o ° LOCAL o Mi«s Lauru Siioll of Raleigh, spent >•*« week mil here with relatives. A. Feldman spent the week and at Luir.br>lun visiting relaUvvg and iriemis. Dr. II .C. Turlington spent the weekend in Washington, D. C., visit M« friends. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lucas and two eli iiiivri spent Sunday at Kaison vls .(iitg relatives. Mils Irene Parker sod brother, Muster Sonny I’aiker. are visiting uiativn* in Rockingham. Tomoi-iow, according to the alman ac, is tnc day set (or the arrival of spring. Indications mi* that it has lift* delayed, however. Mrs. P. L. Turlington and small »oi‘ of Clinton, spsnt tiro wsok end here visiting Mitt Marie Turlington. Mr. end Mr*. E. L. Smith of Fay etteville spent part of last w*ek here visiting relatives and frisndt. Mrv Ima Belle King, who was op erated on in a FaycttsviUo hospital last week, is getting aiong nicely. Mr. and M,v D. H. Hood left this morning for Columhis, 8. C.. where they will attend the Billy Sunday mi otings for s few days. Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Merritt, Mias Maggie Butler and L. R. Godwin at londsil the Ham revival in Fayette ville Sunday afternoon. Only routine matters were consid ered at the regular semi - monthly meeting of the mayor and town com missioners last night. J. J Wads, a student st the uni vusity of North Carolina and editor uf the Tar Heel, spent the week-end here Visiting his mother. Mre. J. J. Wnde, and other relatives. Miss Elisabeth Thompson spent the week end A.Carthage the goeet of Mias Evelyn Tyson, who gave a din ner party in honor of Mias Thomp eon. Z. V. Snipes i( jn Detroit. Miehi Iran, Usie wwk on a hu sine si trip in the interest of the D P 8. Motor ('■•mpiny. While away he will visit the plants in Detroit where the Hu the Son.I Pile. Mltacj Ulia Currin u».i Annie Dove Wilton accompanied them. Tile piMident,- Mian Anoi* Belle Noel won an lienor by lighting, with one match, the fir*, over which iruirahmcllow* and weenleo were roaatml. This woa their first bike and waa thoroughly enjoyed by all. GREAT DAY FOR TABERNACLE PASTOR Thl* is a good day for Rev. J. £, D«vi#. pastor of the Tabernacle church. The members of tbc congre. galio/i ace making UiU "Love’s Gift l'»y”. From early morning until late evening gift, are being carried to hU home, thereby expressing in this sub stantial way the lore they have for this woitby man. PRELIMINARY ARRANGEMENTS IN ATHLETICS FOR COUNTY FIELD DAY I will be in LUJington Friday,! P. m., March IS, to arrange the pre liminary work in. athletics for ths County Kidd Day, which is to be held Saturday, March 24. I would like to moot the coaches of each team there on that day or hoar from you befo e that time, if there arc any preliminary affaiix you do not un deralanil There will bo a placard evicted, designating the place fori •cich school which is Co be represent ed in the Field Day Contests. If I <10 not hear front you directly, or through the Welfare office by Friday, we ahal! Pieaumc that your school will not be represented la the ath letic contests. All road* will be leading tc Idl ing ton on March 24th tor Harnett County Commnnceeneut and Field Day Exertisca Tell your friends. B. D. BUNN, Chairman Athletic CommlUe, LAMM.PHIU.IPS Mr*. J L. Phillips announce* the ■-H*MrrfT»«nl and approaching marri -cc »f he. -laoghce,. Mattie EUrcn, to Mr Benton Lamm of Richmond. Va. Tbo world,n» to take place la Richmond on April 12. dukeTioutetwo Dok*. March lath-E. 0. Warden ol the State poultry club*, will give a lecture on poultry at SorraU’i •chool house Wednesday at thrae thirty and at Turiingten'a at 10:00 a. an. of the same day. Ha will dam onjtralc and thow the advantages sf pouhry raising. A demonstration on •alUag will aMa bo made. Svoryoao is cordially invited ta attend thW lee Ur. and bnar Mr. Warden. B. T. Leppard, dlatril^manager of North Carolina Cotton Grower's Co oporstive» aasocistior^ was heard by a lsrgr. audience at TarUngtoa'a •chool house last Thursday night.) Stressing the necessity of copper*, tiv. marketing, Mr Lcfc>»rd hold the rapt attention of his audisacs throughout An oiyaruiatioa of ths Incal fanuer* ni ah A meeting »f the Uve aaaociatioa will be Par kor*« echoul haute so night. U. 4. Egg., imnulretor, 1$ to* be ‘.u the people.: The Free Will church which ha* been !or om» time ie practically It ie located near the R. Me Lcod. Rev. D. R. El ia paitcr. Rrr. J. F. M*n!u», piA mi th* Bui*'* Crrok PreabygajlV.ahargh, conducted (arvicaa at FajC'a school i.txiee last Thursday niglaV I Mra A. 7. Fowler htdXjk*«* re covered from an attockd^MMealjw rlirumatism, which was nw painful. Miss Doss Ennlt, of Coots klulled school faculty, 'aul Uva week end with her parswM Mr. and Mra WHUe Ennlt. ^ II. 8 McLeod, of Oxfofg^is upend ing several days with hipf parents, Mr and Mra B. P. MobtfL Mrs. Anna JohnaooSlsnM* 8. C., Ii spending scvernPdaya with her nieco, Mr*. Bell* johajhn. The condition •* B. j£ Morgan, aged Civil War vctaTan, Minina an rhaiigcA He ha* been 11)'hr ervetwl week* now end for the Imrf'fow day* he he* been In a ststa aIf Sana. Mr. Morgan served throughout th* Civil War wllh distinct*** I* MBOelf and stale, h kaa been a plovgp* to this correspondent to hear g|j old sal di«r rslite th* harrowing afeoant* of the Aghting aroand Petaspburg and Richmond near th* rloAg days of th* war. He has ♦*** a pMtini of Harnett county for the pant fifty years. It seems as though aid "Jopitor Pluviai" has taken (hi* Mae for his home, idnc* for tho lost week H ha* reined and mined (Jalaea he Iota up by eaUiag It a day, th*-*rep* will receive a aavare setback, • Howwvar with th# ushering in af a^tng Wad naadny, il la hapad that Mr weather will accooapnity R. *•..* EXECUTIVE MAU The Ez.cutir* Boontff t •«'« ejob had.* f miitmi la mere*. Friday tournament diet la the District m Woman'* PaalV. H. Frporl* of ted by - ya-trrl I HOME There win | Horae Economic! of the Woman’ noon at 3:86 ia the elab room. All OMtasbert of thb department arc urged to attend thu meeting aa K will bo a very mlererting on*. Mia* Bridge wlU m**t with the club and *l“ Mu* Bulb Bo.lge* ef Under, who will glee a demeoetnlioa la rag 'Ug weaving. Mia. H.nry Lee. chair* I 'nan ef thU department will aaaift | in tbia. Any on* ia term ted la tbia verb win hr welcome at thi* maetag. twf* bav* a goad crowd Friday af ternoon at 8:80. BAIDGE TOURNAMENT Th« Way* and Meant romjwdUc of the Woman'* dab will hold a Bridge Tournament la the Club B«oin oa TWday alght, April Ird. The proceed* from thl* will g* to the piano fund, a fund to bo raised j *• Help pay for a piano, recently par efaaaml by the Club. It 1* hoped that •Very one In Duan who pMya bridge wil lentor thia tournament. The committee promitve an evening of the keenest enjoyment. ——-—- -- l Free- Next Monday March 26th " * First pair of shoes broufhti to shop will be half-soled andj •t*o have rubber heels pat on i them FREE. p‘ir wiH half-sol ed FREE. Third pair will have rubber' heels pat on them FREE. This proposition is food only for MONDAY, March 26th. Frmnlclm Fix-Em-Quick Pm particular! concerning encor ing tbo tou moor n t, cull nr mo the following latUoo. who form . com H>:llw on arrangement*: Mi-omum-e J. Jt. Young. *. M. J»f. ftcye. M. S. McKay. Willi— Tlrotnp ran. J, g. PartM—, Mi—, Bdnbd CUffonl, Mottle Kemlrmon, loobcl Young. A A ft -it e> ft ft Q Q 5 TOWN POLITICS 0 0"» O 0 0 0 < Q Q I hereby announce ayratf a camU 0. N. C, Mart* 12th. PON COMMISSIONED 1 I Iwn by unnoaaer myself a eandl <*ata for rommiaaiener of the mmut nanl of the town of Daaa aubjoat to the action of the Democratic pri mary. P. A. LEE. March Xt. 1*22. CAWIDATB FM MATH l«hjm to Uu «Mh of tto Dw cmtic voi«r» to to iwfutitf Im tto forthcoming srlmary, f tototo an 'iMMi By MMiUMy for tto afltoa af M>r»r of tto Town af Dumb. •> r l. wadc. ^v*Vo« 1,1 J to.wby 4ato to ... H®§jj of tto t»«a «f Dana, m. cto. of Draiortatto " B U SUrto I«to. im ro* i “I'MIf •-„ jffl ■A tail 4 Mid, town of Dm, ak i«i to U* anton mt too DmMHto primary. W H NEW BESSY F>y Whmm lithisd If 0«r work is Mt Mtfc> factory, you dwt have ua to psy until wo make It so. Our prteos srs os low. our work as good, aad It moans qaieksr eenrleo. Pises year order now for Mantels. Colussas. Barsai Pesos sad WM dews. Mouldteas, Window sad Poor —--;--- . ARE YOU PREPARED FOR EASTER? If Net, Let lie 'Ti» Yea Up" • m My line of RASTER SUITS comprises all the latitat creations of Whip-Cord,Cashmeres and Worsted*. All IK VISIT THE GIFT SHOP i and see the beautiful Pictures, Mirrors and THE LATEST STYLES in You** Men's Straw Mats **d funmbincs now on display VOU ARE CORD1 ALL INVITED to caH and see then. _ I 1 n IS <;r0. v-'i I 111 —————■— • * • • ' >’••* » FIRST NATIONAL BANK'S RECORD IS—SERVICE The record of this ■■yeftTithHi ■inee its inception has bees one of service to its community, and its state. Upon that solid foundation " has been built a structure that to a matter of pride to oar citizens to those nho have had a part in its making. Every officer, every employe to tilled with that spirit of service A^t makes it agreeable to transact ones financial affaire hers. (AT NEW COLONIAL THEATRE ! I Dunn, N. C. ?• « ► k % • Runs Continually from 3 p. m. txr 11 p, m. i: . :: - . •* v . Keen ff CootiOTM Clean Gas*' .mars, oft-bomars, top-era. ea, racks, drip-pans. • Ui. lart a lot lonpar and rvo battar service whan >1* dean sod awaat with RKD SBAL Lya. Absolutely tha aaaUatand meat effective way of cleaning. Writ# for daarrlpthra I F MITY NICE BREAD is on the wrapper, it’s 1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH 21ST. .. Its Irvin S. Cobbs Famous story pict^UTO' '' ized— J« :: “THE FIVE DOLLAR BABY** - A . t, with Viola Dana as the $5.00 Kid. .4 j One Day Only-10c and 13c i; -r. < ' * '• •.. , THURSDAY V- *' Shirley Mason in “Very Truly Ydml \ A.-...~~~. Good Bread - Baked by - Pearce's Bakery Dann, Norrii Carolhu Want to Buy dn Poles— • * • ' . : //• ■1'• • 25 feet long, 32 inches around base 6 feet up, TCluches across too 30 44 44 34 44 ' ** 44 6 44 ' 35 44 44 38 44 * 44 44 6 44 44 T$tu 44 * ** 40 44 44 42 44 * 4* 6 44 H ®|>V u ‘ u ‘ risV:;. Undertime Poles Will B*€ut Down. E. J. NOBLES, ^ *•> . * * . • . ' « • * * « t | Dunn, North ,VW. ^ Z 3 .» 4