Of the crops to to pi»ntod, U erould. weal that cor* wU: to the ornate as "»stl, wheat perhaps I per erst ra-j d octree, atsrn fram 4 to V per cent uterus**, cettaa perhaps equal to last yepr'e acrcapa- The various hay rrepa wit to stoat the mm*, poe tess slightly reduced, soytosns in creased Uom 4 per root, Irish po tatoes reduced from I le 10 per rout, ■ad nrttt potatoes treat S tv 6 peri taut reduction. It sacoss Impossible to get reliable; acreage data from many irptttsn, which la particularly true concerning highly speculative crops ami tobacco. Although reports of large decreases! tn cotton acraagv are mad* from the central end southern coealal area, it .0 very doubtful If there will be as moth as IS to 40 per cent general) decreases then. It la well knosm that the areas sot seriously affected, by the bull wucvfl will greatly in-! crests# their cotton acreage.—Farm Forecaster. DOLLAR GASOLINE Whether or not the Standard Oil' Co., will charge one Hollar a gallon' for their motor "Jolce." Senator La. FoMetta says they will have the power' to Ho It, onle« they are rc«trained by the strong hand of the law. That restraint the Wisconsin Senator will endeavor to provide when the Con great convenes next (December. It was supposed that the power of this monopoly was broken, when Congress separated the trial.t into various unlta some years ago; bat according to the committee report which Mr. La FolleUa has made, the attempt to curtail the power ef Standard Oil only increased It, The fact that this report to enraged the official* of the company excltee tho suspicion that LaFoDetie and bis committee have “hit tbe spot ” The weak attempt to cover the report with ridicule by the Piceite*e wore amooth through eeastant i oltact with tho apron* of otoroa of tianaicnt printers atain* raodged ami blackened it, but |t remained a good alone, a solid reliable haafa opon which to r reale aoand typographical Movement*. “!•*»{ Monday Nolan died. Almost hit !a*t injurn waa that tho alone at which ho hail worked for nearly sixty yean thou Id bo eet ut the head of hi* grave. ’’The atone i* being cleared of H* iHaflnring near* and will bo ikiteUy nacr bvd before It take! ita petition st the head of Nolan'* green." EVERYBODY WANTS MILLIONTH BUICK Hint, Midi., March £4.—t“Aa re ttnU'tiont for the millionth Batch ear have come from to many of oar i i.ioneSov and 1-f-ihntnra “lfl denl oiT. u* well—it will for th* present ! i drain utiuasigned." i Thna General Salei Manager R. T. Sl.utig of lira Buick Motor Company '.oday iliapoaeil of the quevtle* or to the ultimate destination of tha'nart model 56, aia cylinder epoft touring car beurbig upon iu frame the tm poaing number plate of 1,000,000. ••Or course they all want thla car. Not pi-imarQy for Mntimestal rta a»na, but for an intenaaly practical one—it* advertising value.' 8* we feel we cannot let anyone have it rithout being accused of diserimiu tioo." , White there may be lea* of aonti* lent than business acumen in tho Cairo on the part of Bnick dealers o poeseec the millionth Hnlek ear, I® re 1* ao question that sentiment redonenaUx in the toceptien of thil ar on thr part of Bulck employees, 'housanda of the latter have wortcud n Buicks ten yean or more and feel peraanai pride In the -accomplish ' sent of the million mark. Thay stand bout In groups, looking fondly ovtr his mllloQth Butek. and a flood of it*reccing recollections And upree lon. SHEPHERDING OUR THOUGHTS Oar thoughts tint •lump ami wa arc their mhephcnl*. Aimed (with rod Ad staff, we mail loiul our myrtle bought Oochr up into the green poo area of nourishing reality. Thread. Ng the higher ranger of being, we hall conatantly hoar the atilt watan if peace murmuring all around ua. ¥hen mac wolf of untruth, aome oaring lion of Impurity apringa out if the hidden lair. He who rhepherda our chunehee—limi U treat Shepherd ol the cheep—shall lend at etrength to smile oar enemy down. Where i« there a loelier, finer Tic ion than that of the fair company rtf i.cntal good shephrr.lc, who here !rd thoir flock* of thoughts forth to grilse upon the chining piuiturclandc of truth, and to feed upon die gloam ing hilltops, of the epiritua! Dr. .•"tetlorick F. Shannon. A Loading Qwoetiea (American Legion Weekly) Protector Cyanidut wire inlorrupt mwwmgneagnggi—.. . __ . rm f-" i'4 during an intereatiag and iidnc trr chemical inveetigatlon by the ringing of bia telephone. “Hollo," aid a iweet feminine voice at the other and. "Profeaeor 0yan>du»7 This la the 1C elf an cloth inf Store. That pair of trouaer* 70a ordered laat Tuesday have Jaat coma." "Ah—er—yoef" parried the pro ftaaoi absent-mindedly. "And ah— o i—do they fltt" jf “Strong and Well k A __, W"T WISH ymrcoold know tow I J. nock law Improved since Mkfef flw Cental,” writes Mrs. Naataa Brows, oI Black ki Rock. Ark. "Yoa wouldn't know II am lor the ur.c wssk invalid I II was before, l look It Al aiy .. . I r Y bad to keep off wy factor 1 would kl ML I couldn’t do ray homework, I aodJuWjot where I'd most asUel n ha dead at fivtag. Soma one totd HICH5MITH SEED STORE • Ttkpkoot No. 17 Farm Sard fitHra Millrt Cal Tail MiNat Ranch Vafcrat Baa ns FaU Volmt Baaar Sudan Grama ^ * SPECIAL Tamil* Plant* ' * EarUaaa Juna Piak A $5 Bill and a $10 Bill IF YOU SAW THEM LYING ON THE GROUND WOULD YOU PICK THEM UP? * % a a Of course you would Well that is ex actly what you can do you do your buying at Butler Bros., and pay cash for your pur chases. We will give you 10 to 15 per cent off on each purchase that you make and pay cash, for it. / • Save your money—you have worked hard for it—spend it at the place that you can get the most for it. » m * NOTICE If you own a Willys-Knight or an Overland car you -r>uu!d art your service here. Being authorized agents ■’or the*- (unt. we are interested in the service they c and car. furnish genuine parts st the factory Uat ;»ricc. We have your interest at heart and will atrive to “erve you well. E. V. GAINEY DEALER Plione 154 —• Dn»mt O* WHICH r\ Are the Earliest^* I Snap Beane / —the Beet "tteiiliiiri/ Garden IVas / —the Sweetest 4 Cantaloupe • Tbo ScWt-Rita Chart* in tlv* im Catalog of - ■» a glasoa tfco omHotla* of •Wh Togofablo to plant for rarlluoo. jWld, toogth of bearing tman, or for whatever purpose ia moat itoaimL Fhe Boat helpful catalog wo Huw loaned la ready to bo mallei ti TOO froo oa nqaaat THE* FLOWER HE EDM mo coaaiw aaiHmoa a**. «.« "•*** ^ W tor per u.« T. W. WOOD 4 SONS, 40 8. 14th fit._RfcCHicosp. Va. “With a -»»#• V.- — • r • . f. —^—■111 1.^— The thrifty shopper says IWjt Shoe Palish1 Nothinq else will You gei more and Better shines for your money. aw**!* m» - • vjxanraa—————m—— bucket and stick MM4 ttrweOTMBB [Ve got the - B»oli wo spply Kill’s Mixture. Just walk atony the coitcn ro w. teaching the bod of each plant as you by; inside of a few houra. the weevils on the plsnt will eat the mixture, and drop oG—DEAD! A Most Effective Poison Fve got a poison that I am convinced the boll wee vil SEEKS — not dne that hat to meek the weeviL Then, too, Hill’. Mixture can be put on IN THE DAYTIME. No night work. An inexperienced boy or girl can thoroughly cover 6 to 6 acre* a day. rrurecnon—Minimum r. CMy mixture is the result of thousands dollars of investment, and years of rd labor and practical field and labora tory experiments on my Burke County farm. Hill’s Mixture Is s liquid poison, composed of calcium arsenate, molasses, water and secret ingredients which form a combination that wo are convinced, from ^results obtained, attracts the boll Score* of farmor- who mod It have written m« unqualified lotto*> of endoraement, and have already placed Iheir ordera for 1928. ! will bo glad to »ud you a book reproducing then* letter* or my agent who#a name appoara below, will be glaJ to (how them to you. hills mixture Approved by Georgia State . Board of Entomology HID** Mixture la manufactured In the Bouth'a largest bod weevil poison plant. Tile calcium araenate, moslasse* and other Inwredlenta are accurately meas ured In the exact proportion*, and thor oughly mixed by machine# which distri bute the polaon evenly in the molassea. Every mix la chemically analyxod nefore ffiU Mixtur. la-approved by the Geor gia State Board at Entomology aa a hoH weevil ariacm. Raise your cotton on a prv* bolt toeevil basis Go ahead and plant ydtir cotton and leave iho weevil* to Hill'* Mature. Place your order tudar. S3B.50 lr>.- a SO-yal. bbl. plua W OO for bbl.. which will be ra fuii’lcd upon return. Fr» i;xht fi -» tn any Ala.. K. Car.,. 1 enn.. or point. Ify •Kont for ycur territory, who*.’ iirr.r ap pear* below, will (five you full oartica «« L O. HILL. Aottin, Rroadharat A Hor.«ye«*tt tMlTMPlBLD, M. C. A|Mta fa* Lm, Mutt*, Hath, Wayaa, WaU, Oraaaa a ad Haraaat Ci—fii. I*OR TUB • HILL’S MIXTURE CORPORATION *