounded afrnost-any-old thing a-td ought to be run out of town. Tulk about ths ice man! How would you like to run a newspaper? —Exchange. OUR REPRESENTATIVE Harnett County (caU proud that *4 young Representative is the House haa coirv off with each signal honors. Representative X. A. Town send ragistrrod a distinct . surprise upon the General Assembly, and pos •ibly even upon a rood many people In hla horns county. Bat it l* not so scry surprising when it w noted that Townsen.l exhibited ears judg ment. Denning the mantle of Grand Old Man Do ugh ton was no young man’s job. Townsend realised K He was naturally at saa upan educational matters. Goad judgment prompted him to appeal to B. P. Gantry, who in turn pat him in touch with that supersound an educational matters. Dr. £. C Brooks. That Axed it up, aad Townsend knew his course af. terwardi. Our RaprcaeataUHe has made a S"1* record. Tlie cavity U proud of '■‘m.—Harnett Comfy New*. DO TOC KNOW THE SECRET “What <a the «cnt of .ucceeaV uked the Sphinx "Pueh," aaM tha Button. "Beat your way Bkroush Ufa," odd tha heart. "Nocar Sc led," «tU the Pencil. "Heat nerre," aaM tha Tooth. "Ba up-to-date," jnld tha Calaadar. •Alwaya keep eoM.",aeM the lea. "Look plaaaaot,"Said tha Camara. ‘Da boajneaa euttci," aald tha Ctodc. "Pat ay a bloff,’* aaM the moun tain. "Eaep to yoer had" mid tha Elver. "Narer loao yo« hand,” aaM tha Barrel. "Drive thins* In,*’ aald the Ham mer. "Malta Uffat of frerythin«," said tha Pirn. "Make much of small thins*," aald the Micreaeopa. "Narer do anytfebv offhand," aald tha Olora . "Hava a jmr-puaa," aald tha Cat "A* ays a day," aald the Han. "Spend much tijne in reflaetion," aaid tha Mirror. "Ba aharp in your dealln**," aaid the Knife. . ‘Tiod a rood .iilay and atick to it," mid the Cl^u-Belected. Tha real coare for covatoueneae— namely, eaniaahndM TUa ia a rare droc in tha mariaat—Spuryeon. BAD CfECKS Something U going to have to be done nboot the bad tarck matter. In ■toad af gatting better, tha iHoaUon la catting wane, tad we hop* th* pmMnt Marion af tha General A» •eosbijr will Wnaet aana law to cover tha caaa af tha mm wta give* ehreki knaeriag them M be wwrthleu and the man wka give* eheeks knowing be haea't enough money In the beak to ewer them, evea thoegh he hu an accavnt with tha hank on whlrk the check* are drain* - It la idlaMtd that every three and a half mtnaWa daring the bank ing day a forged or altered check it caahed at mu bonk. T^u doc* nut inclad* th* cheek* caahed for which there are not eefficiert fond*. We ary act certain toot thia percentage hold* good la North Carolina but from the way the merchant* talk, we believe it dee*. Th*r» la hardly u merchant anymore who ha* not beer - - '• > ~ patteMMl and Imposed upon by the ie euance of worthless cheek*. Keeiy man who overdraws his ac count will not be arrested under this proposed law, to be sure, but the tow wUt five the holder of the check and the bunk on which It is drawn tha right to prosecute sad they srfll not ure after s certain clam of chock abuse re and they eboald have the au thority to cotcti this class If possible. —Concord Ttmea. ■ a Noise proves nothlify. Often a ban who has merely laid an egg cackles aa though aha bad laid an asteroid.— Mark Twain. ADVERTISING GETS INDUSTRIES. You not fool the tows of Dax* about the vote of odvofttabMt (be ad OmtSS— of a pm and Ikf oppor tunlUaa It offer* for lodaattto*. la enter to iodaer outaUlo capital M taka Dima into eonaWorattea aa a itcoiraMr location for maaofaetmtag •ulabllahmcnta tho ckaotbar of eaoa M*rc* of that Iowa boo adeefUaad la tho Manufacturer* fttrord, the Tax-; tile World aad Its dally pa para. Thane advrrUataaeaU appeared nearly taro] creeka u*», and now ranat the de claration of the Du an rhaahar that It -tea alraadf tend tetilMito nlwitiH.'* Dam ilwiMut an ay. portuni tv'thare ter M industry aead ti< kr at ctiMwwIiy, and already That partlanUrUUtaafcy kantetlr form -cared ml will mm' be In opriatimi. That la aaly am at the HTarta to be put forth by the Dm chandler to attract cattea all aad •the* manufacturing plants, b Ala connection H ran ba raid that Duu team when it ia ttea to ateaitea The poarihmtfoa In loaal adraatWa* at* now greater than Any aver will he •(ala.—Wflntayton Mar. iFertiBzent and' Seed!"' For lowest cash price on Fertilizers and highest price for your cdtton seed see u* We will also handle Calcium Arsenate this Spring which is recommended by the government to be the most effective prepara tion with which to fight the boll weevil. ■ Let's talk the matter over before you place your order. N. B. Lee and Fred Baggett agents for Lee County Cotton Oil Company I'"-' —I FIRST NATIONAL BANK'S RECORD IS—SERVICE The record of this institution since its inception has been one of service to its community, and its * state. Upon that solid foundation has been built a structure that is a matter of pride to our cltisens and to those who have had a part in its making. Every officer, every employe is tilled with that spirit of service that » makes it agreeable to transact ones financial affairs here. . THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK Dunn, North Coro linn omen*: M. A. TowimiiU. ................. 1 U. I. w. .. >• ». Taytar. I. O. Warns... « < DDkBOTOM: J. W! DraadMB. it C ClMfort, Morris Waia, Jaa. A. TaylAr, Jna. A. McKay. KlHa OilMWo. A. Tiwiwl. O. K. OiuAm, J. M. n.m.l aai 1 ». TayU* >■ -. Welcom ed Everywhere Record-breaking talc* mark the widespread en dorsement of the new Willys-Knight. Seven beau tiful new models, each powered by the marvelous .Willys-Knight sleeve-valve engine that improves eoith mse. Many owner* report 50,000 miles of •snooth performance in their Willy*-Knights with out a tingle engine adiurtment. hr *• wasft-OnrlmS Atom*»■«* to Tim ■—--||, f fh| ■WILLYS-KNIGHT iMim >m. H/if s-mm.. *irrt r...|l w -|— (UW *■"“ rw*. I«U 0»B tM.. tit*-. Ilu,, . II—ft Mi MM* *. * It immm THE ENGINE IMPROVES WITH U5^ E. V. Gaineyt Dealer **w;. - < - ■ • . ■■ 1 1 ■■■ .il.l : s=s=s=s^S5iS5SS355SE55S5E55E525BSSBSS^^^^^^9Bv ~ . ' ' • - . . . Proof of Your Method Is the Cotton You Raise Aad I raised 604 bales on 812 acre* in Burks Ooeaty h lttL (This was 4* of 4be crop for mr eeantp. as 1 % of the planted acre—e.) I was saabiei to de this by protecting my cotton with “Hill's Mixture.** mml Mp tbs boll-weevils from yetting eon pound of mg esttonl e You Can Raise Cotton • m B you'll protect your crop with HILL’S MIXTTOUP— economical, efficient sad the easiest bott-weevil pofean to "apply, on the market today. 10’s Mixture is a liquid poison, rrmipnawl of eakba arsenate, mnhsass, water end secret ingredients wMeM fora e combination that ws are convinced. Iran rssalte obtained, attracts the boll weevil, \ hi 4 practical Georgia farmer. and spent Hi,—0 In . nmr, and By* year* In time on my Bark* County plantation*, Jn aa effort to perfect a polaoa that would pretact my cotton from the BoB-weerfl. HBt mature ti the result, end ta the peat two yean the befl weevil has gotten practically non* of my cottoa. ' • •: :V>-.. _ Six f Bo« will hn protection to an acre.of cotton. Compare thla wtth fha eoet of daatlnr The XMlaaaaa la HU’a Mixture acta aa a bfatdar, and a rainfall of laaa than a half-inch haa little ef feot au Ml R aau ha PVT ON ANY TMN OT TWM DAY, ud raquiraa mf mmMmny far Ms miMta Main a mop oat of a atfek wttk a ra* tt«d to tta «ad» and paaa up aad down tta rtrwa, taadM^f tta tad «f oaeh plant with tta map. Unqualified Endorsement of Users! BRl Millar* mi tried oat loot yoar by sear** of bnun on tboaeeadx of mtm of land, and EVERY* omb or TBXM ARE GOING TO USE IT AGAIN IN ' Mil t*t am MBd yoa thoir letters eadontnt R. Th* VNdtel of th* Aawricoa Cotton Ana. mode • syeetol brte to Barba County to foveatlnt* Hill'* Mixture, aad . laTiraid Baa th* boat boll weortl potooo e* th* warbot A

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